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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1988

Quantum Uncertainties: Recent and Future Experiments and Interpretations by
Angewandte Algebra Für Mathematiker Und Informatiker: Einführung in Gruppentheoretisch-Kombinatorische Methoden by Rosenbaum, Kurt, Klin, Mikhail, Pöschel, Reinhard
Grundlagen Der Informatik: Für Das Nebenfachstudium by Schaback, Robert
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Vakuumtechnik by Adam, Hermann, Wutz, Max
Modular Lie Algebras and Their Representations by Strade, Helmut, Strade, H., Farnsteiner, R.
Existenz Semiuniverseller Deformationen in Der Komplexen Analysis by Stieber, Harald
Hp-28c / Hp-28s Im Einsatz: Gleichungen Funktionen Matrizen Interpolation Approximation Differentialgleichungen Eigenwerte by Stahl, Rainer
Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik by Krengel, Ulrich
Lehrbuch Der Algebra: Unter Einschluß Der Linearen Algebra, Teil 2 by Scheja, Günter, Storch, Uwe
Ausgewählte Kapitel Aus Der Funktionenlehre: Vorlesung, Gehalten in Berlin 1886 Mit Der Akademischen Antrittsrede, Berlin 1857, Und Drei Weiteren Orig by Weierstrass, Karl
Sensory Systems: II: Senses Other Than Vision by Adelman
Diskrete Mathematik: Ein Intensivkurs Für Studienanfänger Mit Turbo Pascal-Programmen by Kalmbach, Gudrun
The Concepts of Science: From Newton to Einstein by Weaver, Jefferson Hane, Motz, Lloyd
Fertigungsmeßtechnik by Lemke, Erwin
Graphs as Structural Models: The Application of Graphs and Multigraphs in Cluster Analysis by Godehardt, Erhard
Structural Equation Modeling with Lisrel: Essentials and Advances by Hayduk, Leslie A.
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium Der Experimentalphysik by Weltner, Klaus
Aufgabensammlung Der Höheren Mathematik by Birnbaum, Heinz, Minorskij, Vasilij P.
Vieweg-Mathematik-Lexikon: Begriffe/Definitionen/Sätze/Beispiele Für Das Grundstudium by
Mathematische Formelsammlung für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler: Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Rechenbeispielen und einer ausführlichen Integra by Papula, Lothar
Capacities in Complex Analysis by Cegrell, Urban
Einleitung in Die Theorie Der Analytischen Funktionen by Weierstraß, Karl, Ullrich, Peter
Complex Analysis: Articles Dedicated to Albert Pfluger on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday by Hersch, J., Huber, A.
On Functions and Functional Equations by Smital, J.
The Paradox of Intention: Reaching the Goal by Giving Up the Attempt to Reach It by Shaw, Marvin C.
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatic Image Processing Held in Wismar (Gdr), September 2- by
Kanonische Korrelationsanalyse: Theorie, Methoden, Andwendungen, Basic-Programme by Röhr, Michael
Factorization of Measurable Matrix Functions by Litvinchuk, G. S., Spitkovskii, I. M.
Geometric Inequalities by Zalgaller, Viktor A., Burago, Yurii D.
Descent Directions and Efficient Solutions in Discretely Distributed Stochastic Programs by Marti, Kurt
Maximum and Minimum Principles: A Unified Approach with Applications by Sewell, M. J., M. J., Sewell
Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximation by
The Riemann Boundary Problem on Riemann Surfaces by Rodin, Y.
Linear Least Squares Computations by Farebrother, R. W.
Dictionary of Mathematical Games, Puzzles, and Amusements by Eiss, Harry
Kekulé Structures in Benzenoid Hydrocarbons by Cyvin, Sven J., Gutman, Ivan
Trends in Computer Algebra: International Symposium, Bad Neuenahr, May 19-21, 1987. Proceedings by
Linear Operators, Part 3: Spectral Operators by Dunford, Nelson, Schwartz, Jacob T.
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis -- 2: Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Prescudin, June 17-2 by
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 1: Power Series Integration Conformal Mapping Location of Zero by Henrici, Peter
Periods of Hecke Characters by Schappacher, Norbert
Function Spaces and Applications: Proceedings of the Us-Swedish Seminar Held in Lund, Sweden, June 15-21, 1986 by
Integral Global Optimization: Theory, Implementation and Applications by Zheng, Quan, Chew, Soo H.
