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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2011

Facettenreiche Mathematik: Einblicke in Die Moderne Mathematische Forschung Für Alle, Die Mehr Von Mathematik Verstehen Wollen by
Combinatory Logic: Pure, Applied and Typed by Bimbó, Katalin
The Humongous Book of Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Problems by Kelley, W. Michael
Basic Fundamentals of Math for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division Using Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions & Percents. by Ortner, Jerry
Polynomial Based Iteration Methods for Symmetric Linear Systems by Fischer, Bernd
Semismooth Newton Methods for Variational Inequalities and Constrained Optimization Problems in Function Spaces by Ulbrich, Michael
Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics by Falcovitz, Joseph, Ben-Artzi, Matania
Catastrophe Theory and Bifurcation (Routledge Revivals): Applications to Urban and Regional Systems by Wilson, Alan
Lie-Gruppen Und Lie-Algebren in Der Physik: Eine Einführung in Die Mathematischen Grundlagen by Böhm, Manfred
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence by Zielesny, Achim
Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow by Mantegazza, Carlo
A Course on Set Theory by Schimmerling, Ernest
Rough Multiple Objective Decision Making by Xu, Jiuping, Tao, Zhimiao
Modelling Pedestrians for Planning and Design by Al-Azzawi, Marwan
The Political Economy of Collective Decision-Making: Conflicts and Coalitions in the Council of the European Union by Veen, Tim
Studies of Credit and Equity Markets with Concepts of Theoretical Physics by Münnix, Michael
The Arithmetic of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds by MacLachlan, Colin, Reid, Alan W.
Renormalization of the regularized relativistic electron-positron field by Grabelt, Vanessa
The Adventures of Oona by Zero, Math Guy
Class Field Theory by Fretwell, Daniel
Regular and Chaotic Oscillations by Landa, Polina S.
Nonlinear Pde's and Applications: C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2008, Editors: Luigi Ambrosio, Giuseppe Savaré by Mielke, Alexander, Bianchini, Stefano, Carlen, Eric A.
Symplectic Methods in Harmonic Analysis and in Mathematical Physics by de Gosson, Maurice A.
Asymptotic Stability of Steady Compressible Fluids by Padula, Mariarosaria
Partial Derivatives in Arithmetic Complexity and Beyond by Chen, XI, Kayal, Neeraj
Population Biology and Criticality: From Critical Birth-Death Processes to Self-Organized Criticality in Mutation Pathogen Systems by Stollenwerk, Nico, Jansen, Vincent
Computability in Context: Computation and Logic in the Real World by
Reliability and Safety of Complex Technical Systems and Processes: Modeling - Identification - Prediction - Optimization by Soszyńska-Budny, Joanna, Kolowrocki, Krzysztof
Modern Anti-Windup Synthesis: Control Augmentation for Actuator Saturation by Zaccarian, Luca, Teel, Andrew R.
Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics: Foundations and Recent Developments by
Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kut... by Ketcheson, David, Shu, Chi-Wang, Gottlieb, Sigal
Homogenization Methods for Multiscale... by Mei, Chiang C., Vernescu, Bogdan
Mathematics for Economists by Pemberton, Malcolm
In Case of Spiritual Emergency: Moving Successfully Through Your Awakening by Lucas, Catherine G.
Mathematical Recreations and Essays by Ball, W. W. Rouse
General Relativity Without Calculus: A Concise Introduction to the Geometry of Relativity by Natario, Jose
Essentials of Integration Theory for Analysis by Stroock, Daniel W.
Quality Improvement 3E by Ryan, Thomas P.
Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith by Howell, Russell
Traite Élémentaire De Mécanique by Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin
Topics in Probability by Prabhu, Narahari U.
Einführung in Die Funktionalanalysis by Meise, Reinhold, Vogt, Dietmar
Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems: Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society by
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra by Gilbert, John, Kepner, Jeremy
Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences: With MATLAB and Winbugs Support by Vidakovic, Brani
Moderne Kryptographie: Eine Einführung by Küsters, Ralf, Wilke, Thomas
Average Time Complexity of Decision Trees by Chikalov, Igor
Korrelationsanalyse - Berechnung von Zusammenhängen zwischen zwei verschiedenen Variablen by Wegert, Vanessa
Mathematics, Ideas and the Physical Real by Lautman, Albert
Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles: Design and Analysis with Matlab(r) and Simulink(r) by Tewari, Ashish
Class Field Theory: Proofs and Applications by Fretwell, Daniel
Traité de trigonométrie (Large Print Edition) by Serret, Joseph Alfred
Vibration of High-rise Buildings by Folson, Derick
Abenteuer Mathematik: Brücken Zwischen Wirklichkeit Und Fiktion by Basieux, Pierre
Regions of Variability for Subclasses of Univalent Functions by Allu, Vasudeva Rao
Novalis And Mathematics by Dyck, Martin
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade K, Student Edition, Volume 2 by Education, McGraw Hill
Pseudodifferential Analysis, Automorphic Distributions in the Plane and Modular Forms by Unterberger, André
Matrix Completions, Moments, and Sums of Hermitian Squares by Woerdeman, Hugo J., Bakonyi, Mihály
College Mathematics II: Personal Study Notes by El-Hewie, Mohamed F.
