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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2011

The Wright Brothers' Engines and Their Design (Smithsonian Institution Annals of Flight Series) by Hobbs, Leonard S.
Spectral Clustering, Ordering and Ranking: Statistical Learning with Matrix Factorizations by Ding, Chris, Zha, Hongyuan
The Wright Brothers' Engines and Their Design (Smithsonian Institution Annals of Flight Series) by Hobbs, Leonard S., Smithsonian Institution
Combinatorial Prob in Math'l(v4) by Zhang, Yao
The Best Writing on Mathematics by
Loving + Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life by John-Steiner, Vera, Hersh, Reuben
Choosing and Using Statistics by Dytham, Calvin
Hamiltonian Chaos Beyond the Kam Theory: Dedicated to George M. Zaslavsky (1935--2008) by
Optimization and Regularization for Computational Inverse Problems and Applications by
Personal Math Companion by Smith, Marsha P.
Ottimizzazione Combinatoria: Teoria E Algoritmi by Vygen, Jens, Korte, Bernhard
La Scienza Delle Costruzioni in Italia Nell'ottocento: Un'analisi Storica Dei Fondamenti Della Scienza Delle Costruzioni by Capecchi, Danilo, Ruta, Giuseppe
Personal Math Companion by Smith, Marsha P.
Algebraic Patching by Jarden, Moshe
Optimization in Economics and Finance: Some Advances in Non-Linear, Dynamic, Multi-Criteria and Stochastic Models by Craven, Bruce D., Islam, Sardar M. N.
Portfolio Management with Heuristic Optimization by Maringer, Dietmar G.
Infinite Families of Exact Sums of Squares Formulas, Jacobi Elliptic Functions, Continued Fractions, and Schur Functions by Milne, Stephen C.
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Via Ratio and Difference Judgement by Lootsma, Freerk a.
Mono- And Multivariable Control and Estimation: Linear, Quadratic and LMI Methods by Ostertag, Eric
Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by
Algebraic Number Theory by Mollin, Richard A.
Dynamics of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems by Lakshmanan, Muthusamy, Senthilkumar, Dharmapuri Vijayan
50th IMO - 50 Years of International Mathematical Olympiads by
Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Chemin, Jean-Yves, Danchin, Raphaël, Bahouri, Hajer
So Prtl Diffrntl Equatns REV by DuChateau
Approximation Algorithms for Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Approximation, Ambleside, Uk, 31st Aug by
From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context: Graßmann Bicentennial Conference, September 2009 by
Some Mathematical Models from Population Genetics: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIX-2009 by Etheridge, Alison
Paperfolding Puzzles by Mitchell, David
Calculus: Theory and Applications, Volume 2 by Kuttler, Kenneth
Essential Statistical Methods for Medical Statistics: A Derivative of Handbook of Statistics: Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Vol. 27 by Miller, J. Philip
Fundamental Maths: For Engineering and Science by Breach, Mark
Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics by Vince, John
Dynamic Management of Sustainable Development: Methods for Large Technical Systems by Merkuryev, Yuri, Krishans, Zigurds, Mutule, Anna
Stability Theory of Switched Dynamical Systems by Sun, Zhendong, Ge, Shuzhi Sam
Shapes and Geometries: Metrics, Analysis, Differential Calculus, and Optimization by Zolésio, Jean-Paul, Delfour, Michael C.
The Linear Sampling Method in Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering by Colton, David, Monk, Peter, Cakoni, Fioralba
Lehrbuch Der Mathematik, Band 4: Analysis Auf Mannigfaltigkeiten - Funktionentheorie - Funktionalanalysis by Storch, Uwe, Wiebe, Hartmut
The Integral: A Crux for Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Transactions on Rough Sets XIII by
Graph Drawing: 18th International Symposium, GD 2010, Konstanz, Germany, September 21-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Combinatorics and Reasoning: Representing, Justifying and Building Isomorphisms by
Numerical Methods and Applications: 7th International Conference, NMA 2010 Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20-24, 2010 Revised Papers by
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography: 5th Conference, Tqc 2010, Leeds, Uk, April 13-15, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Modular Invariant Theory by Campbell, H. E. a. Eddy, Wehlau, David L.
Mündliche Und Schriftliche Übungen Im Unbegrenzten Zahlenraum. Resolvieren Und Reduzieren by
Mündliche Und Schriftliche Übungen Im Zahlenkreise Bis 1000 by
Logarithmische Rechentafeln Für Pharmazeuten, Mediziner Und Physiker by Küster, F. W.
