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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1979

Basic Numerical Mathematics: Vol. 1: Numerical Analysis by Todd, J.
Topics in Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems by Mercier, Bertrand
Basic: Einführung Für Techniker by Schneider, Wolfgang
Mathematisches Labyrinth: Neue Probleme Für Die Knobelgemeinde by Gardner, Martin
Applied Game Theory: Proceedings of a Conference at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, June 13-16, 1978 by
Multivariate Approximation Theory: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach Black Forest, February 4-1 by Schempp, Zeller
An Introduction to Classical Complex Analysis: Vol. 1 by Burckel, R. B.
Constructive Methods for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems and Nonlinear Oscillations: Conference at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute, by Collatz, Kirchgässner, Albrecht
Mathematische Routinen Der Physik, Chemie Und Technik Für Aos-Rechner by Kahlig, Peter
Introduction to Population Modeling by Frauenthal, J. C.
Laplace-Transformation by Walter, Ameling
Eigenspannungsmessungen an Kreissägeblättern Mit Elektromagnetischen Verfahren by Huber, Helmut
Berechnung Von Maschinenschwingungen Mit Einem Programmierbaren Tischrechner by Dittrich, Günter
Anwendungen Der Graphentheorie by Walther, Hansjoachim
Über Ungleichungen Vom Bernstein-Nikolskii-Riesz-Typ in Banach Räumen by Nessel, Rolf Joachim
Mathematische Behandlung Naturwissenschaftlicher Probleme: Teil 1 Behandlung Von Meßwerten -- Funktionen Eine Einführung Für Chemiker Und Andere Natur by Stockhausen, M.
FORTRAN: Einführung Für Techniker by Schneider, Wolfgang
Klassische Und Nichtklassische Aussagenlogik by Rautenberg, Wolfgang
Finite Element Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations by Girault, Vivette, Raviart, P. -A
Papers of the 8th Dgor Annual Meeting / Vorträge Der 8. Dgor Jahrestagung by
Rationalisierung in Der Softwareerstellung Durch Ein Verallgemeinertes Generatorprinzip by Gipper, Hans
Beweise Und Widerlegungen: Die Logik Mathematischer Entdeckungen by Lakatos, Imre
Ein Beitrag Zur Erfassung Und Weiterverarbeitung Von Oberschwingungsdaten in Elektrischen Energiesystemen Mittels Prozeßrechner by Laufen, Richard
Commentationes Mechanicae AD Theoriam Machinarum Pertinentes 2nd Part by Euler, Leonhard
Insel Der Zahlen: Eine Zahlentheoretische Genesis Im Dialog by Knuth, Donald Ervin
Handbuch Si-Einheiten: Definition, Realisierung, Bewahrung Und Weitergabe Der Si-Einheiten, Grundlagen Der Präzisionsmeßtechnik by Drath, Peter, German, Sigmar
Hilbert-Räume Und Spektralmaße by Brehmer, Siegfried
Computer + Programmieren = Elektronische Datenverarbeitung by Blutke, Klaus Wilhelm
Programmierbare Taschenrechner in Schule Und Ausbildung by Bromm, Karl Udo
Einführung in Basic: Mit Zahlreichen Beispielen Und 10 Vollständigen Programmen by Schneider, Wolfgang
Beiträge Zur Numerischen Mathematik. Band 7 by
Function Theory on Manifolds Which Possess a Pole by Greene, R. E., Wu, H.
Functional Analysis Methods in Numerical Analysis: Special Session, American Mathematical Society, St. Louis, Missouri, 1977 by
Modellierung Und Optimierung Verfahrenstechnischer Systeme by
Elementare Methoden Zur Lösung Von Differentialgleichungsproblemen by Goering, Herbert
Optimization. Volume 9, Number 1 by
Kollektives Verhalten Von Automaten by Warschawski, W. I.
Quantenmechanik Und Philosophie by Röseberg, Ulrich
Kollektives Verhalten Von Automaten by Warschawski, W. I.
