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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2010

Mechanics and Strength of Materials by Da Silva, Vitor Dias
Scientific Visualization: The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data by
Characteristics Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics by Iannelli, Joe
Mechanical Modelling and Computational Issues in Civil Engineering by
Atomic-Scale Modeling of Nanosystems and Nanostructured Materials by
Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems by Jowers, Leonard J., Buckley, James J.
Experimental Robotics IX: The 9th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics by
Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems by Ligeza, Antoni
Around the Research of Vladimir Maz'ya III: Analysis and Applications by
Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for Force-Controlled Robot Tasks by de Schutter, Joris, Lefebvre, Tine, Bruyninckx, Herman
Rationality and Equilibrium: A Symposium in Honor of Marcel K. Richter by
Genetic Systems Programming: Theory and Experiences by
Yesterday and Long Ago by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Flomania - A European Initiative on Flow Physics Modelling: Results of the European-Union Funded Project, 2002 - 2004 by
Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 2: Vector Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms by Tang, Kwong-Tin
Option Prices as Probabilities: A New Look at Generalized Black-Scholes Formulae by Yor, Marc, Profeta, Christophe, Roynette, Bernard
Categories and Sheaves by Schapira, Pierre, Kashiwara, Masaki
Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry I: On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems by
Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming: Engineering and Science Applications by Castillo, Enrique, Minguez, Roberto, Conejo, Antonio J.
Tables Des Sinus, Tangentes, Secantes, Et De Leurs Logarithmes; Avec La Construction De Ces Tables, Et Les Problêmes De La Trigonome'trie Rectiligne & by Rivard
Projektive Geometrie in Synthetischer Behandlung, Volume 2 by Doehlemann, Karl
Lezioni Di Geometria Analitica Proiettiva, Volume 2 by Castelnuovo, Guido
Vorlesungen Uber Projektive Geometrie by Enriques, Federigo
Mémoires by
Logic, Volume 2 by Dendy, Helen
Avec Un Résumé En Français by Valentiner, Hermann
Traite de Geometrie Descriptive ..., Volume 2 by Anonymous
Lehrbuch Der Analysis by Lipschitz, Rudolf
Élémens d'Algèbre, Volume 2 by Reynaud
Die Grundlehren Der Arithmetik Und Der Algebra Aus Den Lehrbuchern: Vorzuglich Der H. H. Kaestner, Und Zum Gebrauche Der Vorlesungen by Reiner, Gregor Leonhard
Verzeichniss Der Theiler Aller Naturlicher Zahlen Von 1 an Bis 10000 by Anjema, Heinrich
Die Lehre Von Der Kreistheilung Und Ihre Beziehungen Zur Zahlentheorie, Volume 3 by Bachmann, Paul
Einleitung in Die Theorie Der Bevolkerungsstatistik ... by Lexis, Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht
Grundriss Der Differential-Und Integral-Rechnung: Integral-Rechnung. 9. Verb. Und Verm. Aufl. Des Gleichnamigen Leitfadens Von Max Stegemann by Anonymous
Die Kubische Gleichung Und Ihre Auflosung Fur Reelle, Imaginare Und Komplexe Wurzeln: Ein Versuch by Von Trotha, Thilo
Uber Die Grund-Operationen an Absoluten Und Complexen Grossen in Geometrischer Behandlung by Huntington, Edward Vermilye
