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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1974

Dgor Papers of the Annual Meeting 1973 / Vorträge Der Jahrestagung 1973 by
Stability of Unfoldings by Wassermann, Gordon
Entwicklung Einer Meßtechnik Zum Integralen Messen Der Energiedichte in Stehenden Ultraschall-Wellenfeldern by Pohlmann, Reimar
Einführung in Die Klassische Und Moderne Zahlentheorie: Skriptum Für Studenten Der Mathematik AB 1. Semester by Schubart, Hans
Einfachste Konvergenzkriterien Für Unendliche Reihen: Programm Für Mathematiker, Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker Und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler AB 1. by
Einführung in Die Informationstheorie: Studienbuch Für Mathematiker, Informatiker, Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure AB 3. Semester by Henze, Ernst
Algorithmen Und Rekursive Funktionen by Malʹcev, Anatolij I.
Lehrbuch EDV: Elektronische Datenverarbeitung Einführung in Die Grundbegriffe by Engelbrecht, Roswitha
Numerische Behandlung Nichtlinearer Integrodifferential- Und Differentialgleichungen: Vorträge Einer Tagung Im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberw by
Classification of Algebraic Varieties and Compact Complex Manifolds by
Anwendungsorientierte Mathematik: Vorlesungen Und Übungen Für Studierende Der Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Band 1: Algebra by Böhme, Gert
Mathematik: Grundkenntnisse Für Betriebswirte by Sommerfeld, Johannes
Commentationes Mechanicae Et Astronomicae AD Scientiam Navalem Pertinentes 1st Part by Euler, Leonhard
Imaginative Participation: The Career of an Organizing Concept in a Multidisciplinary Context by Baumann, Na
Einführung in Die Codierungstheorie: Studienbuch Für Mathematiker, Informatiker, Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure AB 3. Semester by Henze, Ernst
Meß- Und Prüftechnik by Naumann, Martin
Mathematische Grundlagenforschung Intuitionismus Beweistheorie by Heyting, A.
Measure Theory by Halmos, Paul R.
Beiträge Zur Numerischen Mathematik. Band 1 by
Beiträge Zur Numerischen Mathematik. Band 2 by
Surreal Numbers by Knuth, Donald
Numerische Methoden Der Wirtschaftsmathematik, II by Dück, Werner
Mathematik Im System Der Wissenschaften by Schröter, Karl
Grundbegriffe Der Axiomatischen Mengenlehre, Teil 1: Einführung in Die Allgemeine Mengenlehre II/1 by Klaua, Dieter
Mathematik Im System Der Wissenschaften by Schröter, Karl
Konvexe Optimierung: Elemente Der Theorie by Golstein, E. G.
Grundbegriffe Der Axiomatischen Mengenlehre, Teil 2: Einführung in Die Axiomatische Mengenlehre II/2 by Klaua, Dieter
Proceedings of the Conference on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: 19, 20 October 1972, the University of Texas at Austin by
Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations: Dundee 1973 by
Proceedings on Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy by
Non-Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order by Conti, R., Reissig, R., Sansone, G.
Knotentheorie by Reidemeister, K.
Topological Methods in Walrasian Economics by Dierker, E.
Mathematik Für Biologen by Hadeler, K. P.
Victoria Symposium on Nonstandard Analysis: University of Victoria 1972 by
Unstable Homotopy from the Stable Point of View by Milgram, J.
Einführung in die reelle Analysis, Band I, Funktionen einer reellen Veränderlichen (Large Print Edition) by Haupt, Otto, Aumann, Georg
Deterministic Threshold Models in the Theory of Epidemics by Waltman, P.
Schaum's Outline of Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems by Spiegel, Murray R.
Universal Extensions and One Dimensional Crystalline Cohomology by Mazur, B., Messing, W.
Analyse Differentielle by Poenaru, V.
Stable Mappings and Their Singularities by Guillemin, V., Golubitsky, M.
New Developments in Topology by
Group Theory in Non-Linear Problems: Lectures Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical Physics, Held in Istanbul, Turkey, August by
Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions by Comtet, Louis
Schaltkreistheorie by Hotz, Günter
A Geometrical Study of the Elementary Catastrophes by Woodcock, A. E. R., Poston, T.
