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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2001

Computational Modeling in Biological Fluid Dynamics by
The Non-Euclidean Revolution: With an Introduction by H.S.M Coxeter by Trudeau, Richard J.
Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models by Tutz, Gerhard, Fahrmeir, Ludwig
Geometric Algebra with Applications in Science and Engineering by
Algebraic Graph Theory by Royle, Gordon F., Godsil, Chris
Algebraic Graph Theory by Godsil, Chris, Royle, Gordon F.
The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions by Sagan, Bruce E.
The Foundations of Mathematics in the Theory of Sets by Mayberry, John P.
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to Dissipative Parabolic Pdes and the Theory of Global Attractors by Robinson, James C.
Recent Trends in Combinatorics by
Numerical Flow Simulation II: Cnrs-Dfg Collaborative Research Programme Results 1998-2000 by
Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution: The Second Main Theorem and Its Error Terms by Cherry, William, Ye, Zhuan
Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra by Delzell, Charles, Prestel, Alexander
Generating Families in the Restricted Three-Body Problem: II. Quantitative Study of Bifurcations by Henon, Michel
Maple(r) for Environmental Sciences: A Helping Hand by Scott, Bill
Korteweg-de Vries and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Qualitative Theory by Zhidkov, Peter E.
Lectures on Seiberg-Witten Invariants by Moore, John D.
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2001: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques Innsbruck, Austria, May 6- by
Marks' Mechanics Problem-Solving Companion by Thrower, James, Silverberg, Larry
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000: Trends and Applications by Andersson, H. I., Jenssen, C. B., Kvamdal, T.
Banach Algebras and Compact Operators: Volume 2 by
Codes on Euclidean Spheres: Volume 63 by
Graphs of Groups on Surfaces: Interactions and Models Volume 188 by White, A. T.
Applying and Interpreting Statistics by McPherson, Glen
Categorical Perspectives by
State Spaces of Operator Algebras: Basic Theory, Orientations, and C*-Products by Shultz, Frederik W., Alfsen, Erik M.
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography by Hubbell, Stephen P.
Banach Spaces: Volume 1 by
Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean by Miropol'sky, Yu Z.
The Architecture of Scientific Software: Ifip Tc2/Wg2.5 Working Conference on the Architecture of Scientific Software October 2-4, 2000, Ottawa, Canad by
Practical Asymptotics by
Optimization Methods and Applications by
Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics by
Many Valued Topology and Its Applications by Höhle, Ulrich
The Arithmetic of Life and Death by Shaffner, George
Guide to Analysis by Hart, Mary, Towers, David A.
Branching in Nature: Dynamics and Morphogenesis of Branching Structures, from Cell to River Networks by
The Advent of the Algorithm: The 300-Year Journey from an Idea to the Computer by Berlinski, David
Topics in Circular STATS (W/CD) by Jammalamadaka, S. Rao, SenGupta, Ashis
Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems: With Special Emphasis on Celestial Mechanics (Am-77) by Moser, Jurgen
Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics for Soil Management by
Metal Forming Analysis by Wagoner, R. H., Chenot, J. L.
Typical Dynamics of Volume Preserving Homeomorphisms by Alpern, Steve, Alpern, S. R., Prasad, V. S.
Nonlinear Elasticity: Theory and Applications by London Mathematical Society, Fu, Yibin B., Ogden, Raymond W.
Lectures on Choquet's Theorem by Phelps, Robert R.
Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing by
Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective by
Categorical Logic and Type Theory: Volume 141 by Jacobs, B.
Pseudozufallszahlen in der Kryptographie by Schiestl, Christian
Introduction to Neural Dynamics and Signal Transmission Delay by Wu, Jianhong
Condensing Multivalued Maps and Semilinear Differential Inclusions in Banach Spaces by Kamenskii, Mikhail I., Obukhovskii, Valeri V., Zecca, Pietro
An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93 by Young, Robert M.
