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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1990

Topological Methods in Algebraic Transformation Groups: Proceedings of a Conference at Rutgers University by Kraft
Continuation Techniques and Bifurcation Problems by Gaal, Istvan D.
Notes on Introductory Combinatorics by Tarjan, Robert E., Woods, Donald R., Polya, George
Mathematische Formelsammlung: Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Mit Zahlreichen Abbildungen Und Rechenbeispielen Und Einer Ausführlichen Integ by Papula, Lothar
Simultane Optimierung Von Preis- Und Investitionsstrategien: Ein Diskreter Kontrolltheoretischer Ansatz by Weiser, Christoph
Feasible Mathematics: A Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop, Ithaca, New York, June 1989 by Scott, P. J., Buss, S. R.
The Orbit Method in Representation Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Copenhagen, August to September 1988 by Vergne, Dulfo, Pederson
Spectral Theory of Random Schrödinger Operators by Carmona, R., LaCroix, J.
Aufgabensammlung Der Höheren Mathematik by Minorskij, Vasilij P.
Numerische Algorithmen in Softwaresystemen: -- Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Nag-Bibliothek by
Übungen Zur Mathematik Für Ingenieure: Anwendungsorientierte Übungsaufgaben Aus Naturwissenschaft Und Technik Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Papula, Lothar
Divisor Theory by Edwards, Harold M.
Sur Les Groupes Hyperboliques d'Après Mikhael Gromov by
Mathematische Institute in Deutschland 1800-1945 by Scharlau, Winfried
Stochastic Integrals by Weizsäcker, Heinrich Von
Compact Numerical Methods for Computers by Nash, John C.
Number Theory: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association Held at the Banff Center, Banff, Alberta, April 17-27, 19 by
Foundation Mathematics for Non-Mathematicians by Shott, Milo, Shott
Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics by Aris, Rutherford
An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables: Volume 7 by Hormander, L.
Theory of Duality in Mathematical Programming by Walk, Manfred
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 1 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Heft 2 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 3 by
Chaos in Dissipativen Systemen by Pompe, Bernd, Leven, Ronald W., Koch, Bernd-Peter
Einführung in Fuzzy-Methoden by Bandemer, H., Gottwald, S.
Asymptotics for Elliptic Mixed Boundary Problems by Rempel, S., Schulze, B. -W
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 4 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 6 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 7 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 12 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 10 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 9 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 69, Number 8 by
Evolution and Optimization: An Introduction to Solving Complex Problems by Replicator Networks by Voigt, Hans-Michael
Mathematische Probleme Auf Microcomputern by
Complex Methods on Partial Differential Equations by
Splines in Numerical Analysis by
Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems by Sprößig, W., Gürlebeck, K.
Graphentheorie by Halin, Rudolf
Applied Systems Ecology Approach and Case Studies in Aquatic Ecology by Recknagel, Friedrich
Mathematics and the Unexpected by Ekeland, Ivar
Einführung ın Fuzzy-Methoden: Theorie Und Anwendungen Unscharfer Mengen by Bandemer, H., Gottwald, S.
Cinquante ANS de Polynomes - Fifty Years of Polynomials: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Honour of Alain Durand at the Institut Henri Poincare. Pa by
Geometrie Symplectique Et Mecanique: Colloque International, La Grande Motte, France, 23-28 Mai, 1988 by
Advances in Homotopy Theory: Papers in Honour of I M James, Cortona 1988 by
Differential Equations: Their Solution Using Symmetries by Stephani, Hans
Braids and Coverings: Selected Topics by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
Braids and Coverings: Selected Topics by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard, Hansen, V. L.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics by
Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations: Conservation Laws -- Applications -- Algorithms by
Structural Optimization,: Volume 2: Mathematical Programming by
Optimal Control of Distributed Nuclear Reactors by Soliman, S. A., Nieva, R., Christensen, G. S.
Renewing U.S. Mathematics: A Plan for the 1990s by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Ernst Specker Selecta by Scarpellini, Bruno, Jäger, Gerhard, Läuchli, Hans
Problems in Mathematical Analysis by Biler
Mixed Motives and Algebraic K-Theory by Jannsen, Uwe
Arbeiten Zur Analysis Und Zur Mathematischen Logik by Peano, Giuseppe
Differential-Geometrical Methods in Statistics by Amari, Shun-Ichi
Finite Elemente Programme Für Platten Und Schalen by
Homotopy Theory and Related Topics: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Kinosaki, Japan, August 19-24, 1988 by
New Integrals by
Mathematics and Cognition: A Research Synthesis by the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education by
Exact Solutions of Relativistic Wave Equations by
Quasiconformal Mappings and Sobolev Spaces by Gol'dshtein, V. M., Reshetnyak, Yu G.
Neural and Automata Networks: Dynamical Behavior and Applications by Martínez, Servet, Goles, E.
Renormalized Quantum Field Theory by Zavialov, O. I.
Stochastic Equations and Differential Geometry by Belopolskaya, YA I., Dalecky, Yu L.
Theory and Application of Infinite Series by Knopp, Konrad
Mathematik Für Physiker: Grundkurs by Fischer, Helmut, Kaul, Helmut
An Illustrated Guide to Linear Programming by Gass, Saul I.
