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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2011

One-Dimensional Dynamics by Melo, Welington De, Strien, Sebastian Van
General Topology II: Compactness, Homologies of General Spaces by
Representations of Finite Groups: Local Cohomology and Support by Benson, David J., Iyengar, Srikanth, Krause, Henning
Set Theory: Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs by Bell, J. L.
Die einheitliche Integration der schriftlichen Division in den Lehrplan der Primarstufe: Argumentation by Lorz, Jennifer
Stochastic Models for Fractional Calculus by Meerschaert, Mark M., Sikorskii, Alla
Handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks: Theory and Applications by
Agents, Games, and Evolution: Strategies at Work and Play by Kimbrough, Steven Orla
Theory of Conditional Games by Stirling, Wynn C.
Algebra in the Stone-Cech Compactification: Theory and Applications by Strauss, Dona, Hindman, Neil
Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds: An Introduction to the Casson Invariant by Saveliev, Nikolai
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra 2010: Advances in Algebraic Structures by
Introducing Bertrand Russell: A Graphic Guide by Robinson, Dave
Big Bang in Math - John Bredakis Method: Highways without speed limit for certain integrals by Bredakis, John
Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry: In Memory of Serge Lang by
Optimization Techniques: An Introduction by Foulds, L. R.
Operations Research: Reflexionen Aus Theorie Und PRAXIS Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann by
Basic Principles and Applications by
The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method in Engineering Analysis by Hromadka, Theodore V., Lai, Chintu
Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge Based Systems: Numerical Methods by Heinsohn, Jochen, Kruse, Rudolf, Schwecke, Erhard
Computer-Based Learning Environments and Problem Solving by
Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization by Schrijver, Alexander, Lovasz, Laszlo, Grötschel, Martin
Variational and Free Boundary Problems by
Microlocal Analysis and Nonlinear Waves by
Sliding Modes in Control and Optimization by Utkin, Vadim I.
Constructive Approximation: Advanced Problems by Makovoz, Yuly, Lorentz, George G., Golitschek, Manfred V.
Approximate Distributions of Order Statistics: With Applications to Nonparametric Statistics by Reiss, Rolf-Dieter
Stability Theory: Hurwitz Centenary Conference Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1995 by
Visual Geometry and Topology by Fomenko, Anatolij T.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems: Iutam Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, August 21-25, 1989 by
Elliptic Modular Functions: An Introduction by Schoeneberg, B.
The Queen of Mathematics: An Introduction to Number Theory by Anglin, W. S.
Mathematik Schlüsseltechnologie Für Die Zukunft: Verbundprojekte Zwischen Universität Und Industrie by
Combinatorial Complexes: A Mathematical Theory of Algorithms by Sellers, P. H.
Nonlinear Analysis of Physiological Data by
Complex Analytic Sets by Chirka, E. M.
Galois Groups Over ?: Proceedings of a Workshop Held March 23-27, 1987 by
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VII: Philosophisches Werk "Sant' Ilario. Gedanken Aus Der Landschaft Zarathustras" "Das Chaos in Kosmischer Au by Hausdorff, Felix
Mathematics Today Twelve Informal Essays by
Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations: The State of the Art by
Analytische Stellenalgebren by Grauert, Hans, Remmert, Reinhold
Higher Combinatorics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Berlin (West Germany), September 1-10, 1976 by
Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity by
Renal Calculus by Pyrah, Leslie N.
Operator Commutation Relations: Commutation Relations for Operators, Semigroups, and Resolvents with Applications to Mathematical Physics and Represen by Jørgensen, P. E. T., Moore, R. T.
Controlling Chaos: Suppression, Synchronization and Chaotification by Wang, Zhiliang, Zhang, Huaguang, Liu, Derong
A Short Introduction to Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators by Kato, Tosio
Beweise zur Satzgruppe des Pythagoras: Analyse und Vergleich ihrer Behandlung in ausgewählten gymnasialen Unterrichtswerken der Jahrgangsstufe 9 by Metzsch, Daniel
Introduction to College Mathematics with a Programming Language by Lecuyer, Edward J.
Regularity and Complexity in Dynamical Systems by Luo, Albert C. J.
Classical Descriptive Set Theory by Kechris, Alexander
Aspects of Calculus by Klambauer, Gabriel
The Archimedes Palimpsest: Volume1, Catalogue and Commentary by
Theory of Point Estimation by Lehmann, Erich L., Casella, George
The Uncertainty Principle in Harmonic Analysis by Havin, Victor, Jöricke, Burglind
Die Grundstrukturen Einer Physikalischen Theorie by Ludwig, Günther
Extrema of Smooth Functions: With Examples from Economic Theory by El-Hodiri, Mohamed A.
From Statistics to Neural Networks: Theory and Pattern Recognition Applications by
Real World Numbers: The Number System by Hill, Matthew
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: C an Updated and Annotated Translation of the Soviet 'Mathematical Encyclopaedia' by
Plant Phenology in a Changing Climate by Faisal, Arif Mohammad
Einführung in die Begriffe und Eigenschaften geometrischer Körper: Unterrichtsentwurf im Fach Mathematik in Klasse 3 by Aust, Tanja
Beautiful Mathematics by Erickson, Martin
Pseudodifferential and Singular Integral Operators: An Introduction with Applications by Abels, Helmut
Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems: Theory and Applications by Kabanikhin, Sergey I.
Höhere Mathematik 1: Lineare Algebra by Strampp, Walter
Finite Groups II by Blackburn, N., Huppert, B.
