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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2009

Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Euclid and His Modern Rivals by Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, Charles L., Dodgson
Essai Philosophique Sur Les Probabilités by Marquis de Laplace, Pierre-Simon
The Analytical Theory of Heat by Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Junior High Mathematics: A Simplified Approach (1e) by Ferreira, Colin A.
Dynamics: A Text-Book for the Use of the Higher Divisions in Schools and for First Year Students at the Universities by Ramsey, Arthur Stanley
Statics by Ramsey, Arthur Stanley
Lecons Sur Les Series Trigonometriques Professees Au College de France by Lebesgue, Henri
Vollständige Anleitung Zur Niedern Und Höhern Algebra by Euler, Leonhard
A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge by Ball, Walter William Rouse
Vollstandige Anleitung zur Niedern und Hohern Algebra: Volume 3 by Euler, Leonhard
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
Electricity and Magnetism by Ramsey, Arthur Stanley
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
Odd Numbers by McKay, Herbert
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Cayley, Arthur
A Treatise on Universal Algebra by Whitehead, Alfred North
Essai Sur La Theorie Des Nombres by Legendre, Adrien-Marie
Mecanique Analytique: Volume 1 by Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Mecanique analytique: Volume 2 by Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Cours D'Analyse de L'Ecole Royale Polytechnique by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Exposition Du Systéme Du Monde by Marquis de Laplace, Pierre-Simon
Mathematical and Physical Papers: Volume 2 by Stokes, George Gabriel
Mathematical and Physical Papers: Volume 3 by Stokes, George Gabriel
Mathematical and Physical Papers: Volume 4 by Stokes, George Gabriel
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite: Volume 1 by Charles, Hermite, Hermite, Charles
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite: Volume 2 by Hermite, Charles, Charles, Hermite
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite: Volume 3 by Hermite, Charles, Charles, Hermite
The Collected Mathematical Papers by Arthur, Cayley, Cayley, Arthur
Treatise on Natural Philosophy by Thomson, William Baron, Thomson, Baron Kelvin William, Tait, Peter Guthrie
Treatise on Natural Philosophy by Thomson, William Baron, Thomson, Baron Kelvin William, Tait, Peter Guthrie
Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow by
Probit Analysis by David, Finney, Finney, David
Cognitive Techniques in Visual Data Interpretation by Ogiela, Lidia
Networked Knowledge - Networked Media: Integrating Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems by
New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services - 2 by
Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems by Chesi, Graziano, Garulli, Andrea, Tesi, Alberto
Computational Intelligence: Collaboration, Fusion and Emergence by
Genetic Algorithms for Applied CAD Problems by Kureichik, Vladimir V., Kureichik, Viktor M., Malioukov, Sergey P.
Learning MATLAB by Driscoll, Tobin A.
Matrix Polynomials by Lancaster, P., Rodman, L., Gohberg, I.
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008 by
Nexus Network Journal, Volume 11 Number 2: Architecture, Mathematics and Structure by
Mathematical Puzzles: And Other Brain Twisters by Filipiak, Anthony S.
Mathematics For The Aviation Trades by Naidich, James
Space, Time, Matter by Weyl, Hermann
Aviation Mathematics: Based On A Text Used For Training R.A.F. Pilots And Members Of The British Air Training Corps by Borthwick, R., Wadden, William R., Buchan, A. F.
Practical Mathematics Of Aviation by Downer, A. E.
The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon: Volume I: Periodic Layers by Amidror, Isaac
Orthogonal Rational Functions by Gonzalez-Vera, Pablo, Hendriksen, Erik, Bultheel, Adhemar
Information Hiding and Applications by
Elements of Numerical Relativity and Relativistic Hydrodynamics: From Einstein's Equations to Astrophysical Simulations by Bona-Casas, Carles, Bona, Carles, Palenzuela-Luque, Carlos
Unterrichtsstunde Flächeninhalt: Indirekter Vergleich von Flächen bei zusammengesetzten Figuren: Prüfungsentwurf Mathematik Klasse 4 by Baum, Roland
Probability, Markov Chains, Queues, and Simulation: The Mathematical Basis of Performance Modeling by Stewart, William J.
Distributed Control of Robotic Networks: A Mathematical Approach to Motion Coordination Algorithms a Mathematical Approach to Motion Coordination Algo by Cortés, Jorge, Martínez, Sonia, Bullo, Francesco
The Geographic Spread of Infectious Diseases: Models and Applications: Models and Applications by Sattenspiel, Lisa
Higher Topos Theory (Am-170) by Lurie, Jacob
Mathematical Techniques in Finance: Tools for Incomplete Markets - Second Edition by Cerný, Ales
Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany: Individual Fates and Global Impact by Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard
Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas - Second Edition by Bernstein, Dennis S.
