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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2016

Multistate Bar Review: Explanatory Answers to the 1998 Multistate Bar Examination by Engle LL M., Eric Allen
Aviation Law after September 11th, second edition by Ravich, Timothy M.
The Attorney's Bankruptcy Code and Rules Book by Publishing, Argyle
Gg: Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by M. G. J. V., Verlag, M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Essays on Human Rights in India by Sharma, Sushma
The Attorney's Handbook on Consumer Bankruptcy and Chapter 13: 40th Edition, 2016 by Williamson, Harvey J.
Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), 2. Auflage 2016 by Recht, G.
The Dilemma of Wilderness by McDonald, Corry
New Laws of the Mines of Spain, 1625 by
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht: Mit Online-Zugang Zur Jura-Kartei-Datenbank by
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 2016, Pocket Edition: Complete Rules as Revised for 2016 by Graphia, Nicholas M.
The Attorney's Handbook on Small Business Reorganization Under Chapter 11: 12th Edition, 2016 by Williamson, Harvey J.
Federal Rules of Evidence 2016, Large Font Edition: Complete Rules as Revised for 2016 by Legal Publishing, Gulf Coast
Federal Rules of Evidence 2016: Complete Rules as Revised for 2016 by Legal Publishing, Gulf Coast
United States Sentencing Commission, Guidelines Manual, 2016 by Us Sentencing Commission
Advanced Credit Repair Secrets Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Fix and Establish Your Credit Fast by Graham, Marsha
Opening a Profitable Law Office in the New Economy by Breen, Daniel M.
Survive Police Contact by Frederick, Louis
Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure 2016 by Graphia, Nicholas M.
Delaware General Corporation Law; 2016 Edition by Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd
Louisiana Code of Evidence 2016 by Graphia, Nicholas M.
Louisiana Civil Code 2016 by Graphia, Nicholas M.
Enforcing the Equal Protection Clause: Congressional Power, Judicial Doctrine, and Constitutional Law by Araiza, William D.
Divorce Reality Check: Smart Split Solutions for Civility, Clarity and Common Sense by Harounian, Jacqueline
Lettre Auteur Des Loix Criminelles Au Sujet Des Nouveaux Plans de Réforme Proposés En Cette Matière by Muyart de Vouglans-P-F
de la Responsabilité Du Fait Des Choses Inanimées by Josserand-L
Les Obligations Des Commerçants 2e Éd by Acollas-E
de la Propriété Et de la Distinction Des Biens by Valette-A
Réclamation Par Les Affranchis Des Droits Civils Et Politiques by Nau-E
Notions Usuelles de Droit Pratique: Résumé de Conférences Faites, En 1874 by Bernard-F
Éléments de Droit Public À l'Usage Des Étudiants En Droit by Nezard-H
Réponse de M. Beavan À Une Publication Anonyme Dans La Cause de Pétrie Et Baldwin Contre Beavan by Sans Auteur
Lettre Sur Le Système de l'Auteur de l'Esprit Des Loix Touchant La Modération Des Peines by Muyart de Vouglans-P-F
Rapport Et Projets de Règlements Pour Les Orphelinats Et Ouvroirs Annexés Aux Hôpitaux by Napias-H
Un Mot Sur La Proposition de M. J.-J. de Sellon Pour La Suppression de la Peine de Mort by de Sellon-J-J
Le Comité de Jurisconsultes Des Congrégations Religieuses by de Mackau-A
Le Droit Pour Tous. Le Testament, Son Origine, Son Caractère, Sa Forme, Ses Effets Par Un Magistrat by Sans Auteur
Leçons Préliminaires Sur Le Code Pénal, Ou Examen de la Législation Criminelle by Bavoux-F-N
Le Développement de la Constitution Anglaise Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Freeman-E
Les Tutelles Et Les Curatelles 2e Éd by Acollas-E
de la Réforme Du Régime Hypothécaire by Decourdemanche-A
Le Droit de la Guerre: Le Droit MIS À La Portée de Tout Le Monde by Acollas-E
Le Contrat de Mariage by Acollas-E
Affaire Du Cimetière Montmartre: Consultation Pour M. Gabriel Robinet by Rousselle-A
Les Servitudes by Acollas-E
Traité Des Privilèges Et Des Hypothèques by Valette-A
