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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1994

In Search of More Effective Mathematics Education: Examining Data from the IEA Second International Mathematics Study by Ethington, Corinna, Sosniak, Lauren, Westbury, Ian
In Search of More Effective Mathematics Education: Examining Data from the Iea Second International Mathematics Study by Westbury, Ian, Ethington, Corinna A.
Grundkurs Mathematik Für Biologen by Vogt, Herbert
Knots and Physics (Second Edition) by Kauffman, Louis H.
Harmonic Maps and Integrable Systems by Wood, John C.
Contributions to Complex Analysis and Analytic Geometry by Skoda, Henri, Trépreau, Jean-Marie
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Theoretische Und Numerische Aspekte by Demailly, Jean-Pierre
Neuere Statistische Verfahren Und Modellbildung in Der Geoökologie by Schröder, Winfried
Das Mathematica Arbeitsbuch: Mit 49 Übungsaufgaben by Heinrich, Elke Dagmar, Janetzko, Hans-Dieter
Simulation ALS Betriebliche Entscheidungshilfe by
Repetitorium Der Funktionentheorie: Mit Über 120 Ausführlich Bearbeiteten Prüfungsaufgaben by Herz, Andreas
Multilevelmethoden ALS Iterationsverfahren Über Erzeugendensystemen by Griebel, Michael
Mathematik Mit Dem PC: Der Effektive Einsatz Von Computeralgebra-Programmen in Schule, Studium Und PRAXIS by Benker, Hans
Schulwissen Mathematik: Ein Überblick: Was Ein Studienanfänger Von Der Mathematik Wissen Sollte by Scharlau, Winfried
Lehrbuch Der Algebra: Unter Einschluß Der Linearen Algebra Teil 1 by Storch, Uwe, Scheja, Günter
The Mathematical Traveler: Exploring the Grand History of Numbers by Clawson, Calvin C.
Algebraische Topologie: Eine Einführung by Stöcker, Ralph, Zieschang, Heiner
Finanzmathematik by Borgwadt, Heidemarie
Regression Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications by Srivastava, Muni S., Sen, Ashish K.
Macroeconomic Models by Chirichiello, G.
Positive Krümmung Und Topologie by Kreck, Matthias
Learning Abstract Algebra with Isetl: Macintosh(tm) Diskette Provided by Dubinsky, Ed, Leron, Uri
Genetic Algorithms in Optimisation, Simulation and Modelling by
The Mathematical Traveler: Exploring the Grand History of Numbers by Clawson, Calvin C.
Knots and Physics (2nd Edition) (V1) by Louis Kauffman
Abstract Harmonic Analysis: Volume I: Structure of Topological Groups Integration Theory Group Representations by Ross, Kenneth A., Hewitt, Edwin
Homology Theory: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology by Vick, James W.
Mathematics Without Numbers: Towards a Modal-Structural Interpretation by Hellman, Geoffrey
Functions of One Complex Variable I by Conway, John B.
Introduction À La Théorie Des Points Critiques: Et Applications Aux Problèmes Elliptiques by Kavian, Otared
Électromagnétisme, En Vue de la Modélisation by Bossavit, Alain
Three-Dimensional Elasticity: Volume 20 by
Unified Field Theories: In the First Third of the 20th Century by Vizgin, Vladimir Pavlovich
Logical Methods: In Honor of Anil Nerode's Sixtieth Birthday by
Raoul Bott: Collected Papers: Volume 1: Topology and Lie Groups by
Many-Valued Logics by Malinowski, Grzegorz
Die Entwicklung Des Tensorkalküls: Vom Absoluten Differentialkalkül Zur Relativitätstheorie by Reich, Karin
Phyllotaxis: A Systemic Study in Plant Morphogenesis by Jean, Roger V.
97 Algebraic Curves Over Finite Fields by Moreno, Carlos
Two-Dimensional Homotopy and Combinatorial Group Theory by
Some Random Series of Functions by Kahane, Jean-Pierre, Kahane, Csam
Creating Modern Probability: Its Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy in Historical Perspective by Von Plato, Jan, Plato, Jan Von
Designs and Their Codes by Assmus, E. F., Assmus, Key, Key, J. D.
