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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2011

Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media by
Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials by Phillips, George M.
Self-Consistent Quantum-Field Theory and Bosonization for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems by Haussmann, Rudolf
Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science: Free Fall and Compounded Motion in the Work by Freudenthal, Gideon, McLaughlin, Peter, Damerow, Peter
Dynamics of the Axially Moving Orthotropic Web by Marynowski, Krzysztof
Earth System Modelling - Volume 2: Algorithms, Code Infrastructure and Optimisation by Budich, Reinhard, Bonaventura, Luca, Redler, René
Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry by Habala, Petr, Hajek, Petr, Fabian, Marian
The Nature of Computation by Moore, Cristopher, Mertens, Stephan
Elemente der analytischen Geometrie im Raume am schiefwinkligen Coordinatensysteme. by Ohm, Georg Simon
The Diffuse Interface Approach in Materials Science: Thermodynamic Concepts and Applications of Phase-Field Models by Emmerich, Heike
Advances in Seismic Event Location by
The New Science and Jesuit Science: Seventeenth Century Perspectives by
Finite Elements: Theory and Application Proceedings of the Icase Finite Element Theory and Application Workshop Held July 28-30, 1986, by
Numerical Methods for Grid Equations: Volume II Iterative Methods by Samarskij, A. a., Nikolaev, E. S.
Classes of Finite Groups by Ezquerro, Luis M., Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo
Symmetry and Perturbation Theory in Nonlinear Dynamics by Cicogna, Giampaolo, Gaeta, Guiseppe
Finite Element Method, The: Its Fundamentals and Applications in Engineering by Chen, John Zhangxin
Functional Analysis: Vol. I by Berezansky, Yurij M., Sheftel, Zinovij G., Us, Georgij F.
Das Geheimnis der Primzahlzwillinge by Thiel, Michael
Finite Element Method, The: Its Fundamentals and Applications in Engineering by Chen, John Zhangxin
A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics by Fischer, Wolfgang, Lieb, Ingo
Nonlinear Dispersive Waves by Ablowitz, Mark J.
Nuclear Medicine Applications & Their .. by Goris, Michael L.
Space and Time in the Microworld by Blokhintsev, D. I.
The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings of the Colloquium Sponsored by the Division of Philo by
Variational Methods for Free Surface Interfaces: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, California, September 7-12, 1985 by
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Volume II: Nonlinear Steady Problems by Galdi, Giovanni
Mathematische Begriffsbildung Zwischen Implizitem Und Explizitem: Individuelle Begriffsbildungsprozesse Zum Muster- Und Variablenbegriff by Schacht, Florian
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (Gafa) 1992-94 by
Advances in Optimization and Approximation by
Runs and Patterns in Probability: Selected Papers: Selected Papers by
Moduli of Smoothness by Totik, V., Ditzian, Z.
Entire Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations by Kuzin, Ilya A., Pohozaev, Stanislav I.
Econometrics of Financial High-Frequency Data by Hautsch, Nikolaus
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Fibonacci Method -- H by
Boundary Element Techniques in Computer-Aided Engineering by
Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science by Harris, John W., Stöcker, Horst
New Directions in Time Series Analysis: Part II by
Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations by Pazy, Amnon
Generalized Analytic Functions: Theory and Applications to Mechanics by
Advances in Nonlinear Programming: Proceedings of the 96 International Conference on Nonlinear Programming by
Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity: Recent Results: Recent Results by
First European Congress of Mathematics Paris, July 6-10, 1992: Vol. I Invited Lectures (Part 1) by
Industrial Electromagnetics Modelling: Proceedings of the Polymodel 6, the Sixth Annual Conference of the North East Polytechnics Mathematical Modelli by
Norbert Wiener 1894-1964 by Masani, Pesi R.
Combinatorics Advances by
Introduction to Affine Group Schemes by Waterhouse, W. C.
