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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2026

Crime Prevention by Pease, Ken
Crime Prevention by Pease, Ken
The Nature of Law: A Philosophical Inquiry by Sciaraffa, Stefan
The Nature of Law: A Philosophical Inquiry by Sciaraffa, Stefan
Unabhängigkeit Der Richter, Gleichheit VOR Dem Gesetz Und Gewährleistung Des Privateigentums Nach Der Weimarer Verfassung: Ein Rechtsgutachten Zu D. G by Schmitt, Carl
Police-Building and the Responsibility to Protect: Civil Society, Gender and Human Rights Culture in Oceania by Georgeou, Nichole, Hawksley, Charles
Co-Existence and Denial: Indigenous Peoples in Liberal Social Democracies by A. Stephenson, Margaret, Hocking, Barbara
The Probabilistic Quality of Judicial Proof by Hamer, David
Human Dominion: Intellectual Property in Body, Persona and Art by George, Alexandra
Protecting Bank Depositors and the Banking System:: The Legal Perspective by Campbell, Andy
International Business Law by H. Bovis, Christopher
The Modern Law of Forfeiture by Larkin, Philip
Environmental Product Policy: A Legal Perspective by Malcolm, Rosalind
Legal Responsibility, Criminal Culpability and Group Membership by Amatrudo, Anthony
Internet Governance: A Human Rights Perspective by Easton, Catherine
Beyond the Negligence Paradigm: Developing a Regulatory Ergonomic Approach to Error and Injury by Priaulx, Nicolette
The Caribbean Court of Justice: Regional Integration Court in a Global Context by Remy, Jan Yves
Parliamentary Practices and the Nature of Constitutional Power: Assembling the Leviathan by
Limitation of Liability in International Maritime Conventions: The Relationship Between Global Limitation Conventions and Particular Liability Regimes by Martínez Gutiérrez, Norman
Spaces of Indigenous Justice: Applying Theory to Practical Problems by Hendry, Jennifer, Tatum, Melissa L.
The International Law on Financial Crime by Turksen, Umut, Ryder, Nicholas
The International Law on Financial Crime by Ryder, Nicholas, Turksen, Umut
Modern Intellectual Property Law by Griffiths, Andrew, Mac Síthigh, Daithí, Galloway, Jonathan
Routledge Handbook of Disability Law by
The Subject of Injustice: Political Action, Law and Empowerment by Assy, Bethania
The Contractual Allocation of Liabilities in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry by Gordon, Greg
Innate Cosmopolitanism: The Immanent Collective in International Law by Gordon, Geoff
Sports Law by Gardiner, Simon, Welch, Roger, O'Leary, John
Sports Law by O'Leary, John, Gardiner, Simon, Welch, Roger
Commonwealth Caribbean Administrative Law by Ventose, Eddy
Beyond Law and Revolution: Sociality, Political Theology and the Modern Constitutional Imagination by Diamantides, Marinos
Why Architects Get Sued: A Guidebook for the UK Architect by Williamson, Kenneth
Why Architects Get Sued: A Guidebook for the UK Architect by Williamson, Kenneth
Commonwealth Caribbean Administrative Law by Ventose, Eddy
Design and Construction as Process: The Evolution of Construction Contract Administration by Roslyn, Burton
Design and Construction as Process: The Evolution of Construction Contract Administration by Roslyn, Burton
Regulating Sex After AIDS: Queer Risks and Contagion Politics by Cobb, Neil
Modern Intellectual Property Law by Galloway, Jonathan, Griffiths, Andrew, Mac Síthigh, Daithí
Legal and Ethical Issues in the Management of the Dementing Elderly by Gilhooly, Mary
Dare to Call It Treason: Coups d'Etat and Law by Sampford, Charles
Company Law in Modern Europe by Rogowski, Ralf
Sexuality and the Politics of Rights in Southern Africa: The Legacy of Venus Monstrosa by Phillips, Oliver
Disaster Victim Identificaion: Australasian and South East Asian Cases and Practice by
Trust Law in the PRC and the Development of Chinese Trust Business by Zhou, Xiaoming, Guoqing Liu, Michael
Behavioural Genetics, Moral Agency and Retributive Sentencing: The Case for Mitigation by McCay, Allan
The Human Right to Development and Freedom from Poverty: International and Domestic Perspectives by Basnet, Gyan
From Contract to Status: The Story of Contract Law and Inequality by Kie Hart, Danielle
Conceptualizing Accountability in International Financial Law by Seatzu, Francesco, Vargiu, Paolo
Towards a Schmittian Theory of Regionalism Within International Law and Relations: Testing Grossraum Analysis with Two Case Studies of Regional Instit by Salter, Michael, Yin, Yinan
After the Judicial Revolution: How Regime Politics Constituted and Constrained the Gleeson Court by Pierce, Jason, Gill, Rebecca
Forensic Epidemiological Evaluation of Firearm-Related Deaths and Injuries by Koehler, Steven A.