Instructions Relatives Aux Poésies Populaires de la France: Décret Du 13 Septembre 1852 by Instruction Publique
Questions de Droit Relatives Aux Bureaux de Bienfaisance by Advielle-V
En Lisant Les Juristes Philosophes by Cuche-P
La Propriété Photographique Et La Loi Française by Bulloz-J-E
Discours de Monsieur Le Chancelier d'Aguesseau by D. Aguesseau-H-F
Parricide. Trois Accusés. Joseph Steinkampf Marie-Anne Steinkampf, Sa Femme Et Charles Haas by Sans Auteur
de l'Ordre Et Instruction Judiciaire Dont Les Anciens Grecs Et Romains by Ayrault-P
Code de l'Officier de l'État Civil Ou Les Actes de l'État Civil by Addenet-A
Considérations Sur l'Internationale l'Ancien Antagonisme Entre Les Riches Et Les Pauvres by Curci-C
Le Système Judiciaire de la Grande Bretagne by Franqueville-C
La Propriété by Acollas-E
de la Pairie Héréditaire Considérée Comme Pouvoir Législatif Et Comme Pouvoir Judiciaire by Valette-A
Traités Et Accords Concernant Le Protectorat de la France Au Maroc by Rouard de Card-E
Oeuvres de Berryer T01 by Berryer-P
Enfants Maltraités Ou Moralement Abandonnés: Projet de Loi by Monod-H
de la Compétence Des Juges de Paix 2e Éd by Henrion de Pansey-P-P-N
The Psychology of Tort Law by Robbennolt, Jennifer K., Hans, Valerie P.
Religious Lessons: Catholic Sisters and the Captured Schools Crisis in New Mexico by Holscher, Kathleen
Why Law Matters by Harel, Alon
El capitalismo salvaje y la esclavitud sin cadenas by Leandry-Vega, Ismael
La democracia es un embuste (no existe) y la plutocracia es real by Leandry-Vega, Ismael
Multilevel Governance and Regional Empowerment: The Basque Country in the European Union by Boronska-Hryniewiecka, Karolina
The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Choson Korea by Kim, Jisoo M.
Stanton V. Armstrong: Case File by Sharma, Shailee D., Boals, Elizabeth I.
The Psychology of Tort Law by Robbennolt, Jennifer K., Hans, Valerie P.
Medicaid Planning: From A to Z (2016 ed.) by Heiser, K. Gabriel
How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets (10th Edition) by Heiser, K. Gabriel
El espectro criminal by Sued, Gazir
Persuasive Legal Writing: A Storytelling Approach by Campbell, Camille Lamar, Duhart, Olympia R.
Multistate Bar Review Answers & Explanations: 581 Questions & Detailed Explanatory Answers by Engle LL M., Eric Allen
Many Heads and Many Hands: James Madison's Search for a More Perfect Union by Vanduren, Mau
Keeping your Home in One Piece: A Common Sense Guide To keeping your Home in One Piece With a Mortgage Modification by Dunn, Reuben
La Convención de 7 de Diciembre de 1877 by Uriarte, Ramon
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch: BGB mit ergänzenden Bestimmungen by M. G. J. V., Verlag, M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Teoria General del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico by Roman Samot, Wilkins
Teoria General del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico by Roman Samot, Wilkins
Breaking Trust with the Constitution: The Rise & Fall of the U.S. Supreme Court by Moroz, Hal
Die aktuellen aushangpflichtigen Gesetze by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
DNA and Property Crime Scene Investigation: Forensic Evidence and Law Enforcement by Makin, David A.
Bring Your Own Device - Ein Praxisratgeber: Hmd Best Paper Award 2014 by Walter, Thorsten
International Human Rights Law and Indigenous Peoples by Kirchner, Stefan
Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States by Foley, Edward
Die Rechtsprechung des EGMR zur Leihmutterschaft und ihre Konsequenzen für das deutsche Recht by Goldbach, Johanna
Human Rights in Children's Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law by Higinbotham, Sarah, Todres, Jonathan
Das "Jedermann-Festnahmerecht nach § 127 I StPO by Berglinger, Rolf
Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War by Kittrie, Orde F.
The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law by Christophers, Brett
Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary by Posner, Richard A.
