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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2025

Rohstoffe Und Staatliches Handeln: Versorgung Mit Und Schutz Von Naturlichen Ressourcen Im Offentlichen Recht by Frau, Robert
Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz mit Einführungsgesetz by
Unternehmensrechtliche Selbstregulierung Und Ihre Erfolgsbedingungen: Eine Rechtsokonomische, -Soziologische Und -Vergleichende Untersuchung Unter Ber by Aleiner, Leonid
Keepers of the Common Good: The People, Opinion, and the Social Foundations of Constitutional Authority by Galligan, D. J.
Recht Der Digitalisierung I: Herausforderungen Der Digitalen Governance in Wendezeitendokumentation Des 1. Osterreichischen Digitalrechtstags by
Die Strafe Des Exils in Der Spatantike: Kirchen- Und Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Zur Verbannung in Der Ersten Halfte Des Vierten Jahrhunderts by Schwarz, Florian
Kontrollierte Unabhangigkeit: Grundsatze Und Grenzen Europaischer Geldpolitik by Dietz, Sara Elisa
Rechtsquellenkonflikte Im Internationalen Privatrecht: Eine Kritische Betrachtung Der Art. 23, 24, 25 ROM I-Vo, Art. 27, 28 ROM II-Vo Und Des Art. 3 E by Pfad, Pepe
Das Gutachten Zum Auslandischen Recht Im Prozess Des 21. Jahrhunderts by
Produktregulierung Mithilfe Technischer Standards: Eine Einordnung in Das Europaische Binnenmarktrecht Und Das Welthandelsrecht by Beider, Daniel
Fiskalresilienz Im Budgetparlamentarismus: Krisenreaktionsphanomene Im Deutschen Und Europaischen Recht Der Offentlichen Finanzen by Hinzen, Kevin
Freiheitskonflikte Im Immaterialguterrecht by
Rebounds Im Klimarecht: Green Growth Und Degrowth in Der Warmewende by Leymann, Matthias
Geld Oder Gerechtigkeit?: Eine Diskursanalyse Zur Rezeption Der Rechtsokonomik by Maurer, Milena
Implikationen Der Konkreten Verhaltnismassigkeitsprufung: Eine Untersuchung Der Rechtsprechung Der Cour de Cassation Und Des Conseil d'Etat Mit Vergle by Neise, Isabelle
Enforcing Private Regulation in the Platform Economy by
Auslandsprioritaten Im Patentrecht: Eine Empirische Analyse by Graef, Zora
Strukturierter Parteivortrag Im Zivilprozess by Andressen, Niklas
Mitteleuropa Und Das Romische Recht: Methodische Herausforderungen an Die Romanistik Im Kontext Der Neuen Politischen Ordnung Nach Dem Ersten Weltkrie by
Die Regulierte Arzneipflanze: Pharmazeutische Biologie Im Arzneimittelrecht by Garditz, Klaus Ferdinand
Steuerbarkeit Von Stipendien Und Preisen: Eine Untersuchung Der Einkommensteuerbarkeit Von Fordermitteln Im Bereich Der Wissenschaft by Schomaker, Jessica
Stalking: Policing, Investigation, and Prevention by Garcia, Michelle M., Roberts, Karl
Through the Water and the Storm: Maritime Averages and Seaborne Trade in Early Modern Genoa, 1590-1700 by Iodice, Antonio
Der Privatrechtliche Beschluss: Funktionsvoraussetzungen, Tatbestand, Fehlerfolgen by Holle, Philipp Maximilian
Maas - Utschiali by
Angel Face: The Making of a Criminal by Probyn, Walter
The Idea of a China Arrest Warrant: Surrender of Fugitive Offenders between Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau by Yanhong Yin
Teams Im Europaischen Verwaltungsverbund: Eine Untersuchung Des Phanomens Heterogen Besetzter Vollzugseinheiten - Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Fortentwick by Kramer, Felix
La Crisis de Los Derechos de Libertad Económica Y Propiedad Privada En El Socialismo del Siglo XXI by Escudero León, Margarita
A Model Civil Procedure Code for England and Wales by Sorabji, John
Odyssey of the Flathead Indian Reservation & Public Law 280: The Evolution of Policing and Public Policy in Western Montana by Simpson, George W. P.