Extreme Events: Legal and Policy Challenges in Managing Crises by Hufnagel, Saskia, Legrand, Timothy
The Reliable Detection Dog: A Manual to Naturally Train, Validate, and Improve Accuracy by Papet, L. E.
Forensic Aspects of Handguns and Pistols by Walker, Robert E.
Advanced Topics in Forensic Biology by Glynn, Claire
Criminal Procedure and Evidence for the Forensic Scientist and Investigator by Hanes, Elizabeth W., Maguire, Mary E., Mullen, Dale
International Trade Law by Subedi Obe Qc (Hon), Surya, Bovis, Christopher
The Extraterritorial Actions of States: Jurisdiction in International and Trans-National Criminal Law by Lavers, Troy
The Flame of Knowledge: A Critical Realist Approach to Information Policy and Intellectual Property by Opderbeck, David
The Child and the European Convention on Human Rights: Second Edition by Kilkelly, Ursula
The Subversive Sex: Women in Law and Theatre by Threedy, Debora
Lawyers, Learning and the Challenge of Corruption by Hughes, Sally, Duncan, Nigel
Instead by Robson, Ruthann
Instead by Robson, Ruthann
First Response to Bombing Incidents and Weapons of Mass Destruction by Crippin, James B.
The 'New' International Law by Joyce, Richard
African Court of Justice and Human Rights and the International Criminal Court: Concurrent Jurisdiction by Murithi, Tim
Re-Imagining Juvenile Justice by Goldson, Barry
Re-Imagining Juvenile Justice by Goldson, Barry
Values and Institutions in Health Research Regulation: The Case of Regenerative Medicine by Harmon, Shawn
Large Event Security Planning and Emergency Management by
Brexit and Intellectual Property Law by Denoncourt, Janice
Comparative Media Law and Ethics by Crook, Tim
Comparative Media Law and Ethics by Crook, Tim
Laytime and Demurrage: A Comparative Perspective by Solvang, Trond
Defences in International Investment Law by Botchway, Francis
International Arbitration Rules: A Comparative Guide by Tevendale, Craig
Philosophy, Politics and Economics by Hayek, Friedrich
Indigenous Self-Determination and Accountability: Challenges for Liberal Democracy by Stokes, Geoffrey
Creating a European Intellectual Property Security Vehicle by Townend, David
The AIDS Audit: HIV and Human Rights by Watchirs, Helen
The Fugitive Utopia: A Political Economy of Community Safety by Hope, Tim
Privacy in Medical Research: Recommendations for Interpretation and Action by Townend, D.
Freedom of Expression by
Electronic Commerce: Law and Policy by Poyton, David
Law, Place and Maps: Balancing Protection and Exclusion by Layard, Antonia
Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Exploitation in the Postcolony: Blood Minerals by Harris, Mark
Lex Amicitia: An Anthropology of the Law of Amity by Goodrich, Peter
Extraterritoriality and International Human Rights Law: The Spatial Reach of African Human Rights Treaties by Bulto, Takele Soboka
Tort Law and the Protection of Privacy by Hartshorne, John
Reconciling Cultural Diversity and International Human Rights Obligations: The Compatibility Approach in the Practice of International Human Rights In by Addo, Michael K.
Third Parties' Rights and Liabilities Under Bills of Lading by
A Guide to Posner's Economic Analysis of Law by
The Law and Practice of the European Social Committee by Ubeda de Torres, Amaya, Seatzu, Francesco
Doing Youth Justice: A Case Study in Governance by Phoenix, Jo
Investment Without Return: Governmental Concessions for Financially Distressed Firms by Rotem, Yaad
Putting Learning at the Centre of Legal Education by Rochette, Annie
Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory Workbook by Stamper, Trevor, Jones, Patrick
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Fundamentals: Principles and Scientific Practice by Latham, Cory, Latham, Holly
Evidence Room Management: A Guide for Storage of Physical Property in Law Enforcement by Meyer, Ronald G.
Restoration of Serial Numbers and Other Unique Identifiers by Geil, Kathy M.
