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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1995

Beginning Mathematics for Chemistry by Scott, Stephen K.
From Polynomials to Sums of Squares by Jackson, T. H.
Knotentheorie Für Einsteiger by Livingston, Charles
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: A-Integral -- Coordinates by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Coproduct -- Hausdorff--Young Inequalities by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Volume 3 Heaps and Semi-Heaps -- Moments, Method of (in Probability Theory) by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Monge--Ampère Equation -- Rings and Algebras by
The Mathematics Of Generalization by
Starthilfe Mathematik: Für Studienanfänger Der Ingenieur-, Natur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Scholz, Siegfried, Schirotzek, Winfried
Differentialgleichungen Mit Mathematica by Strampp, Walter, Ganzha, Victor
Numerische Integration Partieller Differentialgleichungen Mit Hilfe Diskreter Passiver Dynamischer Systeme by Fettweis, Alfred
Integration Und Maß by Leinert, Michael
Partielle Differentialgleichungen: Eine Einführung by Strauss, Walter A.
Zahlentheorie Für Einsteiger by Bartholomé, Andreas
Moderne Verfahren Der Kryptographie: Von Rsa Zu Zero-Knowledge by Beutelspacher, Albrecht, Schwenk, Jörg, Wolfenstetter, Klaus-Dieter
Der Das Unendliche Kannte: Das Leben Des Genialen Mathematikers Srinivasa Ramanujan by Kanigel, Robert
Fractal Functions, Fractal Surfaces, and Wavelets by Massopust, Peter R.
Introduction to Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Series by Wilcox, Howard J., Myers, David L.
Applied Abstract Algebra by Pilz, Günter, LIDL, Rudolf
Classical Descriptive Set Theory by Kechris, Alexander
An Adventurer's Guide to Number Theory by Friedberg, Richard
Quantitative Methods: An Active Learning Approach by Caunt, David, Hackett, Graham
Algebraic Theory of Molecules by Iachello, Levine, Iachello, F., Levine, R. D.
The Topological Classification of Stratified Spaces by Weinberger, Shmuel
Graph Coloring Problems by Jensen, Tommy R., Toft, Bjarne
Regelungen. Analyse Und Technischer Entwurf: Band 2: Multivariable, Digitale Und Nichtlineare Regelungen; Optimale Und Robuste Systeme by Weinmann, Alexander
Groups of Finite Morley Rank by Borovik, Alexandre, Nesin, Ali
Moving Finite Elements by Baines, M. J.
Systemtheorie: Methoden Und Anwendungen Für Ein- Und Mehrdimensionale Systeme by Marko, Hans
Real Analytic and Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the International Conference, Trento (Italy), September 21-25th, 1992 by
Convexity by Webster, Roger
Toeplitz Operators and Index Theory in Several Complex Variables by Upmeier, Harald
Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Combinatorics: Topics, Techniques, Algorithms by Cameron, Peter J.
Multivalent Functions by W. K., Hayman, Hayman, W. K.
Viscous Flow by Ockendon, Hilary, Ockendon, H.
Geometry of Constrained Dynamical Systems by Charap, John M.
Hyperbolicity and Sensitive Chaotic Dynamics at Homoclinic Bifurcations: Fractal Dimensions and Infinitely Many Attractors in Dynamics by Takens, Floris, Palis, J., Palis, Jacob
Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, Edinburgh 1993 by Duncan, A.
Lectures on Arakelov Geometry by Soule, C., Abramovich, D., Burnol, J. F.
The Theory of the Chemostat: Dynamics of Microbial Competition by Smith, Hal L.
Affine Differential Geometry: Geometry of Affine Immersions by Takeshi, Sasaki, Katsumi, Nomizu, Nomizu, Katsumi
Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 2, Categories and Structures by Borceux, Francis
Spinors in Hilbert Space by Plymen, Roger
Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis: Proceedings of the 1993 Alexandria Conference by Petersen, K.