Topology Conference: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, March 22 - 24, 1973 by
Mathematik Für Ökonomen I: Differentialrechnung Und Integralrechnung Von Funktionen Einer Veränderlichen by Beckmann, M. J., Künzi, H. P.
Cousinverteilungen Und Fortsetzungssätze by Langmann, K., Lütkebohmert, W.
Constructive Methods for Elliptic Equations by Gilbert, R. P.
Differential Calculus in Topological Linear Spaces by Yamamuro, S.
Discontinuous Groups and Riemann Surfaces (Am-79), Volume 79: Proceedings of the 1973 Conference at the University of Maryland. (Am-79) by
Information, Weight of Evidence. the Singularity Between Probability Measures and Signal Detection by Good, I. J., Osteyee, D. B.
Almost Periodic Differential Equations by Fink, A. M.
Combinatorial Theory Seminar Eindhoven University of Technology by Lint, J. H. Van
Rings and Semigroups by Petrich, M.
Topo 72 - General Topology and Its Applications: Second Pittsburgh International Conference, December 18-22, 1972 by
Functional Analysis and Applications: Proceedings of the Symposium of Analysis, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, July 9 to 29, 1972 by
Collocation Methods for Parabolic Equations in a Single Space Variable: (Based on C1-Piecewise-Polynomial Spaces) by Douglas, J. Jr., DuPont, T.
Mathematical Methods in Queueing Theory: Proceedings of a Conference at Western Michigan University, May 10-12, 1973 by
Vektoranalysis, Teil 1, De Gruyter Lehrbuch by Kowalsky, Hans-Joachim
Séminaire de Probabilités VIII: Université de Strasbourg by
Séminaire Bourbaki: Vol. 1972 /73: Exposés 418-435 by
Group Representations: A Survey of Some Current Topics by Lipsman, R. L.
Elements de Theorie Des Matroides by Bruter, C. P.
Elementare Methoden Der Numerischen Mathematik by Maeß, G., Kiesewetter, H.
Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology by Piaget, J., Beth, E. W.
Theorie de la Descente Et Algebres d'Azumaya by Knus, M. -A, Ojanguren, M.
Geometrie Differentielle: Colloque, Santiago de Compostela, Espagne by
The Schur Subgroup of the Brauer Group by Yamada, T.
Fastperiodische Funktionen by Bohr, H.
Theorie Der Konvexen Körper by Bonnesen, T., Fenchel, W.
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour III, 1973 by Meyer, P. a., Priouret, P.
Formal Category Theory: Adjointness for 2-Categories by Gray, J. W.
Numerical Quadrature and Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: A Textbook for a Beginning Course in Numerical Analysis by Stroud, A. H.
Linear Multivariable Systems by Wolovich, W. A.
Annals of Systems Research: Publikatie Van de Systeemgroep Nederland Publication of the Netherlands Society for Systems Research by
Einführung in Die Funktionentheorie Mehrerer Veränderlicher by Grauert, H., Fritzsche, K.
Integration on Locally Compact Spaces by Dinculeanu, N.
Characteristic Classes. (Am-76), Volume 76 by Stasheff, James D., Milnor, John
Zur Differentialgeometrie Der Klassischen Fundamentalbereiche: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 8. Dezember Durch H. Seifert by Dinghas, A.
A Crash Course on Kleinian Groups: Lectures Given at a Special Session at the January 1974 Meeting of the American Mathematical Society at San Francis by
Proceedings of the Symposium on Complex Analysis Canterbury 1973 by
Calkin Algebras and Algebras of Operators on Banach Spates by Pfaffenberger, W. E., Yood, Bertram, Caradus, S. R.
Nichtlineare Gleichungen Und Abbildungsgrade by Deimling, K.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Theory of Groups: Australian National University, August 13-24, 1973 by
Mesures Cylindriques, Espaces de Wiener Et Fonctions Aleatoires Gaussiennes by Badrikian, A., Chevet, S.
Theories de l'Information: Actes Des Rencontres de Marseilles-Luminy, 5 Au 7 Juin 1973 by
Functional Analysis and Its Applications: International Conference, Madras, 1973 by
Nombres Transcendants by Waldschmidt, M.