AIR21 Delta's Debacle Legal Lessons Learned and Shared to Save Your Career and Improve Safety by Petitt, Karlene
The Nature and Impacts of Noncompliance by Moita, Edvaldo
Civil Courts and the European Polity: The Constitutional Role of Private Law Adjudication in Europe by
Navigating Choppy Waters: Key Legal Issues College Faculty Need to Know by Kauffman, Kent
Navigating Choppy Waters: Key Legal Issues College Faculty Need to Know by Kauffman, Kent
Lawyering Imperial Encounters by Dezalay, Sara
Constitutional Reforms in China by Zhang, Qianfan
Il soft power nel conflitto israelo-palestinese by Hernández, Mónica
Parliament, the Constitution, and Property in the United Kingdom by Allen, Tom
Banned by Cabrera, Nolan L., Chang, Robert S.
Banned by Cabrera, Nolan L., Chang, Robert S.
The FOIA Advantage: Master Public Records Requests to Expose the Truth by
Patenting Life: Tales from the Front Lines of Intellectual Property and the New Biology by Goldstein, Jorge
Jetlaw Explained: The Federal Aviation Regulations Plus Cases, Legal Interpretations, Cross References, and Author's Insights Parts 1, 6 by Hague, Kali M., Jackson, Kent S.
Borderlines in Private Law by Day, William, Grower, Julius
Politics Meets Markets: Laws and Regulations of China's Financial Markets by Huang, Tao, He, Weiping
Bétons. Lignes directrices méthodologiques pour le cours magistral Bétons by Bagdasaryan, Irina
Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism by Grossi, Simona, May, Christopher N., Ides, Allan
Environmental Law: International and Regional African Perspectives on Law and Management by Onyeabor, Emmanuel
Ocean Plastic Patrollers: Marine Protection Squad by Burrows, Blake
The Marriage-Friendly Prenup: How to Create a Thoughtful and Caring Prenuptial Agreement by Israel, Laurie
Win Win Workbook: Stay On Target To Mitigate Legal Risk For The Common Good by Sposita, Rebecca
Criminalization of Black, Trans Individuals for Sex Work by Cordelia, Zavanna
Policing 'Domestic' Violence: Women, the Law and the State by Edwards, Susan S. M.
Medical Terminology: Mastering Word Building by Brassington, Cindi
Reimagining a More Perfect Union: A Better Constitution for Modern America by Order, Richard S.
The Glannon Guide to Constitutional Law: Learning Constitutional Law Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis by Denning, Brannon P.
Serving in Marin: Stories from the Life of a Process Server by Philpott, Kent A.
Ancient Maritime Loan Contracts by Candy, Peter
Examples & Explanations: Contracts by Blum, Brian A.
Law's Machinery: Reforming the Craft of Lawyering in America's Industrial Age by Funk, Kellen R.
Annual Franchise and Distribution Law Developments 2024 by Gerhards, Eleanor Vaida, Goode, Joseph S.
Gender, Choice and Commitment: Women Solicitors in England and Wales and the Struggle for Equal Status by Sommerlad, Hilary, Sanderson, Peter
A Court Divided: October Term 2023 by Chemerinsky, Erwin
Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems by Bandler, John T.
Wrongfully Convicted (Updated and Expanded Edition): Guilty Pleas, Imagined Crimes, and What Canada Must Do to Safeguard Justice by Roach, Kent
Foul Play: Tackling Football's Integrity Problem by Hough, Dan
Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories by
Toleration: A Very Short Introduction by Murphy, Andrew
City Time: On Being Sentenced to Rikers Island by Campbell, David, Shanahan, Jarrod
Unlocking Employment Law 2e by Turner, Chris
The Action to Set Aside Under Stock Corporation Law in the Context of Structural Measures: Reform Needed? by Sekera-Terplan, Tino
The Cambridge Handbook of Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations by
Reimagining the American Union by Legomsky, Stephen H.
