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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2002

Scientific Opportunism l'Opportunisme Scientifique: An Anthology by Poincaré, Henri
Smart Sourcing: International Best Practice by Kakabadse, A.
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications: Eighth International Conference in Magdeburg, February/March 2000 Volume 1 by
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications: Eighths International Conference in Magdeburg, February/ March 2000, Set Volumes I, II by
The Symmetry Perspective: From Equilibrium to Chaos in Phase Space and Physical Space by Golubitsky, Martin, Stewart, Ian
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications: Eighth International Conference in Magdeburg, February/March 2000 Volume II by
Combinatorics and Partially Ordered Sets: Dimension Theory by Trotter, William T.
Wavelets and Subband: Fundamentals and Applications by Decusatis, Casimer, Das, Pankaj K., Abbate, Agostino
Thetafunktionen Und Hyperelliptische Funktionen by Landfriedt, Ernst
The Biology of Numbers: The Correspondence of Vito Volterra on Mathematical Biology by Gasca, Ana M., Israel, Giorgio
Euclid's Elements by Euclid, Au
Euclid's Elements by Euclid, Au
Integral Transforms and Their Applications by Davies, Brian
An Introduction to Semiclassical and Microlocal Analysis by Bach, André
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences by Seaborn, James B.
Lengths, Widths, Surfaces: A Portrait of Old Babylonian Algebra and Its Kin by Høyrup, Jens
Dynamics of Evolutionary Equations by You, Yuncheng, Sell, George R.
Geometries on Surfaces by Polster, Burkard, Stienke, Gunther, Steinke, Gunter
Mathematical Vistas: From a Room with Many Windows by Hilton, Peter, Holton, Derek, Pedersen, Jean
17 Lectures on Fermat Numbers: From Number Theory to Geometry by Krizek, Michal, Luca, Florian
Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena by
Quantum Methods with Mathematica(r) by Feagin, James F.
Number Theory in Function Fields by Rosen, Michael
Stability Theory of Dynamical Systems by Szegö, G. P., Bhatia, N. P.
Number Theory by Hasse, Helmut
New Trends in Turbulence. Turbulence: Nouveaux Aspects: Les Houches Session LXXIV 31 July - 1 September 2000 by
The Universal History of Computing: From the Abacus to the Quantum Computer by Ifrah, Georges
Algebraic Topology - Homotopy and Homology by Switzer, Robert M.
Statistical Modeling, Analysis and Management of Fuzzy Data by
Éléments Finis: Théorie, Applications, Mise En Oeuvre by Ern, Alexandre, Guermond, Jean-Luc
Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control by
Multiple Objective and Goal Programming: Recent Developments by
Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics by
Isaac Newton: Una Vida by Westfall, Richard S.
The Discrepancy Method: Randomness and Complexity by Chazelle, Bernard
Mathematik Für Bauingenieure: Eine Rechnergestützte Einführung by Schmidt, Dirk, Biehounek, Josef
Industrial Mathematics: Case Studies in the Diffusion of Heat and Matter by Broadbridge, Philip, Fulford, Glenn
Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science: Broken Lives and Organizational Power by Gatti, Hilary
Quantitative Methods for Current Environmental Issues by
Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces by Ryan, Raymond A.
Space Math by Roza, Greg
Context-free Hypergraph Grammars: Node and Hyperedge Rewriting with an Application to Petri Nets by Klempien-Hinrichs, Renate
Universal Algebra and Applications in Theoretical Computer Science by Denecke, Klaus, Wismath, Shelly L.