Asymptotic and Computational Analysis: Conference in Honor of Frank W.J. Olver's 65th Birthday by Wong, R.
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times by Kline, Morris
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume 2 by Kline, Morris
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times by Kline, Morris
Experimental Robotics I: The First International Symposium Montreal, June 19-21, 1989 by
Root Clustering in Parameter Space by Gutman, Shaul
Real Analytic and Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Trento, Italy, October 3-7, 1988 by
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 15th International Workshop Wg '89, Castle Rolduc, the Netherlands, June 14-16, 1989, Proceedings by
Testing Problems with Linear or Angular Inequality Constraints by Akkerboom, Johan C.
A Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions by Biagioni, Hebe De Azevedo
Time Series: A Biostatistical Introduction by Diggle, Peter J.
Complex Geometry and Analysis: Proceedings of the International Symposium in Honour of Edoardo Vesentini, Held in Pisa (Italy), May 23 - 27, 1988 by
Spinors and Calibrations by Harvey, F. Reese
Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Linear Control Systems: A Recursive Approach by Shen, Xuemin, Gajic, Zoran, Petkovski, Djordjija
Representations and Characters of Finite Groups by Collins, Michael J., Collins, M. J.
Fundamentals of Mathematical Evolutionary Genetics by Svirezhev, Yuri M., Passekov, V. P.
Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres: A Computer-Assisted Approach by Kochman, Stanley O.
Trees and Hierarchical Structures: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Bielefeld, Frg, Oct. 5-9th, 1987 by
Estimation in Semiparametric Models: Some Recent Developments by Pfanzagl, Johann
Nonlinear Dynamical Control Systems by van der Schaft, Arjan, Nijmeijer, Henk
A First Course in Coding Theory (Paperback) by Hill, Raymond
Tables of Fourier Transforms and Fourier Transforms of Distributions by Oberhettinger, Fritz
Computational Graph Theory by
Population Dynamics in Variable Environments by Tuljapurkar, Shripad
Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics by Heermann, Dieter W.
Caap '90: 15th Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 15-18, 1990, Proceedings by
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science Students by Stephenson, G., Radmore, P. M.
The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups by Kleidman, Peter, Liebeck, Martin W.
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science Students by Radmore, Paul M., Radmore, P. M., Stephenson, G.
The Mathematics of Projectiles in Sport by de Mestre, Neville
Number Theory and Cryptography by Loxton, J. H.
Nonlinear Controllability and Optimal Control by Sussmann, H. J.
Non-Linear Fracture: Recent Advances by
Theory of Fluid Flows Through Natural Rocks by Ryzhik, V. M., Barenblatt, G. I., Entov, V. M.
Computation of Curves and Surfaces by
Variational Principles of Topology: Multidimensional Minimal Surface Theory by Fomenko, A. T.
Algebraic Theory of Linear Feedback Systems with Full and Decentralized Compensators by Gündes, A. Nazli, Desoer, Charles A.
Theory of Complex Functions by Remmert, Reinhold
Matrices and Linear Transformations: Second Edition by Cullen, Charles G.
Scientific Issues in Quantitative Cancer Risk Assessment by Moolgavkar, S. H.
Introduction to Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Volume I by Gunning, R. C.
Angewandte Lineare Algebra by Huppert, Bertram
Computers in Mathematics by Chudnovsky, V.
Strategische Unternehmungsführung Und F&e-Management: Qualifikationen Für Führungskräfte by Berthel, Jürgen, Herzhoff, Sabine, Schmitz, Gereon
Hilbert Modular Forms by Freitag, Eberhard
Mathematical Programming Methods in Structural Plasticity by
Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces: With Applications to Harmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces by Rawnsley, John H., Burstall, Francis E.
Schaum's Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences by Dowling, Edward T.
Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, Antibes, June 12-15, 1990 by
Symplectic Techniques in Physics by Guillemin, Victor W.
Frege in Perspective by Weiner, Joan
Conservation Laws and Symmetry: Applications to Economics and Finance by
Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis by Miyamoto, S.
Functional Analysis by Riesz, Frigyes, Sz -Nagy, Béla
Fractals' Physical Origin and Properties by
Topological Fields and Near Valuations by Shell, Niel
Further Engineering Mathematics: Programmes and Problems by Stroud, K. A.
Free Boundary Value Problems: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, July 9-15, 1989 by Sprekels, Hoffmann
Notes on Lie Algebras by Samelson, Hans
Combinatorial Designs and Applications Combinatorial Designs and Applications by Wallis, W. D.
Elementary Theory of Numbers by Leveque, William J., Mathematics, Leveque
Statistische Methoden 2: Planung Und Auswertung by Sachs, Lothar
Semiconductor Equations by Ringhofer, Christian A., Schmeiser, Christian, Markowich, Peter A.
Geophysical Theory by Abbott, Dallas, Menke, William
Groups of Self-Equivalences and Related Topics: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Montreal, Canada, Aug. 8-12, 1988 by
Stochastic Processes in Epidemic Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Luminy, France, October 23-29, 1988 by
Matrices ' Methods and Applications' by Barnett, Stephen
Blocks of Tame Representation Type and Related Algebras by Erdmann, K.
