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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1993

The Basic Theory of Power Series by Ruiz, Jesús M.
Einführung in UNIX: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Brecht, Werner
Safety Evaluation Based on Identification Approaches Related to Time-Variant and Nonlinear Structures by
Legends in Their Own Time: A Century of American Physical Scientists by Serafini, Anthony
Nonlinear Waves and Weak Turbulence: With Applications in Oceanography and Condensed Matter Physics by McCaughan, Fitzmaurice, Gurarie
Incomplete Decomposition (Ilu) -- Algorithms, Theory, and Applications: Proceedings of the Eighth Gamm-Seminar, Kiel, January 24-26, 1992 by
Grundkurs Funktionentheorie by
Handbuch Radar Und Radarsignalverarbeitung by Ludloff, Albrecht
Flowhop Scheduling Mit Parallelen Genetischen Algorithmen: Eine Problemorientierte Analyse Genetischer Suchstrategien by Bierwirth, Christian
Von Krebsen Und Kriminellen: Mathematische Modelle in Biologie Und Soziologie by Beltrami, Edward J.
Supercomputers & Their Performance in Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Theoretical, Applied, and Computational Aspects: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hyperbolic Probl by
Multiblock Grid Generation: Results of the Ec/Brite-Euram Project Euromesh, 1990-1992 by
Forschungsstrategien: Ziele Setzen -- Entscheiden -- Führen by Röß, Dieter
Mathematik-Vorkurs: Übungs- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Studienanfänger by Schäfer, Wolfgang
3d-Computation of Incompressible Internal Flows: Proceedings of the Gamm Workshop Held at Epfl, 13-15 September 1989, Lausanne, Switzerland by
Diskrete Mathematik by Aigner, Martin
Introduction to Programming with Mathematica(R): Includes diskette by Wellin, Paul R., Gaylord, Richard J., Kamin, Samuel N.
MacMath 9. 2: a dynamical systems software package for the Macintosh by Hubbard, John H., West, Beverly H.
Vieweg Mathematik Lexikon: Begriffe/Definitionen/Sätze/Beispiele Für Das Grundstudium by
An Introduction to Γ-Convergence by Dal Maso, Gianni
Decomposition Spectrale Et Series d'Eisenstein by Moeglin, C., Waldspurger, J. L.
Frege: Philosophy of Language, Second Edition by Dummett, Michael
Rational Numbers: An Integration of Research by
The Admissible Dual of Gl(n) Via Compact Open Subgroups. (Am-129), Volume 129 by Bushnell, Colin J., Kutzko, P. C.
Several Complex Variables and the Geometry of Real Hypersurfaces by D'Angelo, John P.
Clinical Electrophysiology of the Somatosensory Cortex: A Combined Study Using Electrocorticography, Scalp-Eeg, and Magnetoencephalography by Baumgartner, Christoph
Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology by May, J. P.
More Joy of Mathematics: Exploring Mathematical Insights and Concepts by Pappas, Theoni
The Joy of Mathematics: Discovering Mathematics All Around You by Pappas, Theoni
Why Nations Cooperate by Stein, Arthur A.
Poisson Processes by Kingman, J. F.
Norm Inequalities for Derivatives and Differences by Zettl, Anton, Kwong, Man K.
Aspects of Combinatorics: A Wide-Ranging Introduction by Bryant, Victor
Curves and Singularities by Giblin, P. J., Bruce, J. W.
Hyperbolic Geometry by Iversen, Birger
Curves and Singularities: A Geometrical Introduction to Singularity Theory by Bruce, J. W.
Algebraic L-Theory and Topological Manifolds by Ranicki, Andrew, Ranicki, A. a.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Stochastic Approximation -- Zygmund Class of Functions by
Climate Under Cover: Digital Dynamic Simulation in Plant Bio-Engineering by Takakura, Tadashi
The Alternative Mathematical Model of Linguistic Semantics and Pragmatics by Novák, Vilém
Boolean Constructions in Universal Algebras by Pinus, A. G.
Carleman's Formulas in Complex Analysis: Theory and Applications by Aizenberg, L. a.