High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing: Proceedings of the 3rd International Fortwihr Conference on Hpsec, Erlangen, March 12-14, 2001 by
Funktionentheorie 1 by Schumacher, Georg, Remmert, Reinhold
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination with Light by Clegg, Brian
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination with Light by Clegg, Brian
Improving Mathematics Education: Resources for Decision Making by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Education
Maths Plus Word Problems 3: Pupil Book by Frobisher, Len
Maths Plus Word Problems 4: Pupil Book by Frobisher, Len
Maths Plus Word Problems 5: Pupil Book by Frobisher, Len
Maths Plus Word Problems 6: Pupil Book by Frobisher, Len
Maths Plus Word Problems 4: Teacher's Book by Frobisher, Len
Maths Plus Word Problems 5: Teacher's Book by Frobisher, Len, Frobisher, Ann
Maths Plus Word Problems 6: Teacher's Book by Frobisher, Len
Industrial Mathematics by Fulford, Glenn R., Broadbridge, Philip
Tits Buildings and the Model Theory of Groups by
Topological Structure and Analysis of Interconnection Networks by Junming Xu
Equilibrium Problems: Nonsmooth Optimization and Variational Inequality Models by
Omega: A Competent Genetic Algorithm for Solving Permutation and Scheduling Problems by Knjazew, Dimitri
Reuniting the Antipodes - Constructive and Nonstandard Views of the Continuum: Symposium Proceedings, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, May 16-22, 1999 by
Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications by
Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications by
Computational Algebraic Number Theory by Pohst, M.
Modélisation Mathématique: Un Autre Regard by
A Variational Inequality Approach to Free Boundary Problems with Applications in Mould Filling by Steinbach, Jörg
The Relativistic Boltzmann Equation: Theory and Applications by Cercignani, Carlo, Kremer, Gilberto M.
Advances in Mathematical Economics 4 by Kusuoka, S., Maruyama, T.
A Distributional Approach to Asymptotics: Theory and Applications by Estrada, Ricardo, Kanwal, RAM P.
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering by
Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory by
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements by Davis, Charles S.
Floer Homology Groups in Yang-Mills Theory by Donaldson, S. K., Kotschick, D. K.
Risk Management: Value at Risk and Beyond by
Matematica, Arte, Tecnologia, Cinema by
Mathematics of Quantum Computation by
Foundations of Genetic Programming by Langdon, William B., Poli, Riccardo
Computational Contact and Impact Mechanics: Fundamentals of Modeling Interfacial Phenomena in Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis by Laursen, Tod A.
Shape Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing by Maekawa, Takashi, Patrikalakis, Nicholas M.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Stewart, H. B., Thompson, J. M. T.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Thompson, J. M. T., Stewart, H. B.
Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy. (Am-150), Volume 150 by Katz, Nicholas M.
Social Choice Mechanisms by Danilov, Vladimir I., Sotskov, Alexander I.
The Steiner Tree Problem: A Tour Through Graphs, Algorithms, and Complexity by Prömel, Hans Jürgen, Steger, Angelika
Similarity and Compatibility in Fuzzy Set Theory: Assessment and Applications by Cross, Valerie V., Sudkamp, Thomas A.
Finite Elements Using Maple: A Symbolic Programming Approach by Charafi, A., Portela, Artur
Graph Drawing: 9th International Symposium, GD 2001 Vienna, Austria, September 23-26, 2001, Revised Papers by
How to Dazzle at Oral and Mental Starters by Webber, Beryl, Haigh, Jean
Performance Analysis of Multi-Channel and Multi-Traffic on Wireless Communication Networks by
New Trends in Difference Equations: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Difference Equations Tampico, Chile, January 2-7, 2000 by
Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices by Xian, Yang Yi
An Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics by Gupta, Arjun K., Varga, Tamas
Functional Equations -- Results and Advances by
Adaptive Mechanics by Tertychny-Dauri, V. y.
Modeling in Medical Decision Making: A Bayesian Approach by Parmigiani, Giovanni
Ten Lectures on Random Media by Sznitman, Alain-Sol, Bolthausen, Erwin
Algebraic K-Groups as Galois Modules by Snaith, Victor P.
Ill-Posed Internal Boundary Value Problems for the Biharmonic Equation by Atakhodzhaev, Mukarram A.
