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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2004

An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis by Bear, H. S.
Folding and Fracturing of Rocks by Ramsay, John G.
Numerical Computing with MATLAB by Moler, Cleve B.
Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations by Lorenz, Jens, Kreiss, Heinz-Otto
Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates by Briggs, William
Series Tertia Vol.10opera Omnia Phys. by Euler
Demathtifying - Demystifying Mathematics by Samson, Ilan
Advanced Polyhedra 1: The Final Stellation of the Icosahedron by Jenkins, Gerald, Bear, Magdalen
Mathematics Education Within the Postmodern (PB) by
Mathematics Education Within the Postmodern (Hc) by
A Man Left Albuquerque Heading East: Word Problems as Genre in Mathematics Education by Gerofsky, Susan
Commentationes Physicae AD Theoriam Caloris, Electricitatis Et Magnetismi Pertinentes by Euler, Leonhard
An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis by Katznelson, Yitzhak
Teaching Mathematics Vocabulary in Context: Windows, Doors, and Secret Passageways by Murray, Miki
Fuzzy Logic and the Internet by
The Little Book of Bigger Primes by Ribenboim, Paulo
Berkeley Problems in Mathematics by de Souza, Paulo Ney, Silva, Jorge-Nuno
Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation by Angell, Thomas S., Kirsch, Andreas
Dynamic Modeling for Business Management: An Introduction by McGarvey, Bernard, Hannon, Bruce
The Theory of Chaotic Attractors by
Deflating Existential Consequence: A Case for Nominalism by Azzouni, Jody
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations by Rogers, Robert C., Renardy, Michael
Fractals and Chaos: The Mandelbrot Set and Beyond by Mandelbrot, Benoit
Mathematical Population Genetics 1: Theoretical Introduction by Ewens, Warren J.
Computational Homology by Mrozek, Marian, Kaczynski, Tomasz, Mischaikow, Konstantin
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Integrated Circuits: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, by
Frobenius Algebras and 2D Topological Quantum Field Theories by Kock, Joachim
An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis by Yitzhak, Katznelson, Katznelson, Yitzhak
Nonlinear Theory of Pseudodifferential Equations on a Half-Line: Volume 194 by Hayashi, Nakao, Kaikina, Elena
Graph Drawing: 11th International Symposium, GD 2003, Perugia, Italy, September 21-24, 2003, Revised Papers by
Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation by
Mathematica Technology Resource Manual to Accompany Differential Equations, 2e by Coleman, Courtney S., Borrelli, Robert L., Switkes, Jennifer
The Zen of Magic Squares, Circles, and Stars: An Exhibition of Surprising Structures Across Dimensions by Pickover, Clifford a.
Advances in Mathematical Economics by Kusuoka, Shigeo, Maruyama, Toru
Managing Mathematical Projects - With Success! by Dyke, P. P. G.
Discrete and Continuous Nonlinear Schrodinger Systems by Ablowitz, Mark J., Trubatch, D., Prinari, B.
Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological Quantum Field Theories by Kock, Joachim
Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered: The Cross Section of Stock Returns by Külpmann, Mathias
Logic and Complexity by Rougemont, Michel De, Lassaigne, Richard
Berkeley Problems in Mathematics by de Souza, Paulo Ney, Silva, Jorge-Nuno
Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling by
Credit Risk Pricing Models: Theory and Practice by Schmid, Bernd
New Optimization Techniques in Engineering by Onwubolu, Godfrey C., Babu, B. V.
Fundamental Constructs in Mathematics Education by
Coordination Dynamics: Issues and Trends by
Tame Geometry with Application in Smooth Analysis by Yomdin, Yosef, Comte, Georges
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2002: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore, Novem by
Rational Matrix Equations in Stochastic Control by Damm, Tobias
Pid Trajectory Tracking Control for Mechanical Systems by Chung, WAN Kyun, Choi, Youngjin
The Structure of Spherical Buildings by Weiss, Richard M.
Interest Rate Models: An Introduction by Cairns, Andrew J. G.