Professional Responsibility, Keyed to Gillers's by Casenote Legal Briefs
Framework Agreements, Supplier Lists, and Other Public Procurement Tools: Purchasing Uncertain or Indefinite Requirements by Filipon, Serban
EU Diplomacy in Multilateral Fora by
The Rule of Law in Germany: Bringing the Rechtsstaat Into the 21st Century by Birkenkötter, Hannah, Burchardt, Dana
The Practice of Human Resource Management in Canada by Barnetson, Bob, Foster, Jason
Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations by Krishnaprasad, Kv
Regulating Primary Markets in the Capital Markets Union: Between Uniformity and Differentiation by Serdaris, Konstantinos
Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review: Between Law and Politics by Grimm, Dieter
Constraining the Court: Judicial Power and Policy Implementation in the Charter Era by Kelly, James B.
Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation: Reframing the Mainstream Narratives by
Reimagining the American Union by Legomsky, Stephen H.
The Social, Economic and Cultural Rights of Children in Africa: Challenges and Reflections from the Perspective of the African Charter on the Rights a by
Fisheries Regulation in the Central Arctic Ocean: Background, Motivations and Aspirations of the 2018 Caof Agreement by J. Haas, Lena
The Rule of Law in Singapore: Legal Communitarianism, Paternal Democracy and the Developmentalist State by Thio, Li-Ann
Teaching Copyright: Practical Lesson Ideas and Instructional Resources by Wolf, Sara E.
Constitution-Building After the Arab Spring by Biagi, Francesco
The Independence of the Prosecutor: Controversy in the Creation of the International Criminal Court by Sarkany, Laszlo
The Authoritarian Commons by Qiao, Shitong
The Concept of Ius and the Nature of Law in Thomas Aquinas by
America's Military Biomedical Complex: Law, Ethics, and the Drive for Scientific Innovation by Parasidis, Efthimios
The Digital Fourth Amendment: Privacy and Policing in Our Online World by Kerr, Orin
Can I Use That In My Genealogy? A Guide to Copyright and Family History Research by Macentee, Thomas
Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois: Or Six Nations and History of the Tuscarora Indians by Johnson, Elias
Envisioning a Better Future for Nonhuman Animals: Towards Future Animal Rights Declarations by Schneeberger, Doris
Digital Governance: Confronting the Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence by
Recueil Des Cours, Collected Courses, Tome 443 by Hague Academy of International Law
What Clients Want from Law Firms by Gubbay, Adrienne, Zabka, Terezka, White, Ian
DON'T LOSE IT 7 Smart Legal Moves to Secure Your Financial Fortress by Moore, Toni
Introduction to the theory of unification of civil law and labour contracts by Vasilenko, Alexandr
Music Copyright Creativity and Culture by Jenkins
DON'T LOSE IT 7 Smart Legal Moves to Secure Your Financial Fortress by Moore, Toni
Layman's Guide to Winning in Court: Practical Tactics to Defend Your Rights by Justis, Bard
New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook 2nd by Brandes, Joel R.
The Lived Experiences of African International Students in the UK: Precarity, Consciousness and the Law by Dirisu, Mohammed, Marson, James, Ferris, Katy
Eigentum Ohne Eigentümer? by
Der Deutsche Föderalismus. Die Diktatur Des Reichspräsidenten by
Konkursordnung, Anfechtungsgesetz, Geschäftsaufsichtsverordnung Und Zwangsversteigerungsgesetz: Mit 28 Nebengesetzen Und Verordnungen. Text Ausgabe Mi by
Angestellter-Versicherungsgesetz Vom 28. Mai 1924: Nebst Den Wichtigsten Ausführungsvorschriften Und Einem Sachregister by Schliack, Ernst
Reciprocity in International Law by
Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study by Sowell, Thomas
Industrial Policy, National Security, and the Perilous Plight of the Wto by Mavroidis, Petros C.