Explicit Brauer Induction: With Applications to Algebra and Number Theory by Snaith, V. P., Snaith, Victor P.
Local Analysis for the Odd Order Theorem by Bender, Helmut, Glauberman, George
Parallel Computing by Fountain, T. J.
Wavelets and Operators: Volume 1 by Meyer, Yves
Viscous Flow by Ockendon, Hilary, Ockendon, Ockendon, H.
Mathematical Modelling Techniques by Aris, Rutherford
How to Solve Mathematical Problems by Wickelgren, Wayne A.
Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications by
Quantitative Diagenesis: Recent Developments and Applications to Reservoir Geology by
Nonlinear Mechanics, Groups and Symmetry by Mitropolsky, Yuri A., Lopatin, A. K.
Multigrid Methods for Finite Elements by Shaidurov, V. V.
The Queen of Mathematics: An Introduction to Number Theory by Anglin, W. S.
Iutam Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Flow of Viscoelastic Liquids: Proceedings of an Iutam Symposium Held in Kerkrade, the Nether by
Adjoint Equations and Analysis of Complex Systems by Marchuk, Guri I.
Opial Inequalities with Applications in Differential and Difference Equations by Pang, P. y., Agarwal, R. P.
Approximation and Computation: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter Gautschi: Proceedings of the Purdue Conference, December 2-5, 1993 by
Stable Homotopy and Generalised Homology by Adams, J. F.
Concepts of Modern Mathematics by Stewart, Ian
Statistics As Principled Argument by Abelson, Robert P.
Lectures on Algebraic Topology by Dold, Albrecht
Basic Number Theory by Weil, Andre
Lectures on Celestial Mechanics by Moser, Jürgen K., Siegel, Carl L.
Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry: Reprint of the 1978 Edition by Hirzebruch, Friedrich
Functional Analysis by Yosida, Kösaku
Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators by Kato, Tosio
Triangulations and Simplicial Methods by Dang, Chuangyin
Numerical Analysis by Deuflhard, Peter, Hohmann, Andreas
Laser: High-Tech Mit Licht by Eichler, Jürgen, Eichler, Hans J.
Systems and Control Theory for Power Systems by
Vortex Dynamics by Staffman, P. G.
Intro Theo Riemann Zeta Function by Patterson, Stephen J.
Lie Algebras and Locally Compact Groups by Kaplansky, Irving
Clifford Algebras and Spinor Structures: A Special Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Crumeyrolle (1919-1992) by
Gaussian Random Functions by Lifshits, M. a.
Subdifferentials: Theory and Applications by Kusraev, Anatoly G., Kusraev, A. G., Kutateladze, S. S.
Feedback Control, Nonlinear Systems, and Complexity by
Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Decision Making, Control and Automation by Tzafestas, S. G.
Asymptotics of Nonlinearities and Operator Equations by Krasnoselskii, Alexander
Finite Horizon H∞ And Related Control Problems by Subrahmanyam, M. Bala
Impedance Boundary Conditions In Electromagnetics by Hoppe, Daniel J.
Frege: Philosophy of Mathematics by Dummett, Michael
Mathsemantics: Making Numbers Talk Sense by MacNeal, Edward
Multidimensional Hypergeometric Functions the Representation Theory of Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups by Varchenko, Alexander
Fuzzy Logic: Einführung in Theorie Und Anwendungen by Bothe, Hans-Heinrich
Generalized Heisenberg Groups and Damek-Ricci Harmonic Spaces by Tricerri, Franco, Vanhecke, Lieven, Berndt, Jürgen
Stabilité Des Structures Élastiques by Nguyen, Quoc Son
Differential and Riemannian Manifolds by Lang, Serge
Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: History, Theory, and Applications by
Equity In Mathematics Education: Influences Of Feminism And Culture by Kaiser, Gabriele
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 20th International Workshop. Wg '94, Herrsching, Germany, June 16 - 18, 1994. Proceedings by
Multidimensional Analysis: Algebras and Systems for Science and Engineering by Hart, George W.