Grundiss Der Differential- Und Integral-Rechnung by Stegemann, Max
Sectionum Conicarum Elementa Nova Methodo Demonstrata by Milnes, James
Cours de Calcul Des Probabilites Fait A L'Universite de Liege de 1849 a 1857 by Folie, Franois Jacques Pilippe, Folie, Francois Jacques Pilippe, Meyer, Antoine
Mémoires by
Elementary Algebra: For the Use of Schools by Smyth, William
Elements of Geometry, Based on Euclid, Books I-III by Atkins, Edward
Mathematical Questions and Solutions, from the Educational Times., Volume 72 by Anonymous
Serie de Fourier E Altre Rappresentazioni Analitiche Delle Funzioni Di Una Variabile Reale, Volume 1 by Dini, Ulisse
Ueber Conjugirte Binare Formen ... by Schlesinger, Otto
Opuscules Mathématiques: Ou, Mémoires Sur Différens Sujets de Géométrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie, &c, Volume 6 by Le Alembert, Jean Rond D'
Recherches Sur Les Substitutions: Et En Particulier Sur Les Groupes Transitifs by Maillet, Edmond Theodore
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 72 by
Elementar-Synthetische Geometrie Der Gleichseitigen Hyperbel. by Milinowski, Alfons
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 17 by
Abriss Einer Theorie Der Functionen Einer Complexen Veranderlichen Und Der Thetafunctionen by Thomae, Johannes
Transactions by
Analysis Per Quantitatum Series, Fluxiones, AC Differentias: Cum Enumeratione Linearum Tertii Ordinis by Newton, Isaac
Zur Geschichte Der Polyedercoordinaten. by Maatz, Albert
Seinem Verehrten Lehrer; Dem Herrn Friederich Scholl by Schaffnit, G.
Handbuch der rationellen und technischen Mechanik. by Decher, Georg
Traité De Calcul Différentiel Et Integrel by Fontaine, Alexis
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 46 by
Die Landen'sche Transformation in Ihrer Anwendung Auf Die Entwickelung Der Elliptischen Funktionen Von F.J. Richelot, Aus Einer Correspondenz Mit Herr by Schroter, L., Richelot, Friedrich Julius, Schrter, L.
Cours D'algèbre Supérieure by Anonymous
Traité D'analyse, Volume 1 by Picard, Emile
Vorlesungen Über Analytische Geometrie Des Raumes: Insbesondere Über Oberflächen Zweiter Ordnung by Hesse, Ludwig Otto
Anwendung Der Theorie Der Integralgleichungen Auf Einige Randwertaufgaben in Der Funktionentheorie by Haseman, Charles
Einleitung in Die Theorie Der Binaren Formen by Bruno, Francesco Faa Di
Phoronomia, Sive de Viribus Et Motibus Corporum Solidorum Et Fluidorum Libri Duo by Hermann, Jacob
The Olive-Branch, Or, Poems on Peace, Liberty, Friendship, &C by Stokes, William
Elementos de Estatistica Comprehendendo a Theoria Da Sciencia E a Sua Applicacao a Estatistica Commercial Do Brasil, Volume 2 by Soares, Sebastio Ferreira
Nouveau Manuel Complet De L'ingénieur Civil, Ou, Traité Sur L'application Directe Des Sciences Aux Arts Et Manufactures ... by Lorentz, Edmond, Schmitz, E., Jullien, Charles-Edouard
Traité D'analyse, Volume 2 by Picard, Emile
Complément De La Géométrie Analytique by Anonymous
Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory by Pivato, Marcus
Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory by Pivato, Marcus
Locally Convex Spaces over Non-Archimedean Valued Fields by Perez-Garcia, C.
Number Theory by Pommersheim, James E., Marks, Tim K., Flapan, Erica L.
Schaum's Outlines Advanced Calculus by Wrede, Robert C., Spiegel, Murray R.