Gleason's Theorem and Its Applications by Dvurecenskij, Anatolij
Analytic D-Modules and Applications by Björk, Jan-Erik
Climate Under Cover: Digital Dynamic Simulation in Plant Bio-Engineering by Takakura, Tadashi
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume I: Representations and Probability Theory by Schott, René, Feinsilver, P.
Measuring What Counts: A Policy Brief by National Research Council, Mathematical Sciences Education Board
Effective Teaching of Mathematics by Simmons, Malcolm
Algorithms for Random Generation and Counting: A Markov Chain Approach by Sinclair, A.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics by Üstünel, A. S., Körezlioglu, H.
The Verdier Memorial Conference on Integrable Systems: Actes Du Colloque International de Luminy (1991) by Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y.
Partial Differential Equations IV: Microlocal Analysis and Hyperbolic Equations by
Galois' Dream: Group Theory and Differential Equations: Group Theory and Differential Equations by Kuga, Michio
Mathematical Problems of Classical Nonlinear Electromagnetic Theory by Bloom, Frederick
Applied Simulated Annealing by
Parallel Computing on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors by
Fractals, Googols, and Other Mathematical Tales by Pappas, Theoni
Emerging Applications in Free Boundary Problems by Rasmussen, Helen, Chadam, J. M.
Products of Groups by de Giovanni, Francesco, Amberg, Bernhard, Franciosi, Silvana
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 18th International Workshop, Wg '92, Wiesbaden-Naurod, Germany, June 18-20, 1992. Proceedings by
Elementary Theory of L-Functions and Eisenstein Series by Hida, Haruzo
Lectures on Ergodic Theory and Pesin Theory on Compact Manifolds by Pollicott, Mark
Asymptotic Behaviour of Soluti by Vishik, M. I.
Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions by Vishik, M. I.
Algebraic Number Theory by Frohlich, A.
Elementary Theory of L-Functions and Eisenstein Series by Hida, Haruzo, None
B Nard Cells and Taylor Vortices by Koschmieder, E. L.
Optimization of Large Structural Systems by
Applications of Liapunov Methods in Stability by Halanay, Aristide, Rasvan, V., Halanay, A.
Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multiobjective Optimization by Sakawa, Masatoshi
Symmetry Analysis and Exact Solutions of Equations of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics by Serov, N. I., Fushchich, W. I., Shtelen, W. M.
Wave Kinematics and Environmental Forces: Papers Presented at a Conference Organized by the Society for Underwater Technology and Held in London, U.K. by
Uniqueness & Nonuniqueness Criter...(V6) by Lakshmikantham, Vangipuram, Agarwal, Ravi P.
Schaum's Outline of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics by Beiser, Arthur
Software-Führer '93/'94 Lehre Und Forschung: Ingenieurwissenschaften by
Basic Multivariable Calculus by Tromba, Anthony, Marsden, Jerrold E., Weinstein, Alan
Software-Entwicklung in FORTRAN 90 by Meditz, Peter, Überhuber, Christoph
Topological Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations: Lectures Given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) H by Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Martelli, Mario
Functional Analysis and Related Topics, 1991: Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Professor Kosaku Yosida Held at Rims, Kyoto Uni by
Symbolic Dynamics and Hyperbolic Groups by Coornaert, Michel, Papadopoulos, Athanase
Quick Algebra Review by Selby, Peter H., Slavin, Steve
Statistische Methoden: Planung Und Auswertung by Sachs, Lothar
Problem Based Methodology: Research for the Improvement of Practice by Robinson, Viviane M. J.
Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory by Stillwell, John
Normal Families by Schiff, Joel L.
Dealing with Complexity by Carson, Ewart R., Flood, Robert L.
Functional Integrals: Approximate Evaluation and Applications by Sobolevsky, P. I., Yanovich, L. a., Egorov, A. D.
Difference Equations and Their Applications by Romanenko, E. Yu, Sharkovsky, A. N., Maistrenko, Y. L.
Developments in Partial Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Physics by
Modeling by Object-Driven Linear Elemental Relations: A User's Guide for Modler(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Spline Functions and Multivariate Interpolations by Sahakian, B., Bojanov, Borislav D., Hakopian, H.