Mathematics Matters Grade 5 Learner's Book by MacGregor, Fiona, Jooste, Zonia
Mathematics Matters Grade 5 Teacher's Guide by MacGregor, Fiona, Jooste, Zonia
Introductory Finite Element Method by Desai, Chandrakant S., Kundu, Tribikram
The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations: A Revisit with Applications to Communications, Economics, Engineering, and Finance by Kotz, Samuel, Kozubowski, Tomasz, Podgorski, Krzystof
Complex Analysis by Gamelin, Theodore W.
Complex Analysis by Gamelin, Theodore W.
Realoptionen in Der Unternehmenspraxis: Wert Schaffen Durch Flexibilität by
Foundations of Computational Mathematics by Suili, Endre, DeVore Iserles Suli, DeVore/Iserles/Suli
The Decomposition of Primes in Torsion Point Fields by Adelmann, Clemens
Dynamical Models in Biology by Farkas, Miklós
The N-Vortex Problem: Analytical Techniques by Newton, Paul K.
Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics by
Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry by Hajek, Petr, Fabian, Marian, Habala, Petr
Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation by Edelsbrunner, Herbert
Elementary Geometry of Differentiable Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction by Gibson, Chris, Gibson, C. G.
General Topology II: Compactness, Homologies of General Spaces by Arkhangel'skifi, A. V.
Point Sources and Multipoles in Inverse Scattering Theory by Potthast, Roland
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 8th International Ipco Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, June 13-15, 2001. Proceedings by
Integrable Hierarchies and Modern Physical Theories by
From Finite to Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems by
Migration, Unemployment and Trade by Hazari, Bharat R., Sgro, Pasquale M.
Multiple Criteria Analysis in Strategic Siting Problems by Olson, David L., Larichev, Oleg I.
The Geometry of Hamilton and Lagrange Spaces by Shimada, Hideo, Miron, R., Hrimiuc, Dragos
From Finite to Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems by
Mathematical Quantization by Weaver, Nik
System Design: A Practical Guide with Specc by Dömer, Rainer, Gerstlauer, Andreas, Junyu Peng
Analytic Extension Formulas and Their Applications by
Infinite Interval Problems for Differential, Difference and Integral Equations by Agarwal, R. P., O'Regan, Donal
Special Classes of Semigroups by Nagy, A.
Mathematics Education and Language: Interpreting Hermeneutics and Post-Structuralism by Brown, Tony
Integrable Hierarchies and Modern Physical Theories by
Separable Programming: Theory and Methods by Stefanov, S. M.
Stochastic Optimization: Algorithms and Applications by
Active Networks and Active Network Management: A Proactive Management Framework by Bush, Stephen F., Kulkarni, Amit B.
Collected Works: Volume I: Publications 1929-1936 by Godel, Kurt, G. del, Kurt
Collected Works: Volume III: Unpublished Essays and Lectures by G?del, Kurt, Godel, Kurt
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Frankel, Steven, Hoffman, Joe D.
Perspective Systems Theory and Machine Vision by Ghosh, B., Loucks, E. P.
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography by Natterer, Frank
Binomial Distribution Handbook for Scientists and Engineers by Collani, E. Von, Dräger, Klaus
Cohomological Methods in Homotopy Theory: Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Bellatera, Spain, June 4-10, 1998 by
Mathematical Finance: Workshop of the Mathematical Finance Research Project, Konstanz, Germany, October 5-7, 2000 by
Scheduling Computer and Manufacturing Processes by Ecker, Klaus H., Pesch, Erwin, Blazewicz, Jacek
Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2 by Stanley, Richard P.
Random Matrix Models and Their Applications by Biehr, Pavel M.
Fuzzy Cooperative Games: Cooperation with Vague Expectations by Mares, Milan
Ripples in Mathematics: The Discrete Wavelet Transform by Jensen, A., Cour-Harbo, Anders La
Graded Exercises in Mechanics by Wake, Geoff, Ann, Kitchen, Kitchen, Ann
Multivariate Permutation Tests: With Applications in Biostatistics by Pesarin, Fortunato
Advanced Modelling in Finance Using Excel and VBA [With CDROM] by Staunton, Mike, Jackson, Mary
Computer Algebra Recipes: A Gourmet's Guide to the Mathematical Models of Science by McGuire, George C., Enns, Richard
Heavy Traffic Analysis of Controlled Queueing and Communication Networks by Kushner, Harold
The Geometry of Biological Time by Winfree, Arthur T.