Computation with Finitely Presented Groups by Sims, Charles C.
The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal by
Probability and Phase Transition by
Time Series Analysis by Hamilton, James D.
Group Theory by Wielandt, Helmut
Fractals in Biology and Medicine by
Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry by
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control by Kurzhanski, A. B., Kurzhanski, Alexander B.
Riemann's Boundary Problem with Infinite Index by Govorov, Nikolaj V.
Solving Partial Differ Eqn on Parallel by Zhu, Jian Ping
Matvei Petrovich Bronstein: And Soviet Theoretical Physics in the Thirties by Frenkel, Victor YA, Gorelik, G. E., Gorelik, Gennady E.
Introduction to Graph Theory by Trudeau, Richard J.
Algorithms and Complexity: Second Italian Conference, Ciac '94, Rome, Italy, February 23 - 25, 1994. Proceedings by
Mathematical Go by Wolfe, David, Berlekamp, Elwyn
Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity by Marsden, Jerrold E., Hughes, Thomas J. R.
Several Complex Variables II: Function Theory in Classical Domains. Complex Potential Theory by
Speed Mathematics Simplified by Stoddard, Edward
Metaphysical Myths, Mathematical Practice by Azzouni, Jody
Shintani Zeta Functions by Yukie, Akihiko
Algebraic Graph Theory by Biggs, Norman L., Norman, Biggs
Symplectic Geometry by
Arithmetic of Blowup Algebras by Vasconcelos, Wolme
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Volume 10 by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (Set) by
The Newton-Cauchy Framework: A Unified Approach to Unconstrained Nonlinear Minimization by Nazareth, John L.
Differential Equations on Complex Manifolds by Sternin, Boris, Shatalov, Victor
Weighted Approximation with Varying Weight by Totik, Vilmos
Fractal Surfaces by Russ, John C.
Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs by Ueberhuber, Christoph W., Tomas, Gerald
Introduction to Geometry of Manifolds with Symmetry by Trofimov, V. V.
Universal Compression and Retrieval by Krichevsky, R.
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science by Knuth, Donald, Graham, Ronald, Patashnik, Oren
Computational Optimal Control by
Time-Varying Discrete Linear Systems: Input-Output Operators. Riccati Equations. Disturbance Attenuation by Halanay, Aristide, Ionescu, Vlad
Mupad: Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool Tutorial Mupad Version 1.2 by Gottheil, Klaus, Kemper, Andreas, Fuchssteiner, Benno
Lectures on the Geometry of Poisson Manifolds by Vaisman, Izu
Inference and Asymptotics by Cox, D. R., Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E.
Motion by Mean Curvature and Related Topics: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Trento, Italy, 20-24, 1992 by
Kryptologie: Methoden Und Maximen by Bauer, Friedrich L.
Nichtstandard Analysis by Landers, Dieter, Rogge, Lothar
Smooth Four-Manifolds and Complex Surfaces by Friedman, Robert, Morgan, John W.
Algebraic Geometry I: Algebraic Curves, Algebraic Manifolds and Schemes by Danilov, V. I.
Mixing: Properties and Examples by Doukhan, Paul
A First Course in Analysis by Pedrick, George
A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology by Henle, Michael
Fuzzy Decision Support-Systeme: Entscheiden Bei Unschärfe by Rommelfanger, Heinrich
Trees in Algebra and Programming - Caap '94: 19th International Colloquium, Edinburgh, U.K., April 11 - 13, 1994. Proceedings by
Numerical Analysis 1993 by Griffiths, D. F., Watson, G. a.
Groups and Geometry by Stoy, Gabrielle A., Thompson, Edward C., Neumann, Peter M.
Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories by Rosicky, J., Rosicky, Jiri, Adamek, J.