Journey Through Mathematics: Creative Episodes in Its History by González-Velasco, Enrique A.
Dynamics of the Chemostat: A Bifurcation Theory Approach by Ajbar, Abdelhamid, Alhumaizi, Khalid
Methode Pour La Mesure Des Surfaces by Carre, Louis
Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing by
Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis: Current Research and Related Technologies by
Inside Out: Inverse Problems and Applications by
ACTA Numerica 1996, Volume 5 by
Introduction to Modern Prime Number Theory by Estermann, T.
Intersection and Decomposition Algorithms for Planar Arrangements by Agarwal, Pankaj K.
Multiparameter Processes: An Introduction to Random Fields by Khoshnevisan, Davar
Neural Networks and Qualitative Physics: A Viability Approach by Aubin, Jean-Pierre
ACTA Numerica 2008: Volume 17 by Iserles
ACTA Numerica 1994: Volume 3 by
ACTA Numerica 1995: Volume 4 by
ACTA Numerica 1997: Volume 6 by
ACTA Numerica 1998: Volume 7 by
ACTA Numerica 2000: Volume 9 by
ACTA Numerica 2001: Volume 10 by
ACTA Numerica 2005: Volume 14 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
ACTA Numerica 2002: Volume 11 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
ACTA Numerica 2003: Volume 12 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
ACTA Numerica 2006: Volume 15 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
ACTA Numerica 2007: Volume 16 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
Powerball, Mega Millions, Euro Millions, LottoMax Formula by Ugbor, Eze
Lattice Basis Reduction: An Introduction to the LLL Algorithm and Its Applications by Bremner, Murray R.
Plurigaussian Simulations in Geosciences by Beucher, Hélène, Armstrong, Margaret, Galli, Alain
Exact and Truncated Difference Schemes for Boundary Value Odes by Gavrilyuk, Ivan, Hermann, Martin, Makarov, Volodymyr
Zwischen Zwei Disziplinen: B. L. Van Der Waerden Und Die Entwicklung Der Quantenmechanik by Schneider, Martina
Nexus Network Journal 13,2: Architecture and Mathematics by
Mathematics Teachers at Work: Connecting Curriculum Materials and Classroom Instruction by
Unterricht in der mathematischen Analysis und Maschinenlehre. by Pasquich, Johann
On the Achievable Rate of Stationary Fading Channels by Dörpinghaus, Meik
Gröbner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations by Takayama, Nobuki, Saito, Mutsumi, Sturmfels, Bernd
Transactions by
Exposé Géométrique Du Calcul Différentiel Et Intégral. 3e Partie: Applications Générales Du Calcul Différentiel: Première Série, Applications Analytiq by Lamarle, Ernest
Peer-To-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges by Kwok, Yu-Kwong Ricky
Lehrprobe: Das Wettrennen der Piraten: Selbständiges Entwickeln von Lösungsstrategien zu einer problemhaltigen Sachaufgabe by Schuller, Patrick
Surveys in Combinatorics 2011 by
Information Theory by Csiszár, Imre, Körner, János
The Theory of Fusion Systems by Craven, David A.
Principles of Multiscale Modeling by E, Weinan
Abhandlung Uber Die Functionen Zweier Variabler Mit Vier Perioden, Welche Die Inversen Sind Der Ultra-Elliptischen Integrale Erster Klasse. Hrsg. Von by Weber, Henrich Martin, Rosenhain, Georg
Aufgabensammlung Mathematik. Band 1: Analysis Einer Variablen, Lineare Algebra: Für Studierende in Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Und Technische by Wallner, Herbert
Hermann Grassmanns gesammelte mathematische und physikalische Werke. Vol 3. Auf Veranlassung der Mathematisch-physichen Klasse der Kgl. schsischen Ges (Large Print Edition) by Grassmann, Hermann
Harmonic Analysis Method for Nonlinear Evolution Equations, I by Huo, Zhaohui, Wang, Baoxiang, Guo, Zihua
Topologie und Funktionalanalysis by Heine, Jürgen
Symmetry and the Standard Model: Mathematics and Particle Physics by Robinson, Matthew
Pseudo-Periodic Maps and Degeneration of Riemann Surfaces by Montesinos-Amilibia, José María, Matsumoto, Yukio
Mathematics for Engineers III: Vector Calculus by Baumann, Gerd
Naive Set Theory by Halmos, Paul R.