Elementare Methoden Zur Lösung Von Differentialgleichungsproblemen by Goering, Herbert
Grundstrukturen Der Analysis II by Gähler, W.
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 2 by
Elementare Methoden Zur Lösung Von Differentialgleichungsproblemen by Goering, Herbert
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 1 by
Partielle Differentialgleichungen in Der Mathematischen Physik by Michlin, S. G.
11/1/79 by
4/1/78 by
Partielle Differentialgleichungen in Der Mathematischen Physik by Michlin, S. G.
Bedienungsprozesse: Eine Einführung by Klimow, G. P.
Lehrbüch Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Gnedenko, B. W.
Theory of Nonlinear Operators: Proceedings of the Fifth International Summer School Held at Berlin, Gdr from September 19 to 23, 1977 by
Quantitative Structure-Activity Analysıs: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Chemical Structure Biological Activity Relationships: Quantitati by
Festakt Und Tagung Aus Anlaß Des 200. Geburtstages Von Carl Friedrich Gayß: 22./23. April 1977 in Berlin by
Maß, Integral Und Bedingter Erwartungswert by Franken, Peter, Warmuth, Elke, Bellach, Joachim
Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness by Garey, M. R., Garey, Michael R., Johnson, David S.
Elements of Homotopy Theory by Whitehead, George W.
The Curves of Life by Cook, Theodore A.
Module Theory: Papers and Problems from the Special Session at the University of Washington; Proceedings, Seattle, August 15-18, 1977 by
Local Theory of Nonlinear Analytic Ordinary Differential Equations by Bibikov, Y. N.
Mathematics for Chemists by Hirst, D. M.
Vorlesungen Über Die Entwicklung Der Mathematik Im 19. Jahrhundert: Teil I by Klein, Felix
Konstruktion Verseller Familien Kompakter Komplexer Räume by Forster, Otto, Knorr, Knut
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977. Third International Symposium, December 5-9, 1977, Iria Laboria, Institut de Recherche D` by
Equadiff IV: Proceedings, Prague, August 22-26, 1977 by
Mathematical Aspects of Reacting and Diffusing Systems by Fife, P. C.
Nonlinear Mappings of Monotone Type by Pascall, D., Sburlan, S.
Uniform Algebras and Jensen Measures by Gamelin, T. W., Gamelin, Theodore W., T. W., Gamelin
Differential Games and Control Theory III: Proceedings of the Third Kingston Conference by Roxin, E., Liu, Liu, P. T.
Bibliographie Zur Geschichte Der Elementarmathematik by Tropfke, Johannes
Mathematik Für Die PRAXIS Des Naturwissenschaftlers Und Ingenieurs by Rein, Dirk
Probability Measures on Groups: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference Oberwolfach, Germany, January 29th - February 4, 1978 by
Discontinuous Cebysev Systems by Zielke, R.
III: Scattering Theory: Volume 3 by Reed, Michael, Simon, Barry
Philosophical Papers: Volume 1, Mathematics, Matter and Method by Putman, Hilary, Putnam, Hilary
Asymptotic Analysis: From Theory to Application by
Equations Differentielles Et Systemes de Pfaff Dans Le Champ Complexe I by
Séminaire Bourbaki: Vol. 1977/78. Exposés 507-524 Avec Table Par Noms d'Auteurs de 1967/68 a 1977/78 by
Séminaire de Théorie Du Potentiel Paris, 1977-1978, No. 4 by
Selecta Mathematica V: Ein Paradoxon, Der Hase Und Die Schildkröte. Variationsrechnung a la Caratheodory Und Das Zermelo'sche Navigationsprob by Keane, M., Beck, A., Boerner, H.
Number Theory for Beginners by Weil, Andre
Polynomial and Spline Approximation: Theory and Applications by
Annals of Systems Research: Volume 7 by
Differential and Integral Equations: Boundary Value Problems and Adjoints by Vejvoda, O., Tvrdý, M., Schwabik, S.
An Introduction to Computational Combinatorics by Page, E. S., Wilson, L. B.