Latin '95: Theoretical Informatics: Second Latin American Symposium, Valparaiso, Chile, April 3 - 7, 1995. Proceedings by
Continua: With the Houston Problem Book by Cook, Cook, Cook, Howard
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen by Amann, Herbert
Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics by Kaplan, Daniel, Glass, Leon
Advanced Field Theory: Micro, Macro, and Thermal Physics by Umezawa, Hiroomi
Mathematik Zwischen Wahn Und Witz: Trugschlüsse, Falsche Beweise Und Die Bedeutung Der Zahl 57 Für Die Amerikanische Geschichte by Dudley, Underwood
Homotopy Theory and Models: Based on Lectures Held at a DMV Seminar in Blaubeuren by H.J. Baues, S. Halperin and J.-M. Lemaire by Aubry, Marc
Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems: Volume I: Abstract Linear Theory by Amann, Herbert
Blow-Up in Quasilinear Parabolic Equations by Kurdyumov, Sergey P., Samarskii, A. a., Galaktionov, Victor A.
The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences by Sloane, N. J. a., Plouffe, Simon
Linear Functions and Matrix Theory by Jacob, Bill
Asymptotic Methods for Elastic Structures by
Commutative Algebra: With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud, David
Commutative Algebra: With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud, David
Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Higher-Dimensional Systems by Hubbard, John H., West, Beverly H.
Density Functional Theory by
Goal Programming: Methodology and Applications: Methodology and Applications by Schniederjans, Marc
Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 2 by C. M., Campbell, E. F., Robertson, T. C., Hurley
Dynamical Systems of Algebraic Origin by Schmidt, Klaus
Algebraic Methods in Operator Theory by
Approximation Methods for Solutions of Differential and Integral Equations by Dzyadyk, V. K.
Network Optimization by Balakrishnan, V.
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems Needs '94 by
Stochastic Programming: Numerical Techniques and Engineering Applications by
The Classification of Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Complex Manifolds by Winkelmann, Jörg
Finite Geometry and Character Theory by Pott, Alexander
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 7 by Friedman, Avner
Linear Algebra for Signal Processing by
Computer-Numerik 2 by Überhuber, Christoph
An Introduction to Boundary Element Methods by Kythe, Prem K.
Computer-Numerik 1 by Überhuber, Christoph
Mathematical Finance by
From Brownian Motion to Schrödinger's Equation by Zhao, Zhongxin, Chung, Kai L.
Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics by Kaplan, Daniel, Glass, Leon
Die Erforschung Des Chaos: Studienbuch Für Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure by Argyris, John H., Faust, Gunter, Haase, Maria
Introductory Applications of Partial Differential Equations: With Emphasis on Wave Propagation and Diffusion by Lamb, G. L.
Symbols and Meanings in School Mathematics by Pimm, David
Topology and Combinatorics of 3-Manifolds by Johannson, Klaus
Macrosystems Theory and Its Applications: Equilibrium Models by Popkov, Yury S.
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: Pont-A-Mousson 1994, Volume 325 by Chipot, Michel, Bemelmans, Josef, Bandle, C.
Calculus of Variations, Applications and Computations by Bandle, C., Chipot, Michel, Paulin, J. Saint Jean
Absolutely Summing Operators by Diestel, Joe
Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions by Maccluer, Barbara I., Cowen, Jr.
New Directions for Equity in Mathematics Education by
Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems by Katok, Anatole, Hasselblatt, Boris
A Primer of Nonlinear Analysis by Ambrosetti, Antonio
Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry by
New Directions for Equity in Mathematics Education by Secada, W.
Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 1 by Tobin, S. J., Ward, J.
Potential Theory in the Complex Plane by Ransford, Thomas
Positive Harmonic Functions and Diffusion by Pinsky, Ross G.
Applied Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations by Doering, Charles R., Doering
Basic Training in Mathematics: A Fitness Program for Science Students by Shankar, R.