Reconfigurable Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: A Fault-Hiding Approach by Richter, Jan H.
Dynamics, Statistics and Projective Geometry of Galois Fields by Arnold, V. I.
Dynamics, Statistics and Projective Geometry of Galois Fields by Arnold, V. I.
Math Wizards at Work: Challenging Trade and Standards Based Math Problems to Inspire Your Students! by Scarpello Ph. D., Gary
Mathematics for the Environment by Walter, Martin
Umrechnung Dezimal in Dual mit Hilfe vom Reste- und Zerlegeverfahren by Bußmann, Trinus
So of Matrix Operations REV by Bronson
History Mathematics 3e by Boyer, Carl B., Merzbach, Uta C.
Evolving Fuzzy Systems - Methodologies, Advanced Concepts and Applications by Lughofer, Edwin
Diagrams and Symbols Illustrating (Depicting) Verses from the Holy Bible Using Mathematical Equation to Computer Generate The Diagrams/Symbols and Col by Rajanayagam, Davy Peter
Basic Commutative Algebra by Singh, Balwant
Introduction to Soliton Theory: Applications to Mechanics by Munteanu, Ligia, Donescu, Stefania
Dimensional Analysis by Gibbings, J. C.
Green's Functions and Linear Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Computation by Kythe, Prem K.
Modelling Fluid Flow: The State of the Art by
Oscillation Theory for Second Order Linear, Half-Linear, Superlinear and Sublinear Dynamic Equations by O'Regan, Donal, Grace, Said R., Agarwal, R. P.
Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices by Rosen, D. Von, Kollo, Tõnu
Cyclic Homology in Non-Commutative Geometry by Cuntz, Joachim, Skandalis, Georges, Tsygan, Boris
Mathematik 2: Geschrieben Für Physiker by Jänich, Klaus
Approximation and Online Algorithms: 8th International Workshop, Waoa 2010, Liverpool, Uk, September 9-10, 2010, Revised Papers by
Graduated Numerical Skills: For the Young Scholar by Aseervatham, Aloysius &. Leslie
Discrete Mathematics by Gallier, Jean
Random Sequential Packing of Cubes by Itoh, Yoshiaki, Dutour Sikiric, Mathieu
Rings Related to Stable Range Conditions by Chen, Huanyin
Metodi Matematici Per La Teoria Dell'evoluzione by Freguglia, Paolo, Bazzani, Armando, Buiatti, Marcello
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/Space Separation Based Approach by Li, Han-Xiong, Qi, Chenkun
Handbook of the History of General Topology by
"Wir erzählen Geschichten." Die Erzählmethoden 'Roter Faden' und 'Erzählbühne': Eine handlungs- und produktionsorientierte Auseinandersetzung by Hiller, Stefanie
So of Math of Finance 2e REV by Zima
Nonlinear Physical Oceanography: A Dynamical Systems Approach to the Large Scale Ocean Circulation and El Niño by Dijkstra, Henk A.
Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean by Miropol'sky, Yu Z.
Fault Detection and Isolation: Multi-Vehicle Unmanned Systems by Khorasani, Khashayar, Meskin, Nader
Mathematik mit Simulationen lehren und lernen by Röß, Dieter
Rings and Their Modules by Bland, Paul E.
"are There Any More Numbers Out There?": A Controversial Look at Numbers and Number Systems by Fleming, Edward G.
IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Held Lyon, France, September 4-7, 2006 by
Iutam Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Kazimierz by
Grassmannians of Classical Buildings(v2) by Pankov, Mark
Fatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and Beyond by Audin, Michèle
Mining of Data with Complex Structures by Tan, Henry, Dillon, Tharam S., Hadzic, Fedja
Wir legen Tangram-Figuren aus und finden Tricks. Das Auslegen von Umrissfiguren im Unterricht by Hiller, Stefanie
Dimensions, Embeddings, and Attractors by Robinson, James C.
19 Nineteen: God's Signature in Nature and Scripture by Yuksel, Edip
What Can I Do to Help My Child with Math When I Don't Know Any Myself? by Yaqoob, Tahir
Probabilitat I Estad Stica Matem Tica. Teoria I Problemes Resolts by Pozo Montero, Francesc
Counting Silly Faces: Numbers 21-30 by Craig, Michael Richard
The Play's the Thing: Mathematical Games for the Classroom and Beyond by Lipp, Alan
Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory by
Recent Developments in the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Practice by
Entropy and Information Theory by Gray, Robert M.