Categorical Topology: Proceedings of the International Conference, Berlin, August 27th to September 2nd 1978 by
Group Rings and Their Augmentation Ideals by Passi, I. B. S.
Bidualräume Und Vervollständigungen Von Banachmoduln by Grosser, M.
The Structure of Nuclear Frechet Spaces by Dubinsky, E.
Wachstumskinetik: Mathematische Modelle Und Methoden Zur Analyse Altersabhängiger Populationskinetischer Prozesse by Feldmann, U.
Mathematics for Biomedical Applications: by Glantz, Stanton A.
Complex Manifolds Without Potential Theory: With an Appendix on the Geometry of Characteristic Classes by Chern, Shiing-Shen
A Course in Elasticity by Fraeijs De Veubeke, B. M.
An Introduction to Homological Algebra by Rotman, Joseph J.
International Symposium on Systems Optimization and Analysis: Rocquencourt, December 11-13, 1978 by
Séminaire de Probabilités XIII: Université de Strasbourg 1977/78 by
Schwartz Spaces, Nuclear Spaces and Tensor Products by Wong, Y. -C
Spectral Representations for Schrödinger Operators with Long-Range Potentials by Saito, Yoshimi
The Computational Complexity of Logical Theories by Rackoff, C. W., Ferrante, J.
Topology of Low-Dimensional Manifolds: Proceedings of the Second Sussex Conference, 1977 by
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979: 8th Symposium, Olomouc Czechoslovakia, September 3-7, 1979. Proceedings by
Non-Commutative Harmonic Analysis: Proceedings Marseille-Luminy, France, June 26 to 30, 1978. Actes Du Colloque d'Analyse Harmonique Non Commutative by
Algebres d'Operateurs: Seminaire Sur Les Algebres d'Operateurs. Les Plans-Sur-Bex Suisse, 13-18 Mars, 1978 by
Extensions of Minimal Transformation Groups by Bronstein, I. U.
Seminar on Singularities of Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations. (Am-91), Volume 91 by Hörmander, Lars
Mathematisches Vorsemester: Ausgabe 1979 by
The Structuralist View of Theories: A Possible Analogue of the Bourbaki Programme in Physical Science by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Duality for Crossed Products of Von Neumann Algebras by Nakagami, Y., Takesaki, M.
Einführung in die reelle Analysis, Band II, Differentialrechnung der Funktionen mehrerer Veränderlicher (Large Print Edition) by Aumann, Georg, Haupt, Otto
Notes on the Witt Classification of Hermitian Innerproduct Spaces over a Ring of Algebraic Integers by Conner, P. E.
Functional Differential Equations and Approximation of Fixed Points: Proceedings, Bonn, July 1978 by
Modern Differential Geometric Techniques in the Theory of Continuous Distributions of Dislocations by Bloom, F.
Proprietes Spectrales Des Algebres de Banach by Aupetit, B.
Elemente Der Zahlentheorie by Freund, Helmut
A Formal Background to Mathematics: Logic, Sets and Numbers by Edwards, R. E.
Mind Over Math: Put Yourself on the Road to Success by Freeing Yourself from Math Anxiety by Kogelman, Stanley, Warren, Joseph
General Integration & Measure by Weir, A. J., Weir, Weir, Alan John
M-Structure and the Banach-Stone Theorem by Behrends, E.
Probleme Einer Systematischen Früherkennung: 6. Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg, 1979. Fachbereich Planung Und Auswertung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für M by
Ergodic Theory: Proceedings, Oberwolfach, Germany, June, 11-17, 1978 by
Volterra Equations: Proceedings of the Helsinki Symposium on Integral Equations, Otaniemi, Finland, August 11-14, 1978 by
Seminormal Operators by Clancey, K.
Romanian-Finnish Seminar on Complex Analysis: Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania, June 27 - July 2, 1976 by
Analyse Harmonique Sur Les Groupes de Lie II: Seminaire Nancy-Strasbourg 1976-78 by
Differentiable Periodic Maps by Conner, P. E.
Algebraic Topology. Waterloo 1978: Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society, Nserc (Canada), and the University of W by
Nichtlineare Programmierung by Künzi, H. P., Krelle, W.
