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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2013

Dry Bones: A Screenplay Based on a True Story by Farmer-Paellmann, Deadria
Notions Techniques Sur La Propriété En Chine by Hoang-P
Adhésion À La Convention de Berne (Concernant La Protection Des Oeuvres Littéraires Et Artistiques): Du 9 Septembre 1886, Avec l'Acte Additionnel Et L by Sans Auteur
Cahier Des Clauses Et Conditions Générales Imposées Aux Entrepreneurs Des Travaux Militaires: . 19 Avril 1902 by Sans Auteur
Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, Vincenzo, Ryan, Mick
Luhmann Observed: Radical Theoretical Encounters by La Cour, Anders
Corporate Manslaughter and Regulatory Reform by Almond, P.
Fraud, Corruption and Sport by Button, M., Brooks, G., Aleem, A.
Transitional Justice for Child Soldiers: Accountability and Social Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Contexts by Fisher, K.
Genocide and Its Threat to Contemporary International Order by Gallagher, A.
Becoming Criminal: The Socio-Cultural Origins of Law, Transgression, and Deviance by Crewe, D.
Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a Politics of Difference by Hines, S.
Municipal Policing in the European Union: Comparative Perspectives by Donnelly, D.
Controlling Comitology: Accountability in a Multi-Level System by Brandsma, G.
Preventing Corruption: Investigation, Enforcement and Governance by Lewis, C., Brooks, G., Walsh, D.
Copyright and Popular Media: Liberal Villains and Technological Change by Cvetkovski, T.
Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: International Perspectives by
Examining Intelligence-Led Policing: Developments in Research, Policy and Practice by James, A.
Domestic Violence, Family Law and School: Children's Right to Participation, Protection and Provision by Bruno, L., Näsman, E., Eriksson, M.
Effective Policing?: Implementation in Theory and Practice by Kirby, S.
Minority Language Promotion, Protection and Regulation: The Mask of Piety by Williams, C.
European Defence Cooperation in EU Law and IR Theory by Dyson, T.
Environmental Compliance Guidebook: Beyond U.S. Water Quality Regulations by Christine Herndon, Shelley Hemming
Indemnity and Exclusion Clauses by Downie, David
Laws of Creation: Property Rights in the World of Ideas by Cass, Ronald A., Hylton, Keith N.
Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues by McClain, Linda C., Fleming, James E.
Get Your Head in the Game (Large Print Edition) by Davis, Lance
Defending American Religious Neutrality by Koppelman, Andrew
Infrastructure: The Social Value of Shared Resources by Frischmann, Brett M.
Das Privatrechte I: Personen und Sachen by Mayr, Robert Von
Das Privatrecht II: Schuldverhältnisse und Erbschaft by Mayr, Robert Von
Die Zeit des Reichs- und Volksrechtes by Mayr, Robert Von
Die Zeit der Orientalisierung des römischen Rechtes by Mayr, Robert Von
Mrs V. Riverboat Queen: Case File by Wattley, Cheryl Brown
Justice and the Enemy: Nuremberg, 9/11, and the Trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by Shawcross, William
Social Control: An Introduction by Chriss, James J.
Bio-Privacy: Privacy Regulations and the Challenge of Biometrics by Liu, Nancy Yue
Freedom. You Can Handle It. But Hurry! by Henderson, Gary L.
The Trial: The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators by
The Constitution, Citizenship, and Immigration in American History, 1790 to 2000 by Parker, Kunal M.
Police Crime Control Strategies by Hoover, Larry
Line by Line: Forensic Document Examination -- A Strategy for Legal Professionals by Wakshull, Michael
Spain's Transition to Democracy: The Politics of Constitution-making by Bonime-Blanc, Andrea
Patentierungsstrategien und die TRIZ Innovationsprinzipien: Analyse, Systematik und Handlungsmuster by Glavasevic, Mario
International Dispute Settlement: Room for Innovations? by
Transforming Water Management in South Africa: Designing and Implementing a New Policy Framework by
Political Friendship and the Good Life: Two Liberal Arguments Against Perfectionism by Zanetti, G.
