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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1992

Maß- Und Integrationstheorie by Bauer, Heinz
Multivalued Differential Equations by Deimling, Klaus
Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics by Chen, Chuan Chong, Koh, Khee-Meng
Principles & Techniques in Combinatorics by Chen, Chuan Chong, Koh, Khee-Meng
Categories of Commutative Algebras by Diers, Yves
Partial Differential Equations and Complex Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Branching Processes and Neutral Evolution by Taib, Ziad
Advances in Glim and Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the Glim92 Conference and the 7th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Munich, by
Catastrophe Theory by Arnol'd, Vladimir I.
Data Fitting in the Chemical Sciences: By the Method of Least Squares by Gans, Peter
When Does Bootstrap Work?: Asymptotic Results and Simulations by Mammen, Enno
Linear Programming Duality: An Introduction to Oriented Matroids by Kern, Walter, Bachem, Achim
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows and Transition to Turbulence by
Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory by
Categorical Data Analysis by Aic by Sakamoto, Y.
Information Bounds and Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Groeneboom, P., Wellner, J. a.
An Introduction to Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering by Smith, P. R., Hopcraft, K. I.
Inverse Methods in Physical Oceanography by Bennett, Andrew F.
Mathematics Dictionary by James, R. C.
The Riemann-Zeta Function by Voronin, S. M., Karatsuba, Anatoly A.
Real Function Algebras by Limaye, B. V., Kulkarni, S. H.
Introductory Theory of Topological Vector SPates by Wong, Yau-Chuen
Mathematical Problems Relating to the Navier-Stokes Equations by
Fuchsian Groups by Katok, Svetlana
The Space of Mathematics by
Numerical Methods in Approximation Theory: Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie by
Mathematical Problems Relating to the Navier-Stokes Equations by
Continued Fractions by Szusz, Peter, Rockett, Andrew M.
Invitation to Mathematics by Jacobs, Konrad
Random Graphs: Volume 2 by
Contemporary Design Theory: A Collection of Surveys by
Coding Theory and Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Luminy, France, June 17-21, 1991 by
Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport Held in Montréal, by
The Use of Restricted Significance Tests in Clinical Trials by Salsburg, David S.
Generalized Gamma Convolutions and Related Classes of Distributions and Densities by Bondesson, Lennart
Arrangements of Hyperplanes by Orlik, Peter, Terao, Hiroaki
Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations by Kloeden, Peter E., Platen, Eckhard
Mathematical Problem Solving and New Information Technologies: Research in Contexts of Practice by
The Unofficial IEEE Brainbuster Gamebook: Mental Workouts for the Technically Inclined by
Der Briefwechsel Von Johann I Bernoulli: Band 3 Der Briefwechsel Mit Pierre Varignon. Zweiter Teil:1702-1714 by Bernoulli, Johann I.
Finite Elemente: Mechanik, Physik Und Nichtlineare Prozesse by Hagel, Harald, Nasitta, Karlheinz
Fractals for the Classroom: Part Two: Complex Systems and Mandelbrot Set by Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, Jürgens, Hartmut, Saupe, Dietmar
Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps by Pommerenke, Christian
Dictionary of Scientific Units: Including Dimensionless Numbers and Scales by Jerrard, H. G.
Complex Projective Geometry: Selected Papers by
Stopping Times and Directed Processes by Sucheston, Louis, Edgar, Gerald a., Edgar, G. A.
Designs and Their Codes by J. D., Key, Assmus, E. F., E. F., Assmus
Manifolds with Singularities and the Adams-Novikov Spectral Sequence by Botvinnik, Boris I., Boris I., Botvinnik
The Logarithmic Integral: Volume 2 by Paul, Koosis, Koosis, Paul
Discrete Groups and Geometry by
Shape Optimization and Free Boundaries by
Differential and Integral Equations Through Practical Problems and Exercises by Micula, G., Pavel, Paraschiva
Rational Expectations in Macroeconomic Models by Fisher, P.
Interactive Dynamics of Convection and Solidification by
Solid Mechanics: An Introduction by Ward, J. P.
Theory and Applications of Convolution Integral Equations by Srivastava, Hari M., Buschman, R. G.
Probability Theory and Applications: Essays to the Memory of József Mogyoródi by
Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing by Dougherty, Edward
Pattern Formation in Complex Dissipative Systems: Fluid Patterns, Liquid Crystals, Chemical Reactions by
Contact Geometry and Linear Differential Equations by Sternin, Boris Yu, Nazaikinskii, Vladimir E., Shatalov, Victor E.
Graphs, Matrices, and Designs by Rees, Rolf S.
