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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1970

Kongruenzklassengeometrien by Wille, Rudolf
Séminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse). Année 1969: Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris by
Value Distribution of Holomorphic Maps Into Compact Complex Manifolds by Stoll, W.
Espaces de Poisson Des Groupes Localement Compacts by Azencott, Robert
Dualität Lokalkompakter Gruppen by Heyer, Herbert
H-Spaces from a Homotopy Point of View by Stasheff, James
Several Complex Variables. Maryland 1970. Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference, Held at College Park, April 6-17, 1970: Part 1 by
Contributions to Ergodic Theory and Probability: Proceedings of the First Midwestern Conference on Ergodic Theory Held at the Ohio State University, M by
Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-Adic Groups by Harish-Chandra, B.
Equations Differentielles a Points Singuliers Reguliers by Deligne, Pierre
Pgl2 Over the P-Adics. Its Representations, Spherical Functions, and Fourier Analysis by Silberger, Allan J.
Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications III by Feldman, J., Dudley, R. M.
Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory by Bühlmann, Hans
Hilbert by Reid, Constance, Weyl, Hermann
Séries de Fourier Absolument Convergentes by Kahane, Jean-Pierre
Lectures on Gleason Parts by Bear, Herbert S.
Some Aspects of Queueing and Storage Systems by Ghosal, A.
Lernprozesse in Stochastischen Automaten by Feichtinger, Gustav
Computational Methods in Optimal Control Problems by Mufti, I. H.
Die Nichtzentrale T-Verteilung: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Mit Beispielen by Kühlmeyer, Martin
Foundations of Non-Stationary Dynamic Programming with Discrete Time Parameter by Hinderer, K.
Deutung Des Begriffs "Physikalische Theorie" Und Axiomatische Grundlegung Der Hilbertraumstruktur Der Quantenmechanik Durch Hauptsätze Des Messens by Ludwig, G.
Ergodentheorie by Hopf, Eberhard
Kategorien II by Schubert, H.
Garbentheorie by Kultze, R.
Aufgaben Und Lehrsätze Aus Der Analysis: Erster Band Reihen - Integralrechnung - Funktionentheorie by Polya, Georg, Szegö, Gabor
Term Logic with Choice Operator by Hermes, Hans
Colloquium on Methods of Optimization: Held in Novosibirsk/Ussr, June 1968 by
Nombres de Pisot, Nombres de Salem Et Analyse Harmonique: Cours Peccot Donne Au College de France En Avril-Mai 1969 by Meyer, Yves
Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Congress Oslo 1968 by
Faisceaux Amples Sur Les Schemas En Groupes Et Les Espaces Homogenes by Raynaud, Michel
Flächen Und Ebene Diskontinuierliche Gruppen by Coldewey, Hans-Dieter, Zieschang, Heiner, Vogt, Elmar
Left Principal Ideal Rings by Jategaonkar, A. V.
Séminaire de Probabilités IV: Université de Strasbourg. 1970 by
Theories Des Hyperfonctions by Schapira, Pierre
Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras and Its Applications by Takesaki, M.
The Duality of Compact Semigroups and C*-Bigebras by Hofmann, Karl H.
Seminar on Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups: Held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton/Nj, 1968/69 by Curtis, Charles W., Borel, Armand, Carter, R. W.
Lectures on the Eilenberg-Moore Spectral Sequence by Smith, Larry
Seminaire Heidelberg-Saarbrücken-Strasbourg Sur La K-Theorie by Gordon, R., Löffler, P., Karoubi, M.
Seminaire Sur Les Fonctions Aleatoires Lineaires Et Les Mesures Cylindriques by Badrikian, A.
Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications II by Gross, L., Glimm, J.
Lattices Over Orders II by Roggenkamp, Klaus W.
Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: Part 2: Seminar Lectures at the University of Maryland 1969 by
Theorie Der Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Veränderlichen by Behnke, Heinrich
Konvergenz Von Differenzenverfahren Für Lineare Und Nichtlineare Anfangswertaufgaben by Hass, Reiner, Ansorge, Rainer
Stable Homotopy by Cohen, Joel M.
Multidimensional Inverse Problems for Differential Equations by Lavrentiev, M. M., Romanov, V. G., Vasiliev, V. G.
Transmission of Information by Orthogonal Functions by Harmuth, Henning F.
Set-Valued Mappings, Selections and Topological Properties of 2x: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the State University of New York at Buffalo, M by
Kobordismentheorie by Bröcker, Theodor, Dieck, Tammo Tom
Suchtheorie by Schüler, Wolfgang
Mathematik Für Techniker by Simon, Hans
FORTRAN Programmierte Einführung by Stempell, Dieter
Besselpotentiale Gerader Ordnung Und Äquivalente Lipschitzräume. Operatorenkalkül Von Approximationsverfahren Fastperiodischer Funktionen by Trebels, Walter
Selecta Mathematica II by Mahn, F. K., Hermes, Hans, Ebbinghaus, H. D.