Sentencing Fragments: Penal Reform in America, 1975-2025 by Tonry, Michael
Soldiers on the Home Front: The Domestic Role of the American Military by Dycus, Stephen, Banks, William C.
The North Hollywood Shootout by Murphy, Scott K.
Why Are Student Athletes Funding Your Future?: No More Excuses: Pay Me! by Cutler, Ernest E., Jr.
Osh Induction Program in Enhancing Safety Awareness Amongst Fabrication Workers in Brooke Dockyard, Kuching, Sarawak by Ronggie, Andrew Anak
Gewerbeordnung - GewO by M. G. J. V., Verlag, M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Osh Induction Program in Enhancing Safety Awareness Amongst Fabrication Workers in Brooke Dockyard, Kuching, Sarawak by Ronggie, Andrew Anak
Georgia Education Law: Second Edition by Kurtz, Adam, Dayton, John
Institutionen und Rechtsgeschichte by Ouaritsch
Institutionen by Sohm, Rudolph
Invitat to Sociology of Internat Law C by Hirsch
Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights by Orgad, Liav
Daemonistan: - the Lutheran paradise by Munck, Jakob
Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah by Islahi, Abdul Azim
Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison by Bernstein, Nell
Brutal Takeover: The story behind the seizure of the global Stanford Financial Group and criminal prosecution of billionaire R. Allen S by Brame, Robert H.
Cape Law: Text and cases: Contract law, Tort law and Real property by Bailey, Veronica E.
Recueil de règlements et de recommandations relatifs à la prospection et à l'exploration. Édition révisée by International Seabed Authority
Whales and Elephants in International Conservation Law and Politics: A Comparative Study by Couzens, Ed
Offending from Childhood to Young Adulthood: Recent Results from the Pittsburgh Youth Study by Pardini, Dustin a., Jennings, Wesley G., Loeber, Rolf
Modernisation of the Criminal Justice Chain and the Judicial System: New Insights on Trust, Cooperation and Human Capital by
3D Printing: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions by
Sociological Perspectives on Media Piracy in the Philippines and Vietnam by Ballano, Vivencio O.
Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance by
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 17, 2014 by
Environmental Governance in Latin America by
Environmental Governance in Latin America by
Insolvenzordnung mit Einführungsgesetz: InsO by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Mietrecht by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Career as a Lawyer by Institute for Career Research
The Maximally Efficient And Optimally Effective Emergency Department by Vukmir, Rade B.
Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung: VwGO by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Einkommensteuergesetz: EStG by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Aktg & Gmbhg: Aktiengesetz Und Gmbh-Gesetz by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
The Maximally Efficient And Optimally Effecfive Emergency Department by Vukmir, Rade B.
Straßenverkehrsrecht: StVG & StVO by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
The Politics of International Economic Law by
Social Difference and Constitutionalism in Pan-Asia by
Civil Rights in American Law, History, and Politics by
Organ Donation and the Divine Lien in Talmudic Law by Kochen, Madeline
Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan by Mukhopadhyay, Dipali
Die Tortur by Alsberg, Max
Real Estate Transactions Law by Engle, Eric Allen
Tetiana's Adventures In Wonderlaw by Engle, Eric Allen
The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide by
Environmental Law and Contrasting Ideas of Nature by
Judges, Law and War by Darcy, Shane
Proportionality and the Rule of Law by
International Sales Law by
Investment Law within International Law by
Law and Legality in the Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey by
Pflegesachverständige und Beratungsberufe in der Pflege: Berufsbild und Methodenlehre by Oberhauser, Anette
La Peine de mort by Simon, Jules
Bundesberggesetz (BBergG), 2. Auflage 2016 by Recht, G.
Versicherungsrecht: Das Recht der Privatversicherungen by M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Gesetz über die Zwangsversteigerung und die Zwangsverwaltung: ZVG mit Einführungsgesetz by M. G. J. V., Verlag, M. G. J. V., Redaktion
Command Decisions: Use of Force: Ethics in the Use of Force, When to Make a Stand or Walk Away Philosophy, Operation, and Function by Hilton Jd, Peter G.
Labour Law in Ireland by Costello, Kevin
Preventive Detention and the Democratic State by Ludsin, Hallie
Análise da percepção de gestores sobre BPO dos serviços financeiros by Nascimento Geuma
Latent Print Processing Guide by Kasper, Stephen P.