Microlocal Analysis for Differential Operators: An Introduction by Grigis, Alain
Computer Algebra and Differential Equations by
Sporadic Groups by Aschbacher, Michael
Modeling Techniques for Uncertain Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Sopron, Hungary, July 1992 by
Ginzburg-Landau Vortices by Bethuel, Fabrice, Brezis, Haim, Helein, Frederic
Generalized Convexity: Proceedings of the Ivth International Workshop on Generalized Convexity Held at Janus Pannonius University Pécs, Hunga by
Martingale Hardy Spaces and Their Applications in Fourier Analysis by Weisz, Ferenc
The Space of Dynamical Systems with the C0-Topology by Pilyugin, Sergei Yu
Existence Families, Functional Calculi and Evolution Equations by Delaubenfels, Ralph
Nonlinear Water Waves by Debnath, Lokenath
Geometric Invariant Theory by Mumford, David, Fogarty, John, Kirwan, Frances
Game Theory and the Social Contract, Volume 1: Playing Fair by Binmore, Ken
The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: A Case Study in Exponential Families by Seshadri, V.
Fundamental Structures of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics by Foldes, Stephan
Mutations of Alternative Algebras by Elduque, Alberto, Hyo Chyl Myung
Interior Point Approach to Linear, Quadratic and Convex Programming: Algorithms and Complexity by Den Hertog, D.
Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks by
Icpt '91: Proceedings from the International Conference on Potential Theory, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, August 18-24, 1991 by
Finite Dimensional Algebras and Related Topics by
Well-Posedness of Parabolic Difference Equations by Sobolevskii, P. E., Ashyralyev, A.
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: International Conference in Blossin (Germany), May 17 - 21, 1993 by
P-Adic Analysis & Mathematical Phy (V1) by V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich Et Al
The Mystery of Numbers by Schimmel, Annemarie, Endres, Franz Carl
Fractal Modelling: Growth and Form in Biology by Kaandorp, Jaap A.
Fourier Analysis: Analytic and Geometric Aspects by
Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory by
Multigrid Methods IV by
The Magic of Mathematics: Discovering the Spell of Mathematics by Pappas, Theoni
Taschenbuch der Mathematik by Wörle, Helmut, Rumpf, Hans-Joachim, Erven, Joachim
Versuchsplanung Und Modellwahl: Statistische Planung Und Auswertung Von Experimenten Mit Stetigem Oder Kategorialem Response by Toutenburg, Helge
Clifford Wavelets, Singular Integrals, and Hardy Spaces by Mitrea, Marius
Algebraic Coding: First French-Israeli Workshop, Paris, France, July 19 - 21, 1993. Proceedings by
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3: Part 1 by
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3: Part 2 by
The Linearization Method for Constrained Optimization by Pshenichnyi, B. N., Pshenichnyj, Boris N.
Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Methods of Algebraic Geometry by Hodge, W. V. D.
Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis by
Magnetohydrodynamics: Waves and Shock Waves in Curved Space-Time by Lichnerowicz, A.
Runs and Patterns in Probability: Selected Papers: Selected Papers by
Loop Parallelization by Banerjee, Utpal
Classical and Modern Potential Theory and Applications by
Computer-Aided Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Mechanical Systems by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computer-Aided Analysis of
Learning Mathematics: Constructivist and Interactionist Theories of Mathematical Development by
Thermal Management of Electronic Systems by
Monotone Iterative Techniques for Discontinuous Nonlinear Differential Equations by Heikkila, Seppo, Lakshmikantham, V.
K-Theory by Atiyah, Michael
Student's Meeting Book: 1st Edition by Larson
Student's Meeting Book: 1st Edition by Larson
Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications by
Theory of Groups of Finite Order by W Burnside
Theory of Groups of Finite Order by W Burnside
A Course of Pure Mathematics by Hardy, G. H.
Modélisation Asymptotique En Mécanique Des Fluides Newtoniens by Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh
A Course of Pure Mathematics by Hardy, G. H.
Trends and Perspectives in Applied Mathematics by
Random Geometrically Graph Directed Self-Similar Multifractals by Olsen, Lars
Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory by Dudley, Donald G.
Algebraic Approach to Simple Quantum Systems: With Applications to Perturbation Theory by Adams, Barry G.