The Birth of Model Theory: Löwenheim's Theorem in the Frame of the Theory of Relatives by Badesa, Calixto
Parabolic Quasilinear Equations Minimizing Linear Growth Functionals by Andreu-Vaillo, Fuensanta, Caselles, Vicent, Mazon, José M.
Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical Physics: The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume by
Symmetry in Finite Generalized Quadrangles by Thas, Koen
Traumjob Mathematik!: Berufswege Von Frauen Und Männern in Der Mathematik by Abele, Andrea E., Neunzert, Helmut, Tobies, Renate
Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry by
Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems by Lu, Mi
Automated Deduction in Geometry: 4th International Workshop, Adg 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 4-6, 2002, Revised Papers by
How to Prove the Collatz Conjecture by Fleming, Danny
A Structural Account of Mathematics by Chihara, Charles S.
Mathematik Für Chemiker: Methoden, Beispiele, Anwendungen Und Aufgaben by Reinsch, Ernst-Albrecht
Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Modelling Approach by Lindsey, J. K.
The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics by Noll, Walter, Truesdell, C.
Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Modelling Approach by Lindsey, James K., Lindsey, J. K.
Measure Theory and Integration by Rao, M. M.
Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy Theory C by
New Trends in Integrability and Partial Solvability by
Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy Theory C by
New Trends in Integrability and Partial Solvability (2004) by
Doctor Ecco's Cyberpuzzles: 36 Puzzles for Hackers and Other Mathematical Detectives by Shasha, Dennis Elliott
Stochastic Models in Biology by Goel, Narendra S., Richter-Dyn, Nira
Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science by Jürgens, Hartmut, Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, Saupe, Dietmar
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: Third International Symposium, Foiks 2004, Wilhelminenburg Castle, Austria, February 17-20, 2004, Pr by
New Soft Computing Techniques for System Modeling, Pattern Classification and Image Processing by Rutkowski, Leszek
Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algebras by Ringel, C. M.
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs: Volume 57 by Golumbic, Martin Charles
Number Theory: New York Seminar 2003 by
Greek, Indian and Arabic Logic: Volume 1 by
Global Methods for Combinatorial Isoperimetric Problems by Harper, L. H.
Intelligent Techniques in E-Commerce: A Case Based Reasoning Perspective by Sun, Zhaohao, Finnie, Gavin R.
Numerical Solution of Elliptic Differential Equations by Reduction to the Interface by Wittum, Gabriel, Khoromskij, Boris N.
The Value of Signals in Hidden Action Models: Concepts, Application, and Empirical Evidence by Schnedler, Wendelin
The Statistical Dynamics of Turbulence by Jovanovic, Jovan
A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization by Lee, Jon
An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations by Robinson, James C.
A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization by Lee, Jon
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 7 by
Topics in Cryptology -- Ct-Rsa 2004: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2004, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 23-27, 2004, Proceedings by
Micropolar Theory of Elasticity by Dyszlewicz, Janusz
Mathematical Journeys by Schumer, Peter D.
Numerical Methods for Image Registration by Modersitzki, Jan
Approximation and Online Algorithms: First International Workshop, Waoa 2003, Budapest, Hungary, September 16-18, 2003, Revised Papers by
Challenges in Scientific Computing - CISC 2002: Proceedings of the Conference "Challenges in Scientific Computing," Berlin, October 2-5, 2002 by
Dynamics of Viscous Compressible Fluids by Feireisl, Eduard
The Mathematical Work of Charles Babbage by Dubbey, J. M., J. M., Dubbey
Auxiliary Signal Design for Failure Detection by Campbell, Stephen L., Nikoukhah, Ramine
Adam Spencer's Book of Numbers: A Bizarre and Hilarious Journey from 1 to 100 by Spencer, Adam
Stream Ciphers and Number Theory: Volume 66 by Cusick, Thomas W., Ding, Cunsheng, Renvall, Ari R.
