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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1998

Holomorphic Spaces by
The Mathematica Primer by Lipsman, Ronald L., Coombes, Kevin Robert, Hunt, Brian R.
Lattice Models of Polymers by Vanderzande, Carlo
Tame Topology and O-Minimal Structures by Dries, L. P. D. Van Den, Van Den Dries, Lou
Nonlinear Wave Processes in Acoustics by Naugolnykh, K. A.
All You Wanted to Know about Mathematics But Were Afraid to Ask by Louis, Lyons, Lyons, Louis
Mercenary Companies and the Decline of Siena by Caferro, William
Higcse Mathematics Module 4 by University Of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
Higcse Mathematics Module 3 by University Of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, Second Edition by Hubbard, Barbara Burke
Inverse Problems, Tomography, and Image Processing by
Generalized Quasilinearization for Nonlinear Problems by Vatsala, A. S., Lakshmikantham, V.
Generalized Analytic Functions: Theory and Applications to Mechanics by
Advances in Nonlinear Programming: Proceedings of the 96 International Conference on Nonlinear Programming by
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by Barbu, Viorel
Combined Methods for Elliptic Equations with Singularities, Interfaces and Infinities by Zi Cai Li
Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI CAD by Drechsler, Rolf
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing by
New Trends in Mathematical Programming: Homage to Steven Vajda by
Minimax Theory and Applications by
Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves and Beyond-All-Orders Asymptotics: Generalized Solitons and Hyperasymptotic Perturbation Theory (1998) by Boyd, John P.
Some Notes on the Theory of Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions of the Unit Disc by Silva, Jorge Nuno
Numerical Computation of Electric and Magnetic Fields by Steele, Charles W.
Scientific Computing: Proceedings of the Workshop, 10 - 12 March 1997, Hong Kong by
Gauss and Jacobi Sums by Williams, Kenneth S., Berndt, Bruce C., Evans, Ronald J.
The Theory of Learning in Games by Fudenberg, Drew, Levine, David K.
Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics: Volume 2: Compressible Models by Lions, Pierre-Louis, Lions, P. L.
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 6th International Ipco Conference Houston, Texas, June 22-24, 1998 Proceedings by
Algorithmic Number Theory: Third International Symposium, Ants-III, Portland, Orgeon, Usa, June 21-25, 1998, Proceedings by
Commutative Harmonic Analysis II by Havin
Elementary Theory of Metric Spaces: A Course in Constructing Mathematical Proofs by Reisel, Robert B.
Mathematics in Engineering and Science by Barry, M. D. J., Mustoe, L. R.
Women in Mathematics: Scaling the Heights by
Theory of Linear and Integer Programming by Schrijver, Alexander
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 10 by
Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics by Hofbauer, Josef, Sigmund, Karl
Dynamical Systems and Semisimple Groups: An Introduction by Feres, Renato
Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems by Bornemann, Folkmar
Variational Methods in Optimization by Smith, Donald R.
Simulating Society: A Mathematica(r)Toolkit for Modeling Socioeconomic Behavior by D'Andria, Louis J., Gaylord, Richard J.
Explosive Instabilities in Mechanics by Straughan, Brian
Some Nonlinear Problems in Riemannian Geometry by Aubin, Thierry
The Least-Squares Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetics by Jiang, Bo-Nan
Algorithm Theory - Swat'98: 6th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Stockholm, Sweden, July 8-10, 1998, Proceedings by
Combinatorial Designs and Tournaments by Anderson, Ian
The Atlas of Finite Groups - Ten Years on by
Basic Mathematics for Chemists by Tebbutt, Peter
History of Engineering and Technology by Garrison, Ervan G.
Floating, Flowing, Flying: Pieter J. Zandbergen's Life as Innovator, Inspirator and Instigator in Numerical Fluid Dynamics by
Equilibrium and Advanced Transportation Modelling by
Coding for Channels with Feedback by Ooi, James M.
Piecewise Linear Modeling and Analysis by Van Bokhoven, Wim M. G., Leenaerts, Domine
Nonlinear Modeling: Advanced Black-Box Techniques by
Symmetries in Science X by
Fleet Management and Logistics by
Wavelet Image and Video Compression by
Algebraic Integrability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems on Manifolds: Classical and Quantum Aspects by Prykarpatsky, A. K., Mykytiuk, I. V.
Time-Varying Systems and Computations by Veen, Alle-Jan Van Der, Dewilde, Patrick
Industrial Applications of Combinatorial Optimization by
Ordinary Differential Equations by Walter, Wolfgang
Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization: International Workshop Approx'98, Aalborg, Denmark, July 18-19, 1998, Proceedings by
Moral Calculations: Game Theory, Logic, and Human Frailty by Mero, Laszlo
Elements of the Representation Theory of the Jacobi Group by Berndt, R., Berndt, Rolf, Schmidt, Ralf
Modern Graph Theory by Bollobas, Bela
Orthogonal Functions: Moment Theory and Continued Fractions by
The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis ( I.M.A.C.S.New Series No. 63 ) by
Geometrical Vectors by Weinreich, Gabriel
Beam Dynamics by Forest, Etienne
Localization and Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids by
Geometry and Interpolation of Curves and Surfaces by McLeod, Robin J. Y., Baart, M. Louisa
Pi and the Agm: A Study in Analytic Number Theory and Computational Complexity by Borwein, Jonathan M., Borwein, Peter B.
Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos & the Search for Mathematical by Hoffman, Paul
Hyperbolic Menifolds and Kleinian Groups by Matsuzaki, Katsuhiko, Taniguchi, Masahiko
Schubert Varieties and Degeneracy Loci by Pragacz, Piotr, Fulton, William
Combinatorial Theory by Hall, Marshall
An Introductory Course in Commutative Algebra by Hajarnavis, C. R.
An Asymptotic Theory for Empirical Reliability and Concentration Processes by Csörgö, Sandor, Horváth, Lajos, Csörgö, Miklos
APL Programs for the Mathematics Classroom by Thomson, Norman D.
Geometric Constraint Solving and Applications by
Mathematics in Berlin by
European Congress of Mathematics: Budapest, July 22-26, 1996 Volume II by
Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel: 5th International Symosium, Irregular'98, Berkeley, California, Usa, August 9-11, 1998. Proceedin by
Computing and Combinatorics: 4th Annual International Conference, Cocoon'98, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., August 12-14, 1998 by
Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modelling by
Schaum's Outline of Set Theory and Related Topics by Lipschutz, Seymour
Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science by Harris, John W., Stöcker, Horst
Baufachrechnen: Hochbau + Ausbau by Cremmer, Rolf, Dippel, Frank
Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory by Douglas, Ronald G.
The Theory of Partitions by Andrews, George E., George E., Andrews
Algorithms - ESA '98: 6th Annual European Symposium, Venice, Italy, August 24-26, 1998, Proceedings by
Mathematical Statistics by Alberink, Ivo B., Pestman, Wiebe R.
Vector Bundles and Their Applications by Mishchenko, Alexander S., Luke, Glenys
Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints: Theory, Applications and Numerical Results by Outrata, Jiri, Kocvara, M., Zowe, J.
Representation Theories and Algebraic Geometry by
Matrix Algorithms: Volume 1, Basic Decompositions by Stewart, G. W.
Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences by Higham, Nicholas J.
Computer Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations by Ascher, Uri M., Petzold, Linda R.
The Geometry Toolbox for Graphics and Modeling by Hansford, Dianne, Farin, Gerald
General Topology: Chapters 5-10 by Bourbaki, N.
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 1-3 by Bourbaki, N.
Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 by Bourbaki, N.
General Topology: Chapters 1-4 by Bourbaki, N.
Semigroups of Matrices (V6) by Okninski, Jan
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto '98: 18th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 23-27, 1998, Proceedings by
Parallel Algorithms by Xavier, C., Iyengar, S. S.
High-Dimensional Knot Theory: Algebraic Surgery in Codimension 2 by Ranicki, Andrew
Numerology for Baby Names: Use the Ancient Art of Numerology to Give Your Baby a Head Start in Life by Vega, Phyllis
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998: 23rd International Symposium, Mfcs'98, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 1998 by
Stabile Approximation partieller Ableitungen auf Lp mit Hilfe von Wavelets by Von Lieres, Eric
Numerical Methods for Polymeric Systems by
Nonparametric Statistics for Stochastic Processes: Estimation and Prediction by Bosq, D.
Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment by
Topology and Geometry in Polymer Science by
Nonlinear Optical Materials by
Theory of Point Estimation by Lehmann, Erich L., Casella, George
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering by Ihlenburg, Frank
The Four-Color Theorem: History, Topological Foundations, and Idea of Proof by Fritsch, G., Fritsch, Rudolf, Fritsch, R.
Computational Inelasticity by Hughes, T. J. R., Simo, J. C.
Algebra in the Stone-Cech Compactification by Hindman, Neil, Strauss, Dona
Character Theory of Finite Groups by Huppert, Bertram
The Culture of the Mathematics Classroom by
Bipartite Graphs and Their Applications by H. Ggkvist, Roland, Asratian, Armen S., Asratian, A.
Representations and Cohomology: Volume 2, Cohomology of Groups and Modules by Benson, D.
The Culture of the Mathematics Classroom by
Acoustics of Fluid-Structure Interactions by Howe, M. S., M. S., Howe
Domains and Lambda-Calculi by Amadio, Roberto M., Curien, Pierre-Louis, Roberto M., Amadio
Metric Number Theory by Harman, G.
Systems: Theory and Practice by
Probabilistic Methods for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics by
Brownian Motion, Obstacles and Random Media by Sznitman, Alain-Sol
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations I: Cartesian Currents by Giaquinta, Mariano, Modica, Giuseppe, Soucek, Jiri
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations II: Variational Integrals by Soucek, Jiri, Modica, Guiseppe, Giaquinta, Mariano
Twelve Sporadic Groups by Griess, Robert L. Jr.
Random Dynamical Systems by Arnold, Ludwig
Minimax and Monotonicity by Simons, Stephen
Partielle Differentialgleichungen: Elliptische (Und Parabolische) Gleichungen by Jost, Jürgen
The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields by Hilbert, David
Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics by Balaguer, Mark
Weyl Transforms by Wong, M. W.
