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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1997

Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen, Lloyd N., Bau III, David
Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems by Byrnes, Christopher I., Delli Priscoli, Francesco, Isidori, Alberto
Fractional Analysis: Methods of Motion Decomposition by Novozhilov, I. V.
Topological Nonlinear Analysis II: Degree, Singularity and Variations by Matzeu, Michele, Vignoli, Alfonso
Modelling Extremal Events: For Insurance and Finance by Embrechts, Paul, Klüppelberg, Claudia, Mikosch, Thomas
Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel: 4th International Symposium, Irregular '97, Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997, Proceedings by
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1997: 18th International Conference, Icatpn'97, Toulouse, France, June 23-27, 1997, Proceedings by
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics: Volume III by
Scattering Theory of Classical and Quantum N-Particle Systems by Gerard, Christian, Derezinski, Jan
Motion, Control, and Geometry: Proceedings of a Symposium by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council
Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing: Proceedings of the Conference in Oberwolfach, Federal Republic of Germany, February 4- by
p-adic Functional Analysis by Schikhof, W. H., Perez-Garcia, C., Kakol, Jerzy
Kugelpackungen Von Kepler Bis Heute: Eine Einführung Für Schüler, Studenten Und Lehrer by Leppmeier, Max-Josef
Höhere Mathematik Mit Mathematica: Band 3: Differentialgleichungen Und Numerik by Strampp, Walter, Ganzha, Victor, Vorozhtsov, Evgenij V.
Combinatorics on Words by
Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis by Sachkov, V., Sachkov, V. N., Sachov, V. N.
Groups and Characters by Grove, Larry C.
Maple V Für Das Ingenieurstudium by Krawietz, Arnold
New Tools in Turbulence Modelling: Les Houches School, May 21-31, 1996 by
An Introduction to Quantum Theory by Hannabuss, Keith
Robust Planning and Analysis of Experiments by Mueller, Christine H.
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra by Fine, Benjamin, Rosenberger, Gerhard
Optimization: Algorithms and Consistent Approximations by
Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science: International Workshop Random'97, Bologna, Italy, July 11-12, 1997 Proceedings by
Geodetic Boundary Value Problems in View of the One Centimeter Geoid by
Grundkurs Theoretische Physik: 3 Elektrodynamik by Nolting, Wolfgang
The Numerical Solution of Integral Equations of the Second Kind by Atkinson, Kendall E.
Numerical by
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, Frank C., Hoppensteadt, F. C.
The James Forest by Gamboa de Buen, Berta, Buen, Berta Gamboa de, Fetter, Helga
Modelling with Differential and Difference Equations by Fulford, Glenn
Modelling with Differential and Difference Equations by Fulford, Fulford, Glenn, Forrester, Peter
Wavelets: Calder N-Zygmund and Multilinear Operators by Meyer, Yves
Asymptotic Behaviour of Linearly Transformed Sums of Random Variables by Buldygin, V. V., Solntsev, Serguei
Algebraic Model Theory by
Geometric Sums: Bounds for Rare Events with Applications: Risk Analysis, Reliability, Queueing by Kalashnikov, Vladimir V.
Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Degenerations and Singularities by Nicolosi, Francesco, Drábek, Pavel, Kufner, Alois
Operator Algebras and Applications by
Graph Symmetry: Algebraic Methods and Applications by
The Theory of Cubature Formulas by Vaskevich, Vladimir L., Sobolev, S. L.
The Surface Fitting and Multiresolution Methods: Reproduction, Effeminacy, and Pregnant Men in Early Modern Spain by
The Theory of Partial Algebraic Operations by Ljapin, E. S., Evseev, A. E.
Curves and Surfaces with Applications in Cagd: Latino Caribbean Literature Written in the United States by
Mathematical Reasoning: Analogies, Metaphors, and Images by
A Brief Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Tyrtyshnikov, Eugene E., Tyrtyshnikov, E. E.
Mathematical Fallacies and Paradoxes by Bunch, Bryan
Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction by Davis, Morton D.
Non-Linear Elastic Deformations by Ogden, R. W.
Information Theory and Statistics by Kullback, Solomon
Einführung in Die Analysis II by Kaballo, Winfried
Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes by Küchler, Uwe, Sorensen, Michael
A First Look at Perturbation Theory by Simmonds, James G., Mann, James E.
