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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2011

Privacy Law and Society by Allen, Anita L.
Servia, the Youngest Member of the European Family: Or a Residence in Belgrade, and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior. 1843 and 1 by Paton, Andrew Archibald
John L. Stoddard's Lectures [On His Travels]. Illustrated ... with Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People, Etc. by Stoddard, John Lawson
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger: Or Excursions Through Ireland in 1844 and 1845, for the Purpose of ... Investigating the Condition of the Poor. by Nicholson, Asenath
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger: Or Excursions Through Ireland in 1844 and 1845, for the Purpose of Investigating the Condition of the Poor. by Nicholson, Asenath
John L. Stoddard's Lectures [On His Travels]. Illustrated ... with Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People, Etc. by Stoddard, John Lawson
Letters from Spain in 1856 and 1857. by Adolphus, John Leycester
Gun Control: Implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention ACT by
Courts and Mediation: New Paths for Justice by
Court Martial Process: Empirically Studied by Vidhu (Retd), Brig Rama G.
Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence, Pocket Edition by
The Constitution, Law, and American Life: Critical Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century Experience by
The Employment Relationship: A Comparative Overview by
'Expert Privilege' in Civil Evidence by England, Paul
Debating Social Rights by Mantouvalou, Virginia, Gearty, Conor
Set-Off Defences in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis by Fountoulakis, Christiana
The Human Right to a Viable Environment by Ramnewash-Oemrawsingh, Sangini T.
Balancing Liberty and Security: Human Rights, Human Wrongs by Moss, Kate
Normative Power Europe: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives by
A Critical Humanitarian Intervention Approach by Butler, K.
Regional Representations in the EU: Between Diplomacy and Interest Mediation by Rowe, C.
The EU Comitology System in Theory and Practice: Keeping an Eye on the Commission? by Blom-Hansen, Jens
Religion, Morality, and the Constitutional Order by Przybyszewski, Linda
International Humanitarian Law: The Laws of War by
Juvenile Offenders for a Thousand Years: Selected Readings from Anglo-Saxon Times to 1900 by Sanders, Wiley B.
The Myth of a Guilty Nation (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Nock, Albert Jay
Racial Discrimination and Private Education: A Legal Analysis by Miller, Arthur S.
The Constitution of Japan: A Contextual Analysis by Matsui, Shigenori
Garcia v. Vertex Manufacturing Company: Case File by Bailey, William S., Moss, Frederick C.
Lincoln and Citizens' Rights in Civil War Missouri: Balancing Freedom and Security by Boman, Dennis K.
Rechtsprobleme beim Einsatz der Deutschen Marine gegen die Piraten vor der Küste von Somalia by Miatke, Thomas
Vor welche Herausforderungen stellt die aufkommende Nanotechnologie den Arbeitsschutz in Österreich und der Europäischen Union? by Turrini, Maximilian Angelo
The Constitution of Finland: A Contextual Analysis by Husa, Jaakko
Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice in South Africa by Lollini, Andrea
Overview of Environmental Laws and Regulations: Navigating the Green Maze by Joseph J. Bernosky, Pe
Contractual Dimensions in Construction: A Commentary in a Nutshell by Jayalath, Chandana
Contractual Dimensions in Construction: A Commentary in a Nutshell by Jayalath, Chandana
U.S. Captive Insurance Law by Stewart, Jd LLM Cam
Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz in IT-Entwicklungsprojekten: Datenschutzrechtliche Vorgaben bei der Entwicklung und Einführung von Personalinformationssysteme by Liss, Ulrike
Old Faces, Old Places, and Old Stories of Stirling. 2 Series. by Drysdale, William
Nachfolge in Familienunternehmen: Die Stiftung als Rechtsform zur Unternehmensnachfolge by Bosl, G.