Linear Optimization and Extensions: Problems and Solutions by Padberg, Manfred W., Alevras, Dimitris
Probability Models for Computer Science by Ross, Sheldon M.
Elementary Geometry of Differentiable Curves by Gibson, C. G.
Analysis on Fractals by Kigami, Jun
Understanding Mathematics for Aircraft Navigation by Wolper, James S.
Riemann's Zeta Function by Edwards, H. M.
The Infinite-Dimensional Topology of Function Spaces: Volume 64 by Van Mill, J.
Stamping Through Mathematics by Wilson, Robin J.
Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing by Wambsganss, Joachim, Petters, Arlie O., Levine, Harold
Dynamic Equations on Time Scales: An Introduction with Applications by Bohner, Martin, Peterson, Allan
Solitons in Field Theory and Nonlinear Analysis by Yang, Yisong
Inherently Parallel Algorithms in Feasibility and Optimization and Their Applications: Volume 8 by Reich, S., Censor, Y., Butnariu, D.
Uniform Approximations by Trigonometric Polynomials by Stepanets, A. I., Stepanets, Alexander I.
Perspectives on Enclosure Methods by
Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series, Coefficient Inverse Problems for Parabolic Type Equations and Their Application by Danilaev, P. G.
Uniform Approximations by Trigonometric Polynomials by Stepanets, Alexander I.
The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time Series by Ghysels, Eric, Sargent, Thomas J., Osborn, Denise R.
The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time Series by Ghysels, Eric, Sargent, Thomas J., Osborn, Denise R.
Ordinary Differential Equations and Integral Equations by Monegato, G., Vanden Berghe, G., Baker, C. T. H.
Handbook of Continuum Mechanics: General Concepts Thermoelasticity by Salencon, Jean
The Strange Logic of Random Graphs by Spencer, Joel
Second Order Pde's in Finite and Infinite Dimension: A Probabilistic Approach by Cerrai, Sandra
Sieves in Number Theory by Greaves, George
Discrete and Computational Geometry: Japanese Conference, Jcdcg 2000, Tokyo, Japan, November, 22-25, 2000. Revised Papers by
Analyse Mathématique I: Convergence, Fonctions Élémentaires by Godement, Roger
Dynamical Systems IV: Symplectic Geometry and Its Applications by
Diskrete Strukturen 2: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik by Steger, Angelika, Schickinger, Thomas
Reflection Groups and Invariant Theory by Kane, Richard
Spatial Patterns: Higher Order Models in Physics and Mechanics by Troy, W. C., Peletier, L. a.
Collected Papers of K.-T. Chen by
Spherical Inversion on Sln(r) by Lang, Serge, Jorgenson, Jay
Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems: Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications by Bayro Corrochano, Eduardo
Analysis for Applied Mathematics by Cheney, Ward
Counting: The Art of Enumerative Combinatorics by Martin, George E.
Equations with Involutive Operators by Karapetiants, Nikolai, Samko, Stefan
Carleman Estimates and Applications to Uniqueness and Control Theory by
Mathematical Logic: A Course with Exercises Part II: Recursion Theory, Godel's Theorems, Set Theory, Model Theory by Lascar, Daniel, Cori, Rene, Cori, Ren?
Collected Works: Volume II: Publications 1938-1974 by Godel, Kurt, G?del, Kurt
Measure and Integration Theory by Bauer, Heinz
Geometry: Ancient and Modern by Silvester, John R.
Geometry: Ancient and Modern by Silvester, John R.
Mathematical Logic: A Course with Exercises Part II: Recursion Theory, Godel's Theorems, Set Theory, Model Theory by Lascar, Daniel, Cori, Rene, Cori, Ren?