Latent Variable and Latent Structure Models by
Rigid Body Dynamics of Mechanisms: 1 Theoretical Basis by Hahn, Hubert
Statistical Analysis in Climate Research by Storch, H. V., Zwiers, Francis W., Von Storch, Hans
Newton's Gift: How Sir Isaac Newton Unlocked the System of the World by Berlinski, David
Einführung in Partielle Differentialgleichungen: Ein Numerischer Zugang by Winther, Ragnar, Tveito, Aslak
Elliptische Kurven In der Kryptographie by Werner, Annette
Theorie Und Numerik Restringierter Optimierungsaufgaben by Geiger, Carl, Kanzow, Christian
Parallele Numerische Verfahren by Lenhardt, Ingrid, Obermaier, Holger, Alefeld, Götz
Analysis by Walter, Wolfgang
A First Course on Zero-Sum Repeated Games by Sorin, Sylvain
Applications of Geometric Algebra in Computer Science and Engineering by
Calculus: Concepts and Methods by Binmore, Ken, Davies, Joan
Practical Statistics for Environmental and Biological Scientists by Townend, John
Comparison Methods for Stochastic Models and Risks by Müller, Alfred, Stoyan, Dietrich
Bewertung von Barriere-Optionen unter Verwendung der Laplace-Transformation by Backhaus, Jochen
Starting Advanced Mathematics by Payne, Sarah, Neill, Hugh
Mathematical Treks: From Surreal Numbers to Magic Circles by Peterson, Ivars
Fuzzy Automata and Languages: Theory and Applications by Malik, Davender S., Mordeson, John N.
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 10th International Conference, Dgci 2002, Bordeaux, France, April 3-5, 2002. Proceedings by
Latin 2002: Theoretical Informatics: 5th Latin American Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, April 3-6, 2002, Proceedings by
Neandertal: Die Geschichte Geht Weiter by Schmitz, Ralf, Thissen, Jürgen
Foundations of Non-Cooperative Game Theory by Ritzberger, Klaus
Lie Groups: An Introduction Through Linear Groups by Rossman, Wulf
Optimal Control of Complex Structures: International Conference in Oberwolfach, June 4-10, 2000 by Lasiecka, I., Hoffmann, K. H., Leugering, G.
Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory by Strambach, Karl, Nagy, Péter
Oligopoly Dynamics: Models and Tools by
Cooperative Decision Making in Common Pool Situations by Meinhardt, Holger I.
Theory of K-Loops by Kiechle, Hubert
Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics by Nelson, David R.
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at Ecmi 2000 by
Deformation Quantization: Proceedings of the Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg, May 31 - June 2, 2001 / Rencontre by
Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents by Fosnot, Catherine Twomey, Dolk, Maarten
Essential Maple 7: An Introduction for Scientific Programmers by Corless, Robert M.
Spectral Methods for Incompressible Viscous Flow by Peyret, Roger
Matrices for Engineers by Kraus, Allan D.
Graphs, Colourings and the Four-Colour Theorem by Wilson, Robert A.
Graphs, Colourings and the Four-Colour Theorem by Wilson, Robert A.
The Feynman Integral and Feynman's Operational Calculus by Johnson, Gerald W., Lapidus, Michel L.
Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Modern Perspectives by Okubo, Akira, Levin, Smon A.
Social Networks and Trust by Buskens, Vincent
Transportation and Network Analysis: Current Trends: Miscellanea in Honor of Michael Florian by
Analytic Number Theory by
Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology, and the Man by
Stochastic and Global Optimization by
Convergence Structures and Applications to Functional Analysis by Butzmann, Heinz-Peter, Beattie, R.
The Application of Mathematics to the Sciences of Nature: Critical Moments and Aspects by
Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithms and Selected Applications by de Klerk, E.
Advances in Conservation Laws and Energy Release Rates: Theoretical Treatments and Applications by Yi-Heng Chen
Summability of Multi-Dimensional Fourier Series and Hardy Spaces by Weisz, Ferenc
Boolean Algebras in Analysis by Vladimirov, D. A.