It's Raining Clients: Find the Rainmaker Inside You by Wolkowitz, Howard
Equity and Trusts by Atkins, Scott
Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR by Haverty-Stacke, Donna T.
Evaluating E-Participation: Frameworks, Practice, Evidence by
Democracy and Rule of Law in the European Union: Essays in Honour of Jaap W. de Zwaan by
Widerstand Gegen Großprojekte: Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure Und Konfliktverläufe by Gobert, Jonas
Free Market Criminal Justice: How Democracy and Laissez Faire Undermine the Rule of Law by Brown, Darryl K.
Food Law in the United States by Roberts, Michael T.
Ist unsere Demokratie gefährdet? Das Problem der schwindenden Öffentlichkeit als Gefahr nach Hannah Arendt by Bäcker, Thomas
Joint Venture - ein lohnendes Konzept? Analyse und Definition des Kooperationskonzeptes in Abgrenzung zur Strategischen Allianz: Mit konkreten Beispie by Karner, Leonie
Der Drittschutzcharakter der §§ 4, 5 des Niedersächsischen Tariftreue- und Vergabegesetzes (NTVergG) by Otto, Patrick Christian
Verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit des ordnungsbehördlichen Verbots des sogenannten stillen Bettelns by Feistel, Maximilian
Unfit for Democracy: The Roberts Court and the Breakdown of American Politics by Gottlieb, Stephen E.
Evolution of Cyber Technologies and Operations to 2035 by
The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well by Lieberman, Jethro K., Goldstein, Tom
Food Law in the United States by Roberts, Michael T.
Das Wettbewerbsrecht, 1. Auflage 2016 by Recht, G.
A Primer for Medical Risk Management by Persoff, Myron M.
The Right to Privacy in India: Concept and Evolution by Goyal, Gaurav, Kumar, Ravinder
Climate Justice and Disaster Law by Lyster, Rosemary
The Power of the Prosecutor: Gatekeepers of the Criminal Justice System by Ratledge, Edward, Jacoby, Joan
The Right to Privacy in India: Concept and Evolution by Kumar, Ravinder, Goyal, Gaurav
Struggling for Air: Power Plants and the "war on Coal" by Revesz, Richard, Lienke, Jack
Migration in the Mediterranean by
Costitucion Espanola by Española, Nación
Lytton's Handbook on Texas Property Law by Lytton, Lee
Zur Problematik der Bildung sogenannter schwarzer Kassen in Kapitalgesellschaften by Kollenberg-Ahrens, Isabel
Die Besteuerung Von Auslandsmitarbeitern in Der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit by Dreher, Sarah Anna
Die Strafverfahrenswirklichkeit am Khmer Rouge Tribunal im voelkerstrafprozessualen Kontext: Eine Analyse der strafprozessualen Verfahrenspraxis an de by Arens, Madeleine
Das Europaeische Parlament als Parlament by Ott, Jens
Plant Forms and Functions by Bello Bashir
Französische Einflüsse auf die Staats- und Rechtsentwicklung Preußens im XIX. Jahrhundert by Meier, Ernst Von
Equity and Trusts by Atkins, Scott
Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities by
Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty by Schwartzman, Micah Jacob, Flanders, Chad, Robinson, Zoe
Preventive Detention of Terror Suspects: A New Legal Framework by Webber, Diane
The Right Wrong Man: John Demjanjuk and the Last Great Nazi War Crimes Trial by Douglas, Lawrence
Engines of Truth: Producing Veracity in the Victorian Courtroom by Schneider, Wendie Ellen
Islamic Law and Transnational Diplomatic Law: A Quest for Complementarity in Divergent Legal Theories by Ismail, Muhammad-Basheer A.
Regime Transition and the Judicial Politics of Enmity: Democratic Inclusion and Exclusion in South Korean Constitutional Justice by Guichard, Justine
Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System: Opening the Orange Envelope by Nyqvist, Anette
Sharai'a and Muslim Minorities: The Wasaotai and Salafai Approaches to Fiqh Al-Aqalliyyaat Al-Muslima by Shavit, Uriya
Illicitly Obtained Evidence at the International Criminal Court by Viebig, Petra
Bürgerrechte im Genehmigungsverfahren nach Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz by Schüßler, Bernd
The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America by Guinier, Lani
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