Combinatorics, Computability and Logic: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, (Dmtcs'01) by
Advances in the Theory of Shock Waves by
Advanced Linear Modeling: Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial Data; Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization by Christensen, Ronald
Computer Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring: A Statistical Viewpoint by Marchette, David J.
Set Theory for Computing: From Decision Procedures to Declarative Programming with Sets by Cantone, Domenico, Omodeo, Eugenio
Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers by McGuire, George C., Enns, Richard H.
Structured Matrices and Polynomials: Unified Superfast Algorithms by Pan, Victor Y.
Diffusion-Wave Fields: Mathematical Methods and Green Functions by Mandelis, Andreas
Subjective Probability Models for Lifetimes by Spizzichino, Fabio
Systems of Conservation Laws: Two-Dimensional Riemann Problems by Zheng, Yuxi
Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights by Lubinsky, Doron S., Levin, Eli
Partial Differential Control Theory: Volume I: Mathematical Tools, Volume II: Control System by Pommaret, J. F.
Infinite Homotopy Theory by Baues, H-J, Quintero, A.
Switching Networks: Recent Advances by
Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory by
From Local to Global Optimization by
Sequential Optimization of Asynchronous and Synchronous Finite-State Machines: Algorithms and Tools by Fuhrer, Robert M., Nowick, Steven M.
Iutam Symposium on Smart Structures and Structronic Systems: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Magdeburg, Germany, 26-29 September 2000 by
Mathematical Programming and Financial Objectives for Scheduling Projects by Kimms, Alf
Graph Separators, with Applications by Heath, Lenwood S., Rosenberg, Arnold L.
Advances in Convex Analysis and Global Optimization: Honoring the Memory of C. Caratheodory (1873-1950) by
Quantum Communication, Computing, and Measurement 3 by
Teaching Mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms by Adler, J. B.
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: The Lyrical Landscapes of Federico Garcia Lorca by
Handbook of Randomized Computing: Volume I/II by
Hardy Spaces on the Euclidean Space by Uchiyama, Akihito
Univalent Functions by Duren, P. L.
Mathematical Foundations of Computational Engineering: A Handbook by Damrath, Rudolf, Pahl, Peter J.
Operator Theory and Numerical Methods: Volume 30 by Saito, N., Suzuki, T., Fujita, H.
Computational Fluid Dynamics for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium Honoring Prof. Satofuka on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Kyoto, Jap by Periaux, Jacques, Hafez, Mohamed, Morinishi, Koji
Lect Notes on Chern-Simons-Witten Theory by Hu, Sen
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band IV: Analysis, Algebra Und Zahlentheorie by Hausdorff, Felix
Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms by Deb, Kalyanmoy
Partial Differential Equations by Jones, Keith, Slaon, D.
Hilbert Spaces: Volume 4 by
Applying Statistics in the Courtroom by Good Phillip I., Phillip I., Good, Philip, Good, Phillip I.
Data Engineering by Wolkenhauer, Olaf
Changing Images in Mathematics: From the French Revolution to the New Millennium by
Mathematics Galore!: Masterclasses, Workshops, and Team Projects in Mathematics and Its Applications by Budd, C. J., Sangwin, C. J.
Computergrafik Und Geometrisches Modellieren by Brüderlin, Beat, Meier, Andreas
Optical Measurements: Techniques and Applications by
Lectures on Symplectic Geometry by Cannas Da Silva, Ana
Dialgebras and Related Operads by Loday, J. -L, Frabetti, A., Chapoton, F.
Symmetries by Johnson, D. L.
Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics by Balaguer, Mark
Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications by Pourtallier, Odile, Altmann, Eitan
Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach by Wang, Hua O., Tanaka, Kazuo
Torsors and Rational Points by Skorobogatov, A., Skorobogatov, Alexei
Algorithms and Data Structures: 7th International Workshop, Wads 2001 Providence, Ri, Usa, August 8-10, 2001 Proceedings by
Ancient Mathematics by Cuomo, Serafina
Ancient Mathematics by Cuomo, Serafina
GED Satellite: Mathematics by Contemporary
Basic Operator Theory by Goldberg, Seymour, Gohberg, Israel
See More