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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2012

Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems by
Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop Scheduling by
Innovations in Digital Watermarking Techniques by Wang, Feng-Hsing
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization: Theory and Applications by
Modelling and Identification with Rational Orthogonal Basis Functions by
Mechanical Systems, Classical Models: Volume 3: Analytical Mechanics by Teodorescu, Petre P.
Nonlinear Least Squares for Inverse Problems: Theoretical Foundations and Step-By-Step Guide for Applications by Chavent, Guy
Large Eddy Simulation for Compressible Flows by Adams, Nikolaus, Sagaut, P., Garnier, Eric
Advances in Mathematical Economics by Maruyama, Toru, Kusuoka, Shigeo
Web Personalization in Intelligent Environments by
Introduction to the Graphical Theory of Angular Momentum: Case Studies by Lovesey, Stephen W., Balcar, Ewald
Bio-Inspired Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition by
Advances in Information and Intelligent Systems by
Introduction to the Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems by Zubelevich, Oleg, Treschev, Dmitry
Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Information Processing and Communication: Selected Topics by
Involution: The Formal Theory of Differential Equations and Its Applications in Computer Algebra by Seiler, Werner M.
Intelligent Distributed Computing III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2009, Ayia Napa, Cypr by
Almost Periodic Solutions of Impulsive Differential Equations by Stamov, Gani T.
Applications of Fourier Transform to Smile Modeling: Theory and Implementation by Zhu, Jianwei
Homology of Analytic Sheaves and Duality Theorems by Golovin, V. D.
Encounter with Mathematics by Garding, Lars
Theory of Random Sets by Molchanov, Ilya
Dynamics of Complex Interconnected Biological Systems by Mees, Vincent, Jennings
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics by
Mechanics: From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos by Scheck, Florian
Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes: Theory and Applications by Guo, Xianping, Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo
Advances in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations by
Algebraic Structures on a Manifold by Abu-Saleem, Mohammed
Semi-invariant Submanifolds by Siddiqi, Mohd Danish, Ahmad, Mobin
Residential Rental Determination in Sweden and Germany by Wahlström, Madeleine
Using Some Mathematical Models in Reliability Systems by Hassan, Zahir Abdul Haddi
Río Sinú, Colombia by Feria Díaz Jhon Jairo
Green's Functions: Construction and Applications by Melnikov, Yuri A., Melnikov, Max Y.
How to Calculate Quickly: Full Course in Speed Arithmetic by Sticker, Henry
Positive Feedback in Natural Systems by Deangelis, Donald L., Post, Wilfried M., Travis, Curtis C.
Biomat 2011 - International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology by
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design: Contributions from a Workshop Held at the School of Math by
Einführung in Die Mathematik Für Studenten Der Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Für Studenten Der Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Sommer, Friedrich
New Essays on Leibniz Reception: In Science and Philosophy of Science 1800-2000 by
The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 3... by Anonymous
Systematische Entwicklung Der Abhängigkeit Geometrischer Gestalten Von Einander, Mit Berücksichtigung Der Arbeiten Alter Und Neuer Geometer Über Poris by Steiner, Jakob
Leitprogramm Mathematik Für Physiker 1 by Weltner, Klaus
Advances in Electric and Electronics by
Osnovy Teorii, Teoriya Rezonansov, Otkrytye Rezonatory by Arsen'ev Aleksey
Stakeholder Support for Coastal Management in Cebu, Philippines by Mendezona Allegretti, Arren
Perelman's Entropy Functionals and No Local Collapsing by Lakzian, Sajjad
Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Band II: Lineare Algebra by Haf, Herbert, Wille, Friedrich, Burg, Klemens
Relativity and Common Sense: A New Approach to Einstein by Bondi, Hermann
Discrete Mathematics for Every Highschooler by Sadovsky, Alexander
Fundamentals Of Circuit Theory by Balabanian, Norman
A Source Book in Mathematics, V2 by Smith, David Eugene
Projective Geometry and Projective Metrics by Kelly, Paul Joseph, Busemann, Herbert
Galois Theory: Lectures Delivered At The University Of Notre Dame by Artin, Emil
Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems by Brehmer, Johannes
Basic Mathematics For Technical Courses by Tuites, Clarence E.
Mathematics for Science and Engineering by Alger, Philip Langdon
Análisis del deslizamiento de los Rodillos de un Rodamiento by Laniado J. Edwin, Montoya L. Jaime, García Sánchez Marta Ester
Simulacion Para Entrenamiento de Tomadores de Decisiones by Viveros Rosas Leopoldo
Multimath: Matematica Multimediale Per l'Università by Margarita, S., Salinelli, E.
Leonhard Euler 1707-1783: Beiträge Zu Leben Und Werk by
Elementary Structural Analysis by Norris, Charles Head, Wilbur, John Benson
Analytic Topology: American Mathematical Society, Colloquium Publications, V28 by Whyburn, Gordon Thomas
Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable by Nikiforov, Arnold F., Suslov, Sergei K., Uvarov, Vasilii B.