Criminal Justice in Divided America: Police, Punishment, and the Future of Our Democracy by Sklansky, David A.
Catholics and the Law in Restoration Ireland by Smith, Paul
Lawless: The Miseducation of America's Elites by Shapiro, Ilya
Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating Rights and Talent Agreements for Film, Tv, and Digital Media (Fourth Edition) by Appleton, Dina, Yankelevits, Daniel
Usual Cruelty: The Complicity of Lawyers in the Criminal Injustice System by Karakatsanis, Alec
Lawless: The Miseducation of America's Elites by Shapiro, Ilya
Civil Procedure: Rules Statutes and Other Materials 2025 Supplement by Perlman, Andrew M., Raven-Hansen, Peter, Glannon, Joseph W.
Übungen Im Allgemeinen Teil Des Bgb: Die Rechtsgeschäftslehre in Der Fallbearbeitung by Rühlicke, Lars
Das Beschlussmängelrecht Der Kapitalgesellschaften by
Bridging Revolutions: The Lives of Chief Justices Richmond Pearson and John Belton O'Neall by Ranney, Joseph a.
The Investor's Blueprint: Asset Protection Made Simple by Hampton, Jeff
L'apparenza del diritto by Corrado, Maria Teresa
40 Years of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Assessment and Prospects by
James Madison's Constitution: A Double Security and a Parchment Barrier by Kasper, Eric T.
Law of Privacy and the Media by Moreham, N. A.
Borders and Belonging: Toward a Fair, Realistic, and Sustainable Immigration Policy by Motomura, Hiroshi
Bone Orchard: Further Reflections on Life Under Sentence of Death by Wilkerson, George T., Johnson, Robert
James Madison's Constitution: A Double Security and a Parchment Barrier by Kasper, Eric T.
Constitutional History of Virginia by Tarter, Brent
California Guide to Criminal Evidence 2024-25 (8th edition): Text, Cases, and Commentary on the Law of Evidence in California and Federal Courts for A by Pirozzi, Judge Elia V.
Real Estate Investing for Dummies by Tyson, Eric, Griswold, Robert S.
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Volume 23 (2023) by
Hoheitsrechte - Grundverträge: das BRD-Scheinrecht und deren Änderungen by See, Peter Vom
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 27 (2023) by
From the Law of Nations to the Emergence of International Law by Coujou, Jean-Paul
Judges, Judging, and Judgment by Oldfather, Chad M.
The Rule of Law under Pressure by
Tratado de direito disciplinar para os agentes da polícia congolesa na RDC PARTE I by Kasaka Ngemi, Giresse Emery
Raising Capital with Confidence by Mangum, Darin H.
Economic Systems and Human Rights: Using Socioeconomic Models and Practices to Promote Global Economic Socialization by
Judges, Judging, and Judgment by Oldfather, Chad M.
Raising Capital with Confidence by Mangum, Darin H.
Federalism and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The Implementation of the Crpd in Federal Systems and Its Implications by
The Rule of Law under Pressure by
Fifty Years of Bangladesh Parliament: A Critical Evaluation by Ali Chowdhury, M. Jashim
Anthropocide: An Essay in Green Cultural Criminology by McGregor, Rafe
Third Parties in Criminal Proceedings: A Comparative Law Study by
The False Proof Plant at the Town Hall, 5th edition by Thomas
Substance Use Disorders Participant Workbook: A Court-Approved Guide to Understanding, Managing, and Overcoming Substance Use Challenges by A. Fuller, Arleen
Navigating the Trademark Landscape by Evans, Andrea
The Battle for the Future of Antitrust: Brandeis, Bork, and Schumpeter by Portuese, Aurelien
Mietminderungstabelle A-Z (2025): Ein Überblick über diverse Rechtsprechungen rund um das Thema Mietminderung - von A wie Abrissarbeiten bis Z wie Zug by Richter, Marco
Compilation of Selected Aerospace Laws Vol. 2 by
Compilation of Selected Aerospace Laws Vol. 3 by
Foundations of Indian Contract Law by Venkatesan, Niranjan, Swaminathan, Shivprasad, Krishnaprasad, Kv
Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement by Walker, Jeffery T., del Carmen, Rolando V.
