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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2009

The Invariants Of Linear Differential Expressions (1908) by Irwin, Frank
Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Group Theory by
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Volume 1: Analytic Methods by
Advances in Data Analysis: Theory and Applications to Reliability and Inference, Data Mining, Bioinformatics, Lifetime Data, and Neural Networks by
An introduction to mathematics by Whitehead, A. N.
A Course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis by Ghorpade, Sudhir R., Limaye, Balmohan V.
50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008: From the Early Years to the State-Of-The-Art [With 2 DVDs] by
Optimization for Decision Making: Linear and Quadratic Models by Murty, Katta G.
Production and Inventory Management with Substitutions by Lang, J. Christian
Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations and Their Applications by Yagi, Atsushi
Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems: New Perspectives by
Elasticity by Barber, J. R.
Introduction to Vector Analysis by Tallack, J. C.
Pseudo-Differential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations by
Algorithmen Und Problemlösungen Mit C++: Von Der Diskreten Mathematik Zum Fertigen Programm - Lern- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Informatiker Und Mathematiker by Logofatu, Doina
Vector Measures, Integration and Related Topics by
Datenaustausch in Der Anlagenplanung Mit Automationml: Integration Von Caex, Plcopen XML Und Collada by
The Finite Simple Groups by Wilson, Robert
Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Heterostructure Semiconductor Devices: From Theory to Programming by Cole, E. a. B.
Neural Network-Based State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems: Application to Fault Detection and Isolation by Talebi, Heidar A., Abdollahi, Farzaneh, Patel, Rajni V.
Mysterious Entanglement: Science and Religion by Winger, Jerrold
Scientific Computation by Gonnet, Gaston H., Scholl, Ralf
Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis by Seydel, Rüdiger U.
Elementary Feedback Stabilization of the Linear Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Equation and the Wave Equation by Liu, Weijiu
Geometric Discrepancy: An Illustrated Guide by
Group and Ring Theoretic Properties of Polycyclic Groups by Wehrfritz, B. a. F.
Mathematical Recreations And Essays by Ball, W. W. Rouse
Zigzagrams: 151 Puzzles for Slick Thinking in the 9x9 by Morales, Fausto
Mathematical Recreations And Essays by Ball, W. W. Rouse
Sudoku Solutions Manual by Ferro, Salazar
Iutam Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held at Woods Hole, Mass., Usa, June 18-21, 2008 by
Trends in Computational Nanomechanics: Transcending Length and Time Scales by
Structural Optimization with Uncertainties by Neittaanmäki, Pekka, Banichuk, N. V.
Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems by Perlikowski, Przemyslaw, Strzalko, Jaroslaw, Grabski, Juliusz
A Problem Book in Real Analysis by Aksoy, Asuman G., Khamsi, Mohamed A.
Layer-Adapted Meshes for Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Problems by Linß, Torsten
Progress in Turbulence III: Proceedings of the Iti Conference in Turbulence 2008 by
Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions by Shen, Alexander
Zeta Functions Over Zeros of Zeta Functions by Voros, André
Vector Fields on Singular Varieties by Brasselet, Jean-Paul, Seade, José, Suwa, Tatsuo
Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming by Betts, John T.
Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions by Shen, Alexander
Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics by Greiner, Walter
A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic by Rautenberg, Wolfgang
Combinatorial Geometries by
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport by Cheng, Alexander H. -D, Bear, Jacob
Applied and Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Scientific Computing in Simulation, Optimization and Control in a Multidisciplinary Context by
Matrix Iterative Analysis by Varga, Richard S.
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with Scicoslab 4.4 by Campbell, Stephen L., Chancelier, Jean-Philippe, Nikoukhah, Ramine
The General Theory of Homogenization: A Personalized Introduction by Tartar, Luc
A Sas/IML Companion for Linear Models by Perrett, Jamis J.
Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics by Wesseling, Pieter
Embracing Reason: Egalitarian Ideals and the Teaching of High School Mathematics by Lehman, Michael, Chazan, Daniel, Callis, Sandra
Additive Combinatorics by Vu, Van H., Tao, Terence
Theory and Applications of Stochastic Processes: An Analytical Approach by Schuss, Zeev
Creative Mathematics by Beardon, Alan F.
Totally Positive Matrices by Pinkus, Allan, Allan, Pinkus
An Introduction to Random Matrices by Zeitouni, Ofer, Anderson, Greg W., Guionnet, Alice
Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: Ictma 13 by
New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications by
Error Analysis with Applications in Engineering by Kotulski, Zbigniew A., Szczepinski, Wojciech
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Sport Simulation by
Principles of Inventory Management: When You Are Down to Four, Order More by Muckstadt, John A., Sapra, Amar
Mathematicians at War: Volterra and His French Colleagues in World War I by Mazliak, Laurent, Tazzioli, Rossana
Hyper Symmetries: Mathematical Imagery by Lakew, Dejenie A.
