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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2005

Branch-And-Bound Applications in Combinatorial Data Analysis by Stahl, Stephanie, Brusco, Michael J.
Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems by
Thermodynamics: A Dynamical Systems Approach by Nersesov, Sergey G., Haddad, Wassim M., Chellaboina, Vijaysekhar
Fixing Frege by Burgess, John P.
Applied Combinatorics on Words by Lothaire, M.
Matrix Preconditioning Techniques and Applications by Chen, Ke
Elementary Number Theory in Nine Chapters by Tattersall, James J.
Applied Nonstandard Analysis by Davis, Martin
Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice by Kanatani, Kenichi
Advanced Real Analysis by Knapp, Anthony W.
Global Smoothness and Shape Preserving Interpolation by Classical Operators by Gal, Sorin G.
Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity: The Dynamics of Natural and Social Systems by Vaio, Franco
Exactly Solvable Models of Biological Invasion by Petrovskii, Sergei V., Li, Bai-Lian
Determining Spectra in Quantum Theory by Krishna, M., Demuth, Michael
Basic Real Analysis by Knapp, Anthony W.
Infinite Dimensional Linear Control Systems: The Time Optimal and Norm Optimal Problems Volume 201 by
Automata, Languages and Programming: 32nd International Colloquim, Icalp 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-15, 2005, Proceedings by
Dynamical Systems: Examples of Complex Behaviour by Jost, Jürgen
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2005: 25th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 14-18, 2005, Proceedings by
Posn(r) and Eisenstein Series by Jorgenson, Jay, Lang, Serge
Basic Real Analysis and Advanced Real Analysis, 2-Volume Set by Knapp, Anthony W.
Postmodern Analysis by Jost, Jürgen
TI-89 Graphing Calculator For Dummies by Edwards, C. C.
The Stock Market by Zuravicky, Orli
Map Math by Zuravicky, Orli
Sacred Number: The Secret Quality of Quantities by Lundy, Miranda
Frontiers of Numerical Analysis: Durham 2004 by
Epilepsie, Schwangerschaft Und Fertilität: Fakten, Hintergründe Und Empfehlungen by Bauer, Jürgen
Difference Equations: From Rabbits to Chaos by Flahive, Mary, Robson, Robby, Cull, Paul
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Economics by
Adaptive Finite Elements in Linear and Nonlinear Solid and Structural Mechanics by
Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity: The Dynamics of Natural and Social Systems by Bertuglia, Cristoforo Sergio, Vaio, Franco
Computing and Combinatorics: 11th Annual International Conference, Cocoon 2005, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2005, Proceedings by
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 15th International Symposium, Fct 2005, Lübeck, Gemany, August 17-20, 2005, Proceedings by
Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications by
Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall, Richard, Pomerance, Carl B.
Essential Topology by Crossley, Martin D.
Spectra and Pseudospectra: The Behavior of Nonnormal Matrices and Operators by Trefethen, Lloyd N., Embree, Mark
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics by Date, Anil W.
Approximation, Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 8th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Com by
Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups by Kleshchev, Alexander, Kleshchev, A. S., Alexander, Kleshchev
Linear Models for Optimal Test Design by Van Der Linden, Wim J.
Linearity, Symmetry, and Prediction in the Hydrogen Atom by Singer, Stephanie Frank
Supply Chain Optimization by
Continuous Optimization: Current Trends and Modern Applications by
Spectral/HP Element Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics by Karniadakis, George, Sherwin, Spencer J.
A First Course in Differential Equations by Logan, J. David
Relaxation and Decomposition Methods for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming by Nowak, Ivo
Introduction to Plane Algebraic Curves by Kunz, Ernst
Differential Equations with Symbolic Computation by
Real Computing Made Real: Preventing Errors in Scientific and Engineering Calculations by Acton, Forman S.
Spice Based Heat Transport Model for Non-Intrusive Thermal Diagnostic Applications by Stelzer, Michael A.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: 30th International Symposium, MFCS 2005, Gdansk, Poland, August 29-September 2, 2005, Proceedings by
Wavelets: Eine Einführung Für Ingenieure by Bäni, Werner
Perception-Based Data Processing in Acoustics: Applications to Music Information Retrieval and Psychophysiology of Hearing by Kostek, Bozena
Soft Computing: Methodologies and Applications by
Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games: A Geometric-Combinatorial Approach by Schemde, H. Arndt Von
Quantized Vortices in Helium II by Donnelly, Russell J.
