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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2004

Differential Equations Demystified by Krantz, Steven G.
Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Hel by
ISSE 2004 -- Securing Electronic Business Processes: Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe 2004 Conference by
Numerik Linearer Gleichungssysteme: Direkte Und Iterative Verfahren by Kanzow, Christian
Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Hel by
Einführung in Die Spieltheorie: Mit Beispielen Und Aufgaben by Schlee, Walter
Grundlagen Der Digitalen Signalverarbeitung: Ein Mathematischer Zugang by Wendemuth, Andreas
Classics in the History of Greek Mathematics by
Information Security: 7th International Conference, Isc 2004, Palo Alto, Ca, Usa, September 27-29, 2004, Proceedings by
Graph Transformations: Second International Conference, Icgt 2004, Rome, Italy, September 28 - October 1, 2004, Proceedings by
Gaming, Simulations and Society: Research Scope and Perspective by
Approximation Theory Using Positive Linear Operators by Paltanea, Radu
The First Three Books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry from the Text of Dr. Robert Simson Together with Various Useful Theorems and Problems as Geomet by Euclid, Tate, Thomas
Systems Approaches and Their Application: Examples from Sweden by
Hydrodynamic Stability by Reid, W. H., Drazin, P. G.
Multiscale Potential Theory: With Applications to Geoscience by Michel, Volker, Freeden, Willi
From Brows to Trust: Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents by
Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling by
High-Resolution Methods for Incompressible and Low-Speed Flows by Drikakis, D., Rider, W.
How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Michalewicz, Zbigniew, Fogel, David B.
Game Theory and Mutual Misunderstanding: Scientific Dialogues in Five Acts by Kaneko, Mamoru
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004: Transactions of the Second Joint Hlrb and Konwihr Status and Result Workshop, Marc by
Differential Models: An Introduction with MathCAD by Solodov, Alexander, Ochkov, Valery
Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable Maps by Saeki, Osamu
Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering: Priority Program Softspez of the German Research Foundation (Dfg) Fi by
Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution Equations by Da Prato, Giuseppe, Kunstmann, Peer Christian
Real and Stochastic Analysis: New Perspectives by
Cooperative Information Agents VIII: 8th International Workshop, CIA 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-29, 2004, Proceedings by
Grid Services Engineering and Management: First International Conference, Gsem 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004, Proceedings by
People and Computers XVIII - Design for Life: Proceedings of Hci 2004 by
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 11th International Conference, Spire 2004, Padova, Italy, October 5-8, 2004. Proceedings by
Analysis of Dirac Systems and Computational Algebra by Colombo, Fabrizio, Sabadini, Irene, Sommen, Franciscus
Topologie by Jänich, Klaus
Applying Formal Methods: Testing, Performance, and M/E-Commerce: Forte 2004 Workshops the Formemc, Epew, Itm, Toledo, Spain, October 1-2, 2004 by
Domain Decomposition Methods in Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations by Leugering, Günter, Lagnese, John E.
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications IV: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2002 by
Analytic Methods in the Theory of Differential and Pseudo-Differential Equations of Parabolic Type by Kochubei, Anatoly N., Eidelman, Samuil D., Ivasyshen, Stepan D.
Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Dankowicz, Harry
New Mathematical Pastimes by Macmahon, Percy
Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions by Bronstein, Manuel
Graphs and Homomorphisms by Hell, Pavol, Nesetril, Jaroslav
A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity by Cox, David, Curtiss, Howard C. Jr., Clark, Robert
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations: Volume 1 by
A Study on Nerve Growth Factor (Ngf) Receptor Expression in the Rat Visual Cortex: Possible Sites and Mechanisms of Ngf Action in Cortical Plasticity by Rossi, Francesco M.
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of Enumath 2003 the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applica by
Portfolio Optimizations in Incomplete Financial Markets by Schachermayer, Walter
NMR and Nir-CD Studies on Lanthanide Complexes in Solution by Pintacuda, Guido
Credit Risk Modeling with Affine Processes by Duffie, Darrel
Uncertainty in the Electric Power Industry: Methods and Models for Decision Support by Weber, Christoph
Resolution of Curve and Surface Singularities: In Characteristic Zero by Vicente, J. L., Kiyek, K.