Aspects of Symmetry by Coleman, Sidney
Whitehead Groups of Finite Groups by Oliver, Robert
Inequalities by Hardy, G. H., Hardy/Littlewood
Model Theory and Modules by Prest, Mike, Prest, M.
Real Reductive Groups I: Volume 132 by Wallach, Nolan R.
Interpolation of Operators by Sharpley, Robert C., Bennett, Colin
Models of Strategic Rationality by Selten, Reinhard
Elements of Statistical Computing: Numerical Computation by Thisted, R. A.
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: IV: Applications to Mathematical Physics by Zeidler, E.
The Mathematics of Nonlinear Programming by Peressini, Anthony L., Sullivan, Francis E., Uhl, J. J. Jr.
Advances in Optimization and Control: Proceedings of the Conference "Optimization Days 86" Held at Montreal, Canada, April 30 - May 2, 1986 by
Caap '88: 13th Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming Nancy, France, March 21-24, 1988. Proceedings by
Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with Weights on R by Saff, Edward B., Lubinsky, Doron S.
Constructions of Lie Algebras and Their Modules by Seligman, George B.
Mathematical Foundations of Programming Language Semantics: 3rd Workshop Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, Usa, April 8-10, 1987 Proceedings by
Frequency Domain Properties of Scalar and Multivariable Feedback Systems by Freudenberg, James S., Looze, Douglas P.
Symmetrie in Geistes- Und Naturwissenschaft: Hauptvorträge Und Diskussionen Des Symmetrie Symposions an Der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt Vom 13. B by
Arithmetic of P-Adic Modular Forms by Gouvea, Fernando Q.
Design Theory by Hughes, D. R., Piper, F. C.
Representations of *-Algebras, Locally Compact Groups, and Banach *-Algebraic Bundles: Basic Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras Volume 1 by
Foliations on Riemannian Manifolds by Tondeur, Philippe
Cybernetics and Systems '88: Proceedings of the Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Organized by the Austrian Society for C by
Simulated Annealing for VLSI Design by Liu, H. W., Wong, D. F., Leong, H. W.
Multicriteria Optimization in Engineering and in the Sciences by
Structural Analysis and Design of Multivariable Control Systems: An Algebraic Approach by Shieh, Leang-San, Barnett, Stephen, Tsay, Yih T.
Nonlinear Time Series and Signal Processing by
Lectures on the Theory of Integration by Henstock, Ralph
Dynamics Reported by Kirchgraber, Urs, Walther, Hans-Otto
Lectures on the Theory of Integration by Henstock, Ralph
Number Theory and Its History by Ore, Oystein
Schaum's Outline of Tensor Calculus by Kay, David C., Kay David
Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy Filtering by Soong, Tsu T., Ruymgaart, Peter A.
Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Tianjin, June 23 - July 5, 1986 by
Programming in Networks and Graphs: On the Combinatorial Background and Near-Equivalence of Network Flow and Matching Algorithms by Derigs, Ulrich
Language and Information by Harris, Zelig
The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem (Nmsc) by Wilkinson, J. Harvie
Simulation Und Moderne Programmiersprachen: Modula-2, C, ADA by Bölckow, Rolf, Heymann, Andreas, Page, Bernd
A Real Variable Method for the Cauchy Transform, and Analytic Capacity by Murai, Takafumi
Representations of *-Algebras, Locally Compact Groups, and Banach *-Algebraic Bundles: Banach *-Algebraic Bundles, Induced Representations, and the Ge by
Dynamical Chaos by
Computational Methods for Integral Equations by Mohamed, J. L., Delves, L. M.
Rational Approximation of Real Functions by Petrushev, P. P., Popov, Vasil Atanasov, Petrushev, Penco Petrov
Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology: Volume 1, Linear Cable Theory and Dendritic Structure by Tuckwell, Henry C.
Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology: Volume 2, Nonlinear and Stochastic Theories by Henry C., Tuckwell, Tuckwell, Henry C.
Spinors and Space-Time - Volume 2 by Rindler, Wolfgang, Penrose, Roger
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers: Volume 2 by
Tauberian Theorems for Generalized Functions by Vladimirov, V. S., Drozzinov, Yu N., Zavialov, O. I.
Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics by
Conformal Geometry and Quasiregular Mappings by Vuorinen, Matti
Distributed Algorithms: 2nd International Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 8-10, 1987. Proceedings by
Archimedes' Revenge: The Challenge of Teh Unknown by Hoffman, Paul
Multigrid Methods: Theory, Applications, and Supercomputing by McCormick
Applicable Algebra, Error-Correcting Codes, Combinatorics and Computer Algebra: 4th International Conference, Aaecc-4, Karlsruhe, Frg, September 23-26 by
Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry by Fiedler, Bernold
Optimal Periodic Control by Colonius, Fritz
Analytic Functions Smooth Up to the Boundary by Shirokov, Nikolai A.
Analysis and Optimization of Systems by
Local Moduli and Singularities by Laudal, Olav Arnfinn, Pfister, Gerhard
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Silivri, Turkey, July 7-9, 1986 by
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (Gafa) 1986-87 by
Coding Theory and Applications: 2nd International Colloquium, Cachan-Paris, France, November 24-26, 1986. Proceedings by
Algebraic Topology - Rational Homotopy: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, May 2-6, 1986 by
Numerische Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Physiker: Band 1: Numerische Methoden Der Algebra by Törnig, Willi, Spellucci, Peter
Mathematics as a Service Subject by
Modelling and Adaptive Control: Proceedings of the Iiasa Conference, Sopron, Hungary, July 1986 by
Proceedings of the Second European Symposium on Mathematics in Industry: Esmi II March 1-7, 1987 Oberwolfach by
Adam de Wodeham: Tractatus de Indivisibilibus: A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, and Textual Notes by
Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Mathematics in Industry by
Case Studies in Industrial Mathematics by
History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics: Volume XI Volume 11 by
Theory of Suboptimal Decisions: Decomposition and Aggregation by Pervozvanskii, A. A., Gaitsgori, V. G.
Topology by Hocking, John G., Young, Gail S.
I.J. Schoenberg Selected Papers by Boor, C. De
I.J. Schoenberg Selected Papers by De Boor
Surgery Theory and Geometry of Representations by Tom Dieck, T., Hambleton, I.
Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras: A Reprint Volume for Physicists by
Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras: A Reprint Volume for Physicists by
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis II: Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Prescudin, June 17-20, by
Chaotic Motions in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Iooss, Gerard, Moon, Francis C., Szemplinska-Stupnicka, Wanda
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: International Workshop Wg '87, Kloster Banz/Staffelstein, Frg, June 29 - July 1, 1987. Proceedings by
Topological Properties of Spaces of Continuous Functions by Ntantu, Ibula, McCoy, Robert A.
Semigroups. Theory and Applications: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, Feb. 23 - Mar. 1, 1986 by
Stochastic Analysis: Proceedings of the Japanese-French Seminar Held in Paris, France, June 16-19, 1987 by
The Theory and Applications of Statistical Interference Functions by Small, Christopher G., McLeish, D. L.
Dgor/Nsor: Papers of the 16th Annual Meeting of Dgor in Cooperation with Nsor/Vorträge Der 16. Jahrestagung Der Dgor Zusammen Mit Der Nsor by
Holomorphic Functions and Moduli I: Proceedings of a Workshop Held March 13-19, 1986 by
Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnold, V. I.
Boundedly Controlled Topology: Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Simple Homotopy Theory by Anderson, Douglas R., Munkholm, Hans J.
Swat '88: 1st Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory Halmstad, Sweden, July 5-8, 1988. Proceedings by
Automata, Languages and Programming: 15th International Colloquium, Tampere, Finland, July 11-15, 1988. Proceedings by
Transforming Domain Into Boundary Integrals in Bem: A Generalized Approach by Tang, Weifeng
Determinantal Rings by Bruns, Winfried, Vetter, Udo
Computer Simulation in Cell Radiobiology by Yakovlev, Andrej Yu, Zorin, Aleksandr V.
Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory: Volume II by Schaeffer, David G., Golubitsky, Martin, Stewart, Ian
Finite Element Analysis for Engineering Design by
Input-Output Analysis: Current Developments by
Applied Differential Games by Mehlmann, A.
Topics in Number Theory by Chahal, J. S.
Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems by
Intimations of Infinity: The Cultural Meanings of the Iqwaye Counting and Number Systems by Mimica, Jadran
Intimations of Infinity: The Cultural Meanings of the Iqwaye Counting and Number Systems by Mimica, Jadran
Schaum's Outline of Matrix Operations by Bronson Richard, Bronson, Richard
Statistical Information and Likelihood: A Collection of Critical Essays by Dr. D. Basu by Basu, D.
Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Applications: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Segovia, Spain, Sept. 22-27, 1986 by
Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Algebraic Topology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Sept. 15-17, by
Fourier Analysis by Walker, T. Stuart, Walker, James S.
Existentially Closed Groups by Higman, Graham, Scott, Elizabeth
From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life by Glass, Leon, Mackey, Michael C.
Japanese Supercomputing: Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications by
Global Analysis. Studies and Applications III by
Semi-Classical Analysis for the Schrödinger Operator and Applications by Helffer, Bernard
Unimodality, Convexity, and Applications by
An Introduction to Hilbert Space by Young, N.
Wave Interactions and Fluid Flows by Craik, Alex D. D.
Reliability Engineering by
Mathematics Education and Culture by
Cooperative Games, Solutions and Applications by Driessen, Theo S. H.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: C an Updated and Annotated Translation of the Soviet 'Mathematical Encyclopaedia' by
Theory of Multicodimensional (N+1)-Webs by Goldberg, Vladislav V.
Goodness-Of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data by Read, Timothy R. C., Cressie, Noel A. C.
Algebra for Computer Science by Tambour, Torbjörn, Garding, Lars
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Trento, Italy, June 16-21, 1986 by
Fehlerlehre, Vermessungen und Berechnungen für grossmassstäbige Karten und Pläne, Nivellieren by
Non-Oscillation Domains of Differential Equations with Two Parameters by Mingarelli, Angelo B., Halvorsen, S. Gotskalk
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1988: 13th Symposium Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia, August 29 - September 2, 1988. Proceedings by
Dynamical Systems: Valparaiso. Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Valparaiso, Chile, Nov. 24-29, 1986 by
Functional Analysis: Proceedings of the Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin, 1986-87 by
Theory of Moduli: Lectures Given at the 3rd 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini T by
Partial Differential Operators: Proceedings of Elam VIII, Held in Rio de Janeiro, July 14-25, 1986 by
Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds: Proceedings of the 21st International Taniguchi Symposium Held at Katata, Japan, Aug. 23-29 and the Conference Hel by
Mathematical Economics: Lectures Given at the 2nd 1986 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini T by
An Introduction to Algebraic Topology by Rotman, Joseph J.
Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups. (Am-116), Volume 116 by Katz, Nicholas M.
Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Corner Domains: Smoothness and Asymptotics of Solutions by Dauge, Monique
Cell Kinetic Modelling and the Chemotherapy of Cancer by Knolle, Helmut
Optimale Lineare Regelung: Grenzen Der Erreichbaren Regelgüte in Linearen Zeitinvarianten Regelkreisen by Engell, Sebastian
Simulation Von Antriebssystemen: Modellbildung Der Schwingungssysteme Und Beispiele Aus Der Antriebstechnik by Laschet, Andreas
Geometry: A High School Course by Murrow, Gene, Lang, Serge
Algebraic, Extremal, and Metric Combinatorics, 1986 by
Automorphisms of Surfaces After Nielsen and Thurston by Casson, Andrew J.
Extreme Value Theory in Engineering by Castillo, Enrique
Topology and Geometry - Rohlin Seminar by
Structural Optimization: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Structural Optimization, Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 February 1988 by
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications by Morosanu, Gheorghe
Potential Theory by
Fuzzy Sets in Psychology: Volume 56 by
Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics by Bigelow, John
Introduction to Coding Theory and Algebraic Geometry by Van Der Geer, G., Van Lint, J.
Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Progress in Theory and Applications by Ariaratnam, T., Schueller, G. I.
Matrix Norms and Their Applications by Belitskii, G., Libuich
Introduction to String Field Theory by Siegel, Warren
Introduction to String Field Theory by Siegel, Warren
Matched Asymptotic Expansions: Ideas and Techniques by Lagerstrom, P. a.
Multiphase Averaging for Classical Systems: With Applications to Adiabatic Theorems by Lochak, P., Meunier, C.
Parameter Estimation in Reliability and Life Span Models by Cohen
Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Special Year Held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1986-87 by
Fixed Point Theory of Parametrized Equivariant Maps by Ulrich, Hanno
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