Stability of Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations with Applications by Liu, Kai
Digital Image Fundamentals in MATLAB by Nuruzzaman, Mohammad
Control Systems Design: A New Framework by
Intelligent Data Mining: Techniques and Applications by
Turnpike Properties in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Mathematics of Surfaces XI: 11th Ima International Conference, Loughborough, Uk, September 5-7, 2005, Proceedings by
Intelligent Paradigms for Healthcare Enterprises: Systems Thinking by
Artificial Mind System: Kernel Memory Approach by Hoya, Tetsuya
Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms: Interdisciplinary Applications by
Methods in Nonlinear Analysis by Chang, Kung-Ching
Fuzzy Equational Logic by Vychodil, Vilem, Belohlávek, Radim
Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability by Bochner, Salomon
Advances in Artificial Life: 8th European Conference, Ecal 2005, Canterbury, Uk, September 5-9, 2005, Proceedings by
A Course in Credibility Theory and Its Applications by Bühlmann, Hans, Gisler, Alois
New Directions and Applications in Control Theory by
Submodular Functions and Optimization: Volume 58 by Fujishige, Satoru
Intensionality: Lecture Notes in Logic 22 by
Topological Algebras with Involution: Volume 200 by Fragoulopoulou, M.
Probability and Partial Differential Equations in Modern Applied Mathematics by
Half-Linear Differential Equations: Volume 202 by Rehak, Pavel, Dosly, Ondrej
Artificial Economics: Agent-Based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and Their Applications by
Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery by
Wave Propagation, Observation and Control in 1-D Flexible Multi-Structures by Dáger, René, Zuazua, Enrique
Hiérarchie de Modèles En Optique Quantique: de Maxwell-Bloch À Schrödinger Non-Linéaire by Bidégaray-Fesquet, Brigitte
Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction by
Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery by
Das Unendliche: Mathematiker Ringen Um Einen Begriff by Taschner, Rudolf
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 3: 1991-2004 by Reiman, István
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 1: 1959-1975 by Reiman, István
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 2: 1976-1990 by Reiman, István
Surveys in Combinatorics by
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 1: 1959-1975 by Reiman, István
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 2: 1976-1990 by Reiman, István
International Mathematical Olympiad Volume 3: 1991-2004 by Reiman, István
Comparative Genomics: Recomb 2005 International Workshop, Rcg 2005, Dublin, Ireland, September 18-20, 2005, Proceedings by
Research Problems in Discrete Geometry by Moser, William O. J., Pach, János, Brass, Peter
Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization by Terlaky, Tamás, Vial, J. -Ph, Roos, Cornelis
Analysis 1 by Hildebrandt, Stefan
Resampling Methods: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis by Good, Phillip I.
The Mammoth Book of Sudoku by Haselbauer, N.
Theory of Holors by Spencer, Domina Eberle, Parry Hiram, Moon, Moon, Parry Hiram
Compliance Quantified: An Introduction to Data Verification by Canty, Morton John, Rudolf, Avenhaus, Avenhaus, Rudolf
Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology: Volume 2, Nonlinear and Stochastic Theories by Tuckwell, Henry C.
Free Choice Petri Nets by Esparza, Javier, Desel, Jorg
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models by Marro, Joaquin, Dickman, Ronald
Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic by Hinman, Peter G.
Func Anly Prob Stoch Processes by Bobrowski, Adam
Cosmic Magnetic Fields by
Equazioni a Derivate Parziali: Complementi Ed Esercizi by Salsa, S., Verzini, G.
Progress in Cryptology - Mycrypt 2005: First International Conference on Cryptology in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 28-30, 2005, Procee by
Number Fields and Function Fields - Two Parallel Worlds by
Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity by Antman, Stuart
Stochastische Strukturoptimierung Von Stab- Und Balkentragwerken by Gröger, Detlef, Marti, Kurt
Foundations and Advances in Data Mining by
Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Its Applications: The Israel Gohberg Anniversary Volume by
18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics by
Poisson Structures and Their Normal Forms by Zung, Nguyen Tien, Dufour, Jean-Paul
Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to Engineering by Meleshko, Sergey V.
Intermediate Dynamics: A Linear Algebraic Approach by Howland, R. a.
Informatik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler: Eine Anschauliche Einführung in Das Programmieren Mit C Und Java by Rießinger, Thomas
Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems by
Algorithms - ESA 2005: 13th Annual European Symposium, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 3-6, 2005, Proceedings by
Functional Analysis for Probability and Stochastic Processes: An Introduction by Bobrowski, Adam
Scottish Heinemann Maths Year 5 Answer Book by Spmg
Inner Algebra by Maxwell, Aaron
Interaktionsorientiertes Wissensmanagement by
Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for Force-Controlled Robot Tasks by de Schutter, Joris, Lefebvre, Tine, Bruyninckx, Herman
Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century by
Geometric Function Theory: Explorations in Complex Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Hilbert-Huang Transform & Its App...(V5) by
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen Mit MATLAB by Saleri, Fausto, Quarteroni, Alfio
Der Itô-Kalkül: Einführung Und Anwendungen by Deck, Thomas
Term Structure Modeling and Estimation in a State Space Framework by Lemke, Wolfgang
Principles of Network Economics by Bobzin, Hagen
Linear Electric Actuators and Generators by Nasar, Syed A., Boldea, I.