Bifurcation Analysis: Principles, Applications and Synthesis by
Vorlesungen Über Höhere Mathematik: Integration Und Differentiation Der Funktionen Von Mehreren Veränderlichen. Lineare Algebra. Tensorfelder. Differe by Duschek, Adalbert
The Stone-Čech Compactification by Walker, R. C.
Algebraic Aspects of Integrable Systems: In Memory of Irene Dorfman by
Quasiconvex Optimization and Location Theory by Dos Santos Gromicho, J. a.
Random Media by
An Introduction to Hilbert Space and Quantum Logic by Cohen, David W.
Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin: George G. Lorentz' Selected Works in Real, Functional and Numerical Analysis Volume 1 by
Commutative Algebra: Proceedings of a Microprogram Held June 15-July 2, 1987 by
Selected Papers of Norman Levinson: Volume 2 by
Advances in Algorithms, Languages, and Complexity by
Infinite Processes: Background to Analysis by Gardiner, A.
Multiscale Potential Theory: With Applications to Geoscience by Freeden, Willi, Michel, Volker
Basic Theory of Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras by Hochschild, G. P.
Theory of Statistical Experiments by Heyer, H.
Advances in Randomized Parallel Computing by
Controlled Diffusion Processes by Krylov, N. V.
Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems: Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute and Ams Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics Hel by
Approximation on a Rectangular Grid: With Application to Finite Element Methods and Other Problems by Mikhlin, S. G.
Statistical Design and Analysis for Intercropping Experiments: Volume 1: Two Crops by Federer, Walter T.
Equimultiplicity and Blowing Up: An Algebraic Study by Herrmann, Manfred, Ikeda, Shin
Methods in the Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems in Astrophysics and Gas Dynamics by Bogoyavlensky, O. I.
Numerical Analysis by Jacques, Ian
Trigonometric Fourier Series and Their Conjugates by Zhizhiashvili, L.
Leśniewski's Systems: Ontology and Mereology by
Differentiable Manifolds: Forms, Currents, Harmonic Forms by Rham, Georges De
New Insights Into the Theory of Giffen Goods by
Partial Differential Equations: Time-Periodic Solutions by Vejvoda, Otto
Topics in Noncommutative Algebra: The Theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin by Bonfiglioli, Andrea, Fulci, Roberta
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces by Forster, Otto
Grobner Bases in Ring Theory by Li, Huishi
Annales De La Société Scientifique De Bruxelles, Volume 31 by
The Mathematics of Diffusion by Ni, Wei-Ming
Tenneti's Theory of Determinism: Who Rules, God or Nature? (Nature's Mysteries on Perfect Fertilization Unraveled; Antipiracy Software Introduced) by Madiga
Proceedings of the Second European Symposium on Mathematics in Industry: Esmi II March 1-7, 1987 Oberwolfach by
Positive Semigroups of Operators, and Applications by
The Arithmetic of Al-Uqlīdisī: The Story of Hindu-Arabic Arithmetic as Told in Kitāb Al-Fuṣūl Fī Al-Ḥisāb Al by Saidan, A. S.
An Introduction to Classical Complex Analysis: Vol. 1 by Burckel, R. B.
Graphs and Order: The Role of Graphs in the Theory of Ordered Sets and Its Applications by
Boundary Value Problems for Linear Evolution Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Liège, Belgium, by
Numbers in Presence and Absence: A Study of Husserl's Philosophy of Mathematics by Miller, J. P.
Nonlinear Equations in Physics and Mathematics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Istanbul, Turkey, August 1-13, 1977 by
Lectures on Closed Geodesics by Klingenberg, W.
Manifolds All of Whose Geodesics Are Closed by Besse, A. L.
The Mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya by Cooke, R.
Sequences by Halberstam, H., Roth, K. F.
Linear Algebra for Control Theory by
Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory by Le Cam, Lucien
General Topology and Homotopy Theory by James, I. M.
Group Testing Theory in Network Security: An Advanced Solution by Thai, My T.