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 19th International Workshop, Wg '93, Utrecht, the Netherlands, June 16 - 18, 1993. Proceedings by
An Introduction to G-Functions by Sullivan, Francis J., Dwork, Bernard, Gerotto, Giovanni
Noninteracting Control with Stability for Nonlinear Systems by Battilotti, Stefano
Ethics in Modeling by
Selecting Models from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV by
Concurrent Scientific Computing by Van De Velde, Eric F.
The Philosophy Behind Physics by Brody, Thomas A.
White Noise Calculus and Fock Space by Obata, Nobuaki
Arithmetical Functions by Spilker, Jurgen, Schwarz, Wolfgang
The Algebraic Characterization of Geometric 4-Manifolds by Hillman, Jonathan A., Hillman, J. A.
Oscillations in Finite Quantum Systems by Bertsch, G. F., Broglia, R. a., Bertsch, George F.
Algorithms for Continuous Optimization: The State of the Art by
Scheduling Theory Single-Stage Systems by Gordon, W., Shafransky, Yakov M., Tanaev, V.
Bond Markets, Treasury and Debt Management: The Italian Case by
Autosolitons: A New Approach to Problems of Self-Organization and Turbulence by Kerner, B. S., Osipov, V. V.
Scheduling Theory. Single-Stage Systems by Tanaev, V., Gordon, W., Shafransky, Yakov M.
Large Scale Optimization: State of the Art by
Introduction to Linear Algebra in Geology by Ferguson, J.
Non-Additive Measure and Integral by Denneberg, D.
Advanced Mathematical Thinking by
Computational Methods in Solid Mechanics by Curnier, A.
Introduction to the Theory of Singular Integral Operators with Shift by Kravchenko, Viktor G., Litvinchuk, Georgii S.
Advances in Optimization and Approximation by
Scheduling Theory: Multi-Stage Systems by Sotskov, Yuri N., Strusevich, V. a., Tanaev, V.
The Hypergeometric Approach to Integral Transforms and Convolutions by Yakubovich, S. B., Luchko, Yury
Nonstandard Methods of Analysis by Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich, Kusraev, A. G.
Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1 - 3 Ma by
Symmetric Properties of Real Functions by Thomson, Brian
Macroeconomic Models by Chirichiello, G.
Elliptic Problems in Domains with Piecewise Smooth Boundaries by Plamenevsky, Boris A., Nazarov, Sergey
First-Order Representations of Linear Systems by Kuijper, Margareet, Kuijper, Margreet
Foundations of Game Theory: Noncooperative Games by Vorob'ev, Nicolai N.
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Circuits and Semiconductor Devices: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschu by
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Elastic Multi-Link Structures by Lagnese, J., Leugering, Gunter, Schmidt, E. J. P. G.
Optimal Control of Differential Equations by Pavel, Pavel H., Pavel, Nicolae H., Pavel, N. H.
Rings, Extensions, and Cohomology by Magid, Magid R., Magid, Andy R., Zelinsky, Daniel
Geometrische Und Algebraische Methoden Der Physik: Supermannigfaltigkeiten Und Virasoro-Algebren by Groote De, Hans F.
Algebra and Number Theory by
Differential Equations and Their Applications: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics by Braun, Martin
Dynamical Systems V: Bifurcation Theory and Catastrophe Theory by Arnold, V. I.
Analysis of Numerical Methods by Keller, Herbert Bishop, Isaacson, Eugene
Mathematics: a Simple Tool for Geologists by Waltham
Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems by Wiggins, Stephen
The Story of Numbers: How Mathematics Has Shaped Civilization by McLeish, John
Dynamical Systems: An Introduction with Applications in Economics and Biology by Tu, Pierre N. V.
Mathematik by Kemeny, Peter, Hamerle, Alfred
Orders, Algorithms and Applications: International Workshop Ordal '94, Lyon, France, July 4-8, 1994. Proceedings by
Reminiscences of the Vienna Circle and the Mathematical Colloquium by Menger, Karl
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