Galois Theory: Lectures Delivered at the University of Notre Dame by Emil Artin (Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures, Number 2) by Artin, Emil
Gaussian Hilbert Spaces by Janson, Svante
Combinatorics, Geometry and Probability by
Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin: George G. Lorentz' Selected Works in Real, Functional, and Numerical Analysis by
Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras by Huang, Yi-Zhi
Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin: George G. Lorentz' Selected Works in Real, Functional and Numerical Analysis Volume 1 by
Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin, Volume 2: George G. Lorentz's Selected Works in Real, Functional and Numerical Analysis by
Wavelet Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Applied Sciences by D'Attellis, C. E., Fernandez-Berdaguer, E. M., Fernandez-Berdaguer, Elena M.
M.G. Kreins's Lectures on Entire Operators by Gorbachuk, M. L.
Topics in Interpolation Theory by
Schur Functions, Operator Colligations, and Reproducing Kernel Pontryagin Spaces by Dijksma, Aad, Alpay, Daniel, Rovnyak, James
Alte Und Neue Ungelöste Probleme in Der Zahlentheorie Und Geometrie Der Ebene by Wagon, Stan, Klee, Victor
Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's Dream: Fifth International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Iccs'97, Seattle, Washington, Usa, August 3 by
Theory of a Higher-Order Sturm-Liouville Equation by Kozlov, Vladimir, Maz'ya, Vladimir
Recent Advances in Optimization: Proceedings of the 8th French-German Conference on Optimization Trier, July 21-26, 1996 by
Symplectic Manifolds with No Kaehler Structure by Oprea, John, Tralle, Alesky
Ideal Spaces by Väth, Martin
Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models: Asymptotic Theory by Prucha, Ingmar R., Pötscher, Benedikt M.
Lectures on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations by Hörmander, Lars
The Puzzling Adventures of Dr. Ecco by Shasha, Dennis
Mathematical Elasticity: Volume II: Theory of Plates Volume 27 by
Algorithms and Data Structures: 5th International Workshop, Wads '97, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 6-8, 1997. Proceedings by
Geometric Galois Actions: Around Grothendieck's Esquisse D'Un Programme by
Zahlentheorie: Algebraische Zahlen Und Funktionen by Koch, Helmut
Computing and Combinatorics: Third Annual International Conference, Cocoon '97, Shanghai, China, August 20-22, 1997. Proceedings. by
Large-Scale Optimization with Applications: Part I: Optimization in Inverse Problems and Design by
Quasi-Likelihood and Its Application: A General Approach to Optimal Parameter Estimation by Heyde, Christopher C.
Jordan, Real and Lie Structures in Operator Algebras by Usmanov, Shukhrat, Ayupov, Sh, Rakhimov, Abdugafur
Applied Asymptotic Methods in Nonlinear Oscillations by Nguyen Van Dao, Mitropolsky, Yuri A.
Nonparametric Smoothing and Lack-Of-Fit Tests by Hart, Jeffrey
Recurrence in Topological Dynamics: Furstenberg Families and Ellis Actions by Akin, Ethan
The Riemann Legacy: Riemannian Ideas in Mathematics and Physics by Maurin, Krzysztof
Many-Particle Dynamics and Kinetic Equations by Petrina, D. Y., Cercignani, C., Gerasimenko, U. I.
Deformation Theory and Symplectic Geometry by
Integral, Measure, and Ordering by Neubrunn, Tibor, Riecan, Beloslav
Entropy Optimization and Mathematical Programming by Shu-Cherng Fang, Rajasekera, J. R., Tsao, H. S. J.
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra by Demmel, James W.
Multiscale Wavelet Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Volume 6 by Kurdila, Andrew, Oswald, Peter, Dahmen, Wolfgang
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 11th International Symposium, Fct '97, Krakow, Poland, September 1-3, 1997. Proceedings by
Some Famous Problems of the Theory of Numbers by Hardy, G. H.
Large-Scale Optimization with Applications: Part III: Molecular Structure and Optimization by
Large-Scale Optimization with Applications: Part II: Optimal Design and Control by
Breakthroughs in Statistics by
Numerical Methods That Work by Acton, Forman S.