La tutela legale nei casi di mobbing by Danzi, Bartolo
International Documents on Environmental Liability by Descamps, Hannes, Slabbinck, Robin, Bocken, Hubert
Scientific Sherlock Holmes: Cracking the Case with Science and Forensics by O'Brien, James
Die Europäische Union als Partner von Konkordaten und Kirchenverträgen by Möcke, Jürgen
Ausländer in den österreichischen Kriminalstatistiken (1990 - 2009) by Qerimi, Islam
Law and Leadership: Integrating Leadership Studies into the Law School Curriculum by
Chinese Civil Procedure and the Conflict of Laws by Chen, Weizuo
How To Quantify Compliance Risk by Ebersoll, Maik
Die Afrikanische Union: Vom panafrikanischen Traum zu einer supranationalen Organisation nach europäischem Vorbild? by Charar, Jean A.
Management of International Trade by Lee, Eun Sup
Reason and Imagination: The Selected Correspondence of Learned Hand: 1897-1961 by
Non-Governmental Organisations in International Law. Anna-Karin Lindblom by Lindblom, Anna-Karin
The Wto Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters' Studies. Edited by Henrik Horn, Petros C. Mavroidis by
The Wto Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters' Studies. Edited by Henrik Horn, Petros C. Mavroidis by
The Limits of Transnational Law: Refugee Law, Policy Harmonization and Judicial Dialogue in the European Union. Edited by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill and Hlne by
Constitutional Law in Cameroon by Fombad, C. M.
The United Nations (Un) by Sybesma-Knol, N.
Property and Trust Law in Greece by Karibali-Tsiptsiou, Y.
Arbeitsvertragliche Freistellungsklauseln. Arbeitsrechtliche und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Konsequenzen bei der Kündigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen by Fievet, Mathias
Affirmative Action and Diversity in Public Education: Legal Developments by Feder, Jody
Climate Talk: Rights, Poverty and Justice by
The Attorney's Handbook on Small Business Reorganization Under Chapter 11 (2013) by Williamson, Harvey J.
The Attorney's Handbook on Consumer Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 (37th Ed., 2013) by Williamson, Harvey J.
Missionary Mercenary Misfit: Stories of Policing and Peacekeeping by Laducer, Dennis
Grundrechte Und Grenzüberschreitende Sachverhalte: Human Rights and Situations of Transboundary Nature (English Summary) by Hofmann, Rainer
Kommentar Zum Transfusionsgesetz (Tfg) Und Den Hämotherapie-Richtlinien by Lippert, Hans-Dieter, Flegel, Willy A.
Tax Insight: For Tax Year 2012 by Murdock, M. Casey
Rechtsprobleme Der Lokalen Grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit: Legal Problems of Local Transfrontier Cooperation / Les Problèmes Juridiques de la Co by Beyerlin, Ulrich
Neue Spielregeln im Arbeitnehmererfinderrecht by Kiesel, Volker
The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon by
Liberating Aboriginal People from Violence by Jarrett, Stephanie
Mediazione Tributaria: aspetti tecnici e rapporti con i tradizionali istituti deflattivi by Luciano, Francesco
Ensayos sobre Derecho Comparado y Constitución by Da Cunha Lopes, Teresa M. G., Cruz Barney, Oscar, Pegoraro, Lucio
Ein wirksames Mittel gegen Umsatzsteuerbetrug: Das Reverse-Charge-Verfahren in Deutschland by Auer, Marina
Die vertragsrechtliche Gestaltung am Musiktheater unter Berücksichtigung freier Gastspielverträge und den tarifvertraglichen Absprachen NV Bühne und H by Möcke, Jürgen
Der Codex Hammurabi in Deutscher Ubersetzung by
The Bankruptcy Issues Handbook (6th Ed., 2013): Critical Issues in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 by Williamson, Harvey J.