Remembering Sofya Kovalevskaya by Audin, Michèle
Grundriss Der Generalisierten Gauß'schen Fehlerrechnung by Grabe, Michael
Linear Algebra for Economists by National Research University Higher School of Economics, Ersel, Hasan, Piontkovski, Dmitri
Solitons in Field Theory and Nonlinear Analysis by Yang, Yisong
Chaotic Maps: Dynamics, Fractals, and Rapid Fluctuations by Huang, Yu, Chen, Goong
Representations and Techniques for 3D Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation by Hoiem, Derek, Savarese, Silvio
Corrosion Mechanisms in Theory and Practice by
A Bridge to Advanced Mathematics by Sentilles, Dennis
What Is the Name of This Book?: The Riddle of Dracula and Other Logical Puzzles by Smullyan, Raymond M.
Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics by
Musimathics, Volume 2: The Mathematical Foundations of Music by Loy, Gareth
Teoría del Caos by Restrepo Saavedra Carlos Julio
Math for All Participant Book, Grades 3-5 by Cohen, Marvin, Moeller, Babette, Dubitsky, Barbara
Grundriss der Differential- und Integralrechnung. 9., vollständig umgearb. und verm. Aufl. des gleichnamigen Leitfadens von Max Stegemann by Kiepert, Ludwig, Stegemann, Max
Grundriss der Differential- und Integral-Rechnung by Stegemann, Max
Philosophy of Medicine: Volume 16 by
The Star and the Whole: Gian-Carlo Rota on Mathematics and Phenomenology by Palombi, Fabrizio
Partial Differential Equations for Geometric Design by Ugail, Hassan
Thermodynamic Formalism and Applications to Dimension Theory by Barreira, Luis
Linear Chaos by Grosse-Erdmann, Karl-G, Peris Manguillot, Alfred
Algebraic Topology of Finite Topological Spaces and Applications by Barmak, Jonathan A.
Applying Mathematics to Construction: Carpentry Mathematics & Estimating by Williams, Kenneth, Sr.
Die Ausgleichungsrechnung Nach Der Methode Der Kleinsten Quadrate, Mit Anwendungen Auf Die Geodasie, Die Physik Und Die Theorie Der Messinstrumente by Helmert, Friedrich Robert
Handbook on Univariate Statistical Distributions by Ahsanullah, M.
The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes by
Spectral Methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications by Wang, Li-Lian, Shen, Jie, Tang, Tao
Dynamics of Biological Systems by Small, Michael
Prozent- und Zinsrechnung: Regeln - Aufgaben - Lösungen by Göbels, Wolfgang
Histoire Des Sciences Mathématiques Et Physiques by Marie, Maximilien
Finite and Infinite Mathematics: Sets, Numbers, Lines, Equations, Probability by Aranoff Ph. D., Sanford
Nichtlineare Optimierung: Eine Einführung in Theorie, Verfahren Und Anwendungen by Alt, Walter
Statistische Datenanalyse: Verfahren Verstehen Und Mit SPSS Gekonnt Einsetzen by Kähler, Wolf-Michael
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 13th International Workshop, CASC 2011, Kassel, Germany, September 5-9, 2011, Proceedings by
Haptic Interaction with Deformable Objects: Modelling VR Systems for Textiles by Böttcher, Guido
Selected Unsolved Problems in Coding Theory by Kim, Jon-Lark, Joyner, David
Financial Derivatives Modeling by Ekstrand, Christian
Level a Tpb 1 by
Éléments de la théorie des déterminants, avec application à l'alg by Dostor, Georges
The Strategy Of Conflict by Schelling, Thomas C.
Graph Theory by Dharwadker, Ashay, Pirzada, Shariefuddin
Microstructured Materials: Inverse Problems by Engelbrecht, Jüri, Janno, Jaan
80 Years of Zentralblatt Math: 80 Footprints of Distinguished Mathematicians in Zentralblatt by
Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings: The Homotopy Principle in Complex Analysis by Forstnerič, Franc
Supersymmetry in Mathematics and Physics: UCLA Los Angeles, USA 2010 by
Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Orbital Integrals by Bismut, Jean-Michel
Mathematik Für Ingenieur-Bachelor: Schritt Für Schritt Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Matthäus, Heidrun, Matthäus, Wolf-Gert
Information Modeling for Interoperable Dimensional Metrology by Brown, Robert, Zhao, Y., Kramer, T.