Linear Programming and Extensions by Dantzig, George B.
Advances in Stochastic Models for Reliablity, Quality and Safety by
Applications of Markov Chains in Chemical Engineering by Tamir, A.
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling II: Second International Conference, Patat'97, Toronto, Canada, August 20 - 22, 1997, Selected Papers by
Principles of Real Analysis by Aliprantis, Charalambos D.
Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces by Taylor, John C., Ji, Lizhen, Guivarc'h, Yves
So hab ich's erlebt by Rudin, Walter
Methods of Applied Fourier Analysis by Ramanathan, Jayakumar
Mathematical Methods in Science by Pólya, George
Ingenuity in Mathematics by Honsberger, Ross
Asymptotic Theory of Separated Flows by Sychev, Vladimir V.
Nonlinear Model Based Process Control by Kravaris, Costas, Berber, Ridvan, Berber, R. D.
Itinerant Electron Magnetism: Fluctuation Effects by
Itinerant Electron Magnetism: Fluctuation Effects by
Basic Topological Structures of Ordinary Differential Equations by Filippov, V. V.
Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity: Recent Results: Recent Results by
The Gibbs Phenomenon in Fourier Analysis, Splines and Wavelet Approximations by Jerri, A. J.
Algebraic Groups and Their Representations by Carter, R. W., Saxl, J.
Algebraic Groups and Their Representations by Saxl, J., Carter, R. W.
Operations Research in Transportation Systems: Ideas and Schemes of Optimization Methods for Strategic Planning and Operations Management by Belenky, A. S.
Sample-Path Analysis of Queueing Systems by Stidham Jr, Shaler, El-Taha, Muhammad
Data Mining Methods for Knowledge Discovery by Pedrycz, Witold, Cios, Krzysztof J., Swiniarski, Roman W.
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XII by
Existence Theory for Nonlinear Integral and Integrodifferential Equations by O'Regan, Donal, Meehan, Maria
Optimal Flow Control in Manufacturing Systems: Production Planning and Scheduling by Khmelnitsky, E., Kogan, K., Maimon, O.
Exobiology: Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe: Proceedings of the Fifth Trieste Conference on Chemic by
Pristem/Storia 1 by
Quantum Logic by Svozil, Karl
Stability of Functional Equations in Several Variables by Rassias, Themistocles, Hyers, D. H., Isac, G.
Analysis Alive: Ein Interaktiver Mathematik-Kurs [With CDROM] by Richard, Christoph, Wolff, Manfred, Gloor, Oliver
Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes by Sattinger, David, Cercignani, Carlo
Game Theory and the Law by Baird, Douglas G., Gertner, Robert H., Picker, Randal C.
Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selection by Samuelson, Larry
Differential Equations: Graphics, Models, Data by Lomen, David O., Lovelock, David
Buildings by Brown, Kenneth S.
Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem by Singh, Simon
How to Sparkle at Addition and Subtraction to 20 by Wilson, M.
Mathematics of Heat Transfer by
Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes by Kutoyants, Yu A.
K-Theory for Operator Algebras by Blackadar, Bruce
Representations and Cohomology: Volume 1, Basic Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras by Benson, D.
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and Some Applications in Physics by Izquierdo, Jose M., Azcarraga, Josi A. de, de Azcarraga, Jose A.
Writing in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics by Meier, John, Rishel, Thomas
Approximation of Free-Discontinuity Problems by Braides, Andrea
State-Preference Theorie Und Asset Pricing: Eine Einführung by Zimmermann, Heinz
Twenty Years Before the Blackboard by Stueben, Michael
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations with Mathematica(r): Solutions Manual by Gray, Alfred, Mezzino, Mike, Pinsky, Mark
Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information by Resnikoff, Howard L., Wells, Raymond O. Jr.
Introductory Econometrics by Goldberger, Arthur S.
Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis: Volume 10 by Flandrin, Patrick
Theory of Differentiation: A Unified Theory of Differentiation Via New Derivate Theorems and New Derivatives by Garg, Krishna M.
Essays on Mathematical Robotics by
Analytical and Computational Methods of Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Wilcox, Calvin H., Gustafson, Grant B.
A Treatise on the Theory of Screws by Ball, Robert Stawell
Orthonormal Systems and Banach Space Geometry by Pietsch, A., Wenzel, Jorg, Pietsch, Albrecht
Technische Mechanik Der Festen Und Flüssigen Körper: 101 Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Ziegler, Franz
Comparisons of Stochastic Matrices with Applications in Information Theory, Statistics, Economics and Population Sciences by Kemperman, J. H. B., Zbăganu, Gheorghe, Cohen, Joel E.
Introduction a la Simulation Des Grandes Échelles Pour Les Écoulements de Fluide Incompressible by Sagaut, Pierre
Boundary Value Problems for Transport Equations by Agoshkov, Valeri
Analytic and Elementary Number Theory: A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdos by Alladi, Krishnaswami, Elliott, P. D. T. a., Granville, Andrew
Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics by Grossman, David A., Frieder, Ophir
See More