Théorie Élémentaire Des Quantités Complexes, Part 4 by Houel
Die Differenzial- Und Integralrechnung: Abth.1: Functionen Mehrerer Variabeln by Raabe, Josef Ludwig
Opera Varia, Volume 1 by Huygens, Christiaan
Lehrbuch Der Differential-Gleichungen by Forsyth, Andrew Russell
Logarithmetic Tables of Numbers and Trigonometric Functions by Fischer, William Lewis Ferdinand, Vega, Georg, Bremiker, Georg
Theoretische Mechanik: Kinematik Und Statik by Marcolongo, Roberto
Cours De M. Hermite by Hermite, Charles, Andoyer, Henri
Cours De Mécanique À L'usage Des Élèves De La Classe De Mathématiques Spéciales: Conforme Au Programme Du 27 Juillet 1904 by Appell, Paul
Voices from the Lakes, and Other Poems by Bell, Charles Dent
Application de l'Algèbre À La Géométrie, Contenant En Particulier Les Deux Trigonométrie Et Les Sections Coniques by Develey, Em
Mémoires, Volume 1 by
Vorlesungen Über Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Meyer, Antoine
Mémoires by
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 47 by
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 8 by
The Michigan Technic, Volumes 11-15 by Anonymous
Tratado De Análisis Matemático, Volume 6 by De Galdeano, Zoel Garcia
Theory Of Numbers, Part 1 (1892) by Mathews, George Ballard
Trinity College, Cambridge (1906) by Ball, Walter William Rouse
Smithsonian Physical Tables, Page 52; Page 56 by Anonymous
Ebene Trigonometrie Mit Anwendungen Und Beytragen Zur Geschichte Derselben by Von Pfleiderer, Christoph Friedrich
Treatise on the Integral Calculus and Its Applications with Numerous Examples by Todhunter, Isaac
Annual Report / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace by Anonymous
Du Calcul Des Dérivations by Arbogast, Louis Francois Antoine
On the Organization of Scientific Work of the General Government, Part 1 by Powell, John Wesley
The Philosophical Magazine V5, January-June, 1829: Or Annals Of Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Natural History, And General Science (1829) by Phillips, Richard, Taylor, Richard
Tabulae Manuales Logarithmicae Ad Calculum Astronomicum, In Specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum (1700) by Bartsch, Jacob, Eisenschmidt, Johann Caspar, Kepler, Johannes
Hypatia V1-2 (1899) by Kingsley, Charles
Mathematical Systems Theory I: Modelling, State Space Analysis, Stability and Robustness by Pritchard, Anthony J., Hinrichsen, Diederich
Introduction to Complex Reflection Groups and Their Braid Groups by Broué, Michel
Mathematics for the Practical Man: Explaining Simply and Quickly all the Elements of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Logarithms, Coordinate Geometry, by Howe, George
The Calculus Collection: A Resource for AP and Beyond by Diefenderfer, Caren L., Nelsen, Roger B.
Graphen- Und Netzwerkoptimierung by Büsing, Christina
Optimal Models and Methods with Fuzzy Quantities by Cao, Bing-Yuan
Formal Concept Analysis: 8th International Conference, Icfca 2010, Agadir, Morocco, March 15-18, 2010, Procedings by
Computational Intelligence for Technology Enhanced Learning by
Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic by Simpson, Stephen G.
Mathematical Tables: Contrived After a Most Comprehensive Method: Viz. a Table of Logarithms, from 1 to 101000. to Which Is Added (Upon the by Halley, Edmond, Wallis, John, Sherwin, Henry
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley: Vol. XI by Cayley, Arthur
An Elementary Treatise on Descriptive Geometry with a Theory of Shadows and Perspective by Heather, John Fry
Topics in Operator Theory: Volume 2: Systems and Mathematical Physics by
Stability by Linearization of Einstein's Field Equation by Girbau, Joan, Bruna, Lluís
Topics in Operator Theory: Volume 1: Operators, Matrices and Analytic Functions by
