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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1999

The Theory of Anisotropic Elastic Plates by Vashakmadze, T. S.
Computational Techniques for Modelling Learning in Economics by
The Green Element Method by Taigbenu, Akpofure E.
Computational Optimization: A Tribute to Olvi Mangasarian Volume I by
Introduction to the Theory of Games: Concepts, Methods, Applications by Szidarovszky, Ferenc, Forgó, Ferenc, Szép, Jeno
Functional Differential Equations: Application of I-Smooth Calculus by Kim, A. V.
Advances in Randomized Parallel Computing by
Teaching Mathematics: Toward a Sound Alternative by Davis, Brent
Stochastic and Differential Games: Theory and Numerical Methods by
Stabilization of Linear Systems by Dragan, Vasile, Halanay, Aristide
Volterra Equations and Inverse Problems by Bughgeim, A. L.
Elements of the Theory of Inverse Problems by Denisov, A. M.
Microcontinuum Field Theories: I. Foundations and Solids by Eringen, A. Cemal
A History of Inverse Probability: From Thomas Bayes to Karl Pearson by Dale, Andrew I.
Evolutionary Algorithms by Davis, Lawrence David, Jong, Kenneth de, Vose, Michael D.
Baker Bill Big Book (Halving) by Irons, Calvin
Euclid--The Creation of Mathematics by Artmann, Benno
Spinors in Physics by Hladik, Jean
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra by Frazier, Michael W.
New Developments in Difference Equations and Applications: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Difference Equations by
Mathematical Modeling: A Chemical Engineer's Perspective by Aris, Rutherford
Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods: Evolving Interfaces in Computational Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision, and Materials Science by Sethian, J. A.
The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry by Pisier, Gilles
Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education by
Systems of Conservation Laws 1: Hyperbolicity, Entropies, Shock Waves by Serre, D., Serre, Denis
Waldzustandsanalyse Mit Multivariaten Verfahren: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Becher, Georg
Two- And Three-Dimensional Patterns of the Face by Yuille, A. L., Hallinan, Peter W., Gordon, Gaile
Computer Solution of Large Linear Systems: Volume 28 by Meurant, Gerard
Tools and Techniques in Modal Logic: Volume 142 by Kracht, M.
Übungsbuch Zur Finanzmathematik: Aufgaben Und Lösungen Mit Effektivzinssatzberechnungen, Renten Und Annuitäten by Herzberger, Jürgen
The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: Self-Focusing and Wave Collapse by Sulem, Pierre-Louis, Sulem, Catherine
Diagnosis and Prediction by Geisser, S., Geisser, Seymour
Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms by Bern, M. W., Luskin, M.
Linear Optimization and Extensions by Padberg, Manfred
Differentiability of Six Operators on Nonsmooth Functions and P-Variation by Norvaisa, R., Dudley, R. M.
Basic Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations by Hsieh, Po-Fang, Sibuya, Yasutaka
Pattern Formation in Continuous and Coupled Systems: A Survey Volume by
The Graduate Student's Guide to Numerical Analysis '98: Lecture Notes from the VIII Epsrc Summer School in Numerical Analysis by
Fundamental Concepts in Modern Analysis by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
Stochastic Controls: Hamiltonian Systems and Hjb Equations by Yong, Jiongmin, Zhou, Xun Yu
Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability, and Control by Sastry, Shankar
Introduction to Set Theory, Revised and Expanded by Jech, Thomas, Hrbacek, Karel
Workshop Calculus with Graphing Calculators: Guided Exploration with Review by Baxter Hastings, Nancy
Workshop Calculus with Graphing Calculators: Guided Exploration with Review by Baxter Hastings, Nancy
Math Talks for Undergraduates by Lang, Serge
Topological Vector Spaces by Schaefer, H. H.