Annales De La Société Scientifique De Bruxelles, Volume 4 by
Anania Shirakatsi's Tvabanutiun: World's Oldest Manuscript On Arithmetic by Marikyan Ph. D., Gohar
Towards an Information Theory of Complex Networks: Statistical Methods and Applications by
Living Standards Analytics: Development Through the Lens of Household Survey Data by Haughton, Dominique, Haughton, Jonathan
Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics: Applications in Physical, Biological, and Financial Systems by Luo, Albert C. J., Machado, José António Tenreiro, Baleanu, Dumitru
Mathematical Aspects of Network Routing Optimization by Oliveira, Carlos A. S., Pardalos, Panos M.
Visualisierung des Newton-Verfahrens mittels Computers zur Unterstützung eines tieferen Verständnisses iterativer Verfahren by Patzelt, Dirk
Division Algebras, Lattices, Physics, Windmill Tilting by Dixon, Geoffrey M.
Graphs and Cubes by Ovchinnikov, Sergei
Leçons d'Algèbre: 3éme Ed by Briot, Charles
Cours Élémentaire, Théorique Et Pratique, De Construction: Ptie. Charpente En Bois. Atlas (bound With Text) 1828 by Douliot, Jean Paul
Gesammelte mathematische Werke von L. Fuchs. Hrsg. von Richard Fuchs und Ludwig Schlesinger. Vol. 3 (Large Print Edition) by Fuchs, L.
Gesammelte mathematische Werke von L. Fuchs. Hrsg. von Richard Fuchs und Ludwig Schlesinger. Vol. 2 (Large Print Edition) by Fuchs, L.
Synthesis of Computational Structures for Analog Signal Processing by Popa, Cosmin Radu
Matrix Theory: Basic Results and Techniques by Zhang, Fuzhen
Green's Functions and Infinite Products: Bridging the Divide by Melnikov, Yuri A.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Supplement Volume I by
Sammlung Von Beispielen, Formeln, Und Aufgaben Aus Der Buchstabenrechnung Und Algebra by Hirsch, Meyer
A Course on Set Theory by Schimmerling, Ernest
The Four Colour Theorem by Dharwadker, Ashay
Flatland by Abbott, Edwin
Retail Category Management: Decision Support Systems for Assortment, Shelf Space, Inventory and Price Planning by Hübner, Alexander
Patterns in Permutations and Words by Kitaev, Sergey
Analytical Functions of Matrices. by Stryzhak, Tamara G.
Analysis 0. Ein logischer Einstieg in die Analysis by Helbig, Wolfgang
Junior Mathematical Team Games: Blackline Masters for Ages 7-11 by Lucas, Vivian
Praktikumsbericht zum Fachpraktikum Mathematik by Schmitz, Beate
Equity in Discourse for Mathematics Education: Theories, Practices, and Policies by
Concepts in Middle School Mathematics by Mahadevan, Chandramouli
Space and Geometry: In the Light of Physiological, Psychological, and Physical Inquiry by Ernst Mach
Cowboy Arithmetic: Cattle as an Investment by Oppenheimer, Harold L.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Stochastic Approximation -- Zygmund Class of Functions by
Notions of Positivity and the Geometry of Polynomials by
Bayesian Theory and Methods with Applications by Savchuk, Vladimir, Tsokos, Chris P.
Analise Des Infiniment Petits by Stone, Edmund, Rondet
Theoria Motus Corporum Solidorum ... by Euler, Leonhard
Extremal Combinatorics: With Applications in Computer Science by Jukna, Stasys
Edmond Halley's Reconstruction of the Lost Book of Apollonius's Conics: Translation and Commentary by Fried, Michael N.
Recent Progress in Differential Geometry and Its Related Fields - Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Differential Geometry and Its Rel by
Random and Vector Measures by Rao, Malempati Madhusudana
Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From Pnt to Flt by Narkiewicz, Wladyslaw
A Feature-Centric View of Information Retrieval by Metzler, Donald
Nouvelle Arithmetique Raisonée Ou Cours Complet de Calcul Théorique Et Pratique, a l'Usage Des Élèves Des Colléges Et Des Maisons d'Education Suivi de by Ladreyt, Casimir
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