Nilpotent Groups and Their Automorphisms by Khukhro, Evgenii I.
Rational Iteration by Steinmetz, Norbert
Abelian Groups: Proceedings of the 1991 Curacao Conference by
Number Theory with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum by
Algebraic Combinatorics by Godsil, Chris
Gröbner Bases: A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra by Weispfenning, Volker, Becker, Thomas
Harmonic Maps and Minimal Immersions with Symmetries (Am-130), Volume 130: Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations Applied to Elliptic Variational by Ratto, Andrea, Eells, James
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I: Foundations of Lie Theory Lie Transformation Groups by Gorbatsevich, V. V.
Dynamical Systems VIII: Singularity Theory II. Applications by
Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics by
Asymptotic Analysis: Linear Ordinary Differential Equations by Fedoryuk, Mikhail V., Fedor'iuk, Mikhail Vasilevich
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3: Discrete Fourier Analysis, Cauchy Integrals, Construction of Conformal Maps, Univalent Functions by Henrici, Peter
Introduction to Probability and Statistics by Giri
Einstein Metrics and Yang-Mills Connections by
Partnership in Maths: Parents and Schools: The Impact Project by
C-Xsc: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing by Klatte, Rudi, Kulisch, Ulrich
Structural Optimization: Fundamentals and Applications by Kirsch, Uri
Chance and Chaos by Ruelle, David
Nonlinear Dynamics of Reservoir Mixtures by Mitlin, Vladimir
Real and Functional Analysis by Lang, Serge
Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms by Koblitz, Neal I.
Ordered Algebraic Structures: The 1991 Conrad Conference by
Algorithms for Elliptic Problems: Efficient Sequential and Parallel Solvers by Vajtersic, Marián
Model Theory by Wilfrid, Hodges, Hodges, Wilfrid
ACTA Numerica 1993: Volume 2 by
Street Mathematics and School Mathematics by Nunes, Terezinha
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, 1993 by
Validation Numerics: Theory and Applications by
White Noise on Bialgebras by Schürmann, Michael
Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems by Capasso, Vincenzo
Molecular Orbital Calculations Using Chemical Graph Theory by Dias, Jerry R.
Dgor / Ögor: Papers of the 21th Annual Meeting of Dgor in Cooperation with Ögor Vorträge Der 21. Jahrestagung Der Dgor Zusammen Mit Ögor by
An Introduction to Operator Algebras by Zhu, Kehe
Global Behavior of Nonlinear Difference Equations of Higher Order with Applications by Kocic, V. L., Ladas, G.
Topology of Gauge Fields and Condensed Matter by Monastyrsky, M.
Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy by Rota, Gian-Carlo, Schwartz, Jacob T., Kac, Mark
The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1990-1992 by
Convergence of Iterations for Linear Equations by Nevanlinna, Olavi
Integrating Research on the Graphical Representation of Functions by
Predictive Inference by Geisser, Seymour
Introduction to Numerical Methods for Water Resources by Wood, W. L.
Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing by Cichocki, Andrzej, Unbehauen, R.
Arithmetic, Proof Theory, and Computational Complexity by Clote, Krajicek
Singularity Theory I by Vasil'ev, V. a., Goryunov, V. V., Lyashko, O. V.
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics by
Advanced Educational Technologies for Mathematics and Science by
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXI - 1991 by Dawson, Donald A., Maisonneuve, Bernard
Well-Posed Optimization Problems by Dontchev, Assen L., Zolezzi, Tullio
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A. / Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, A.O.: Band III/Volume by Pauli, Wolfgang
A Guide to Spss/Pc+ 1ed by Frude, N.
Thermomechanics of Evolving Phase Boundaries in the Plane by Gurtin, Morton E.
Degenerate Diffusions by
Topology and Geometry by Bredon, Glen E.
Efficient Algorithms for Listing Combinatorial Structures by Goldberg, Leslie Ann
Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications by Donald B., Percival, Andrew T., Walden, Percival, Donald B.