Habeas Corpus After 9/11: Confronting Americaas New Global Detention System by Hafetz, Jonathan
Constitutional Sentiments by Sajo, Andras
Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung im internationalen Erbfall by Cichos, Benjamin
Penicillin - Das Wunder von Göttingen 1949: Wie Penicillin die Behandlung der Meningitis in Göttingen veränderte by Flachsbart, Heinrich
E-Commerce and International Taxation of Online Transactions by Fungo, Augustus
Bilanzierung latenter Steuern nach neuem Bilanzrecht für den handelsrechtlichen Einzelabschluss by Käßler, Jeanniene
Behind the Bar: From Intake to Trial by Astl Cla Cp, Catherine
Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz by Babcock, Barbara
Criminal Law, Procedure, and Evidence by Signorelli, Walter P.
From House of Lords to Supreme Court: Judges, Jurists and the Process of Judging by
Faithful Magistrates and Republican Lawyers: Creators of Virginia Legal Culture, 1680-1810 by Roeber, A. G.
Slaughter on a Snowy Morn: A Tale of Murder, Corruption and the Death Penalty Case That Shocked America by Evans, Colin
The Black Robe Conspiracy by Tocholke, Bernie
European Business Ethics Casebook: The Morality of Corporate Decision Making by
Refusal to License- Intellectual Property Rights as Abuse of Dominance by Schmidt, Claudia
Environmental Security in South-Eastern Europe: International Agreements and Their Implementation by
The Black Robe Conspiracy by Tocholke, Bernie
Seepiraterie und internationales Recht: Pirateriebekämpfung mit Mitteln des Völkerrechts und des Europarechts by Kronberg, Marie
Judicial Restraint in America: How the Ageless Wisdom of the Federal Courts Was Invented by Tsen Lee, Evan
Friend v. Friend: The Transformation of Friendship--And What the Law Has to Do with It by Leib, Ethan J.
The Distribution of ABO Blood Group System: In Porto Novo District Of Cape Verde Islands by Okeke, Peter
Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives by Cusack, Simone, Cook, Rebecca J.
Environmental Security in South-Eastern Europe: International Agreements and Their Implementation by
Rechtsphilosophie Hegels: Das rechtsphilosophische System von Hegel und die Negation der Negation by Bouhatta, Hanaa
Konstitutioneller Pluralismus in der Weltgesellschaft: Konstitutionalisierung des Völkerrechts by Kautz, Dennis
On Your Own In Tax Court: United States Tax Court without a Lawyer by Venible, Lysander
Dovegate: A Therapeutic Community in a Private Prison and Developments in Therapeutic Work with Personality Disordered Offenders by Cullen, Eric, MacKenzie, Judith
The Case of George W. Niven, Esq. by Sampson, William
The Case of Geoge W. Niven, Esq. by Sampson, William
Julian: Or Scenes in Judea. by the Author of Letters from Palmyra and Rome [I.E. W. Ware]. by Ware, William
Shakespeare and the Law by Barton, Dunbar Plunket, Barton, D. Plunket
Shakespeare and the Law by Barton, Dunbar Plunket
John L. Stoddard's Lectures [On His Travels]. Illustrated with Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People. by Stoddard, John Lawson
John L. Stoddard's Lectures [On His Travels]. Illustrated ... with Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People, Etc. by Stoddard, John Lawson
David Hoffman: Life Letters and Lectures at the University of Maryland 1821-1837. by
David Hoffman: Life Letters and Lectures at the University of Maryland 1821-1837. by
The Lawyer in Society by Jaworski, Leon
Fear Did This!: The Ben Hudach Story by Hudach, Frederick V.
John L. Stoddard's Lectures [On His Travels]. Illustrated ... with Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People, Etc. by Stoddard, John Lawson
Upholding the Rule of Law: in the Social Security Administration, an Agency at War with Itself by Borowiec, Frank B.
Upholding the Rule of Law: in the Social Security Administration, an Agency at War with Itself by Borowiec, Frank B.
Fear Did This!: The Ben Hudach Story by Hudach, Frederick V.
Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals by Wise, Steven
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts: (Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse. Zum Gebrauch für seine Vorlesungen) by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Werbungskosten: AfA-Bemessungsgrundlage bei entgeltlichem und unentgeltlichem Erwerb, Ermittlung der fiktiven Anschaffungskosten, AfA- by Jakobitsch, Kerstin
Betriebsanlagenrecht und Raumordnung by Jakobitsch, Kerstin
Contracting with Sovereignty by Alvik, Ivar
The Impact of EU Law on Minority Rights by Ahmed, Tawhida
Reflections on the Un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by
The Jurisprudence of the Living Oracles by Braithwaite, Tunji
International Investment Law and EU Law by
Die Entwicklung des tschechischen Konkursrechts by Schelle, Karel
Das Günstigkeitsprinzip des § 4 III TVG und die aktuellen Reformvorschläge by Löbig, Christoph
Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik by Schelle, Karel, Jr., Schelleová, Ilona, Schelle, Karel
Geschichte der tschechischen öffentlichen Verwaltung by Schelle, Karel, Schelleová, Ilona
The Jurisprudence of the Living Oracles by Braithwaite, Tunji
Fallsammlung Zum Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht by Mitsch, Wolfgang
Die Implementierung Der Gcp-Richtlinie Und Ihre Ausstrahlungswirkungen by
Das Ende des Lebens aus rechtsethischer und rechtsmedizinischer Sicht by Kaltenhäuser, Niels
Geschichte des tschechischen Verfassungsrechts by Schelle, Karel
The Handy Book of Parish Law by Holdsworth, William Andrews
Parish Law by Steer, John
Die Passivierung von Umweltschutzverpflichtungen by Soditt, Oliver
Probleme der Behandlung von Personengesellschaften im Recht der Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen by Jakobitsch, Kerstin
Das Telegraphenwege-Gesetz Vom 18. Dezember 1899: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Für Das Königreich Bayern Gültigen Verwaltungsrechtlichen Vors by
Handelsrecht by Heun, Werner
Regulativ Über Die Dienstwohnungen Der Staatsbeamten: Vom 26. Juli 1880. Unter Berücksichtigung Des Nachtrages Vom 20. April 1898 Und Der Ergangenen V by Düffe, A.
Abtretung Künftiger Ansprüche: Ein Beitrag Zum Problem Der Verfügung Über Künftige Rechte by Süß, Georg
Make It Your Own Law Firm: The Ultimate Law Student's Guide to Owning, Managing, and Marketing Your Own Successful Law Firm by Aronfeld, Spencer Marc
Moderne Deutsche Strafrechtsdenker by
Geltungsgebiet Des Strafgesetzes by Bar, L. V.
Reichsgesetz Über Den Verkehr Mit Kraftfahrzeugen Vom 3. Mai 1909: Nebst Den Vollzugsvorschriften Des Bundesrates Von Preussen Und Bayern, Sowie Dem I by Seuffert, Philipp
Formularbuch Für Bayerische Notariate by Zimmermann, Heinrich
Allgemeiner Teil by
Der Inhalt Des Kaufmännischen Zurückbehaltungsrechts by Meyer, Walter
Das Disziplinarrecht in Bayern by Woerner, Otto
I. Warenhaussteuergesetz Vom 14. August 1910, II. Besitzveränderungsabgabensteuergesetz, III. Hundeabgabensteuergesetz by Sebald, U. E.
Zur Personalexekution Im Recht Der Papyri by Lewald, Hans
Das Übersiebnen Der Schädlichen Leute in Süddeutschland: Ein Rechtshistorischer Beitrag Und Nachtrag by Knapp, Hermann
Der Eigentumsvorbehalt Beim Kauf (Bgb. § 455) by Jaffé, Richard
Kolonialbeamtengesetz Vom 8. Juni 1910: Auf Grund Der Gesetzesmaterialien Erläutert Und Mit Den Ergänzenden Gesetzen, Insbesondere Dem Reichsbeamtenge by
Verbrechen Und Vergehen Gegen Die Persönliche Freiheit, Ehrverletzung Und Verletzung Fremder Geheimnisse: Im Vorentwurf Zu Einem Deutschen Strafgesetz by Kronecker, E.