Multilevel Models: Applications Using Sas(r) by Xie, Haiyi, Fisher, James F., Wang, Jichuan
The Thermodynamics of Simple Materials with Fading Memory by Day, William A.
Miscellanea Mathematica by
Organizational Learning and Technological Change by
Monotone Matrix Functions and Analytic Continuation by Donoghue, W. F. Jr.
CMC Teacher Materials Subassembly Level C by
Bases in Banach Spaces II by Singer, Ivan
Zahlen, Zeichen und Figuren by
Modern Geometry--Methods and Applications: Part III: Introduction to Homology Theory by Dubrovin, B. a., Fomenko, A. T.
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band IV: Analysis, Algebra Und Zahlentheorie by Hausdorff, Felix
The Use of Restricted Significance Tests in Clinical Trials by Salsburg, David S.
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems by
Five Place Tables: Logarithms of Integers Logarithms and Natural Values of Trigonometric Functions in the Decimal System for Each Grade f by Wijdenes, P.
Singular Integral Equations: Boundary Problems of Functions Theory and Their Applications to Mathematical Physics by Muskhelishvili, N. I.
An Introduction to Teichmüller Spaces by Imayoshi, Yoichi, Taniguchi, Masahiko
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID: Barcode of the Future by Karmakar, Nemai Chandra, Preradovic, Stevan
Reasoning in Science and Mathematics by Epstein, Richard L.
The Geometry of Physics by Frankel, Theodore
Statistics Explained 2ed by McKillup, Steve
Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics: Their Nature and Use by Singh, Jagjit
Briefwechsel Mit Friedrich Engel Zur Theorie Der Lie-Algebren: Zum 150. Geburtstag Von Wilhelm Killing by
Photon-Vegetation Interactions: Applications in Optical Remote Sensing and Plant Ecology by
Complex Systems -- Operational Approaches in Neurobiology, Physics, and Computers: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at Schloß by
Linear Prediction Theory: A Mathematical Basis for Adaptive Systems by Strobach, Peter
Quasi-Projective Moduli for Polarized Manifolds by Viehweg, Eckart
Number Theory and Analysis: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Edmund Landau (1877-1938) by
Functional Analysis and Approximation: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, August by Szökefalvi-Nagy, B., Butzer, P. L., Gärlich, E.
Life Science Models by
Identifikation Dynamischer Systeme 2: Besondere Methoden, Anwendungen by Isermann, Rolf
Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid by
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: Sets, Relations, and Induction by Simovici, Dan A., Fejer, Peter A.
Fundamentals Of Mathematics by Evans, Trevor
Antieigenvalue Analysis: With Applications to Numerical Analysis, Wavelets, Statistics, Quantum Mechanics, Finance and Optimization by Gustafson, Karl
Random Tales of a College Math Professor, Over-Easy, on Wry by Norton, Mick
In Service to Mathematics: The Life and Work of Mina Rees by Shell-Gellasch, Amy
Boundary-Layer Separation: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium London, August 26-28, 1986 by
Dynamical Systems, Control, Coding, Computer Vision: New Trends, Interfaces, and Interplay by
Vibration and Coupling of Continuous Systems: Asymptotic Methods by Sanchez Hubert, Jacqueline
Optimization Theory for Large Systems by Lasdon, Leon S., Mathematics
An Introduction to Analysis, Adaptivity and Multigrid for Variational Inequalities by Brokate, Martin, Carstensen, Carsten, Kornhuber, Ralf
Mathematical Modelling of Dispersion of Atmospheric Aerosols by Narayanappa, Devaraju
Mathematical Methods for Destabilizing Terrorist Activities: Methods and Practical Algorithms for Analysis and Visualization by
Vorlesungen Über Zahlentheorie: Erster Band: Erste Bis Dreiunddreissigste Vorlesung by Kronecker, L.
90 Anni Di Italie by Pieroni, Bruno P.
Digitale Rechenanlagen: Grundlagen / Schaltungstechnik / Arbeitsweise Betriebssicherheit by Speiser, Ambros P.
Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation by Angell, Thomas S., Kirsch, Andreas
Statistics Explained by McKillup, Steve
Geometric Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves (2nd Edition) by Hida, Haruzo
Numerical Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry by Al Rashed Shwki
Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Their Equilibrium States I: Proceedings of a Microprogram Held August 25-September 12, 1986 by
Essays in Group Theory by
Foundations of Mathematics: Questions of Analysis, Geometry & Algorithmics by Engeler, Erwin
Statistische Methode Für Die Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse by Härtler, G.
Einführung in Die Höhere Mathematik: Vorlesungen an Der Universität Berlin (1920-1934) by Feigl, Georg
Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Numerics and Applications by
A Dictionary of Real Numbers by Borwein, Jonathan
Quasiregular Mappings by Rickman, Seppo
A Transition to Mathematics with Proofs by Cullinane, Michael J.
Ein Zufallsexperiment mit zwei Würfeln - Bestimmung der Häufigkeitsverteilung der Augensumme zweier Würfel: Unterrichtsentwurf im Fach Mathematik in K by Aust, Tanja
Symmetries, Topology and Resonances in Hamiltonian Mechanics by Kozlov, Valerij V.
Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories: From Segal Categories to N-Categories and Beyond by Simpson, Carlos
Elementares Bruchzahlverständnis bei Grundschülern der dritten und vierten Klasse by Pooch, Pascal