The Petersen Graph by Holton, Derek A., Holton, D. A.
Geometry II: Spaces of Constant Curvature by
Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations by Dreyer, T. P.
Fortschritte Der Praktischen Dermatologie Und Venerologie: Vorträge Der XIII. Fortbildungswoche Der Dermatologischen Klinik Und Poliklinik Der Ludwig- by
Variantenfließfertigung by Decker, Maria
Advances in Turbulence IV: Proceedings of the Fourth European Turbulence Conference 30th June - 3rd July 1992 by
A Course on Nonlinear Waves by Shen, S. S.
Degenerate Elliptic Equations by Levendorskii, Serge
Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems and Geometric Quantization by Puta, Mircea
Wavelet Theory and Application: A Special Issue of the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision by
Fundamentals of Convex Analysis: Duality, Separation, Representation, and Resolution by Panik, M. J.
The Cauchy Method of Residues, Volume 2: Theory and Applications by Keckic, J. D., Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S.
Optical Waveguide Theory by the Finite Element Method by Koshiba, Masanori
Error Inequalities in Polynomial Interpolation and Their Applications by Wong, Patricia J. y., Agarwal, R. P., Agarwal, Ravi
Elements of Topological Dynamics by de Vries, J.
Differential Inclusions in Nonsmooth Mechanical Problems: Shocks and Dry Friction by Monteiro Marques
Periodic Solutions of Singular Lagrangian Systems by Coti-Zelati, V., Ambrosetti, A.
Integral Transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow by Cotta, Renato Machado
Schrödinger Equations and Diffusion Theory by Nagasawa, M.
The Graph Isomorphism Problem: Its Structural Complexity by Kobler, J., Schöning, U., Toran, J.
Computation and Control: Volume 3 by Lund, John, Bowers, Kenneth L.
Wie löst man Randwertprobleme in Physik und Technik by Cap, Ferdinand
Numerical Linear Algebra: Proceedings of the Conference in Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computation, Kent (Ohio), USA March 13-14, 19 by
Eléments de Statistique Asymptotique by Picard, Dominique, Genon-Catalot, Valentine
Impulsive Differential Equations: Periodic Solutions and Applications by Simeonov, Pavel, Bainov, Drumi
Topological Rings: Volume 178 by Warner, S.
Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Representation: First International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Iccs'93, Quebec City, Canada, August 4-7, 199 by
Essays on Control: Perspectives in the Theory and Its Applications by
Discrete Dynamical Modeling by Sandefur, James T.
Degenerate Parabolic Equations by Dibenedetto, Emmanuele
Complex Dynamics by Carleson, Lennart, Gamelin, Theodore W.
Advances in Shannon's Sampling Theory by Zayed, Ahmed I.
Algorithms and Data Structures: Third Workshop, Wads '93, Montreal, Canada, August 11-13, 1993. Proceedings by
Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability by Phelps, Robert R.
M-Ideals in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras by Werner, Dirk, Harmand, Peter, Werner, Wend
Multidimensional Weakly Singular Integral Equations by Vainikko, Gennadi
Dynkin Graphs and Quadrilateral Singularities by Urabe, Tohsuke
Methods of Approximation Theory in Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Leningrad, May 13-24, 1991 by
Lmsst: 27 Hilbert Space by Retherford, J. R.
Geometric Group Theory: Volume 1 by
Cohomological Methods in Transformation Groups by Puppe, V., Puppe, Volker, Allday, C.
Numerical Mathematics: A Laboratory Approach by Zwas, Gideon, Breuer, S., Breuer, Shlomo
Surveys in Combinatorics, 1993 by
Hilbert Space: Compact Operators and the Trace Theorem by None, Retherford, J. R.
Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and Logic by
Fuzzy Logic: State of the Art by
Econometrics of Information and Efficiency by SenGupta, Jati
Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields by
Rail Quality and Maintenance for Modern Railway Operation by
Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems by Menezes, Alfred J.
Algebraic K-Theory and Algebraic Topology by
Multiprocessing by Naik, Vijay K.
Introduction to Toric Varieties. (Am-131), Volume 131 by Fulton, William
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