Combinatorial Mathematics II: Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference by
Zahlentheorie by Aigner, Alexander
Algebraische Topologie by Franz, Wolfgang
Graphs and Combinatorics: Proceedings of the Capital Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics at the George Washington University, June 18-22, 197 by
Mathematical Problems in Biology: Victoria Conference by
Cohomologie Cristalline Des Schemas de Caracteristique P O by Berthelot, P.
Fonctions de Plusieurs Variables Complexes: Séminaire François Norguet Octobre 1970 - Decembre 1973 by
Cluster Analysis: A Survey by Odell, P. L., Duran, B. S.
Hypergraph Seminar: Ohio State University, 1972 by
Smoothings of Piecewise Linear Manifolds by Mazur, Barry, Hirsch, Morris W.
Discrete Series of Gln Over a Finite Field by Lusztig, George
Optimal Subset Selection: Multiple Regression, Interdependence and Optimal Network Algorithms by Weischedel, R., Boyce, David, Farhi, A.
The Souslin Problem by Devlin, K. J., Johnsbraten, H.
Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras by Stewart, Ian, Amayo, R. K.
The Theory of Ultrafilters by Negrepontis, S., Comfort, William Wistar, Comfort, W. W.
Variation Totale d'Une Fonction by Bruneau, M.
Séminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse) Année 1972/1973 by
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, 26-29 March, 1974 by
Pseudo Differential Operators by Taylor, M.
Differential Calculus in Locally Convex Spaces by Keller, H. H.
Localization in Group Theory and Homotopy Theory and Related Topics: Battelle Seattle 1974 Seminar by
Topics in Analysis: Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis, Jyväskylä 1970 by
Combinatorics by McDonough, T. P., Mavron, V. C.
Groupes Discrets by Poenaru, V.
Category Seminar: Proceedings Sydney Category Theory Seminar 1972 /1973 by
Maximum Probability Estimators and Related Topics by Weiss, L., Wolfowitz, J.
Tables of Mellin Transforms by Oberhettinger, F.
The Nonlinear Diffusion Equation: Asymptotic Solutions and Statistical Problems by Burgers, J. M.
Optimal Control Theory by Berkovitz, L. D.
Similarity Methods for Differential Equations by Bluman, G. W., Cole, J. D.
The Stone-Čech Compactification by Walker, R. C.
Mathematiker Über Die Mathematik by
Analytic Theory of Abelian Varieties by Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F.
Symmetric Markov Processes by Silverstein, M. L.
Properties of Infinite Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems by Chernoff, P. R., Marsden, J. E.
Physics and Mathematics of the Nervous System: Proceedings of a Summer School Organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, by
Analytic Theory of the Harish-Chandra C-Function by Cohn, L.
Constructive and Computational Methods for Differential and Integral Equations: Symposium, Indiana University, February 17-20, 1974 by
Optimal Control Theory and Its Applications: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial Seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress University of Wester by
Algebraic and Geometrical Methods in Topology: Conference on Topological Methods in Algebraic Topology, Suny, Binghamton, Usa, Oct. 3-7, 1973 by
Optimal Control Theory and Its Applications: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial Seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress University of Wester by
Nichtlineare Operatorgleichungen Und Operatordifferentialgleichungen by Gröger, Konrad, Zacharias, Klaus, Gajewski, Herbert
Faltungsgleichungen Und Projektionsverfahren Zu Ihrer Lösung by Gochberg, I. Z., Feldman, I. A.
Einführung in Die Differentialrechnung Von Funktionen Einer Unabhängigen Veränderlichen by Stöckel, E., Elster, K. -H, Mierzwa, G.
Beiträge Zur Komplexen Analysis Und Deren Anwendungen in Der Differentialgeometrie by
Theory of Nonlinear Operators: Proceedings of a Summer-School, Held in October 1972 at Neuendorf (Hiddensee), Gdr by
Einige Klassen Singulärer Gleichungen by Prössdorf, Siegfried
Optimierung ALS Mathematisches Problem Sowie Ihre Anwendungen in Den Natur- Und Gesellschaftswissenschaften by Pietsch, A.