Complexity of Lattice Problems: A Cryptographic Perspective by Micciancio, Daniele, Goldwasser, Shafi
The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems by Ciarlet, Philippe G.
Linear Representations of Groups by Vinberg, E.
Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series by Arias De Reyna, Juan
Lectures on Algebraic Quantum Groups by Goodearl, Ken R., Brown, Ken
Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems Under Pertubation and Discretization by Grüne, Lars
Elementary Number Theory with Applications, Student Solutions Manual by Koshy, Thomas
Kit 2000: 3rd Edition by Saxon
Functional Analysis by Lax, Peter D.
Foundations of Non-Cooperative Game Theory by Ritzberger, Klaus
Matematica E Cultura 2002 by
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2001: Transaction for the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart 2001 by Jager, W., Krause, E.
Euclid's Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace by Mlodinow, Leonard
Monotone Random Systems Theory and Applications by Chueshov, Igor
Borcherds Products on O(2, L) and Chern Classes of Heegner Divisors by Bruinier, Jan H.
Uncertain Volatility Models: Theory and Application by Buff, Robert
Bilateral Bargaining: Theory and Applications by Napel, Stefan
Uncertain Logics, Variables and Systems by Bubnicki, Z.
Werkstoff- Und Produktionstechnik Mit MathCAD: Modellierung Und Simulation in Anwendungsbeispielen by Buchmayr, B.
Computational Science -- Iccs 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 Proceedings, Part II by
Computational Science -- Iccs 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 Proceedings, Part III by
Computational Science - Iccs 2002: International Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002. Proceedings, Part I by
From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds by Fritzsche, Klaus, Grauert, Hans
Principles of Secure Network Systems Design by Ghosh, Sumit
Growing with Math, Grade K, Math Literature: Coconut Crazy! Big Book (Sharing) by McGraw Hill
The Works of Archimedes by Archimedes
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001, Practice and Theory by
Mathematics Matters Grade 6 Learner's Book by Jooste, Zonia, Slamang, Moeneba, MacGregor, Fiona
Mathematics Matters Grade 6 Teacher's Book by Jooste, Zonia, Slamang, Moeneba, MacGregor, Fiona
Mathematical Models in Applied Mechanics by Tayler, A. B.
Senior Mathematical Challenge by Gardiner, Tony
Foundations of Deterministic and Stochastic Control by Davis, Jon H.
The Boundary Element Method, Volume 1: Applications in Thermo-Fluids and Acoustics by Wrobel, L. C.
Advances in Finance and Stochastics: Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann by
Wavelets in Numerical Simulation: Problem Adapted Construction and Applications by Urban, Karsten
Geometric Methods in Bio-Medical Image Processing by
Algebraic Quotients. Torus Actions and Cohomology. the Adjoint Representation and the Adjoint Action by McGovern, W. M., Bialynicki-Birula, A., Carrell, J.
Number Theory for Computing by Yan, Song Y.
Diophantine Equations and Power Integral Bases: New Computational Methods by Gaal, Istvan
Symplectic Amalgams by Parker, Christopher, Rowley, Peter
Recent Developments in the Navier-Stokes Problem by Lemarie-Rieusset, Pierre Gilles
Computational Methods for Linear Integral Equations by Puri, Pratap, Kythe, Prem
Almost Free Modules: Set-Theoretic Methods Volume 65 by Mekler, A. H., Eklof, P. C.
The Boundary Element Method, Volume 2: Applications in Solids and Structures by Aliabadi, M. H.
Extensions and Relaxations by Morina, S. I., Chentsov, A. G.
Dynamics and Randomness by
A First Course in Information Theory by Yeung, Raymond W.
Handbook of Brownian Motion - Facts and Formulae by Borodin, Andrei N., Salminen, Paavo
Lady Tasting Tea by Salsburg, David
Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry by Toth, Gabor
Mathematical Principles of Signal Processing: Fourier and Wavelet Analysis by Bremaud, Pierre
Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: An Introduction by
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