Control Theoretic Splines: Optimal Control, Statistics, and Path Planning by Martin, Clyde, Egerstedt, Magnus
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature with Applications by Meurant, Gérard, Golub, Gene H.
The Fibonacci Sequence and Beyond by Gilson, Bruce R.
Theory of Information: Fundamentality, Diversity and Unification by Burgin, Mark
Mathematical Questions and Solutions, from the Educational Times., Volume 30 by Anonymous
Elementa Arithmeticae Numericae Et Litteralis Exposita a Joanne Cribello ... by Crivelli, Giovanni
Lecons Sur Les Applications Pratiques De La Géométrie Et De La Trigonométrie by Serret, Joseph Alfred
Sistema De Acotaciones: Complemento Á La Geometría Descriptiva ... by Carranza, Lorenzo Gallego
Théorie Élémentaire Des Quantités Complexes, Part 3 by Houel
Sur Les Notations Numériques Et Algébriques Antérieurement Au Xvie Siècle by Rodet, Léon
Ueber Partielle Differentialgleichungen Die in Der Variationsrechnung Vorkommen by Hertz, Wilhelm
Archiv Der Mathematik Und Physik by Anonymous
Transactions by
Nociones De Càlculo Infinitesimal... by Echeagaray, Francisco
Einführung in Die Ausgleichungsrechnung: (methode Der Kleinsten Quadrate) by Anonymous
Rechentafel by Zimmermann, H.
Zur Integration Partieller Differentialsysteme ... by Boehm, Karl
Beitrage Zur Theorie Der Kugelfunctionen by Neumann, Franz Ernst
Instituzioni Delle Sezioni Coniche by Grandi, Guido
Théorie Des Équations Numériques by Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas
Aritmetische Untersuchungen Über Irreduktibilität ... by Kharasov, Georg
Essai Sur Les Propriétés de la Nouvelle Cissoïde: Et Sur Les Rapports de Cette Courbe, Tant Avec La Cissoïde de Dioclès, Qu'avec Un Grand Nombre d'Aut by Rallier
Ueber Den Begriff Und Die Anwendung Des Doppellimes. ..., Volume 19 by Townsend, Edgar Jerome
Construction Math: Hints & Tips for Contractors & Do-It-Yourselfers by Prince, Chris
Repair Kinks by Anonymous
Niedere Analysis: T. Funktionen, Potenzreihen, Gleichungen by Schubert, Hermann
The Elements of Mathematical Analysis: Abridged, for the Use of Students. with Notes, Demonstrative and Explanatory. and a Synopsis of Book V. of Eucl by Vilant, Nicolas
Proben Homerischer Arithmetick by Von Hahn, Johann Georg
Traité Élémentaire Des Séries by Catalan, Eugène
Theorie Des Champs Continus Bilineaires ... by Van Douren, Pierre
Grundriss Der Ebenen Und Spharischen Trigonometrie by Gerling, Christian Ludwig
Theorie Der Differenzen Und Summen: Ein Lehrbuch by Schlomilch, Oskar Xaver
Abrege de La Theorie Des Fonctions Elliptiques A L'Usage Des Candidate a la Licence Es Sciences Mathematiques by Henry, Charles
Mink's Leitfaden Der Analytischen Geometrie Der Ebene Und Des Raumes by Fiedler, Ernst W.
Die Geschichte Der Höheren Analysis by Gerhardt, K.
History of Mathematics: Highways and Byways by Dahan-Dalmédico, Amy, Peiffer, Jeanne
System Der Erzeugung, Verwandlung Und Theilung Geom. Figuren by Grabow, M. G.
Grundlegung Der Theorie Des Variations-Calculs by Mayr, Aloys
Die Steiner'Schen Schliessungsprobleme Nach Darstellend Geometrischer Methode by Disteli, Martin
Randwertaufgaben Bei Gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen by Mason, Max
Hauptsätze Der Differential- Und Integral-Rechnung, Als Leitfaden Zum Gebrauch Bei Vorlesungen, Volume 3 by Fricke, Robert
Trattato Di Meccanica Razional Dei Solidi by Durval, C. H.
Trattato Di Geometria Analitica: In Particolare Delle Linee Di Primo E Secondo Ordine Nel Piano E Delle Rette E Dei Piani Nello Spazio by Del Beccaro, Tommaso
Die Principien Der Mechanik: Mathematische Untersuchungen by Koenigsberger, Leo
Theoretische Arithmetik, Part 1 by Stolz, Otto