A Course in Mathematical Modeling by
Die Werke Von Jakob Bernoulli: Bd. 5: Differentialgeometrie by Bernoulli, Jakob
New Heinemann Maths Yr1, Check-Up Workbook Photocopy Masters by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
New Heinemann Maths Yr2, Check-Up Workbook Photocopy Masters by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation: International Workshop Alenex'99 Baltimore, MD, Usa, January 15-16, 1999, Selected Papers by
Analysis Mit Mathematica Und Maple: Repetitorium Und Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Strampp, Walter
Lineare Algebra Mit Mathematica Und Maple: Repetitorium Und Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Strampp, Walter
Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom by
Progress in Optimization: Contributions from Australasia by
Error Control and Adaptivity in Scientific Computing by
A Study of Braids by Kurpita, B., Murasugi, Kunio
Topological Effects in Quantum Mechanics by Afanasiev, G. N.
Handbook of Test Problems in Local and Global Optimization by Pardalos, Panos M., Adjiman, Claire, Floudas, Christodoulos A.
Mathematical Modelling: Concepts and Case Studies by Caldwell, J., RAM, Y. M.
Nonlinear Optical Waves by Maimistov, A. I., Basharov, A. M.
Mathematical Models of Non-Linear Excitations, Transfer, Dynamics, and Control in Condensed Systems and Other Media by
Hyperbolic Functional Differential Inequalities and Applications by Kamont, Z.
U.S. Research Institutes in the Mathematical Sciences: Assessment and Perspectives by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
The Unknowable by Chaitin, Gregory J.
Inverse Problems of Vibrational Spectroscopy by Kuramshina, G. M., Yagola, A. G., Kochikov, I. V.
Variational Problems with Concentration by Bach, Martin F.
Linking Methods in Critical Point Theory by Schechter, Martin
Spatial Branching Processes, Random Snakes and Partial Differential Equations by Le Gall, Jean-Francois
Linear and Nonlinear Waves by Whitham, G. B.
On the Local Structure of Morita and Rickard Equivalences Between Brauer Blocks by Puig, Lluis
Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany March 22-28, 1998 by
Composite Type Equations and Inverse Problems by Kozhanov, A. I.
Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series, Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic Geophysical Fields by Martyshko, P. S.
Computing and Combinatorics: 5th Annual International Conference, Cocoon'99, Tokyo, Japan, July 26-28, 1999, Proceedings by
P-Adic Functional Analysis by
Integer and Combinatorial Optimization by Nemhauser, George L., Wolsey, Laurence A.
Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century by Mancosu, Paolo
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering by Pinder, George F., Lapidus, Leon
What Is Mathematics, Really? by Hersh, Reuben
Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Solids and Fluids by Bonnet, Marc
Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advances in Genetic Algorithms, Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming, Ge by
Vom Calculus Zum Chaos by Acheson, David J.
Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables: Proceedings of the 40th Taniguchi Symposium by
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the International Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia, 1999 by
Algorithms and Data Structures: 6th International Workshop, Wads'99 Vancouver, Canada, August 11-14, 1999 Proceedings by
Learning Mathematics: From Hierarchies to Networks by
Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical Solution by Jager, Willi, Stara, Jana, Necas, J.
The Essentials of Linear State-Space Systems by Aplevich, J. Dwight
Group Theoretical Methods and Applications to Molecules and Crystals by Kim, Shoon K.
Duality and Supersymmetric Theories by
Geometry of Sporadic Groups: Volume 1, Petersen and Tilde Geometries by Ivanov, A. A.
Triple Systems by Colbourn, Charles J., Rosa, Alex
Angewandte Mathematik, Insbesondere Informatik: Beispiele Erfolgreicher Wege Zwischen Mathematik Und Informatik by
Oxford Mathematical Monographs by MacDonald, I. G.
Bilinear Stochastic Models and Related Problems of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: A Frequency Domain Approach by Terdik, György
Introduction to Stochastic Networks by Serfozo, Richard
Local Regression and Likelihood by
Offshore Risk Assessment: Principles, Modelling and Applications of Qra Studies by Vinnem, Jan-Erik
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology by
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods Garching, Germany 1998: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of by
Stochastic Processes and Operator Calculus on Quantum Groups by Schott, René, Franz, U.