Das Bayerische Gesetz Über Die Güterzertrümmerung Vom 13. August 1910 by
Reichsgesetz, Betreffend Die Erwerbs- Und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften Vom 1. Mai 1889 by
Inventarerrichtung Nach Den §§ 1993 Ff. Des BGB: Ein Rechtsbehelf Bei Zweifelhafter Nachlaßsolvenz by Gutmann, A.
Wechselstempelgesetz Vom 15. Juli 1909: Nebst Ausführungsbestimmungen Und Vollzugs-Vorschriften by Yblagger, L.
Sachenrecht by
Gebühren-Tabellen Für Das Deutsche Gerichtskostengesetz Und Die Gebührenordnung Für Rechtsanwälte: In Der Vom 1. April 1910 AB Geltenden Fassung Nebst by Ziehl, Gustav
Alphabetisches Haupt-Sachregister Zum Justizministerialblatt (Jahrgang 1902 Bis 1909 Einschließlich) Für Das Königreich Bayern: Nach Dem Stande Der Ge by Leichtestern, Hans
Zivilprozessordnung: Nachtrag Und Deckblätter by Reincke, O.
Familienrecht, Teil 2: §§ 1589-1921 by
Die Gebührengesetznovelle Vom 29. April 1910: Mit Abdruck Der Begründung Des Gesetzentwurfs. Für Den Praktischen Gebrauch Zusammengestellt by Dennler, M.
Familienrecht, Teil 1: §§ 1297-1538 by
Sustainability in European Transport Policy by Humphreys, Matthew
Legal Realism at Yale, 1927-1960 by Kalman, Laura
Unleashed Fury: The Political Struggle for Dog-friendly Parks by Walsh, Julie
International Law and Humanitarian Assistance: A Crosscut Through Legal Issues Pertaining to Humanitarianism by
Minotaur by Cerullo, John
Due Diligence und Verschwiegenheitspflichten des Organwalters by Löbig, Christoph
International Commercial Arbitration Advocacy: A Practitioner's Guide for American Lawyers by Heard, H. Roderic, Walker, Susan L., Cooley, John W.
Della's Web by Jones, Aphrodite
Earthquake Insurance and Disaster Assistance by Latourrette, Tom
European Yearbook of International Economic Law by
Problem Solving Courts: A Measure of Justice by Miller, JoAnn, Johnson, Donald C.
The Constitution's Gift: A Constitutional Theory for a Democratic European Union by Menéndez, Agustín José, Fossum, John Erik
Gmbh-Recht 2011 by Degenhardt, Klaus
Sir William Garrow: His Life, Times and Fight for Justice by Braby, Richard, Hostettler, John
Außensteuergesetz als pauschalierte Missbrauchsregelung: Cadbury Schweppes und Vorlage FG Münster by Kautz, Dennis
Space Security Law by Abeyratne, Ruwantissa
A Modern Legal Ethics: Adversary Advocacy in a Democratic Age by Markovits, Daniel
Courts in Latin America by
'Armed Attack' and Article 51 of the Un Charter: Evolutions in Customary Law and Practice by Ruys, Tom
The Separation of Powers in the Contemporary Constitution by Masterman, Roger
Rang und Bedeutung des EU-Rechts in der nationalen Rechtsordnung by Fabritz, Peter
International Commercial Arbitration by Weeramantry, J. Romesh, Greenberg, Simon, Kee, Christopher
Race, Reform, and Regulation of the Electoral Process by
Rententypologie und Übertragung von Einzelwirtschaftsgütern gegen Renten by Jakobitsch, Kerstin
Against Smoking: An Ottoman Manifesto by Al-Aqhisari, Ahmad Al-Rumi
Administrative Justice and Asylum Appeals: A Study of Tribunal Adjudication by Thomas, Robert
Routledge Handbook of International Law by
Asset Recovery Handbook: A Guide for Practitioners by Scott, Clive, Gray, Larissa, Brun, Jean-Pierre
Degradation: What the History of Obscenity Tells Us about Hate Speech by Saunders, Kevin W.