National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements by
Fidic 2017: A Definitive Guide to Claims and Disputes by Brown, Nicholas Alexander
Bassett's Environmental Health Procedures by Bassett, W. H., Deveaux, Tim
Compilation of Selected Aerospace Laws Vol. 1: Title 49 United States Code by
Criminal Investigation by Brandl, Steven G.
Human Rights Law in Egypt and Malaysia: Freedom of Religion and Expression, Volume 1 by Mohiuddin, Asif
Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement by del Carmen, Rolando V., Walker, Jeffery T.
Women Accused of Sexual Harassment by Margolin, Leslie
Marine Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons: An Environmental and Legal Perspective by Radovich, Violeta S.
Delegate Now to Supercharge Your Profits: How Law Firm Owners Can Massively Boost Their Profits While Reducing Their Workload by Warburton, Dan
Contemporary Family Law: Principles and Practice by Bray, Judith, Edwards, Susan S. M.
The Islamic World and the Mediterranean: From Colonial Legacy to Political and Cultural Interdependence by
Contemporary Family Law: Principles and Practice by Edwards, Susan S. M., Bray, Judith
Children's Rights and Children's Development: An Integrated Approach by
A Murder on Campus: The Professor, The Cop, And North Carolina's Most Notorious Cold Case by Santana, Cameron, Santana, Brian
How to Succeed as a Trial Lawyer, Third Edition by Edelstein, Stewart
The Wealth of Women: Understanding Islamic Financial Laws by Razik, Rabab
A Murder on Campus: The Professor, The Cop, And North Carolina's Most Notorious Cold Case by Santana, Brian, Santana, Cameron
Criminalising Hate Speech: A Comparative Study by
Race, Culture and Mental Illness in the International Criminal Court's Ongwen Judgment: Biases and Blindspots by Lyons, Beth S.
The Private Is Political: Identity and Democracy in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Brescia, Ray
Acting Out: How a Prison Theatre Workshop Broke Free by Hoehler, Richard
Das Helfernetzwerk: Ein Handbuch zu Unterstützungsleistungen für Betroffene von Traumafolgestörungen by Winter, Quendolin
Dispute Resolution Within Africa: A Journey Forward by
Start by Morgan, Graham
Blackbird Singing by Morgan, Graham
Color Atlas of Forensic Medicine and Pathology by
Grasping Legal Time by Stronks, Martijn
Do Not Love Your Neighbour as Yourself?: The Role of Neighbourly Love in Law, Theology of Law, and Church Polity by Van Den Broeke, Leon
Law, Language, and Warfare by
Medical Response Strategy in Case of Radiation Emergency Caused by the War in Ukraine by
Insurability of Emerging Risks: Law, Theory and Practice by
Codification of Administrative Law: A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law by
Economic Cooperation in the Shadow of Contested Sovereignty by Wu, Chien-Huei, Lin, Ching-Fu
The Constitution of South Korea: A Contextual Analysis by Hahm, Chaihark
Repairing British Politics: A Blueprint for Constitutional Change by Gordon Kc, Richard
The Legal Status of the Financial Action Task Force in the International Legal System by Ferreira, Ilda Cristina
Harm and Responsibility: The Economic Factors Controlling the Extent of Civil and Criminal Liability by Miceli, Thomas J.
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