Nonlinear System Identification -- Input-Output Modeling Approach: Volume 1: Nonlinear System Parameter Identification by Haber, Robert, Keviczky, L.
Power Algebras Over Semirings: With Applications in Mathematics and Computer Science by Golan, Jonathan S.
Modal Analysis and Testing by
Geometrical Methods in Variational Problems by Emel'yanov, S. V., Korovin, S., Bobylov, N. a.
Fundamentals of Integrated Coastal Management by Vallega, A.
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control of Complex Systems by Nikiforov, V. O., Fradkov, A. L., Miroshnik, I. V.
Semirings and Their Applications by Golan, Jonathan S.
Complex Analysis Through Examples and Exercises by Pap, E.
Differentiable and Complex Dynamics of Several Variables by Pei-Chu Hu, Chung-Chun Yang
Probabilistic Behavior of Harmonic Functions by Moore, Charles N., Banuelos, Rodrigo
Implicit Partial Differential Equations by Dacorogna, Bernard, Marcellini, Paolo
Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence by
Abelian Groups and Modules: International Conference in Dublin, August 10-14, 1998 by
The Radon Transform by Helgason, Sigurdur
Geschichte Der Analysis by Jahnke, Hans Niels
Die Blaue Paprika: Globale Nahrungsmittelproduktion Auf Dem Prüfstand by Dette, Birgit, Tappeser, Beatrix, Baier, Alexandra
Complete How to Figure It by Huff, Darrell
Two-Phase Flow in Complex Systems by Levy, Salomon
Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions by Miyazawa, Masakiyo, Pinedo, Michael, Chao, Xiuli
Integer Optimization by Local Search: A Domain-Independent Approach by Walser, Joachim P.
Statistical Methods in Software Engineering: Reliability and Risk by Singpurwalla, Nozer D., Wilson, Simon P.
Scottish Heinemann Maths 1, Check-Up Workbook Pcms by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Applied Regression Including Computing and Graphics by Cook, R. Dennis, Weisberg, Sanford
Recursion Theory and Complexity: Proceedings of the Kazan '97 Workshop, Kazan, Russia, July 14-19, 1997 by
New Developments in Approximation Theory: 2nd International Dortmund Meeting (Idomat 98), February 23-27, 1998 by Mache, D. H., Muller, M. W., Buhmann, M. D.
Elliptic Curves in Cryptography by Blake, I., Seroussi, G., Blake, Ian F.
Surveys in Combinatorics, 1999 by
Singularity Theory: Proceedings of the European Singularities Conference, August 1996, Liverpool and Dedicated to C.T.C. Wall on the Occas by
Proofs and Confirmations: The Story of the Alternating-Sign Matrix Conjecture by Bressoud, David M.
Sets and Proofs by
Models and Computability by
An Introduction to Noncommutative Differential Geometry and Its Physical Applications by Madore, J.
Aspects of Galois Theory by
Elliptic Curves: Function Theory, Geometry, Arithmetic by McKean, Henry
Inverse Galois Theory by Malle, Gunter, Matzat, B. H.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1999: 24th International Symposium, Mfcs'99 Szklarska Poreba, Poland, September 6-10, 1999 Proceedings by
High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing: Proceedings of the International Fortwihr Conference on Hpsec, Munich, March 16-18, 1998 by
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 12th International Symposium, Fct'99 Iasi, Romania, August 30 - September 3, 1999 Proceedings by
Applied Finite Group Actions by Kerber, Adalbert
Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints by Pytlak, Radoslaw
Sphere Packings by Zong, Chuanming
The Core of Economies with Asymmetric Information by Schwalbe, Ulrich
Dynamic Macroeconomics with Imperfect Competition by Kaas, Leo
Mathematical Methods of Quantum Physics: 2nd Jagna International Workshop: Essays in Honor of Professor Hiroshi Ezawa by Watanabe, K., Bernido, C. C., Carpio-Bernido, M. V.
A History of Algorithms: From the Pebble to the Microchip by
The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes by Stewart, Ian
Introduction to the Relativity Principle by Barton, G.