Human Rights and Climate Change: International Human Rights as an Instrument for Measures of Equalization? by Neumann, Julia
Verdecktes Eigenkapital: Rechtsgrundlagen und Rechtsfolgen: VwGH 17. 04. 2008, 2005/15/0073 by Jakobitsch, Kerstin
Der Minderheitsschutz im Gesellschaftsrecht by Hofmann, Christian
Die Frage nach der Waren- und Dienstleistungsfreiheit als imaginäres Bindeglied zum Europäischen Sozialrecht by Jordan, Andreas
Eine kurze Einführung in die deutsche Rechtsgeschichte by Becker, Peter
Rff Energy Policy Set by Various
Rff Natural Resource Management Set by Various
Rff Water Policy Set by Various
Economics of Outdoor Recreation by Clawson, Marion, Knetsch, Jack L.
Enforcing Pollution Control Laws by Russell, Clifford S., Harrington, Winston, Vaughn, William J.
Multiple Purpose River Development: Studies in Applied Economic Analysis by Krutilla, John V., Eckstein, Otto
Unitization of Oil and Gas Fields in Texas: A Study of Legislative, Administrative, and Judicial Policies by Weaver, Jacqueline Lang
Rules in the Making: A Statistical Analysis of Regulatory Agency Behavior by Krupnick, Alan J., Magat, Wesley, Harrington, Winston
Crime Wars: The Global Intersection of Crime, Political Violence, and International Law by Siracusa, Joseph, Battersby, Paul, Ripiloski, Sasho
Perspectives On Conservation: Essays on America's Natural Resources by Jarrett, Henry
NEPA in the Courts: A Legal Analysis of the National Environmental Policy Act by Anderson, Frederick R.
Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory: The Development of the Concepts of ?Urf and Dah in the Islamic Legal Tradition by Shabana, Ayman
Natural Environments: Studies in Theoretical & Applied Analysis by Krutilla, John V.
America's National Parks and Their Keepers by Foresta, Ronald A.
Public Lands Politics: Interest Group Influence on the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management by Culhane, Paul J.
Comparisons in Resource Management: Six Notable Programs in Other Countries and Their Possible U.S. Application by Jarrett, Henry
Land Use and the States by Healy, Robert G., Rosenberg, John S.
The Future of Alaska: Economic Consequences of Statehood by Rogers, George
Scarce Water and Institutional Change by Frederick, Kenneth D.
The Economics of Regional Water Quality Management by Kneese, Allen V.
Steel Production: Processes, Products, and Residuals by Vaughn, William J., Russell, Clifford S.
Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory: The Development of the Concepts of ?Urf and Dah in the Islamic Legal Tradition by Shabana, Ayman
Matter of Dispute: Morality, Democracy, and Law by Peters, Christopher J.
Simulation of Recreational Use for Park and Wilderness Management by Lucas, Robert C., Schechter, Mordechai
The Seventh Continent: Antarctica in a Resource Age by Shapley, Deborah
Technology in American Water Development by Loff, George O. G., Ackerman, Edward A.
Donald's Guide to Robert's Rules by Garrett, Donald
Chinese Law & Religion Monitor by Association, Chinaaid
Defamation, Libel Tourism and the Speech Act of 2010: The First Amendment Colliding with the Common Law by Melkonian, Harry
Haematology Practice In Distressed Economy by Okeke, Peter
Die Dezemberverfassung von 1867 unter Berücksichtigung der Geschlechterordnung und deren Ausformungen im täglichen Leben by Rauter, Johann
Rechtsprechungsupdate Mietrecht 2010: Die relevanten Mieturteile der deutschen Gerichte im Jahr 2010 by Scheidacker, Tobias, Lambert, Sascha
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