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (Gafa) 1992-94 by
Partial Differential Operators and Mathematical Physics: International Conference in Holzhau, Germany, July 3-9, 1994 by
Modern Real and Complex Analysis by Gelbaum, Bernard R.
Proceedings of the First European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, July 6-10, 1992: Volume I: Lectures 1-17 (Part 1) by
Proceedings of the First European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, July 1992: Volume II: Lectures 18-40 (Part 2) by
How Surfaces Intersect in Space: An Introduction to Topology (2nd Edition) by Carter, J. Scott
How Surfaces Intersect in Space: An Introduction to Topology (2nd Edition) by Carter, J. Scott
How to Be Brilliant at Numbers by Webber, B., Barnes, T.
Discrete Event Systems, Manufacturing Systems, and Communication Networks by
Network Models: Volume 7 by
Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis by Gils, Stephan A. Van, Lunel, Sjoerd M. V., Diekmann, Odo
Logical Approach to Systems Theory by Takahashi, Shingo, Takahara, Yasuhiko
Elementary Applications of Probability Theory by Tuckwell, Henry C.
Variational Theories for Liquid Crystals by Virga, E. G.
A Method for Computing Unsteady Flows in Porous Media by Raghavan, R., Ozkan, E.
Stability and Optimization of Flexible Space Structures by Britvec, S. J.
Theory of Seismic Imaging by Scales, John A.
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 4th International Ipco Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 29 - 31, 1995. Proceedings by
Financial Models and Simulation by Chorafas, D.
Random Walks and Random Environments: Volume 1: Random Walks by Hughes, Barry D.
Functions of One Complex Variable II by Conway, John B.
Fachrechnen Für Bauzeichner by Galla, Renate, Cremmer, Rolf, Dippel, Frank
Advances in Artificial Life: Third European Conference on Artificial Life, Granada, Spain, June 4 - 6, 1995 Proceedings by
Heinemann Maths 4: Textbook by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Arithmetic of Diagonal Hypersurfaces Over Finite Fields by Gouv a., Fernando Q., Gouvea, Fernando Q.
Number Theory: Paris 1992 3 by
Davenport Schinzel Sequences and Their Geometric Applications by Sharir, Micha, Agarwal, Pankaj K., Sharir, M.
Heinemann Maths 6: Workbook (Single) by Scottish Primary Mathematics Group
Heinemann Maths 6: Textbook (Single) by Scottish Primary Mathematics Group
Second-Order Directional Derivatives in Nonsmooth Optimization by Huang, Liren
Kaleidoscopes: Selected Writings of H.S.M. Coxeter by Thompson, Anthony C., Sherk, F. Arthur, McMullen, Peter
Spectral Methods in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis by Kondratiev, Y. G., Berezansky, Yu M.
Uniform Random Numbers: Theory and Practice by Tezuka, Shu
Real and Complex Dynamical Systems by
Introduction to Differential and Algebraic Topology by Borisovich, Yu G., Bliznyakov, N. M., Fomenko, T. N.
Methods of Model Based Process Control by
Computational Algebra and Number Theory by
Kdv '95 by
Semigroups, Formal Languages and Groups by
Advances in Structural Optimization by
Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms: From Concept to Launch by
Heinemann Maths 5: Workbook (Single) by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Heinemann Maths 5: Textbook (Single) by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Integral Equations: Theory and Numerical Treatment by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Simulations and Gaming Across Disciplines and Cultures: Isaga at a Watershed by Arai, K., International Simulation and Gaming Asso
Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction to Ann Theory and Practice by
The Analysis of Algorithsm by Brown, Cynthia A., Purdom, Paul Walton, Jr.
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory: Sequences of Independent Random Variables by Petrov, Valentin V.
The Incompleteness Phenomenon by Judah, Haim, Goldstern, Martin
Curve and Surface Fitting with Splines by Dierckx, Paul
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