Galoissche Theorie Der P-Erweiterungen by Koch, Helmut
Theoretical Approaches to Non-Numerical Problem Solving: Proceedings of the IV Systems Symposium at Case Western Reserve University by
Homotopietheorie by Puppe, D., Kamps, K. H., Dieck, T. Tom
Functional Analysis and Related Fields: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Professor Marshall Stone, Held at the University of Chicago, May 1968 by
Sous-Ensembles Analytiques d'Une Variete Banachique Complexe by Ramis, Jean-Pierre
Computer: Werkzeug Der Medizin: Kolloquium Datenverarbeitung Und Medizin 7.-9. Oktober 1968 Schloß Reinharthausen in Erbach Im Rheingau by
Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type by Miranda, Carlo
Norm Ideals of Completely Continuous Operators by Schatten, Robert
Darstellungs- Und Konvergenzsätze Für Quadraturverfahren Auf C Und CM by Filippi, Siegfried, Esser, Henning
Differenzierbare Räume by Schafmeister, Otto
Digitale Und Analoge Lösungsmethoden Der Wärmeleitungsgleichung by Köhne, Heinrich
Kompendium Der Mathematik by Dieter, Ilse, Kubicek, Siegmar, Bittner, Rudolf
Differential- Und Integralrechnung I: Funktionen Einer Reellen Veränderlichen by Lieb, Ingo, Grauert, Hans
Computer: Werkzeug Der Medizin: Kolloquium Datenverarbeitung Und Medizin 7.-9. Oktober 1968 Schloß Reinhartshausen in Erbach Im Rheingau by Hollberg, N., Proppe, A., Ehlers, C. Th
Abstract Harmonic Analysis: Volume II: Structure and Analysis for Compact Groups Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups by Ross, Kenneth A., Hewitt, Edwin
Quadratische Formen Über Körpern by Lorenz, Falko
Varietes Kähleriennes Compactes by Berger, Marcel, Lascoux, Alain
Biochemistry by Wüthrich, K., Bearden, A. J., Dunham, W. R.
Untersuchungen Über Die Fourier-Tschebyscheff-Approximation Von Stammfunktionen by Filippi, Siegfried
Grundlagen Der Betriebswirtschaftslehre by Gutenberg, Erich
Büchi's Monadic Second Order Successor Arithmetic by Siefkes, Dirk
Kategorien I by Schubert, H.
Topology and Measure by Topsoe, Flemming
Theorie Geometrique Des Polynomes Euleriens by Foata, Dominique, Schützenberger, Marcel-P
Räume Stetiger Funktionen Und Approximation Auf Kompakten Mannigfaltigkeiten: Einige N-Parametrige Approximationsverfahren Und Charakterisierungen Ihr by Johnen, Hans
Optimale Fahrpläne by Uebe, Götz
Sensitivitätsanalyse Bei Diskreten Linearen Optimierungsproblemen by Noltemeier, H.
Homomorphismen Und Reduktionen Linearer Sprachen by Bartholomes, F., Hotz, G.
On a General Economic Theory of Motion by Magill, M. J. P.
Grothendieck- Und Wittringe Von Nichtausgearteten Symmetrischen Bilinearformen by Knebusch, Manfred
Seminaire Sur Les Algebres Completes by Ferrier, J. P.
Praktische Mathematik I: Methoden der linearen Algebra by Werner, Helmut
K-Theory of Finite Groups and Orders by Swan, Richard G.
Strategic Interaction by Goffman, Erving
Symposium on Optimization: Held in Nice, June 29th-July 5th, 1969 by
Cents, Frequenz, Periode: Umrechnungstabellen Für Musikalische Akustik Und Musikethnologie by Reinecke, Hans-Peter
School Mathematics of East Africa Book 3 by School Mathematics Project
Das Reziprozitätstheorem Für Eine Klasse Pseudoholomorpher Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Variabler by Tutschke, Wolfgang
Über Eine Definition Von S. Lefschetz in Der Topologischen Schnittheorie by Keller, Ott-Heinrich
Zahlentheorie by Hasse, Helmut
An Introduction to Vector Analysis: For Physicists and Engineers by Hague, B.
Fundamentalgruppen Algebraischer Mannigfaltigkeiten by Popp, Herbert
Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory by Stein, Elias M.
Programmierung von Datenverarbeitungsanlagen by Schneider, H. J., Jurksch, D.
Cahiers mathématiques, III, Morceaux choisis d'algèbre et de combinatoire pour les sciences humaines by
Grundlagen der allgemeinen Theorie der analytischen Funktionen by Knopp, Konrad
Einführung in die Mathematik by Hornfeck, Bernhard, Lucht, Lutz
Mein Erstes Schachbuch: Ein Ratgeber Für Anfänger by Richter, Kurt
The Divine Proportion by Huntley, H. E.
Philosophie Der Arithmetik: Mit Ergänzenden Texten (1890-1901) by Husserl, Edmund, Eley, L.
Analytic Inequalities by Vasic, P. M., Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S.
School Mathematics of East Africa Book 2 by School Mathematics Project
The Usefullness of Mathematical Learning: Explained and Demonstrated by Barrow, Issac
Jahres-Inhaltsverzeichnis 1970 by
Lineare Optimierung II by Judin, D. B., Golstein, E. G.
Operationsforschung Und Mathematische Statistik II by
Elliptische Differentialgleichungen, Band 1: Kolloquium Vom 17. August - 24. August 1969 in Berlin by
A New Class of Singular Integral Equations and Its Application to Differential Equations with Singular Coefficients by Mikhailov, L. G.
Gruppentheorie I by Kurosch, A. G.
Kompositionstafeln Quaternärer Quadratischer Formen by Intrau, Oskar
Quadrature Formulae by Ossicini, A., Ghizzetti, A.