Introduction to Operator Algebras by Li, Bingren
Lancelot: A FORTRAN Package for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Release A) by Toint, P. L., Conn, A. R., Gould, G. I. M.
Computer Science Logic: 5th Workshop, CSL '91, Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991. Proceedings by
Differential Equations and Their Applications: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics by Braun, Martin
F.B.I. Transformation: Second Microlocalization and Semilinear Caustics by Delort, Jean-Marc
Zahlen by Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter, Hermes, Hans
Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra by Klein, Jacob
Medizinische Biometrie: Biomathematik Und Statistik by Repges, Rudolf, Heinecke, Achim, Hultsch, Ekhard
Analysis 2 by Blatter, Christian
Positioning Systems: A Unified Approach by Drane, Christopher R.
Mathematics -- The Music of Reason by Dieudonne, Jean
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 77: Volume 1, Volume 1 of FORTRAN Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing by Press, William H.
Groups, Combinatorics and Geometry by
Positive Operators and Semigroups on Banach Lattices: Proceedings of a Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference 1990 by
Wavelet Theory and Its Applications by Young, Randy K.
Chaos: Iteration Sensitivität Mandelbrot-Menge Ein Arbeitsbuch by Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, Jürgens, Hartmut
Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions: Volume 3: Classical and Quantum Groups and Special Functions by Vilenkin, N. Ja, Klimyk, A. U.
Global Properties of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations by Neuman, Frantisek
New Developments in Lie Theory and Their Applications by Wallach, Tirao, Juan
Statistical Analysis of Behavioural Data: An Approach Based on Time-Structured Models by Meelis, Evert, Haccou, Patsy
Probability in Banach Spaces, 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference by
Karl-Eberhard Hellwig; Bernd Wegner: Mathematik Und Theoretische Physik. I by Wegner, Bernd, Hellwig, Karl-Eberhard
Generalized Ordinary Differential Equations by Schwabik, Stefan
Likelihood by Edwards, A. W. F.
Elliptic Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical Treatment by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras by Gabriel, Peter
Modeling HIV Transmission and AIDS in the United States by Hethcote, Herbert W., Van Ark, James W.
Multivariate Birkhoff Interpolation by Lorentz, Rudolph A.
Linear Programs & Related Problems: A Volume in the Computer Science and Scientific Computing Series by Nering, Evar D., Tucker, Albert W.
Theorie, Daten, Methoden by
Stability Problems of Steel Structures by
Time Series Analysis and Applications to Geophysical Systems: Part I by
Zahlentheorie: Ein Gang Durch Die Geschichte Von Hammurapi Bis Legendre by Weil
Elliptic Curves by Knapp, Anthony W.
Approximations Spectrales de Problèmes Aux Limites Elliptiques by Bernardi, Christine, Maday, Yvon
An Introduction to Mathematics by Whitehead, A. N.
Reflection Groups and Coxeter Group by Humphreys, James E.
The Anthropology of Numbers by Crump, Thomas
Matrix Computations on Systolic-Type Arrays by Lang, Tomás, Moreno, Jaime
Chaos: From Theory to Applications by Tsonis, A. a.
The Dynamics of Ambiguity by Caglioti, Giuseppe
Introductory Mathematics for Economics and Business by Pearson, Alan, Holden, Ken
Concepts & Images: Visual Mathematics by Loeb, Arthur
Explorations with Texas Instruments Ti-85 by
The Arithmetic of Function Fields by
Amphora: Festschrift Fa1/4r Hans Wussing Zu Seinem 65. Geburtstag / Festschrift for Hans Wussing on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by Rowe, Wayne, Demidov, Folkerts
Einführung in Die Mathematik Für Informatiker by Kirschenhofer, Peter, Baron, Gerd
Free Resolutions in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry by
Handbook of Measurement Science, Volume 3: Elements of Change by
Applied Chaos Theory: A Paradigm for Complexity by Cambel, Ali Bulent
Tensor Norms and Operator Ideals: Volume 176 by Defant, A., Floret, K.
Tree Automata and Languages: Volume 10 by
Continued Fractions with Applications: Volume 3 by Lorentzen, L., Waadeland, H.
Proclus: A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements by Proclus
Nilpotence and Periodicity in Stable Homotopy Theory by Ravenel, Douglas C.
Industrial Applications of Neural Networks: Project Annie Handbook by
Breaking the Barriers: Helping Female and Minority Students Succeed in Mathematics and Science by Thorpe, Margaret E., Clewell, Beatriz Chu, Anderson, Bernice Taylor
Rapid Math Tricks & Tips: 30 Days to Number Power by Julius, Edward H.