Passages from the Life of a Philosopher by Babbage, Charles
Controlling Chaos: Suppression, Synchronization and Chaotification by Zhang, Huaguang, Liu, Derong, Wang, Zhiliang
Dynamics of Linear Operators by Bayart, Frédéric, Matheron, Étienne
Essentials of Topology with Applications by Krantz, Steven G.
Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications: Multivariate Statistics and Wireless Communications by
Applied Game Theory and Strategic Behavior by Geckil, Ilhan K., Anderson, Patrick L.
The Works of Archimedes: Volume 1, the Two Books on the Sphere and the Cylinder: Translation and Commentary by Archimedes
Efficient Algorithms for Listing Combinatorial Structures by Goldberg, Leslie Ann, Leslie Ann, Goldberg
Paradigms for Fast Parallel Approximability by Serna, Maria, Spirakis, Paul, Diaz, Josep
Unterrichtsstunde: Arbeit an den Stationen - Orientierung und Übung im Zahlenraum bis 20 durch verschiedene Arbeitsangebote: Mathematik, Klasse 1 by Rusche, Daniela
Fairness in Bargaining and Markets by Korth, Christian
Highly Oscillatory Problems by
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong 2008 by
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques by Koller, Daphne, Friedman, Nir
Introduction to Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition by McCoy, Neal H., Janusz, Gerald J.
Handbook of Algebra: Volume 6 by
1st Step Math'l Olympiad Prob(v1) by Holton, Derek Allan
Mathematical Amazements and Surprises: Fascinating Figures and Noteworthy Numbers by Posamentier, Alfred S., Lehmann, Ingmar
Differential Equations Workbook for Dummies by Holzner, Steven
Edexcel as and a Level Modular Mathematics Further Pure Mathematics 3 Fp3 by Pledger, Keith, Wilkins, Dave
Cohomology of Finite and Affine Type Artin Groups Over Abelian Representation by Callegaro, Filippo
Mechanical Systems, Classical Models: Volume III: Analytical Mechanics by Teodorescu, Petre P.
From Combinatorics to Philosophy: The Legacy of G.-C. Rota by
Algorithms and Data Structures by
Recent Advances in Decision Making by
Number Freak: From 1 to 200- The Hidden Language of Numbers Revealed by Niederman, Derrick
Differential Equations - Geometry, Symmetries and Integrability: The Abel Symposium 2008 by
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering by Frediani, Aldo, Buttazzo, Giuseppe
A treatise on dynamics of a particle by Routh, Edward John
Origami 4 by
Convection in Fluids: A Rational Analysis and Asymptotic Modelling by Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh
An elementary treatment of the theory of spinning tops and gyroscopic motion by Crabtree, Harold
Dynamics by Tait, P. G.
1: The Foundation and Mathematization of Physics by Bedrij, Orest
1: The Foundation and Mathematization of Physics by Bedrij, Orest
Lösungsstrategien von Kindern bei Aufgaben zum "Logischen Schließen" by Kirsch, Eva
Elementary Cryptanalysis by Sinkov, Abraham
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, Approx 2009, and 13th Internatio by
Mathematical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing: 9th International Symposium, ISMM 2009, Groningen, the Netherlands, August by
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2009 by
Mathematics of Surfaces XIII: 13th Ima International Conference York, Uk, September 7-9, 2009 Proceedings by
Collected Papers: Volume I 1955-1966 by Kostant, Bertram
Dynamic Models and Control of Biological Systems by Rao, Ponnada Raja Sekhara, Rao, Vadrevu Sree Hari
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties by Gray, Robert M.
An Introduction to Allocation Rules by Hougaard, Jens Leth
Optimal Observation for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Fisher-Information-Matrix-Based Approach by Sastry, Chellury R., Song, Zhen, Chen, Yangquan
Special Topics in the Theory of Piezoelectricity by
Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria Redacta Ad Unicam Legera Virium (1759) by Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe
Rabdologiae, Seu Numerationis Per Virgulas Libri Duo (1626) by Napier, John
La Perspective Theorique Et Pratique: Ou L'On Enseigne (1711) by Ozanam, Jacques
Christophori Clavii Epitome Arithmeticae Practicae (1614) by Clavius, Christoph
Kryptographik: Lehrbuch Der Geheimschreibekunst (1809) by Kluber, Johann Ludwig
Ratio Praelectionum Wolfianarum In Mathesin Et Philosophiam Universam (1718) by Wolff, Christian
Suggestive Lessons In Numbering: Arranged For Individual Work, Seventh Grade (1922) by Campbell, Margaret M.