Forensic Science Evidence: Best Practices for Law by Dhami, Mandeep K., Walsh, Simon, Goodman-Delahunty, Jane
Mass Fatality and Casualty Incidents: A Field Guide by Jensen, Robert A.
The Forensic Image: Scientific Visualization and DNA by Kruger, Erin
Crime Scenes: Forensics and Aesthetics by Scott Bray, Rebecca
The Politics of Adjudication by McHarg, Aileen
International Perspectives on Child Victimisation by Hamerton, Christopher, Davidson, Julia
Law as a Human Science by Minkkinen, Panu
Dictionary of European Comparative Law and Legal Culture by Samuel, Geoffrey
Administrative Appeals in EU Law by Gattinara, Giacomo, Di Mario, Alessandro
Public Procurement in China: A Long March Towards Integration Into the Global Trading System by Wang, Ping
Research Ethics Committees, Data Protection and Medical Research in Europe - Key Issues by Townend, David
European Integrated Border Management and Solidarity: The Limits of Protection Responsibility by Küçük, Esin
European Citizenship: Ius Tractum of Many Faces by Kochenov, Dimitry
Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation: Law and Technology by
Basiswissen Lebensmittelrecht: Für Studierende Und Fachkräfte Der Lebensmittel- Und Ernährungswissenschaften by Brzezinski-Hofmann, Katja, Ronchetti, Federica, Purnhagen, Kai
Einführung in Das Klimaschutzrecht: Klimaschutz Durch Wohlgeordnetes Recht? by Härtel, Ines
Democracy's Tragic Flaws by Errol Mendes, Errol Mendes
Democracy's Tragic Flaws by Errol Mendes, Errol Mendes
Leichen- Und Begräbnispolizei in Bayern: Nebst Dienstanweisung Für Die Leichenschauer. Mit Formularen Und Bezugsgesetzlichen Bestimmungen by
Wie Hat Der Schiedsmann Sein Amt Zu Führen?: Eine Gemeinverständliche Anleitung by Christiani, E.
Gesetz Über Die Aufwertung Von Hypotheken Und Anderen Ansprüchen: Vom 16. Juli 1925 Nebst Allen Bisher Erschienenen Durchführungsbestimmungen by
Erbschaftsteuergesetz: Fassung Vom 22. August 1925 Mit Anmerkungen by Schachian, Herbert
92. Verwaltungsstreitverfahren by Ziegler, Georg
Allgemeiner Teil by Riezler, Erwin, Löwenfeld, Theodor
Reichsgesetz Über Den Verkehr Mit Kraftfahrzeugen Vom 3. Mai 1909: Ergänzung by Seuffert, Philipp
Performing Postmortem Radiography: A Concise Guide by Gerrard, Chandra Y., Elifritz, Jamie, Haber, Kethery
The Odds of Justice by Gray, Mary
Legal Issues in Medicine: An International Approach by Aggrawal, Anil
Liability Insurance by Kerr, Simon, MacDonald Eggers, Peter
Hinschg: Gesetz Zum Schutz Hinweisgebender Personen (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz) by Schmolke, Klaus Ulrich, Chatziathanasiou, Konstantin, Rudkowski, Lena
Seehandelsrecht by Ramming, Klaus
Spruchverfahren Nach Squeeze-Out by Weimann, Martin
§§ 1067-1120 by
Deutsches Verfassungsrecht 1806 - 1918: Eine Dokumentensammlung Nebst Einführungen, 7. Band: Hessen-Homburg, Hohenzollern-Hechingen Und -Sigmaringen, by Kotulla, Michael
Handbuch Krankenhausrecht by Bäune, Stefan, Flasbarth, Roland, Stollmann, Frank
Patipolitics by Millar, Isabel
Patipolitics by Millar, Isabel
Of the Law of Nature and Nations by Pufendorf, Samuel
Of the Law of Nature and Nations by Pufendorf, Samuel
Law School for Dummies by Simmons, Tracy
The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration: Arbitrators' Duties and the Emerging Arbitral Market by Moreira, João Ilhão
Sociological Perspectives on Law: Volume I: Classical Foundations by
Sociological Perspectives on Law: Volume II: Contemporary Debates by
Law and Science: Epistemological, Evidentiary, and Relational Engagements by
Law and Science: Regulation of Property, Practices and Products by
Attorneys in the Baseball Hall of Fame by
Dress Codes: Fashioning Intellectual Property by Gibson, Johanna
International Natural Resources Law by Pereira, Ricardo, Makuch, Karen, Quintavalla, Alberto
Water Poverty and Justice in the Global South: Law, Human Rights and Community Action for Water Security by Cooper, Nathan John
Restorative Justice in Asia Pacific: Development, Implementation and Implications by
Crisis of the Two Constitutions: The Rise, Decline, and Recovery of American Greatness by Kesler, Charles R.