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 5th International Workshop, Wabi 2005, Mallorca, Spain, October 3-6, 2005, Proceedings by
Mécanique Céleste Et Contrôle Des Véhicules Spatiaux by Faubourg, Ludovic, Trélat, Emmanuel, Bonnard, Bernard
Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms: Artificial Evolution in Space and Time by Tomassini, Marco
Revise for Advancing Maths for Aqa 2nd Edition Pure Core Maths 2 by Clough, Tony
Metric Spaces by Vasudeva, Harkrishan Lal, Shirali, Satish
Group Theoretical Methods and Applications to Molecules and Crystals by Kim, Shoon K.
Metal Forming Analysis by Chenot, J. -L, Wagoner, R. H., Chenot, Jean-Loup
Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications by
Hyperbolicity Equations for Cusped 3-Manifolds and Volume-Rigidity of Representations by Francaviglia, Stefano
Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations: Volume 2 by
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Discrete Optimization Volume 12 by
Multidisciplinary Methods and Numerical Tools for Uav Design Applications: French - Australian Advanced Workshop in Sydney, Australia 14-16 July 2003 by
Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations: Volume 2 by
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method by Ŝolín, Pavel
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications by Mikusinski, Piotr, Debnath, Lokenath
Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity. (Am-159): A Diophantine Perspective. (Am-159) by Katz, Nicholas M.
Selected Topics in Convex Geometry by Moszynska, Maria
Control of Nonlinear and Hybrid Process Systems: Designs for Uncertainty, Constraints and Time-Delays by Christofides, Panagiotis D., El-Farra, Nael
Extending the Scalability of Linkage Learning Genetic Algorithms: Theory & Practice by Chen, Ying-Ping
Quadrangular Algebras. (Mn-46) by Weiss, Richard M.
Information Retrieval Technology: Second Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, Airs 2005, Jeju Island, Korea, October 13-15, 2005, Proceedings by
The Mathematica Guidebook for Numerics [With Dvdrom] by Trott, Michael
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications: Third International Symposium, Saga 2005, Moscow, Russia, October 20-22, 2005 by
Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction by Kenney, Joan M., Hancewicz, Euthecia
Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control: A Multirate Output Feedback Approach by Janardhanan, S., Bandyopadhyay, B.
Automorphic Representations, L-Functions and Applications: Progress and Prospects: Proceedings of a Conference Honoring Steve Rallis on the Occasion o by
Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Herbert Amann by
Fuzzy Logic Applications in Engineering Science by Harris, J.
Indefinite Linear Algebra and Applications by Lancaster, Peter, Rodman, Leiba, Gohberg, Israel
Maths Problem Solving - Year 1 by Yemm, C.
Semiparametric Modeling of Implied Volatility by Fengler, Matthias R.
Analysis II: Differential and Integral Calculus, Fourier Series, Holomorphic Functions by Godement, Roger
Mathematics of Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows by Iliescu, Traian, Layton, William J., Berselli, Luigi Carlo
Idempotent Matrices Over Complex Group Algebras by Emmanouil, Ioannis
Standardization and Expectations by Langenberg, Tobias
Stochastic Switching Systems: Analysis and Design by Boukas, El-Kébir
Theory of Association Schemes by Zieschang, Paul-Hermann
Knowledge Mining: Proceedings of the Nemis 2004 Final Conference by
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by
Cooperative Stochastic Differential Games by Petrosjan, Leon a., Yeung, David W. K.
The Consistent Preferences Approach to Deductive Reasoning in Games by Asheim, Geir B.
Maths Problem Solving - Year 2 by Yemm, C.
The Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets by Voit, Johannes
Stochastic Finance by
Admit It!: 21 Things You Already Know But Apparently Have Forgotten Regarding Client Service by Galati, Craig S.
Calculus of One Variable by Hirst, K. E.
A Structural Framework for the Pricing of Corporate Securities: Economic and Empirical Issues by Genser, Michael
A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century, I by
Linear Systems by Antsaklis, Panos J., Michel, Anthony N.
Prediction of Turbulent Flows by
Student Solutions Manual to Boundary Value Problems: And Partial Differential Equations by Powers, David L.
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations: Volume 2 by
Separation of Variables for Partial Differential Equations: An Eigenfunction Approach by Cain, George, Meyer, Gunter H.
Computational Photochemistry: Volume 16 by
The Official Book of Sudoku: Book 1: 150 All-New Puzzles by Plume
Game Theory and Pragmatics by
A Primer of Higher Space (the Fourth Dimension) by Bragdon, Claude Fayette
Applied Semi-Markov Processes by Janssen, Jacques, Manca, Raimondo
Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems by Bandemer, Hans
Mechanics and Strength of Materials by Da Silva, Vitor Dias
Qwest Homework Algebra I: A Study Guide and Example/Test and Note Workbook by Taylor, Tony
Recent Advances in Optimization by
Stochastische Systeme by Schreiber, Helmut, Wunsch, Gerhard
Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining by
Geometry of Müntz Spaces and Related Questions by Lusky, Wolfgang, Gurariy, Vladimir I.
Qualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory: An Introduction by Colton, David, Cakoni, Fioralba
Stochastic Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Finance by Malliavin, Paul, Thalmaier, Anton
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