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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1995

Introduction to Spectral Theory: With Applications to Schrödinger Operators by Hislop, P. D., Sigal, I. M.
A Compactification of the Bruhat-Tits Building by Landvogt, Erasmus
Le Cycles and Hypersurface Singularities by Massey, David
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 21st International Workshop, Wg '95, Aachen, Germany, June 20 - 22, 1995. Proceedings by
Function Spaces and Potential Theory by Hedberg, Lars I., Adams, David R.
Spectral Decomposition and Eisenstein Series: A Paraphrase of the Scriptures by Moeglin, C., Moeglin, Colette
Families of Exponentials: The Method of Moments in Controllability Problems for Distributed Parameter Systems by Avdonin, Ivanov, Avdonin, Sergei A., Ivanov, Sergei A.
A General Topology Workbook by Adamson, Iain T.
Geometric and Algebraic Structures in Differential Equations by
New Developments in Differential Geometry: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Debrecen, Hungary, July 26-30, 1994 by
Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by
System Modelling and Optimization by Dolezal, J., Fidler, Jiri
Ordered Groups and Infinite Permutation Groups by
Global Optimization in Action: Continuous and Lipschitz Optimization: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications by Pintér, János D.
Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space by Schroeck Jr, Franklin E.
Lifetime Data: Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis by
Limit Theorems for the Riemann Zeta-Function by Laurincikas, Antanas
Linear Programming: A Modern Integrated Analysis by Saigal, Romesh
The Simulation Metamodel by Friedman, Linda Weiser
Logic-Based 0-1 Constraint Programming by Barth, Peter
From Dedekind to Gödel: Essays on the Development of the Foundations of Mathematics by
The Kalman Filter in Finance by Wells, C.
Mexican Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science by
Differential Equations and Control Theory by
Learning and Geometry: Computational Approaches by
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century: Volume I: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I. M. Gelfand by Lepowsky, James, Wilson, Robert, Gindikin, Simon
Martingales & Stochastic Analysis (V1) by Yeh, James J.
New Trends in Dynamic Games and Applications: Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games Volume 3 by
Algebra IX: Finite Groups of Lie Type Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras by
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I. M. Gelfand by
Random Discrete Structures by
Variational Calculus and Optimal Control: Optimization with Elementary Convexity by Troutman, John L.
Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes: Basic Optimality Criteria by Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo, Lasserre, Jean B.
Principles of Applied Mathematics: Transformation and Approximation by Keener, James P.
Kurt Gödel: Unpublished Philosophical Essays by
World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts '92 by
Advanced Math for Economics: Static and Dynamic Optimization by Lambert, Peter J.
Molecular Evolution by Kolchanov, Nikolay, Ratner, Vadim a., Zharkikh, Andrey A.
Conservative Finite-Difference Methods on General Grids by Shashkov, Mikhail
Cryptography and Coding: Fifth Ima Conference; Cirencester, Uk, December 1995. Proceedings by
Contests in Higher Mathematics: Miklós Schweitzer Competitions 1962-1991 by
Heun's Differential Equations by
Analyse Mathématique de Modèles Non Linéaires de l'Ingénierie Pétrolière by Madaune-Tort, Monique, Gagneux, Gerard
Calculus of Variations I by Giaquinta, Mariano, Hildebrandt, Stefan
A Course in Number Theory by Rose, H. E.
Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees by Otero-Espinar, Maria V., Rockmore, Daniel, Bass, Hyman
Cellular Spaces, Null Spaces and Homotopy Localization by Farjoun, Emmanuel D.
Nonstandard Analysis in Practice by
Degree Theory in Analysis and Applications by Gangbo, Wilfrid
Revolutions in Mathematics by
Calculus: A Lab Course with Microcalc(r) by Flanders, Harley
Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction by Browder, Andrew
Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry by Richtmyer, Robert D., Ramsay, Arlan
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision by
Topology I: General Survey by Novikov, S. P.
Robust Statistics, Data Analysis, and Computer Intensive Methods: In Honor of Peter Huber's 60th Birthday by
The Hilbert Transform of Schwartz Distributions and Applications by Pandey, J. N.
Dynamical Systems in 2-Dimensions by Abraham, Ralph
Iutam Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Stuttgart, Germany, 26-31 March 1995 by
Algebraic Structures and Operators Calculus: Volume III: Representations of Lie Groups by Schott, René, Feinsilver, P.
Vaguely Defined Objects: Representations, Fuzzy Sets and Nonclassical Cardinality Theory by Wygralak, M.
Functional Analysis in China by
Rigid Local Systems. (Am-139), Volume 139 by Katz, Nicholas M.
Prospects in Topology (Am-138), Volume 138: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of William Browder. (Am-138) by
Proceedings of the Fifth International Colloquium on Differential Equations: Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-23 August, 1994 by
Computerized Tomography: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium Novosibirsk, Russia by
Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis: Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 13-17 August, 1994 by
Exploring Stochastic Laws: Festschrift in Honour of the 70th Birthday of Academician Vladimir Semenovich Korolyuk by
New Monte Carlo Methods with Estimating Derivatives by
The Modelling of Microstructure and Its Potential for Studying Transport Properties and Durability by
Lagrange and Finsler Geometry: Applications to Physics and Biology by
Combinatorial Network Theory by
Linear Programming: Mathematics, Theory and Algorithms by Panik, M. J.
Frequency Methods in Oscillation Theory by Burkin, I. M., Shepeljavyi, A. I., Leonov, G. a.
Projected Dynamical Systems and Variational Inequalities with Applications by Nagurney, Anna, Ding Zhang
Evolution Processes and the Feynman-Kac Formula by Jefferies, Brian
Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Non-Linear Systems by De Moor, B. L., Suykens, Johan A. K., Vandewalle, Joos P. L.
The Seiberg-Witten Equations and Applications to the Topology of Smooth Four-Manifolds. (Mn-44), Volume 44 by Morgan, John W.