The Concept of State Responsibility by Michels, Yannik, Hengge, Martina
Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados Vol.I by Lopes Ribeiro Mendes, Armindo Antonio, Da Cunha Lopes, Teresa Maria G.
THE CONSTITUTION, of Ipoti Wealth Creation Reunion: THE CONSTITUTION, of Ipoti Wealth Creation Reunion by Arowolo, M. F., Jegede, I. O., Arogundade, C.
Inheritance Law and Political Theology in Shakespeare and Milton: Election and Grace as Constitutional in Early Modern Literature and Beyond by Jenkins, Joseph S.
The New Kinship: Constructing Donor-Conceived Families by Cahn, Naomi R.
Up Against a Wall: Rape Reform and the Failure of Success by Corrigan, Rose
The Relevant Market in International Economic Law: A Comparative Antitrust and GATT Analysis by Melischek, Christian A.
Diversity and European Human Rights by
Behavior of Federal Judges: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Rational Choice by Epstein, Lee, Landes, William M., Posner, Richard A.
First Amendment Institutions by Horwitz, Paul
Finanzielle Freiheit trotz Unternehmensinsolvenz by Büge, Dieter
A Sociology of Constitutions by Thornhill, Chris
Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados Vol.II . As Grandes Famílias de Sistemas Jurídicos by Lopes Ribeiro Mendes, Armindo Antonio, Da Cunha Lopes, Teresa Maria G.
Abstracts of Fauquier County, Virginia. Wills, Inventories and Accounts, 1759-1800 by Gott, John K.
Die Einwilligung Im Datenschutzrecht by Rogosch, Patricia Maria
Die wettbewerbsrechtliche Beurteilung von einseitigem Missbrauchsverhalten ("Unilateral Conduct") in den USA und der EU: Eine Untersuchung im Bereich by Hujo, Philipp
Japan's Disaster Governance: How Was the 3.11 Crisis Managed? by Suzuki, Itoko, Kaneko, Yuko
Transnational Inquiries and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Criminal Proceedings: A Study in Memory of Vittorio Grevi and Giovanni Tranchina by
Tax Coordination in the European Community by Cnossen, Sijbren
Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong by Bonner, Raymond
Autonomija volje ugovornih stranaka kod prodaje sa elementom inostranosti by Atovic, Admir
Practice Makes Perfect Linear Algebra: With 500 Exercises by McCune, Sandra Luna, Clark, William D.
Scotch Verdict: The Real-Life Story That Inspired "The Children's Hour" by Faderman, Lillian
Competency to Stand Trial: Development and Current Status by Jackson, E. Basil
The Failed Promise of Originalism by Cross, Frank
EU and US Competition Law: Divided in Unity?: The Rule on Restrictive Agreements and Vertical Intra-brand Restraints by Nagy, Csongor István
Management Geistigen Eigentums: Die Unternehmerische Gestaltung Des Technologieverwertungsrechts by
Understanding Disability Discrimination Law through Geography by Vellani, Fayyaz
Australasia and Pacific Ombudsman Institutions: Mandates, Competences and Good Practice by
A Good Death?: Law and Ethics in Practice by Woods, Simon
The Failed Promise of Originalism by Cross, Frank
Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies by Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino
Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies by Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino
The Private Detective Handbook: Learn to be a PI by Mitcham, Bart
John Gay; Or, Work for Boys Vol. III. - Work for Summer by Abbott, Jacob
John Gay; Or, Work for Boys - Work for Spring by Abbott, Jacob
John Gay; Or, Work for Boys - Work for Winter by Abbott, Jacob
Die grenzueberschreitende Verschmelzung unter Beteiligung deutscher und spanischer Kapitalgesellschaften: Gesellschafts- und steuerrechtliche Fragen by Bascopé, Hugo
Lizenzvertraege und ihre Inhaltskontrolle im unternehmerischen Geschaeftsverkehr by Ullrich, Roman
Karl Neumeyer - Leben Und Werk (1869-1941) by Von Breitenbuch, Henriette
Subjektivitaet und Objektivitaet in der Rechtsanwendung by Wang, Hui
Streikrecht i. S. des Art. 6 Nr. 4 ESC und deutsches Arbeitskampfrecht: Vorgaben, Vereinbarkeit und Umsetzung by Dumke, Matthias
International Maritime Arbitration: Some Issues in Public & Private Law by K. S. Harisankar
Called for Duty by Caswell (Retired), Sgt Randy S.