An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups by Varadarajan, V. S.
Complexity: Hierarchical Structures and Scaling in Physics by Politi, Antonio, Remo, Badii, Badii, Remo
Fitting Equations to Data: Computer Analysis of Multifactor Data by Daniel, Cuthbert, Wood, Fred S.
Analytic-Bilinear Approach to Integrable Hierarchies by Bogdanov, L. V.
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization: An Essay for the Design of Computer-Based Modeling Tools by Hürlimann, Tony
Strategies for Quasi-Monte Carlo by Fox, Bennett L.
Smooth Quasigroups and Loops by Sabinin, L.
Noniterative Coordination in Multilevel Systems by Stoilov, Todor
Boolean Valued Analysis by Kusraev, A. G., Kutateladze, S. S., Kusraev, Anatoly G.
The Maz'ya Anniversary Collection: 2 Volumes Set by
The Maz'ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 2: Rostock Conference on Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications by
Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic by Holz, Michael, Steffens, Karsten, Weitz, E.
Nonmeasurable Sets and Functions: Volume 195 by Kharazishvili, Alexander
Das Wuppertal Haus: Bauen Und Wohnen Nach Dem Mips-Konzept by Käö, Tönis, Schmidt-Bleek, Friedrich, Huncke, Wolfram
Scan Statistics and Applications by
Mein Geist Ist Offen: Die Mathematischen Reisen Des Paul Erdös by Schechter, Bruce
1001 Nacht: Scheherezade Erzählt Geschichten Aus Der Wissenschaft by Boulanger, Philippe
π -- Die Story: Aus Dem Französischen Von Manfred Stern by Delahaye, Jean-Paul
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Foata, Dominique, Fuchs, Aime
Geodesic Flows by Paternain, Gabriel P.
A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology by May, J. P.
Archimedes: What Did He Do Beside Cry Eureka? by Stein, Sherman
Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaos by Martelli, Mario
Multibody System Simulation: Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Software by Schwerin, Reinhold Von
Codierungstheorie by Willems, Wolfgang
Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds by Saveliev, Nikolai
Numerische Verfahren Zur Lösung Unrestringierter Optimierungsaufgaben by Geiger, Carl, Kanzow, Christian
Wege in Euklidischen Ebenen Kinematik Der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie: Eine Auswahl Geometrischer Themen Mit Beiträgen Zu Deren Ideen-Geschichte by Dombrowski, Peter
Mathematik Am Computer by Nowottny, Dietrich
Wavelets in Physics by
Einführung in Die Analysis: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Ihrer Historischen Entwicklung Für Studierende Des Lehramtes by Sonar, Thomas
How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra, 2nd Edition by Johnson, Mildred, Johnson, Timothy E.
Shadowing in Dynamical Systems by Pilyugin, Sergei Yu
Sequences and Their Applications: Proceedings of Seta '98 by
The Minnesota Notes on Jordan Algebras and Their Applications by Koecher, Max
Operator Algebras Generated by Commuting Projections: A Vector Measure Approach by Ricker, Werner
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Fuchs, Aime, Foata, Dominique
Signaltheorie Und Kodierung by Vogel, Peter
Compartmental Modeling with Networks by Contreras, Martha, Walter, Gilbert G.
Aspects of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applications - Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Comple by
Chaos Near Resonance by Haller, G.
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: International Conference in Chemnitz, Germany, April 20-25, 1998 by Hoffmann, K. H.
New Perspectives in Algebraic Combinatorics by
Lie Algebraic Methods in Integrable Systems by Roy-Chowdhury, Amit K.
Character Sums with Exponential Functions and their Applications by
Hybrid Graph Theory and Network Analysis by Novak, L., Gibbons, Alan, Novak, Ladislav
Polyhedra by Peter R., Cromwell, Cromwell, Peter R.
The Painlevé Property: One Century Later by
Functional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering by Pedersen, Michael
Introduction to Hamiltonian Fluid Dynamics and Stability Theory by Swaters, Gordon E.
Superanalysis by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
See More