Presentations of Groups by Johnson, D. L.
Model Theory of Groups and Automorphism Groups by
Surveys in Combinatorics, 1997 by
Exploring Mathematics with Your Computer by Engel, Arthur
Finite Elemente Für Ingenieure: Grundlagen, Matrixmethoden, Elastisches Kontinuum by Betten, Josef
Topological Spaces: From Distance to Neighborhood by Rooij, Arnoud Van, Buskes, Gerard
Perturbation Theory for the Schrödinger Operator with a Periodic Potential by Karpeshina, Yulia E.
Topics in the Mathematical Modelling of Composite Materials by
New Results in Operator Theory and Its Applications: The Israel M. Glazman Memorial Volume by
An Introduction to Models and Decompositions in Operator Theory by Kubrusly, Carlos S.
Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations by Csiszar, Imre, Michaletzky, Gyorgy, Csizar, Imre
Programmer Avec Maple V by Waterloo Maple Software Inc
Approach Spaces: The Missing Link in the Topology-Uniformity-Metric Triad by Lowen, R.
Discovering Curves and Surfaces with Maple(r) by Klimek, Maciej
Games Businesses Play: Cases and Models by Ghemawat, Pankaj
Visualization and Mathematics: Experiments, Simulations and Environments by
Financial Networks: Statics and Dynamics by Nagurney, Anna, Siokos, Stavros
Preserving Strength While Meeting Challenges: Summary Report of a Workshop on Actions for the Mathematical Sciences by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Spaces of Homotopy Self-Equivalences - A Survey by Rutter, John W.
Interior Point Algorithms: Theory and Analysis by Ye, Yinyu
Zur Simulation Approximierbarkeit einer Funktion samt Ableitungen durch Polynome by Weigert, Elke
Drinfeld Modules, Modular Schemes ... by
Set Theory for the Working Mathematician by Ciesielski, Krzysztof, None
Basic Simple Type Theory by Hindley, Roger J., Hindley, J. Roger
Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry by
A Mathematical Introduction to String Theory: Variational Problems, Geometric and Probabilistic Methods by Albeverio, Sergio a.
Set Theory for the Working Mathematician by Krzysztof, Ciesielski, Ciesielski, Krzysztof
Automorphic Forms on Sl2 (R) by Borel, Armand
Stable Groups by Wagner, F., Wagner, Frank O.
Many Visions, Many Aims(timss Volume 2): A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intentions in School Science by
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Supplement Volume I by
Many Visions, Many Aims: Volume 2: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intensions in School Science by
Differential Equations, Discrete Systems and Control: Economic Models by Samuel, J., Halanay, A.
Game Theoretical Applications to Economics and Operations Research by
Asymptotic Combinatorial Coding Theory by Blinovsky, Volodia
Smooth Nonlinear Optimization in RN by Rapcsák, Tamás
Mathematics of Data Fusion by Hung T. Nguyen, Goodman, I. R., Mahler, R. P.
Organized Activity and Its Support by Computer by Holt, A., Holt, Anatol W.
Many Visions, Many Aims: Volume 2: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intensions in School Science by
Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations by
Carleson Curves, Muckenhoupt Weights, and Toeplitz Operators by Karlovich, Yuri I., Böttcher, Albrecht
Maple: Son Bon Usage En Mathématiques by Dumas, Philippe, Gourdon, Xavier
Introductory Mathematics for the Life Sciences by Phoenix, David
Entwicklungsmanagement: Mit Methodischer Produktentwicklung Zum Unternehmenserfolg by Lohse, Georg, Fricke, Gerd
Maple V Release 4: Introduction Raisonnee a l'Usage de l'Etudiant, de l'Ingenieur Et Du Chercheur by Testud, Philippe, Cornil, Jack M.
Philosophical Reflections and Syntheses by Wigner, Eugene Paul
Bilinear Algebra: An Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Forms by Szymiczek, Kazimierz
Mathematical Gems III by Honsberger, Ross
Mathematical Gems II by Honsberger, Ross
From Brouwer to Hilbert: The Debate on the Foundations of Mathematics in the 1920s by
Mathematics as a Science of Patterns by Resnik, Michael D.
Representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras by Gabriel, Peter
Introduction to Complex Analysis by Dolbeault, P., Chirka, E. M.