A Field Guide to Algebra by Chambert-Loir, Antoine
Der Alltag Im Mathematikunterricht: Beobachten - Verstehen - Gestalten by Fetzer, Marei, Krummheuer, Götz
Breaking Away from the Math Book: Creative Projects for Grades K-6 by Ehrenfeucht, Andrezj, Baggett, Patricia
Plasma Physics Via Computer Simulation by Langdon, A. B., Birdsall, C. K.
Reliability Theory and Practice by Bazovsky, Igor
The Math Explorer: Games and Activities for Middle School Youth Groups by Tesler, Pearl, Murphy, Pat, Lambertson, Lori
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations and Their Statistical Analysis: With Web-Based FORTRAN Code by Berg, Bernd A.
Uniqueness Theory of Meromorphic Functions by Hong-Xun Yi, Chung-Chun Yang
Topics in Algebraic Graph Theory by
Basic Hypergeometric Series by Rahman, Mizan, George, Gasper, Gasper, George
Alfred Tarski by Feferman, Anita Burdman, Feferman, Solomon
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational Approach by Tveito, Aslak, Winther, Ragnar
Evolvable Machines: Theory & Practice by
Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems: Human-Centredness, Architectures, Learning and Adaptation by Khosla, Rajiv, Ichalkaranje, Nikhil
Distributed Computing: 18th International Conference, Disc 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 4-8, 2004. Proceedings by
Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications: First International Workshop, Mata 2004, Florianopolis, Brazil, October 20-22, 2004. Proceedings by
Facilitator's Guide to Ways to Think about Mathematics by Benson, Steven
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: Third International Workshop, Waw 2004, Rome, Italy, October 16, 2004. Proceedings by
Matematica Generale Con Il Calcolatore by Impedovo, Michele
The Intelligent Enterprise: Theoretical Concepts and Practical Implications by Thannhuber, Markus J.
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering by
First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Applications by Lee, Kwang Hyung
Integer Partitions by Andrews, George E., Eriksson, Kimmo
Integer Partitions by Andrews, George E., Eriksson, Kimmo
Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie: Ein Lehrbuch Für Physiker Und Mathematiker by Bröcker, Theodor
The Mathematica Guidebook for Graphics [With DVD-ROM] by Trott, Michael
Sherlock Holmes in Babylon: And Other Tales of Mathematical History by
From Error-Correcting Codes Through Sphere Packings to Simple Groups by Thompson, Thomas M.
Exploratory Examples for Real Analysis by Snow, Joanne E., Weller, Kirk E.
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: Otm 2004 Workshops: Otm Confederated International Workshops and Posters, Gada, Jtres, Mios, Worm, Wo by
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition: Problems and Solutions 1965-1984 by
Secret Forces that Change the World 1946 by Bowman, Frank
Secret Forces that Change the World 1946 by Bowman, Frank
The Delirium of Immensity: Theory of the Fifth Dimension 1925 by Hernandez, Fortunato
Information and Communications Security: 6th International Conference, Icics 2004, Malaga, Spain, October 27-29, 2004. Proceedings by
Grid Computing: Second European Acrossgrids Conference, Axgrids 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, January 28-30, 2004. Revised Papers by
Linear Algebra by Edwards, Harold M.
Through a Reporter's Eyes: The Life of Stefan Banach by Kaluza, Roman
Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra by Stanley, Richard P.
The Geometry of Art and Life 1946 by Ghyka, Matila
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce V: Designing Mechanisms and Systems, Aamas 2003 Workshop, Amec 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15. 2003, Revised S by
Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence: An Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems by Manneville, Paul
Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining by
Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms by
Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence: An Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems by Manneville, Paul
Domain Decomposition Methods--Algorithms and Theory by Widlund, Olof, Toselli, Andrea
Generalized Bounds for Convex Multistage Stochastic Programs by Kuhn, Daniel
Cooperative Control: A Post-Workshop Volume, 2003 Block Island Workshop on Cooperative Control by
Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation by
The Brain: Fuzzy Arithmetic to Quantum Computing by Rocha, Armando Freitas, Massad, Eduardo, Pereira, Alfredo
Multiscale Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Structured Deformations by
Advanced Dynamics and Control of Structures and Machines by
Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing by
Handbook of Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity by
Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics by Grossman, David A., Frieder, Ophir
Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics by Frieder, Ophir, Grossman, David A.
Tutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Operations Research: Presented at Informs 2004, Denver, Co by
Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2: Calculus and Odes, Splines, Probability, Fourier and Wavelet Theory, Fractals and Neural Networks by Milmeister, Gérard, Mazzola, Guerino, Weissmann, Jody
The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups by Robinson, Derek J. S., Lennox, John C.
Handbuch Bauwerksvermessung: Geodasie, Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning by Wiedemann, Albert
Spectral Methods for Operators of Mathematical Physics by
Projective Geometry and Formal Geometry by Badescu, Lucian
Geometric Mechanics on Riemannian Manifolds: Applications to Partial Differential Equations by Chang, Der-Chen, Calin, Ovidiu
Problems in Algebraic Number Theory by Esmonde, Murty, M. Ram
Logic Versus Approximation: Essays Dedicated to Michael M. Richter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by
The Theory of Symmetry Actions in Quantum Mechanics: With an Application to the Galilei Group by Cassinelli, Gianni, Vito, Ernesto, Levrero, Alberto
Numerische Verfahren Der Konvexen, Nichtglatten Optimierung: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by Alt, Walter
Analytical Methods in Anisotropic Elasticity: With Symbolic Computational Tools by Rand, Omri, Rovenski, Vladimir
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 6th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, Wa, Usa, November 8-12, 2004 by
The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming by Trott, Michael
Advances in Understanding Strategic Behaviour: Game Theory, Experiments and Bounded Rationality by
Advances in Understanding Strategic Behaviour: Game Theory, Experiments and Bounded Rationality by
The Didactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators: Turning a Computational Device Into a Mathematical Instrument by
Lectures on Morse Homology by Banyaga, Augustin, Hurtubise, David
Analysis of Heat Equations on Domains. (Lms-31) by Ouhabaz, El-Maati
Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations by Strikwerda, John
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- Gecco 2004: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Seattle, Wa, Usa, June 26-30, 2004, Proceedings, P by
A Sampler of Riemann-Finsler Geometry by
David Hilbert and the Axiomatization of Physics (1898-1918): From Grundlagen Der Geometrie to Grundlagen Der Physik by Corry, L.
Challenging Perspectives on Mathematics Classroom Communication (PB) by
Challenging Perspectives on Mathematics Classroom Communication (Hc) by
Nonlinear Output Regulation: Theory and Applications by Huang, Jie
Kontaktprobleme bei flexiblen Mehrkörpersystemen in Deskriptorform by Kallischko, Alexander
An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An Informal History by Gass, Saul I., Assad, Arjang a.
Geometric Control of Simple Mechanical Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Design for Simple Mechanical Control Systems by Bullo, Francesco, Lewis, Andrew D.
Mathematics Elsewhere: An Exploration of Ideas Across Cultures by Ascher, Marcia
Corrective Mathematics Addition, Teacher Materials by McGraw Hill
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations by Dacorogna, Bernard
Singular Points of Plane Curves by Wall, C. T. C.
Approximation by Algebraic Numbers by Bugeaud, Yann
Recent Advances in Applied Probability by
Corrective Mathematics Subtraction, Additional Answer Key by McGraw Hill
Mathematical Theory of Compressible Fluid Flow by Von Mises, Richard
Corrective Mathematics Subtraction, Teacher Materials by McGraw Hill
Geometric Methods in Algebra and Number Theory by
Analysis of Variance for Random Models: Volume II: Unbalanced Data by Ojeda, Mario M., Sahai, Hardeo
Game Theory and Economics by Montet, Christian, Serra, Daniel
Arnold's Problems by
Gewöhnliche Und Operator-Differentialgleichungen: Eine Integrierte Einführung in Randwertprobleme Und Evolutionsgleichungen Für Studierende by Emmrich, Etienne
Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations by Brunner, Hermann
Linear Logic in Computer Science by
Singular Points of Plane Curves by Wall, C. T. C.