Nonlinear Stochastic Problems by
Clifford (Geometric) Algebras: With Applications to Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering by Baylis, William E.
Mathematics of Climate Modeling by Dymnikov, Valentin P., Filatov, Aleksander N.
Nonlinear Evolution Equations That Change Type by
Collected Mathematical Papers: Vol. 5 XIII Complex Function Theory by Ostrowski, A.
Goodness-Of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data by Read, Timothy R. C., Cressie, Noel A. C.
Game Theory: Lectures for Economists and Systems Scientists by Vorob'ev, Nikolai N.
Computing and Graphics in Statistics by
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 4 by Friedman, Avner
Chain-Scattering Approach to H∞control by Kimura, Hidenori
Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences: Distributional and Fractal Calculus, Integral Transforms and Wavelets by Saichev, Alexander I., Woyczynski, Wojbor A.
To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the Infinite by Maor, Eli
Computational Signal Processing with Wavelets by Teolis, Anthony
Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares by Grosswald, E.
Semi-Markov Models and Applications by
Developmental Systems: At the Crossroads of System Theory, Computer Science, and Genetic Engineering by Wegrzyn, Stefan, Gille, Jean-Charles, Vidal, Pierre
Simultaneous Statistical Inference by Miller, Rupert G. Jr.
Tex in Practice: Volume IV: Output Routines, Tables by Bechtolsheim, Stephan V.
A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the University of Calgagry, by
Geometry -- Von Staudt's Point of View: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Bad Windsheim, West Germany, July 21--August 1,1980 by
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: I: Fixed-Point Theorems by Zeidler, Eberhard
Minimax and Applications by
Goedel's Way: Exploits Into an Undecidable World by Chaitin, Gregory
Algorithmic Puzzles by Levitin, Maria, Levitin, Anany
Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by
Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations: Proceedings of a Winter Workshop at the Banff International Research Station 2009 by
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2011 by
Of Men And Numbers: Story Of The Great Mathematicians by Muir, Jane
Novalis And Mathematics by Dyck, Martin
A Semicentennial History of the American Mathematical Society V1, 1888-1938: With Biographies and Bibliographies of the Past Presidents by
Duel at Dawn: Heroes, Martyrs, and the Rise of Modern Mathematics by Alexander, Amir
A Primer on Mapping Class Groups by Margalit, Dan, Farb, Benson
Brains, Machines, and Mathematics by Arbib, Michael A.
Polynomial and Spline Approximation: Theory and Applications by
Physical Models and Equilibrium Methods in Programming and Economics by Razumikhin, B. S.
Tex in Practice: Volume 1: Basics by Bechtolsheim, Stephan V.
Progress in Optimization: Contributions from Australasia by
Algol-Like Languages by O'Hearn, Peter, Tennent, Robert
Probability Distributions on Banach Spaces by Tarieladze, Vazha, Chobanyan, S., Vakhania, N.
Galileo's Muse: Renaissance Mathematics and the Arts by Peterson, Mark A.
Discovering The Calendar: A Project for Bilingual Maths Lessons in Elementary School by Liebold, Luisa
Feedback Control in Systems Biology by Bates, Declan, Cosentino, Carlo
Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions by Lang, Serge
Greedy Approximation by Temlyakov, Vladimir
Fusion Systems in Algebra and Topology by Kessar, Radha, Oliver, Bob, Aschbacher, Michael
Relative Homological Algebra: Volume 1 by Jenda, Overtoun M. G., Enochs, Edgar E.
Nonlinear Dispersive Waves by Ablowitz, Mark J.
pi to 500k decimal places by Miller, Jerry
Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Functions by Stankovic, Bogoljub, Vindas, Jasson, Pilipovic, Stevan
Inner Product Structures: Theory and Applications by Istratescu, V. I.