Algebraic Number Theory by Koch, H.
Nature's Numbers by Stewart, Ian
Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict by Myerson, Roger B.
Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression by Christensen, Ronald
Large-Time Behavior of Solutions of Linear Dispersive Equations by Dix, Daniel B.
Link Theory in Manifolds by Kaiser, Uwe
Galois Theory of Difference Equations by Put, Marius Van Der, Singer, Michael F.
Mathematica TM Pour Classes Préparatoires Et Deug Scientifiques: Tome 1: Programme Commun Aux 1eres Et 2emes Années Des Classes de Mpsi, Pcsi, Mp, Pc, by Zizi, Jacqueline
Mathematics for Dynamic Modeling by Beltrami, Edward
Reaction Diffusion Systems by
Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications by
Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images (II) by
Zwei Nullen Sind Keine Acht: Falsche Zahlen in Der Tagespresse by Ketteler, Guardian
Entire Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations by Pohozaev, Stanislav I., Kuzin, Ilya A.
Laws of Chaos: Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in One Dimension by
Processus Stochastiques Et Fiabilité Des Systèmes by Cocozza-Thivent, Christiane
Optimisation Numerique: Aspects Theoriques Et Pratiques by Gilbert, Jean-Charles, Lemaréchal, Claude, Bonnans, J. -Frédéric
Linear Vector Spaces and Cartesian Tensors by Knowles, James K.
Flavors of Geometry by
Fourier Series and Integral Transforms by Pinkus, Allan
Geometry, Combinatorial Designs and Related Structures by
Fourier Series and Integral Transforms by Pinkus, Allan
Representation Theory of Finite Groups: Proceedings of a Special Research Quarter at the Ohio State University, Spring 1995 by
Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications by
Fixed Point Theory and Best Approximation: The Kkm-Map Principle by Srivastava, P., Singh, S. P., Watson, B.
Non-Archimedean Analysis: Quantum Paradoxes, Dynamical Systems and Biological Models by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics: Didactique Des Mathématiques, 1970-1990 by Brousseau, Guy
Quaternionic and Clifford Calculus for Physicists and Engineers by Gürlebeck, Klaus, Sprössig, Wolfgang
Progress in Inverse Spectral Geometry by Andersson, Stig I., Lapidus, Michel L.
A Study on the Activity-Dependent Expression of Neurotrophic Factors in the Rat Visual System by Bozzi, Yuri
Quasiclassical Methods by
An Introduction to Knot Theory by Lickorish, W. B. Raymond
Number Theory IV: Transcendental Numbers by
Wavelets: Theory and Applications by Louis, A. K., Maass, D., Rieder, A.
An Introduction to Gröbner Bases by Fröberg, Ralf
Introduction to Functional Analysis by Vogt, Dietmar, Meise, Reinhold, Ramanujan, M. S.
Topological Dynamics of Random Dynamical Systems by Cong, Nguyen Dinh
Interpolation, Identification, and Sampling by Partington, Jonathan R.
Geometry V: Minimal Surfaces by
Applied Numerical Modelling for Engineers by de Cogan, Anne, Cogan, John, de Cogan, Donard
Green Functors and G-Sets by Bouc, Serge
Spectral Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function by Motohashi, Y., Motohashi, Yoichi, Yoichi, Motohashi
Mathematics of Derivative Securities by
Discrete Choice Experiments in Marketing: Use of Priors in Efficient Choice Designs and Their Application to Individual Preference Measurement by Zwerina, Klaus
Höhere Mathematik Mit Mathematica: Band 4: Funktionentheorie, Fourier- Und Laplacetransformationen by Ganzha, Victor, Vorozhtsov, Evgenij V., Strampp, Walter
A Unified Algebraic Approach to Control Design by Iwasaki, T., Grigoriadis, Dimitri E., Skelton, Robert E.
Women in Mathematics: The Addition of Difference by Henrion, Claudia
Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis by Bridges, Douglas S.
Invariant Manifolds and Fibrations for Perturbed Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations by Wiggins, Stephen, Li, Charles
A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves by Johnson, R. S., Johnson, Johnson, Robin Stanley
A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves by R. S., Johnson, Johnson, R. S., Johnson, Robin Stanley
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