Integrability of Nonlinear Systems by
Geometric Methods in the Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Forms by Izhboldin, Oleg T., Kahn, Bruno
The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC and Why It Had to Be Reborn by Russo, Lucio, Levy
Methods of Graded Rings by Nastasescu, Constantin, Van Oystaeyen, Freddy
Constantin Carathodory: Mathematics and Politics in Turbulent Times by Georgiadou, Georgiadou, Maria
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VII: Philosophisches Werk "Sant' Ilario. Gedanken Aus Der Landschaft Zarathustras" "Das Chaos in Kosmischer Au by Hausdorff, Felix
Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties by
Advances in Bayesian Networks by
Actuaries' Survival Guide: How to Succeed in One of the Most Desirable Professions by Szabo, Fred
Generalized Analytic Automorphic Forms in Hypercomplex Spaces by Krausshar, Rolf S.
Zinsderivate: Eine Einführung in Produkte, Bewertung, Risiken by Reitz, Stefan, Schwarz, Willi, Martin, Marcus R. W.
Strategic Decision Making: Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process by Bhushan, Navneet, Rai, Kanwal
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems: Geometry, Topology, Classification by Bolsinov, A. V., Fomenko, A. T.
Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems and Pde Control by
Game Theory: A Critical Introduction by Hargreaves-Heap, Shaun, Varoufakis, Yanis
Topics on Analysis in Metric Spaces by Ambrosio, Luigi, Tilli, Paolo
Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability by Pesic, Peter
General Topology by Willard, Stephen
Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation by
Interactive Decision Maps: Approximation and Visualization of Pareto Frontier by Lotov, Alexander V., Bushenkov, Vladimir A., Kamenev, Georgy K.
Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations by
Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems and Tools by
Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media by
Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media by
Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations by
Mal'cev, Protomodular, Homological and Semi-Abelian Categories by Borceux, Francis, Bourn, Dominique
Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory, with Applications to Multipliers by Aiena, Pietro
Mathematical Methods in Aerodynamics by Dragos, Lazãr
Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Volume 4 by Conway, John H., Guy, Richard K., Berlekamp, Elwyn R.
Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups by Enguehard, Michel, Cabanes, Marc
Funktionentheorie: Eine Einführung by Jänich, Klaus
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler I by Rommelfanger, Heinrich
Noncommutative Stationary Processes by Gohm, Rolf
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXI - 2001 by Tavaré, Simon, Zeitouni, Ofer
Big Queues by O'Connell, Neil, Wischik, Damon J., Ganesh, Ayalvadi J.
Evolutionary Computations: New Algorithms and Their Applications to Evolutionary Robots by Hashem, M. M. a., Watanabe, Keigo
Formal Languages and Applications by
Coding Theory: A First Course by Xing, Chaoping, Ling, San
The Problem of Integrable Discretization: Hamiltonian Approach by Suris, Yuri B.
Exploring, Investigating, and Discovering in Mathematics by Berinde, Vasile
Numerische Physik by Wiedemann, Harald
Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis: Eine Einführung by Ruzicka, Michael
Vorlesungen Über Partielle Differentialgleichungen by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Finite Elemente Für Ingenieure 2: Variationsrechnung, Energiemethoden, Näherungsverfahren, Nichtlinearitäten, Numerische Integrationen by Betten, Josef
Analysis 1 by Walter, Wolfgang
Algebra Und Diskrete Mathematik 2: Lineare Optimierung, Graphen Und Algorithmen, Algebraische Strukturen Und Allgemeine Algebra Mit Anwendungen by Lau, Dietlinde
Partielle Differentialgleichungen Der Geometrie Und Der Physik 1: Grundlagen Und Integraldarstellungen by Sauvigny, Friedrich
Mathematik Mit MathCAD: Arbeitsbuch Für Studierende, Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Benker, Hans
Coding Theory: A First Course by Xing, Chaoping, Ling, San
Analysis 2 by Königsberger, Konrad
Einführung in Die Mathematik: Hintergründe Der Schulmathematik by Koch, Helmut
Convex Optimization by Boyd, Stephen, Vandenberghe, Lieven
Mathematics of Optimization: Smooth and Nonsmooth Case by Giorgi, Giorgio, Guerraggio, A., Thierfelder, J.