Major Revision Facts in Mathematics by Kumar, B. N.
Traite Theorique Et Experimental D'Hydrodynamique V2 (1787) by Bossut, Charles
Traitez De L'Equilibre Des Liqueurs Et De La Pesanteur De La Masse De L'Air (1663) by Pascal, Blaise
Vortheilhaffte Art Nach Der Regel De Tri In Allen Iyren Theilen Zu Rechnen (1792) by Haase, Johann Gottfried
Theoretisch-Praktische Rechenkunst (1791) by Zeller, Christoph Friedrich
Theoretisches Und Praktisches Rechenbuch Fur Alle Stande (1792) by Ransonnet, Franz J.
The Little Companion: Rule Of Pure Proportion Or Improvements Of Common Arithmetic, A New Method Of Calculation (1830) by Joerres, Lewis
The Claim Of Leibnitz To The Invention Of The Differential Calculus (1860) by Sloman, Heinrich Brarens
In Sphaeram Ioannis De Sacro Bosco: Commentarivs, Nunc Quarto Ab Ipso Auctore Recognitus, Et Plerisque In Locis Locupletatus (1602) by Clavius, Christoph
Euclidis Beginselen Der Meetkonst, Vervaat In 15 Boeken, Waar By 'T 16 Boek Fr. Flussatis Candallae (1695) by Euclides, Vooght, Claas Janszoon
Dissertation Sur Le Chenix De Pythagore (1690) by Rondel, Jacques Du
Ratio Praelectionum Wolfianarum In Mathesin Et Philosophiam Universam (1718) by Wolff, Christian
Recreations Mathematiques Et Physiques V3: Qui Contiennent Plusieurs Problemes D'Arithmetique (1750) by Ozanam, Jacques
La Perspective Theorique Et Pratique: Ou L'On Enseigne (1711) by Ozanam, Jacques
Institutionum Arithmeticarum Libri Quatuor, In Quibus, Regulis Et Exemplis Practicis, Brevissime Et Clarissime Explicantur (1616) by Lantz, Johann
Joh. Paul Buchners Tabula Radicum, Quadratorum Et Cuborum (1701) by Buchner, Johann Paul
Newes Rechenbuchl (1673) by Rosenecker, Johann Paul
Christophori Clavii Epitome Arithmeticae Practicae (1614) by Clavius, Christoph
L'Arithmeticien Familier (1714) by Binet, N.
L'Arithmetique De Nicolas Tartaglia Brescian, Part 1 (1613) by Tartaglia, Niccollo, Gosselin, Guillaume
L'Arithmetique Enseignee Par Principes: Pour L'Apprendre Sans Maitre, D'Une Maniere Facile Et Abregee (1733) by Poignard, Monsieur
L'Aritmetica Macherata (1673) by Kirchhofer, Franz Mattia
Johann Bernhard Basedows Bewiesene Grundsatze Der Reinen Mathematik V1 (1774) by Basedow, Johann Bernhard
Pinacotheque: Ou Collection De Tables D'une Utilite Generale Pour Multiplier Et Diviser (1798) by Gruson, Johann Philipp
Oughtredus Explicatus, Sive, Commentarius In Ejus Clavem Mathematicam (1682) by Clerke, Gilbert
Elementa Matheseos Discipulorum Commodo In Compendium Redacta (1778) by Augustae Vindelicorum Publisher
Sammlung Physisch-Mathematischer Abhandlungen V1 (1793) by Schmidt, Georg Gottlieb
Elementa Metaphysicae Mathematicum V3: In Morem Adornata (1751) by Genovesi, Antonio
Rechen-Buch, Worinnen Das Fundament Der Rechen-Kunst (1746) by A G K
Kunst Und Ordentliche Anweisung In Die Arithmetic (1627) by Neudorffer, Anton
Opuscoli Matematici (1787) by Franceschinis, Francesco Maria
Neue Arithmetische Rechenschul (1759) by Zeller, Johann Georg
Neue Arithmetische Schatzkammer (1667) by Biermann, Lorenz
Johann Faulhabers Arithmetischer Wegweiser Zu Der Hochnutzlichen Freyen Rechen- Kunst (1736) by Faulhaber, Johann
Proporcion Arithmetica-Practica De La Oro V2 (1741) by De Amador, Bernardo Munoz
Polygonometrie Ou De La Mesure Des Figures Rectilignes, Et Abrege D'Isoperimetrie Elementaire (1789) by Lhuilier, Simon