Knots and Links by Cromwell, Peter R., Peter R., Cromwell
Projective Duality and Homogeneous Spaces by Tevelev, Evgueni A.
Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures by Kodaira, Kunihiko
Interacting Particle Systems by Liggett, Thomas M.
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II: Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients by Hörmander, Lars
Online Storage Systems and Transportation Problems with Applications: Optimization Models and Mathematical Solutions by Kallrath, Julia
Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks and Polynomial Models: A Block-Oriented Approach by Janczak, Andrzej
The Physics of Traffic: Empirical Freeway Pattern Features, Engineering Applications, and Theory by Kerner, Boris S.
Applications of Supply Chain Management and E-Commerce Research by
Estimation in Conditionally Heteroscedastic Time Series Models by Straumann, Daniel
A Posteriori Error Analysis Via Duality Theory: With Applications in Modeling and Numerical Approximations by Han, Weimin
Concentrator Location in Telecommunications Networks by Yaman, Hande
Shortest Connectivity: An Introduction with Applications in Phylogeny by Cieslik, Dietmar
Differential Information Economies by
Progress in Galois Theory: Proceedings of John Thompson's 70th Birthday Conference by
Classification and Modeling with Linguistic Information Granules: Advanced Approaches to Linguistic Data Mining by Nakashima, Tomoharu, Nii, Manabu, Ishibuchi, Hisao
Optimal Control Models in Finance: A New Computational Approach by Islam, Sardar M. N., Chen, Ping
Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity and Applications: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Generali by
Breaking Away from the Math Book II: More Creative Projects for Grades K-8 by Baggett, Patricia, Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej
Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics: Volume 3 by
Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schrödinger Operators and Applications by Bourgain, Jean
Advancing Maths for Aqa: Decision 1 by Pearson, David
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 10th International Workshop, Iwcia 2004, Auckland, New Zealand, December 1-3, 2004, Proceedings by
Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Their Applications: Xixth International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), by
Knowledge Exploration in Life Science Informatics: International Symposium Kelsi 2004, Milan, Italy, November 25-26, 2004, Proceedings by
Stochastic Methods in Finance: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E.-E.M.S. Summer School Held in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, July 6-12, 2003 by Back, Kerry, Bielecki, Tomasz R.
Structured Ring Spectra by
The Novikov Conjecture: Geometry and Algebra by Lück, Wolfgang, Kreck, Matthias
Analysis I by Amann, Herbert, Escher, Joachim
Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability by Santalo, Luis A.
Risk Management: Challenge and Opportunity by
The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies by
Finite Groups 2003: Proceedings of the Gainesville Conference on Finite Groups, March 6 - 12, 2003 by
Trigonometric Sums in Number Theory and Analysis by Chubarikov, Vladimir N., Karatsuba, Anatoly A., Arkhipov, Gennady I.
The Determinacy of Long Games by Neeman, Itay
Stochastic Finance by Föllmer, Hans, Schied, Alexander
Soft Computing for Information Processing and Analysis by
Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling by Musiela, Marek, Rutkowski, Marek
Scottish Secondary Maths Blue 2 Student Book by Ssmg
MATLAB 7: Eine Einführung by Praetorius, Dirk, Katzenbeisser, Stefan, Überhuber, Christoph W.
List Decoding of Error-Correcting Codes: Winning Thesis of the 2002 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Competition by Guruswami, Venkatesan
Finanzmathematik Mit MATLAB by Grundmann, Wolfgang
The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb by Lieb, Elliott H.
Surgery on Contact 3-Manifolds and Stein Surfaces by Ozbagci, Burak, Stipsicz, András
Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb by Lieb, Elliott H.
Variational Principles by Moiseiwitsch, B. L.
Statistical Mechanics: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb by Lieb, E. H.
The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry: Festschrift in Honor of Alan Weinstein by
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