Introduction to Rare Event Simulation by Bucklew, James
Set Theory and Its Philosophy: A Critical Introduction by Potter, Michael
Set Theory and Its Philosophy: A Critical Introduction by Potter, Michael
Computational Methods for Snps and Haplotype Inference: Dimacs/Recomb Satellite Workshop, Piscataway, Nj, Usa, November 21-22, 2002, Revised Papers by
Sheaves in Topology by Dimca, Alexandru
Kaktus-Repräsentation der minimalen Schnitte eines Graphen und Anwendung im Branch-and-Cut Ansatz für das TSP by Wenger, Klaus
Linear Operators and Linear Systems: An Analytical Approach to Control Theory by Partington, Jonathan R.
A Game Theory Analysis of Options: Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation in Continuous Time by Ziegler, Alexandre C.
Mathematik Für Bauingenieure: Grundlagen, Verfahren Und Anwendungen Mit MathCAD by Grobstich, Peter, Strey, Gerhard
Mathematics Handbook for Science and Engineering by Rade, Lennart, Westergren, Bertil
Metric Structures in Differential Geometry by Walschap, Gerard
Walter Kohn: Personal Stories and Anecdotes Told by Friends and Collaborators by
Approximation Theory: From Taylor Polynomials to Wavelets by Christensen, Khadija Laghrida, Christensen, Ole
Mathematical Foundations of Speech and Language Processing by
Stacs 2004: 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Montpellier, France, March 25-27, 2004, Proceedings by
Finite Fields and Applications: 7th International Conference, Fq7, Toulouse, France, May 5-9, 2003, Revised Papers by
Latin 2004: Theoretical Informatics: 6th Latin American Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 5-8, 2004, Proceedings by
Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems by Audin, Michele
Semiconcave Functions, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, and Optimal Control by Cannarsa, Piermarco, Sinestrari, Carlo
Nonlinear Dynamics of Continuous Elastic Systems by Krys'ko, Vadim Anatolevich, Vakakis, Alexander F., Awrejcewicz, Jan
Faszination Physik by
A Second Course in Elementary Differential Equations by Waltman, Paul
Neuro-Fuzzy and Fuzzy-Neural Applications in Telecommunications by
Groundworks: Reasoning with Numbers, Grade 4 by Findell, Carol
Axiomatic Domain Theory in Categories of Partial Maps by Fiore, Marcelo P.
Domain Decomposition: Parallel Multilevel Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations by Gropp, William D., Smith, Barry F., Bjorstad, Petter E.
Aspects of Boundary Problems in Analysis and Geometry by
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 4th European Conference, Evocop 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004, Proceedings by
Variational Problems in Riemannian Geometry: Bubbles, Scans and Geometric Flows by
Scottish Secondary Maths Red 1 Student Book by Ssmg
Tolerance Graphs by Golumbic, Martin Charles, Trenk, Ann N.
Reciprocity in Elastodynamics by Achenbach, J. D.
Harmonic Mappings in the Plane by Duren, Peter
A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra by Wickless, W. J.
Feynman-Kac Formulae: Genealogical and Interacting Particle Systems with Applications by del Moral, Pierre
Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science: Free Fall and Compounded Motion in the Work by Freudenthal, Gideon, McLaughlin, Peter, Damerow, Peter
Guarding Your Business: A Management Approach to Security by
Reasoning in Quantum Theory: Sharp and Unsharp Quantum Logics by Giuntini, Roberto, Greechie, Richard, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa
Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education: Intention, Reflection, Critique by Alrø, Helle, Skovsmose, OLE
Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2003: 6th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 27-28, 2003, Revised Papers by
Galois Connections and Applications by
Mathematical Modelling: Case Studies and Projects by Ng, Douglas K. S., Caldwell, J.
Math Techniques Multisensor Data 2e by Hall, David
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers: Volume 9: Proceedings of the Tenth International Research Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications by
Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering: Volume 1: Advanced Aerospace Systems by
Applied Mathematics Entering the 21st Century: Invited Talks from the Iciam 2003 Congress by
Index-Tracking: Die Anwendung eines 'Genetischen Algorithmus' zur Erzeugung eines optimalen Tracking-Portfolios by Buck, Lars
Multiresolution Methods in Scattered Data Modelling by Iske, Armin
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