An Introduction to Meshfree Methods and Their Programming by Liu, G. R., Gu, Y. T.
Endliche Strukturen by Reiss, Kristina, Stroth, Gernot
The Theory of Cubature Formulas by Vaskevich, Vladimir L., Sobolev, S. L.
Twenty Mock Mathcounts Sprint Round Tests by Chen, Sam, Chen, Guiling P.
Die Verflixte Mathematik Der Demokratie by Szpiro, George G.
Infinity: New Research Frontiers by
Mathercise Book E by Serra, Michael
Die Keplersche Vermutung: Wie Mathematiker Ein 400 Jahre Altes Rätsel Lösten by Szpiro, George G.
Lattice Theory: Foundation by Grätzer, George
Counting Silly Faces Numbers Thirty-One to Forty: Volume Four by Craig, Michael Richard
Introduction to Functional Equations by Sahoo, Prasanna K., Kannappan, Palaniappan
Was kostet eine Kilowattstunde aus Batterien?: Wie lange müsste die Sonne scheinen bis die Solarzelle eine Kilowattstunde abgegeben hat? by Hornung, Simone
Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective Programming by Katagiri, Hideki, Sakawa, Masatoshi, Nishizaki, Ichiro
Imp 2e Small World, Isn't It? Unit Book by Fraser, Sherry, Fendel, Dan, Resek, Diane
Imp 2e Meadows or Malls? Unit Book by Fraser, Sherry, Fendel, Dan, Alper, Lynne
Imp 2e Orchard Hideout Unit Book by Fendel, Dan, Resek, Diane, Fraser, Sherry
Iutam Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Hangzhou, China, May 10-14, 2010 by
Teach Multiplication, Division, and the Time Table All at the Same Time: An Instructional Guide for Learning Basic Math Skills by McCuien, Andray
Safe Adaptive Control: Data-Driven Stability Analysis and Robust Synthesis by Safonov, Michael G., Stefanovic, Margareta
Linked Data: Evolving the Web Into a Global Data Space by Heath, Tom, Bizer, Christian
Energy Security: International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy Infrastructures by
Energy Security: International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy Infrastructures by
Learning with Support Vector Machines by Ying, Yiming, Campbell, Colin
Nonlinear H-Infinity Control, Hamiltonian Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations by Aliyu, M. D. S.
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation: 5th International Workshop, WALCOM 2011, New Delhi, India, February 18-20, 2011, Proceedings by
Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization by
Intermediate Dynamics: A Linear Algebraic Approach by Howland, R. a.
Sobolev Spaces: With Applications to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations by Maz'ya, Vladimir
Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion, The: Theory and Practice by
Generalised Thermostatistics by Naudts, Jan
Concrete Fracture Models and Applications by Kumar, Shailendra, Barai, Sudhirkumar V.
Computational Approach to Riemann Surfaces by
Numerical Analysis by Kunz, Kaiser S.
Imp 2e High Dive Unit Book by Fraser, Sherry, Fendel, Dan, Resek, Diane
Imp 2e Pennant Fever Unit Book by Fraser, Sherry, Fendel, Dan, Resek, Diane
Ein Schaubild Der Mathematik: 30 Vorlesungen Über Klassische Mathematik by Fuchs, Dmitry, Tabachnikov, Serge
Advanced Mathematics for Applications by Prosperetti, Andrea
Complex Webs: Anticipating the Improbable by West, Bruce J., Grigolini, Paolo
Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists by
Die Sätze von D. Klarner und N. G. de Bruijn als Exponate by Sachs, Katja
Pythagoras Und Die Inder by Schroeder, Leopold Von
Prelude to Mathematics by Sawyer, W. W.
Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems by
More Games of No Chance by
Deterministic Observation Theory and Applications by Kupka, Ivan, Gauthier, Jean-Paul
Field Extensions and Galois Theory by Bastida, Julio R.
Optimization in Function Spaces: With Stability Considerations in Orlicz Spaces by Kosmol, Peter, Müller-Wichards, Dieter
Typical Dynamics of Volume Preserving Homeomorphisms by Alpern, Steve, Steve, Alpern, V. S., Prasad
Finite Groups and Finite Geometries by Tsuzuku, Toshiro, Tsuzuku, T.