Computational Nuclear Physics 2: Nuclear Reactions by
Sub-Riemannian Geometry by
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 6 by Friedman, Avner
Control and Optimal Design of Distributed Parameter Systems by
Environmental Studies: Mathematical, Computational, and Statistical Analysis by
Flow Control by
Solitons in Physics, Mathematics, and Nonlinear Optics by
Arithmetic Functions and Integer Products by Elliott, P. D. T. a.
Algebraic Quotients. Torus Actions and Cohomology. the Adjoint Representation and the Adjoint Action by Carrell, J., McGovern, W. M., Bialynicki-Birula, A.
Theoretical, Experimental, and Numerical Contributions to the Mechanics of Fluids and Solids: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Paul M. Naghdi by
Theorie Und Anwendung Der Unendlichen Reihen by Knopp, Konrad
Meaning and Existence in Mathematics by Castonguay, Charles
Equilibrium Capillary Surfaces by Finn, Robert
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 7 by Friedman, Avner
Fourier Series: A Modern Introduction Volume 2 by Edwards, R. E.
Selected Papers by Elgot, Calvin C.
Integrals and Operators by Segal, I. E., Kunze, R. a.
Handbook of Memetic Algorithms by
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic in Intelligent Control Applications by Castillo, Oscar
A History of the Calculus of Variations from the 17th Through the 19th Century by Goldstine, H. H.
Mathematik spielerisch trainieren: Spannende Lösungstexträtsel mit Selbstkontrolle by Göbels, Wolfgang
Robust Chaos and Its Applications by Sprott, Julien Clinton, Elhadj, Zeraoulia
Differentiable Manifolds: A Theoretical Physics Approach by Torres del Castillo, Gerardo F.
Approximation Theory and Spline Functions by
Extensions of Minimal Transformation Groups by Bronstein, I. U.
Partial Differential Equations: New Methods for Their Treatment and Solution by Adomian, G., Bellman, N. D.
Wave Propagation: An Invariant Imbedding Approach by Vasudevan, J., Bellman, N. D.
Tex in Practice: Volume II: Paragraphs, Math and Fonts by Bechtolsheim, Stephan V.
Smoothing Techniques: With Implementation in S by Härdle, Wolfgang
Selected Papers of Norman Levinson by
Analysis 1 by Schulz, Friedmar
Abraham de Moivre: Setting the Stage for Classical Probability and Its Applications by Bellhouse, David R.
Zahlentheorie: Eine Einführung Mit Übungen, Hinweisen Und Lösungen by Aigner, Martin
DSP System Design: Complexity Reduced Iir Filter Implementation for Practical Applications by Kale, Izzet, Krukowski, Artur
Theorie Der Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Veränderlichen by Behnke, Heinrich
Introduction to Optimization by Pedregal, Pablo
Least-Squares Finite Element Methods by Bochev, Pavel B., Gunzburger, Max D.
Basic Methods of Linear Functional Analysis by Pryce, John D.
Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains by Grisvard, Pierre
Introduction to Optimal Control Theory by Macki, Jack, Strauss, Aaron
Math for the Frightened: Facing Scary Symbols and Everything Else That Freaks You Out About Mathematics by Pask, Colin
The Origins of Cauchy's Rigorous Calculus by Grabiner, Judith V.
Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Solutions by Murphy, George Moseley
Liniendiagramme in Der Wissenskommunikation: Eine Mathematisch-Didaktische Untersuchung by Helmerich, Markus
Applied Multivariate Analysis by Bernstein, Ira H.
Trees: Workshop in Versailles, June 14-16 1995 by
Microstructure and Phase Transition by
Finite Fields with Applications to Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Finite Fields a by
Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Paul T. Bateman by
Mathematics Tomorrow by
Scattering by Obstacles by Ramm, Alexander G.
Nonsmooth Analysis and Geometric Methods in Deterministic Optimal Control by
The Heat Kernel Lefschetz Fixed Point Formula for the Spin-C Dirac Operator by Duistermaat, J. J.
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