Traité D'analyse: Intégrales Simples Et Multiples. L'équation De Laplace Et Ses Applications. Développements En Séries. Applications Géo by Picard, Émile
Cours De Calcul Infinitésimal, by Houel
Elementary Analytical Geometry by Vyvyan, Thomas Grenfell
Trigonometry: Analytical, Plane and Spherical; With Logarithmic Tables by Anonymous
Elements of Analytical Mechanics / By Peter S. Michie by Michie, Peter Smith
Annales De La Société Scientifique De Bruxelles, Volume 32 by
Elements of Trigonometry: With Tables by Brenke, William Charles
A Manual of Spherical and Astronomy: Embracing the General Problems of Spherical Astronomy, and the Theory and Use of Fixed and Portable Astronomical by Chauvenet, William
Transactions by
Der Selbstlernende Algebrist: Oder Deutliche Anweisung Zur Ganzen Rechenkunst, Worunter Sowohl Die Arithmetik Und Gemeine Algebra, ALS Auch Die Diff by Anonymous
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 66 by
Mémoires, Volume 2 by
H. P. Hamilton's System Der Kegelschnitte Analytisch Dargestellt by Hamilton, Henry Parr
Descriptive Geometry: With Numerous Problems and Practical Applications by Hall, William Shaffer
Engineers and Engineering, Volumes 17-18 by Anonymous
Zur Theorie Der Binaren Formen Sechster Ordnung Und Zur Dreitheilung Der Hyperelliptischen Functionen by Clebsch, Alfred
Die Partiellen Differential-Gleichungen by Weber, Heinrich
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 20 by
Archimeds Zwey Bucher Uber Kugel Und Cylinder: Ebendesselben Kreismessung by Archimedes, Hauber, Karl Friedrich
Logic, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Primary Algebra: Student's Manual by MacDonald, James Wallace
Leçons De Mécanique Conformes Aux Programmes Officiels by Briot
Engineers and Engineering, Volumes 21-22 by
Théorie Du Potentiel Newtonien by Poincare, Henri, Le Roy, Edouard, Vincent, Georges
The Shrewsbury Trigonometry: A Step to the Study of a More Complete Treatise. for Beginners, and Junior Classes in Public Schools ... by Aldous, John Clement Primrose
Traité De Mécanique Rationelle: Dynamique Des Systèmes. Mécanique Analytique by Appell, Paul
Vorlesungen Uber Die Natur Der Irrationalzahlen by Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich
Lehrbuch Der Darstellenden Geometrie: Bd. Orthogonalprojektion. Vielfache, Perspektivität Ebener Figuren, Kurven, Cylinder, Kugel, Kegel, Rotations- U by Rohn, Karl, Papperitz, Erwin
The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, Part 1 by Pratt, John Henry
Ueber Die Methode Der Kleinsten Quadrate by Henke, R.
Symbolic Algebra: Or, the Algebra of Algebraic Numbers: Together with Critical Notes on the Methods of Reasoning Employed in Geometry by Cain, William
Die Elemente Der Differential- Und Integralrechnung: Zur Einf Hrung in Das Studium by Harnack, Axel
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Volume 13 by Anonymous
Theorie Der Doppeltperiodischen Functionen Einer Veranderlichen Grosse, Volume 1 by Krause, Martin
Der Wert Der Wissenschaft by Weber, Emilie, Poincar, Henri, Weber, Milie
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 73 by
Tables of Complex Hyperbolic and Circular Functions by Kennelly, Arthur Edwin
Traité Élémentaire de Géométrie Descriptive, Volume 1 by Kiaes, J.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 71 by
Graphisch-Mechanische Methode Zur Auflosung Der Numerischen Gleichungen by Reuschle, Carl
Cours De Géométrie Descriptive ... by Antomari, Xavier
Cours De Géométrie Descriptive (Droit Et Plan): À L'usage Des Candidats Aux Baccalauréats Et Aux Écoles Du Gouvernement by Caron, Joseph
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 58 by
Zahlentheorie: Th. Allgemeine Arithmetik Der Zahlenkörper (1905) by Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich
Logik Und Metaphysik, Oder Wissenschaftslehre: Lehrbuch Fur Akademische Vorlesungen by Fischer, Kuno
Die Partiellen Differential-Gleichungen Der Mathematischen Physik: Nach Riemann's Vorlesungen, Volume 2 by Weber, Heinrich Martin
Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Tafeln Mit Sechs Decimalstellen: Mit Rücksicht Auf Den Schulgebrauch by Bremiker
La Fonction Vectorielle Et Ses Applications a la Physique by Anonymous
Transactions by
Anwendung Der Ausdehnungslehre Auf Die Allgemeine Theorie Der Raumkurven Und Krummen Flachen by Grassmann, Hermann Ernst
Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung: Versuch Einer Kritik by Goldschmidt, Ludwig
Traité de Géometrie Descriptive, Volume 1 by Chollet, T., Mineur, P.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 34 by
Aide-Mémoire de Mécanique Pratique À l'Usage Des Officiers d'Artillerie Et Des Ingénieurs Civils Et Militaires ... by Morin
L. A. Sohncke's Sammlung Von Aufgaben Aus Der Differential- Und Integralrechnung: T. Integralrechnung by Sohncke, Ludwig Adolf
Annual Report / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace by Anonymous
Logarithmische Tafeln by Westphal, Johann Heinrich
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 76 by
Théorie Élémentaire Des Quantités Complexes, Parts 1-2 by Houel
Compositions d'Analyse, Mécanique, Et Astronomie ... by Villie, Edouard Alexandre
Logik, Volume 1 by Sigwart, Christoph
The Mine Surveyor's Book of Tables: Containing [!] the Natural Sines, Cosines, Tangents, Contangents, Secants and Cosecants, for Every Degree and Minu by Anonymous
Instructions Populaires Sur Le Calcul Des Probabilities by Quetelet, Adolphe
Traité de Géométrie Descriptive ..., Volume 1 by De Fourcy, Lefebure
Grundriss Der Variationsrechnung by Dienger, Joseph
Beispiele Zur Geschichte Der Mathematik, Part 2: Ein Mathematisch-Historisches Lesebuch (1913) by Witting, Alexander, Gebhardt, Martin
Elements of Geometry, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Conic Sections by Robinson, Horatio Nelson
Théorie Et Pratique Des Approximations Numériques by Fassbinder, Ch
Praktische Anleitung Und Tafeln Zur Berechnung Von Dreiecks-, Vierecks-U. Polygon-Netzen Ohne Logarithmen, Vierte Auflage by Ulffers, D. W.
Théorie Des Intégrales Et Des Fonctions Elliptiques by Graindorge, Joseph, Schlömilch, Oskar Xaver
Integraltafeln Oder, Sammlung Von Integralformeln by Hirsch, Meyer
Das Kopf Oder Denkrechnen: Durch Einige Tausend Methodisch Geordneter, Mit Andeutungen Zum Bildenden Gebrauche Versehener Aufgaben (1843) by Heuner, Johann Friedrich
Der Logarithmische Rechenschieher Und Sein Gebrauch (1908) by
Der Gegenstand Der Mathematik Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Die Relativitatstheorie (1922) by Muller, Aloys
Der Indikator Und Das Indikatordiagramm: Ein Lehr Und Handbuch Fur Den Praktischen Gebrauch (1916) by Wilke, Wilhelm
Mathematische Unterrichts-Briefe (1917) by Schuster, August
Neue Methode Zur Integration Partieller Diferentialgleichungen Erster Ordnung Zwischen Irgend Einer Anzahl Von Veranderlichen (1906) by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jakob
Allgemeine Arithmetik Der Zahlenkorper (1905) by Bachmann, Paul
Uber Die Zahlentheoretischen Formeln Liouville's (1907) by Meissner, Ernst
Uber Die Invarianten Linearer Und Quadratischer Binarer Differentialformen Und Ihre Anwendung Auf Die Deformation Der Flachen (1899) by Hessenberg, Gerhard
Beitrage Zur Numerischen Losung Der Gleichungen Funften Grades (1907) by Morgenstern, Arthur
Quelques Considerations Sur Les Groupes D'Ordre Fini Et Les Groupes Finis Continus (1904) by Le Vavasseur, Raymond
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