Quasi-Judicial Bodies in International Law by Fromageau, Edouard
Regency, Counsellors of State, and the Future of the Modern Monarchy by Prescott, Craig
343-372 by Koller, Ingo
Un-Kaufrecht by
Deutsches Verfassungsrecht 1806 - 1918: Eine Dokumentensammlung Nebst Einführungen, 6. Band: Hamburg, Hannover Und Hessen-Darmstadt by Kotulla, Michael
§§ 296-358 by
Insurance Claims by Padfield Kc, Alison
Dispute Resolution and Conflict of Laws by
Case Studies in Skeletal Trauma Resulting from Human Rights Abuses and Armed Conflict by
Skeletal Trauma: Identification of Injuries Resulting from Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict, Second Edition by Kimmerle, Erin H., Baraybar, Jose Pablo
Essays on the History of Equity by
Murder, Medicine and Motherhood: The Wrongful Convictions of Kathleen Folbigg by Cunliffe, Emma
The Diagonality Problem of the EU Rule of Law: A Comparative Perspective by Nagy, Csongor István
Nordic Cooperation and the European Union: 50 Years of Legal Integration by
The Rule of Law in Russia: Power of Rulers, Power of Rules: Russia's Legal Dualism in Action by Schwartz, Olga, Trochev, Alexei
The Rule of Law in China by Pils, Eva
The European Court of Justice and Its Critics by
The Search for a European People: Between Immunity and Recognition by Martire, Jacopo
Energiepreise: Von Der Kalkulation Bis Zur Abrechnung Von Preisen Für Strom, Gas, Fernwärme, Wasser Und Co₂ by
The Concept of Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court: Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Sentencing by Mariniello, Triestino
Deutsches Verfassungsrecht 1806 - 1918: Eine Dokumentensammlung Nebst Einführungen, 10. Band: Preußen by Kotulla, Michael
Lobbying, Democracy and Public Trust: An Institutional Diversion Framework by Solaiman, Barry
Male Violence Against Women: Law, Ethics, and Policy by Herring, Jonathan
Fraud: A Practitioner's Handbook by Dashani, Sonal, Qc, Adrian Eissa, Rudolf, Nathaniel
Local Government Contracts and Procurement by Rees, Rebecca, Gill, Amardeep
Pink Crime: Fighting Against the Criminalization of Motherhood, Pregnancy, and Queer Identity by Beety, Valena
Praxishandbuch Datenschutz Im Arbeitsverhältnis by Rasmussen-Bonne, Hans-Eric, Raif, Alexander, Fellner, Nicole
Logistikrecht by Wieske, Thomas
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht: Allgemeiner Teil by Schmidt, Reiner
Methodenlehre Der Rechtswissenschaft by Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm, Larenz, Karl
Asylum Law and Practice by Symes, Mark, Jorro, Peter
The UK Regulation of International Trade by Hitchens, Joshua
The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching Legal Anthropology: Testimonies from Around Europe by
International Natural Resources Law by Pereira, Ricardo, Quintavalla, Alberto, Makuch, Karen
Festgabe Für Rudolf Stammler Zum 70. Geburstage Am 19 Febr. 1926 by
Feminist Revolt and the Constitution: Abortion Activism on the Island of Ireland by Rooney, Jane
Presumption of Innocence Under China's National Conditions by Kaiser, Alexandra
Law and Islamic Dress: Rights and Fascism in Europe by Brayson, Kimberley
Affirmative Action Jurisprudence in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Transformative Tensions by Ramalekana, Nomfundo
Constitutional Interpretation Revised Edition by Bobbit
Negotiating Social Justice: The Drafting of Bills of Rights by Smith, Anne
Gesellschaftsrecht by Teichmann, Christoph
The Promotion of National Minorities by Their 'Mother Countries' in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th and 21st Century by
The Principle of Good Neighbourliness in International Law and EU Law by Basheska, Elena
The European Arrest Warrant at Twenty: Coming of Age? by
Violent Crime in America: Examining the Facts by Sealock, Miriam D.
Deliberative Sentencing: Democracy, Justification, and the Politics of Responding to Crimes by Kennedy, Jeffrey
Parliamentary Sovereignty: A Sceptical Restatement by Tucker, Adam
See More