Minorities and Nationalism in Turkish Law by Bayir, Derya
Comparative Legal Linguistics: Language of Law, Latin and Modern Lingua Francas by Mattila, Heikki E. S.
Animal Harm: Perspectives on Why People Harm and Kill Animals by Nurse, Angus
Film Censorship in the Asia-Pacific Region: Malaysia, Hong Kong and Australia Compared by Tiong Guan, Saw
Ethics, Law and Society: Volume V by
Anpassung der Richtlinie 96/53/EG: Ordentliches Gesetzgebungsverfahren und die Rolle des Verkehrsausschusses by Grauberger, Lija
Wandlungen des Staates und des Rechtes in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts: (ausgewählte Kapitel) by Schelle, Karel
Rethinking International Law by Clarke Rosalie D.
Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz - Rechtliche Handlungsmöglichkeiten by Dörfler, Gerd
Property and Social Resilience in Times of Conflict: Land, Custom and Law in East Timor by Fitzpatrick, Daniel, McWilliam, Andrew, Barnes, Susana
The International Film Musical by
Doing Justice Without the State: The Afikpo (Ehugbo) Nigeria Model by Elechi, Ogbonnaya Oko
Significant Cases in Criminal Procedure (Revised) by Hemmens, Craig, Thompson, Alan, Nored, Lisa S.
The Common Law by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Criminal Sociology by Ferri, Enrico
Rechtsvergleichende Analyse des Debt-Equity-Swaps - Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in den USA, der Schweiz und Deutschland by Wolf, Ksenia
Zur Entwicklung sicherheitsrelevanter Fahrerassistenzsysteme: Produktdarbietung und Mensch-Maschine Interaktionen by Steiner, J.
Treason by Boryszewski, Ralph
Derecho Internacional Publico by Irizarry Rodriguez, Jorge a., Roman Samot, Wilkins
Understanding Regulation 2e P by Al, Baldwin Et
Revisiting the Contracts Scholarship of Stewart Macaulay: On the Empirical and the Lyrical by
Das Preußische Gesinderecht Im Geltungsbereiche Der Gesindeordnung Vom 8. November 1810 by Lindenberg, C.
Informe Final de la Trigésima Quinta Reunión Consultiva del Tratado Antártico by Secretaria Del Tratado Antartico
Policing Cooperation Across Borders: Comparative Perspectives on Law Enforcement within the EU and Australia by Hufnagel, Saskia
Das Neue Werberecht Für Ärzte: Auch Ärzte Dürfen Werben by Bahner, Beate
What Is Parenthood?: Contemporary Debates about the Family by
Podzial wladz w Slowenii. by Rybicki, Rafal
Legal Mobilization Under Authoritarianism: The Case of Post-Colonial Hong Kong by Tam, Waikeung
Römischer Und Altdeutscher Zivilprozeß. Deutsches Gerichtsverfassungsrecht by Posener, Paul
Wann Entsteht Das Recht Des Staates Am Zollgut? by Eschenbach, Werner
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 20, Heft 1 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 20, Heft 2 by
Sammlung Der Ortspolizeilichen Vorschriften Der K. Polizeidirektion München Und Einiger Sonstiger Erlasse Strafrechtlichen Inhalts Für Die K. Haupt- U by
Recht Der Schuldverhältnisse, Teil 2. §§ 581-853 by
Sachenrecht by
Das Internationale Prisenrecht Nach Den Beschlüssen Der II. Haager Friedens- Und Der Londoner Seekriegsrechts-Konferenz by Hirschmann, Otto
Ergänzungsheft Zur Achtzehnten Auflage Der Gewerbeordnung Für Das Deutsche Reich by Luppe, Hermann
Die Rechtliche Stellung Und Die Befugnisse Des Reichstagspräsidenten by Spengler, Karl
Allgemeiner Teil by
Fallacies of States' Rights by Barber, Sotirios A.