Explicit Brauer Induction: With Applications to Algebra and Number Theory by Snaith, Victor P., Victor P., Snaith
New Perspectives in Algebraic Combinatorics by
Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis by Sachkov, Vladimir N., Vladimir N., Sachkov
The Levy Laplacian by Feller, M. N.
Topology and Geometry for Physicists by Sen, Siddhartha, Nash, Charles
An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials by Chihara, Theodore S.
Sut I Loywi Mewn Rhifyddeg Pen by Webber, Beryl, Haigh, Jean
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik Zur Physik by Hertel, Peter
Wir experimentieren mit Würfeln - Mathematik in der Grundschule by Eckert, Helena
Nexus Network Journal 12,3: Architecture and Mathematics by
Exploring Families of Functions with GeoGebra: Ein bilingualer Unterrichtsversuch, Klassenstufe 11 by Henzler, Christian
Particle-Based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications by
Nexus Network Journal 12,1: Architecture and Mathematics by
Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics by Bloch, Ethan D.
Advanced Mathematics for Applications by Prosperetti, Andrea
Wavelets 2e by Goswami, Jaideva C., Chan, Andrew K.
Quaternion Cosmos: The 4 D Math for the 4D Cosmos by Lindsay, Wardell
High Performance Computing for Computational Science -- Vecpar 2010: 9th International Conference, Berkeley, Ca, Usa, June 22-25, 2010, Revised, Selec by
Numerische Strömungssimulation in Der Hydrodynamik: Grundlagen Und Methoden by Martin, Helmut
Vibration Problems in Engineering (Hb) by Timoshenko, Stephen
Imp 1e Solve It! Unit Book by Alper, Lynne, Fendel, Dan, Fraser, Sherry
The Psychology of Learning Mathematics by Ernest, Paul
Perspectives on Projective Geometry: A Guided Tour Through Real and Complex Geometry by Richter-Gebert, Jürgen
The Theory of Prime Number Classification by Mbulawa, Zwide
Triangular Arrays with Applications by Koshy, Thomas
Analysis by Pientka, Thomas
Probability and Stochastics by Çınlar, Erhan
Die Welt Der Primzahlen: Geheimnisse Und Rekorde by Ribenboim, Paulo
Elementary Operators and Their Applications: 3rd International Workshop Held at Queen's University Belfast, 14-17 April 2009 by
Progress in Variational Methods - Proceedings of the International Conference on Variational Methods by
Some Prob on Nonlnr Hprbolic Equa..(V15) by
Calculus: Theory and Applications, Volume 1 by Kuttler, Kenneth
Esercizi Di Metodi Matematici Della Fisica: Con Complementi Di Teoria by Angilella, Giuseppe
Calculus: Theory and Applications, Volume 1 by Kuttler, Kenneth
Calculus: Theory and Applications, Volume 2 by Kuttler, Kenneth
An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance by Ross, Sheldon M.
Lösbarkeit von Gleichungen höheren Grades: Geschichte - Historische Verfahren - Neue Verfahren by Otto, Gudrun
Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry by Ramsay, Arlan, Richtmyer, R. D.
Adv in Genm Seq Anal & Patte Discov (V7) by
Nonparametric Statistics and Mixture Models: A Festschrift in Honor of Thomas P Hettmansperger by
How to Pass the Qts Numeracy and Literacy Skills Test: Essential Practice for the Qualified Teacher Status Tests. Chris Tyreman by Tyreman, Chris John
Rational Approximation of Real Functions by Petrushev, P. P., Popov, Vasil Atanasov
Association Schemes: Designed Experiments, Algebra and Combinatorics by Bailey, R. A.
Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays by Burgess, John P.
Talking Mathematics in School: Studies of Teaching and Learning by
Transient Chaos: Complex Dynamics on Finite-Time Scales by Tél, Tamás, Lai, Ying-Cheng
What Does Understanding Mathematics Mean for Teachers?: Relationship as a Metaphor for Knowing by Handa, Yuichi
Lectures on Minimal Surfaces: Volume 1, Introduction, Fundamentals, Geometry and Basic Boundary Value Problems by Nitsche, Johannes C. C.
Tight and Taut Submanifolds by Cecil, T. E.
Mathematics - For Home and Business by Schaaf, Willam L.
The Structure of the Real Line by Bukovský, Lev
Einführung in die Spieltheorie by Müller, Holger
Science and Mathematics Integrated Activities for Middle School by Sherrod, Sonya, Hitchcox, Katherine, Dwyer, Jerry
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