Oscar Zariski: Collected Papers, Volume 2: Holomorphic Functions and Linear Systems by Zariski, Oscar
Oscar Zariski: Collected Papers, Volume 4: Equisingularity on Algebraic Varieties by Zariski, Oscar
Permutation Groups and Combinatorial Structures by White, A. T., Biggs, Norman L., Biggs, N. L.
Combinatorial Complexes: A Mathematical Theory of Algorithms by Sellers, P. H.
Set Theory and Logic by Stoll, Robert R.
Complex Analysis. Joensuu 1978: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Complex Analysis, Joensuu, Finland, August 24-27, 1978 by
Combinatorial Mathematics VI: Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics. Armidale, Australia, August 1978 by
Applications of Sheaves: Proceedings of the Research Symposium on Applications of Sheaf Theory to Logic, Algebra and Analysis, Durham, July 9-2 by
Mathematik Für Mediziner Und Biologen by Fuchs, G.
Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications by Borisenko, A. I., Tarapov, I. E.
Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists by Batschelet, Edward
Global Analysis: Proceedings of the Biennial Seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress, Calgary, Alberta, June 12-27, 1978 by
Degrees of Unsolvability: Structure and Theory by Epstein, R. L.
Integral Representations: Topics in Integral Representation Theory. Integral Representations and Presentations of Finite Groups by Roggenkamp, K by Reiner, I., Roggenkamp, K. W.
Equational Compactness in Rings: With Applications to the Theory of Topological Rings by Haley, D. K.
Moduln Mit Einem Höchsten Gewicht by Jantzen, Jens C.
Number Theory, Carbondale 1979: Proceedings of the Southern Illinois Number Theory Conference Carbondale, March 30 and 31, 1979 by
Mengenlehre by Klaua, Dieter
Arithmetik und Algebra by
Essential Mathematics for Applied Fields by Meyer, R. M.
Surveys in Combinatorics by
Smoothing Techniques for Curve Estimation: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Heidelberg, April 2-4, 1979 by
Canonical Gibbs Measures: Some Extensions of de Finetti's Representation Theorem for Interacting Particle Systems by Georgii, H. O.
Homotopy Equivalences of 3-Manifolds with Boundaries by Johannson, K.
Mathematical Models in Cell Biology and Cancer Chemotherapy by Eisen, M.
Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators: An Abstract Theory by Cordes, Heinz O.
Group Theoretic Methods in Bifurcation Theory by Sattinger, David H.
Representations of Finite Chevalley Groups: A Survey by Srinivasan, B.
Pade Approximation and Its Applications: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979 by
Axiomatic Characterization of Physical Geometry by Schmidt, H. J.
Transformation Groups and Representation Theory by Tom Dieck, T.
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A.: Band 1: 1919-1929 by Pauli, Wolfgang
The Geometry of Population Genetics by Akin, Ethan
Kinetic Logic: A Boolean Approach to the Analysis of Complex Regulatory Systems: Proceedings of the Embo Course "Formal Analysis of Genetic Regulation by
The Theory of Partial Differential Equations by Mizohata, Sigeru, Mizohata, Mizohata, Siferu
Introduction to Affine Group Schemes by Waterhouse, W. C.
Hyperbolic Differential Polynomials: And Their Singular Perturbations by Chaillou, J.
Algebraic Topology, Aarhus 1978: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Aarhus, Denmark, August 7-12, 1978 by
Stochastic Processes and Integration by Rao, M. M.
Families of Meromorphic Functions on Compact Riemann Surfaces by Namba, M.
Approximate Identities and Factorization in Banach Modules by Doran, R. S., Wichmann, J.
Systems Theory in Immunology: Proceedings of the Working Conference, Held in Rome, May 1978 by
Lattice Path Combinatorics with Statistical Applications; Mathematical Expositions 23 by Narayana, T. V.
13 Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem by Ribenboim, Paulo
Die Numerische Behandlung Gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen: Eine Einführung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Zyklischer Verfahren by Albrecht, Peter