Einführung in Die Struktur- Und Darstellungstheorie Der Klassischen Gruppen by Hein, Wolfgang
Matrix Perturbation Theory by Sun, Ji-Guang, Stewart, G. W.
The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation by Skyrms, Brian
Oligomorphic Permutation Groups by Cameron, Peter J.
Partially Integrable Evolution Equations in Physics by
Numerical Solution of Integral Equations by
Control of Quantum-Mechanical Processes and Systems by Butkovskiy, A. G., Samoilenko, Yu I.
Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory by Cercignani, C.
Inverse Problems in Differential Equations by Anger, G.
Interpolation of Rational Matrix Functions by Ball, Joseph, Gohberg, I., Rodman
Toward a Scientific Practice of Science Education by
Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke: Pioneers in Mathematical Analysis and Catastrophe Theory from Evolvents to Quasicrystals by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800-1840: From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Vol.1: The Setting by Grattan, Guinness, Grattan-Guinness, I.
Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800-1840: From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 2: The Turns by Garrant, Giunness, Grattan-Guinness, I.
Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800 1840: From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics by Garrant, Guinness, Grattan-Guinness, I.
Introduction to Topology: Third Edition by Mendelson, Bert
Swat '90: 2nd Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory. Bergen, Norway, July 11-14, 1990. Proceedings by
Generalized Convexity and Fractional Programming with Economic Applications: Proceedings of the International Workshop on "Generalized Concavity, Frac by
Commutative Algebra by
Computational Methods and Function Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Valparaiso, Chile, March 13-18, 1989 by
The Navier-Stokes Equations Theory and Numerical Methods: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oberwolfach, Frg, Sept. 18-24, 1988 by
Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1984-1987 Compiled at the Institut Für Ökonometrie and Operations Research, Universit by
Regression Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications by Sen, Ashish, Srivastava, Muni
Chaos and Socio-Spatial Dynamics by Dendrinos, Dimitrios S., Sonis, Michael
Topics in Nevanlinna Theory by Lang, Serge, Cherry, William
Helices and Vector Bundles: Seminaire Rudakov by Bondal, A. I., Gorodentsev, A. L., Rudakov, A. N.
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems by Arrowsmith/Place, Arrowsmith, D. K.
The Design of Experiments: Statistical Principles for Practical Applications by Mead, Roger
Mathematical Structures of Nonlinear Science: An Introduction by Berger, Melvyn S.
The Rains Model of Acidification: Science and Strategies in Europe by
Dynamic Analysis of Non-Linear Structures by the Method of Statistical Quadratization by Spanos, Pol, Donley, M. G.
Lattices, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra by
Optimal Control with a Worst-Case Performance Criterion and Applications by Subrahmanyam, M. Bala
Einführung in Das Programmieren in Pascal: Mit Sonderteil Turbo-Pascal-System by
Introduction to Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Volume II by Gunning, R. C.
Ordinary Differential Equations by Amann, Herbert
State Space Modeling of Time Series by Aoki, Masanao
The Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups: Trends and Developments by
Experimental Design & Analysis by Brown, Steven R., Melamed, Lawrence E.
Algorithms: International Symposium Sigal '90, Tokyo, Japan, August 16-18, 1990. Proceedings by
Nonstandard Methods in Fixed Point Theory by Aksoy, Asuman G., Khamsi, Mohamed A.
Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics by Olmsted, John M. H., Gelbaum, Bernard R.
Large Order Perturbation Theory and Summation Methods in Quantum Mechanics by Castro, Eduardo A., Arteca, Gustavo A., Fernandez, Francisco M.
Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of the Japanese-French Symposium Held in Tokyo, Japan, October 10-13, 1988 by
Binary Functions and Their Applications by Störmer, Horand
Multisensor Data Fusion by Waltz, Edward L.
Advances in Cryptology - Auscrypt '90: International Conference on Cryptology Sydney, Australia, January 8-11, 1990 by
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume 1: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics by Polya, George
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume 2: Logic, Symbolic and Mathematical by Polya, George
C*-Algebras and Operator Theory by Murphy, Gerald J.
Sheaves on Manifolds: With a Short History. «Les Débuts de la Théorie Des Faisceaux». by Christian Houzel by Kashiwara, Masaki, Schapira, Pierre
Recent Advances in Fourier Analysis and Its Applications by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics by
Decompositions of Graphs by Bosák, Juraj
Continuation and Bifurcations: Numerical Techniques and Applications by
Introduction to Uniform Spaces by James, I. M.
Mathematical Ecology of Plant Species Competition by Maller, R. A., Maller, Ross A., Pakes, Anthony G.
Introduction to Quantum Group and Integrable Massive Models of Quantum Field Theory by
A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by Rosen, Michael, Ireland, Kenneth
A Course in Functional Analysis by Conway, John B.
Automorphism Groups of Compact Bordered Klein Surfaces: A Combinatorial Approach by Bujalance, Emilio, Etayo, Jose J., Gamboa, Jose M.
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