What Is Parenthood?: Contemporary Debates about the Family by
Das Reichs-Viehseuchengesetz Nach Den Beschlüssen Des Reichstages: Vom 26. Juni 1909. Ausführungsvorschriften Und Dem Preußischen Ausführungsgesetz by Hippel, W. Von
Reichsviehseuchengesetz Vom 26. Juni 1909: Mit Den Bayerischen Ausführungsbestimmungen Und Der Gemeinsatzlichen Belehrung Über Die Seuchen by
Gesetz, Betreffend Die Feuerbestattung: Vom 14. September 1911. Nebst Ausführungsanweisung Vom 29. September 1911 by Lohmann, W.
IT-Recht by Nitsch, Karl Wolfhart
The Common Law by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Energiewende, aber wie? Die Rechtslage für Energiespeicher nach dem EnWG, EEG und StromStG by Laux, Matthias
Criminal Sociology by Ferri, Enrico
Legal Foundations of Environmental Planning: Textbook-Casebook and Materials on Environmental Law by Rose, Jerome G.
Interpretación jurisprudencial del Reglamento n° 261/2004 sobre compensación y asistencia a los pasajeros aéreos by Gonzalez Vaqué, Luis
Stichwort: Wahlen: Wähler -- Parteien -- Wahlverfahren by
Laying Foundations and Meeting Objections: How to Succeed with Exhibits at Deposition and Trial by Siemer, Deanne
The Subdivision and Site Plan Handbook by
The Criminology of Criminal Law by
Gang Life in Two Cities: An Insider's Journey by Durán, Robert J.
Gang Life in Two Cities: An Insider's Journey by Durán, Robert J.
Special Issue: Who Belongs?: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Constitution of Legality by
Nita City Housing Authority v. Johnson: Case File by Caldwell, Mark
Shoot the Messenger? by Espinosa-Maestre, Francisco
Identity, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice: Overcoming Intractability in Divided Societies by Aiken, Nevin T.
Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects by Cresswell, Tim
Employer Partnership Program Analysis of Alternatives by Pint, Ellen M.
Le Changement de Religion En Égypte by Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a.
Il Contratto Di Appalto Nel Diritto Arabo: Caso Dell'egitto, Con Le Disposizioni Dei Principali Codici Arabi in Diverse Lingue by Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a.
Introduzione Al Diritto Arabo: Diritto Di Famiglia E Di Successione, Diritto Penale, Diritto Medico, Diritto Socio-Economico by Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a.
Glücksspiele und Einkommensteuer: Ein kritischer Blick auf die gesetzlichen Regelungen und Gewinnbesteuerungen by Rabinovitsch, Viktor
Die steuerliche Behandlung der Verschmelzung von einer Kapitalgesellschaft auf eine andere Kapitalgesellschaft by Sari, Esra
Die Sexualstraftaten im polnischen Strafkodex im Vergleich zum deutschen Strafgesetzbuch by Lipinska, Monika
Rechtsanspruch und Rechtswirklichkeit im chinesischen Arbeitsrecht: Konfuzianische Abneigung gegen Rechtsprozesse? by Burg, Björn
Unequal Opportunity: Fired without cause? Filing with the EEOC> by Hollis Ed D., Leah P.
Corporate Manslaughter and Regulatory Reform by Almond, P.
Finaler Rettungsschuss: Darf der Staat töten? Rechtliche, theologische und ethische Aspekte by Stangl, Konrad
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