Basic Analytic Number Theory by Karatsuba, Anatolij A.
Recent Progress in General Topology by
Degenerate and Other Problems by Dzhuraev, Abduhamid
Algorithms and Computation: Third International Symposium, Isaac '92, Nagoya, Japan, December 16-18, 1992. Proceedings by
Robust Control: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Tokyo, Japan, June 23 - 24, 1991 by
Stochastic Theory and Adaptive Control: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Lawrence, Kansas, September 26 - 28, 1991 by
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN Example Book: The Art of Scientific Computing by Teukolsky, Saul A., Vetterling, William T., Press, William H.
Averaging in Stability Theory: A Study of Resonance Multi-Frequency Systems by Hapaev, M. M.
Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Nonautonomous Ordinary Differential Equations by Kiguradze, Ivan, Chanturia, T. a.
Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Critical Parameters by
Estimating Device Reliability:: Assessment of Credibility by Nash, Franklin R.
Applied Theory of Functional Differential Equations by Myshkis, A., Kolmanovskii, V.
The Method of Newton's Polyhedron in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations by Gindikin, S. G., Volevich, L.
Mathematics in Society and History: Sociological Inquiries by Restivo, Sal P., Restivo, S.
Topics in Engineering Mathematics: Modeling and Methods by
Systems of Evolution Equations with Periodic and Quasiperiodic Coefficients by Samoilenko, A. M., Mitropolsky, Yuri A., Mitropol'skii, Iu A.
Computational and Algorithmic Problems in Finite Fields by Shparlinski, Igor E., Shparlinski, I. E.
Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences by Brzezniak, Zdzislaw, De Socio, L. M., Bellomo, N.
The Variational Principles of Dynamics by Kuperschmidt, Boris A.
Nevanlinna Theory and Complex Differential Equations by Laine, Ilpo
D-Modules and Microlocal Geometry: Proceedings of the International Conference on D-Modules and Microlocal Geometry Held at the University of Lisbon ( by
The Variational Principles of Dynamics by Kuperschmidt, Boris A.
Differential Equations and Their Applications: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics by Braun, Martin
Pascal's Triangle: A Teacher's Guide with Blackline Masters by Colledge, Tony
Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms by Röckner, Michael, Ma, Zhi-Ming
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XX - 1990 by Freidlin, Mark I., Le Gall, Jean-Francois
Complementarity Problems by Isac, George
The Adjoint of a Semigroup of Linear Operators by Neerven, Jan Van
The Navier-Stokes Equations II - Theory and Numerical Methods: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Germany, August 18-24, 1991 by
Design of Survivable Networks by Stoer, Mechthild
Multiplication of Distributions: A Tool in Mathematics, Numerical Engineering and Theoretical Physics by Colombeau, Jean F.
Cyclic Galois Extensions of Commutative Rings by Greither, Cornelius
Orthomorphism Graphs of Groups by Evans, Anthony B.
Mathematical Research Today and Tomorrow: Viewpoints of Seven Fields Medalists. Lectures Given at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, J by
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming: Methods and Applications by Lai, Young-Jou, Hwang, Ching-Lai
From Number Theory to Physics by
Kac Algebras and Duality of Locally Compact Groups by Enock, Michel
Approximation-solvability of Nonlinear Functional and Differential Equations by Petryshyn, Wolodymyr V.
Hyperedge Replacement: Grammars and Languages by Habel, Annegret
Stochastic Two-Stage Programming by Frauendorfer, Karl
Sequences II: Methods in Communication, Security, and Computer Science by
Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics by Sequeira, Adelia, Rodrigues, Jose Francisco
Vector and Tensor Analysis by Young, Eutiquio C.
Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions: Volume 3: Classical and Quantum Groups and Special Functions by Klimyk, A. U., Vilenkin, N. Ja
Selected Works III: Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms by Kolmogorov, Andrei N.
Cases of Assessment in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study by
Investigations Into Assessment in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study by
Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis by Fink, A. M., Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S., Pecaric, J.
Ill-Posed Problems in Natural Sciences: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Moscow, August 19-25, 1991 by
Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions: Volume 2: Class I Representations, Special Functions, and Integral Transforms by Vilenkin, N. Ja, Klimyk, A. U.
Mathematical Nonlinear Image Processing: A Special Issue of the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision by
Nearrings: Geneses and Applications by Clay, James R.
Projective Representations of the Symmetric Groups: Q-Functions and Shifted Tableaux by Humphreys, J. F., Hoffman, P. N.