Polymetrum, Hoc Est Novum Instrumentum, Ad Plerasque Mathematicas Dimensiones Rite Facilque Peragendas Accomodatum (1672) by Behm, Gottfried
Euclidis Beginselen Der Meetkonst, Vervaat In 15 Boeken, Waar By 'T 16 Boek Fr. Flussatis Candallae (1695) by Vooght, Claas Janszoon, Euclides
Johann Georg Prandels Arithmetik Nebst Einer Kleinen Globuslehre (1795) by Prandel, Johann Georg
Aetonensis Quondam Collegii Regalis In Cantabrigia Socii: Opuscula Mathematica Hactenus Inedita (1677) by Oughtred, William
Pratiche Matematiche Divise In Tres Trattati V1 (1775) by Filonzi, Francesco Antonio
Opuscula Physico-Mathematica (1753) by Sprenger, Balthasar
Kryptographik: Lehrbuch Der Geheimschreibekunst (1809) by Kluber, Johann Ludwig
Diophanti Redivivi (1670) by de Billy, Jacques
Kurtze Und Leichteste Unterweisung Der Rechenkunst Zu Taglicher Ampts- Und Hauss-Rechnunge (1671) by Overheide, Gebhard
Opuscules Mathematiques V2: Ou Memoires Sur Differens Sujets De Geometrie (1761) by D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond
Robert Of Chester's Latin Translation Of The Algebra Of Al-Khowarizmi (1915) by Al-Khowarizmi
Disciplinarum Metaphysicarum Elementa, Mathematicum In Morem Adornata V5 (1764) by Genovesi, Antonio
Opuscules Mathematiques De Mr. Du Bourguet (1794) by Du Bourguet, J. B. E.
Der Curieuse Und Selbst Lehrende Rechen-Meister: Das Ist Theoretisch-Practische Rechen-Kunst (1704) by Muller, Johann Ulrich
Sectionum Conicarum Synopsis (1750) by Cametti, Ottaviano, Grandi, Guido
Invention Nouvelle En L'Algebre (1629) by Girard, Albert
Elementa Arithmeticae Et Geometriae: In Usus Auditorum (1739) by Segner, Johann Andreas Von
Selbst-Lehrendes Newes Rechen-Buchlein (1659) by Anonymous
Salomon Haasens Selbstlehrende Rechen-Kunst (1787) by Haase, Salomon
Disquisitio Physico-Mathematica, Gemina, De Vacuo (1661) by Deusing, Anton
Facillima Artis Arithmeticae Methodus (1778) by Lechner, Johann B.
Philosophiae Ac Mathematicae Totius Institutio (1661) by Gautruche, Pierre
Prima Arithmeticae Practicae Elementa, Facili Methodo Ad Usum Et Captum Mathematicae Tironum Accommodata (1665) by Anonymous
Driehoex Rekeninge (1665) by Gietermaker, Klaes Hendriksz
Arithmetique Universelle, Ou Le Calcul Developpe Par L'Arithmetique (1754) by Josseaume, M.
Rabdologiae, Seu Numerationis Per Virgulas Libri Duo (1626) by Napier, John
Theoria Cochleae Archimedis Ab Observationibus, Experimentis, Et Analyticis Rationibus Ducta (1767) by Bellgrado, Jacopo
Supplementa Tabularum Logarithmicarum Et Trigonometricarum Auspiciis Almae Academiae Regiae Scientiarum (1798) by Lambert, Johann Heinrich
Sex Priora Euclidis Elementa, Quibus Accesserunt Undecimum, Et Duodecimum A Hiemyniano Rondello (1719) by Rondelli, Geminiano, Euclides
Surveys in Combinatorics 2009 by
Topics in Topological Graph Theory by
Challenges and Opportunities of Connected K-Covered Wireless Sensor Networks: From Sensor Deployment to Data Gathering by Ammari, Habib M.
Complex Networks: Results of the 1st International Workshop on Complex Networks (Complenet 2009) by
Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics by Coppel, W. a.
Discontinuous Dynamical Systems on Time-Varying Domains by Luo, Albert C. J.
Partial Differential Equations and Solitary Waves Theory by Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid
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