Analisi Funzionale: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Varenna (Como), It by
Topologia: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Varenna (Como), It by
Equazioni Alle Derivate Parziali a Caratteristiche Reali: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) by
Propagazione Delle Onde Elettromagnetiche: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Varenna by
Teoria Algebrica Dei Meccanismi Automatici: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Varenn by
Einführung in Die Differentialgeometrie by Reichardt, Hans, Blaschke, Wilhelm
Hyperbolicity: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Cortona (Arezzo), by
Leitprogramm Mathematik Für Physiker 2 by Weltner, Klaus
Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of Mathematics and Narrative by
Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Modeling, Stability, and Robustness by Goebel, Rafal, Sanfelice, Ricardo G., Teel, Andrew R.
Harmonic Analysis and Group Representations: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Corto by
Jahresbericht Der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Volume 10, Part 2... by Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Deutsche
Differentsial'nye Svoystva Anizotropnykh Rissovykh Potentsialov by Gadzhibekov Mubariz
Vvedenie V Teoriyu Mnogomernykh Integral'nykh Uravneniy Tipa Vol'terra by Radzhabov N.
Performance Assessment of Container Crane Under Stochastic Wind Field by Ray Chaudhuri, Samit, Gur, Sourav
Propuesta metodológica para el aprendizaje de semejanza de triángulos by Mendoza Reyes Saydah Margarita
Current Developments in Algebraic Geometry by
Arithmetic Differential Operators Over the P-Adic Integers by Ralph, Claire C., Simanca, Santiago R.
Arma Model Identification by Choi, Byoungseon
Stable Perturbations of Operators and Related Topics by Xue, Yifeng
Selec Top on Continuous-Time Control .. by Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo, Prieto-Rumeau, Tomas
Funktionalanalysis Und Numerische Mathematik by Collatz, Lothar
Emmy Noether 1882-1935 by Dick
Classgroups and Hermitian Modules by Fröhlich, Albrecht
Probability in Banach Spaces 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Sandbjerg, Denmark 1986 by Haagerup
Imagery in Scientific Thought Creating 20th-Century Physics: Creating 20th-Century Physics by Miller
Modelling and Prediction Honoring Seymour Geisser by
The influence of macrozoobenthos in lake sediments by Andrea Roskosch
Potential Heavy Metals in Canned Foods and Drinks by Adams, Itodo
Static Optimization and Welfare Measurement Model: Lagrangean Approach by Olala, Gilbert Owuor
Image Denoising and Qualiy Enhancement of Corrupted Images by Shahjahan, MD, Uddin, Jia
Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Management System by Lyeme, Halidi
Production Functions by Ismail, S.
Die besten Diagonal-Systeme für EuroMillions und EuroJackpot: Mit Minimal-Einsätzen 6 bis 32 Zahlen optimal abdecken! by Speidel, Rolf
Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization: Theory, Models and Applications by Watada, Junzo, Wang, Shuming
La modernización de la justicia en Chile. Un conflicto entre Poderes by Venegas Ahumada, Cristian
Asimptoticheski Optimal'nye Po Nadezhnosti Skhemy by Alekhina M. a., Vasin a. V.
Analiz Ekspertnoy Informatsii by Abaev Lev
Zadachi R. Bellmana I D. Knuta I Ikh Obobshcheniya by Kochergin Vadim Vasil'evich
Label-free Biosensors: Thin-film Bulk Acoustic Resonators by Nirschl Martin
A mathematical model for pulsed laser-irradiated metallic films by Atena, Agegnehu
Railway Track Allocation by Schlechte Thomas
Cotton in Non-Wovens by Padmaraj, Lakshmi
Improving achievement in mathematics through collaborative learning by Muthoni, David Mutahi
Esquemas de Contraccion de Tensores by Enciso Moreno Javier Mauricio
Lectures on Numerical Methods by Mysovskih, I. P.
Mathematical Topics in Population Genetics by
Convexity and Optimization in Finite Dimensions I by Stoer, Josef, Witzgall, Christoph
Vorlesungen Über Höhere Mathematik: Erster Band Integration Und Differentiation Der Funktionen Einer Veränderlichen. Anwendungen. Numerische Methoden. by Duschek, Adalbert
Real and Abstract Analysis: A Modern Treatment of the Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Stromberg, K., Hewitt, E.
Topology on Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings by Nachbin, Leopoldo
Algebra Complementare ...: Analisi Algebrica... by Pincherle, Salvatore
Kraevye Zadachi S Negladkimi Dannymi by Timerbaev Marat
Ryady I Integraly by Alekseeva Elena, Lushnikov Evgeniy
Hypoxie und Strahlentherapie by Ströfer Mareike
A Course on Turbulence and Magneto-Hydrodynamic Turbulence by Azad, Abul Kalam
Camina (Con-Cos) Groups by Muktibodh, Arun
Radiation and Chemical Reaction Effects on MHD by Sudarshan Reddy, Yarramachu
Generalized Derivations of Semiprime Rings by Atteya, Mehsin
Freight and Logistics Transport Modelling and Planning by Al-Azzawi, Marwan
Cyclotomic Fields II by Lang, S.
Imagine Math: Between Culture and Mathematics by
Partial Differential Equations of First Order and Their Applications to Physics (2nd Edition) by Lopez Velazquez, Gustavo
Lectures on Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science by Khoussainova, Nodira, Khoussainov, Bakhadyr M.
Harmony of Grobner Bases and the Modern Industrial Society - The Second Crest-Sbm International Conference by
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications (Third Edition) by Klebaner, Fima C.
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications (Third Edition) by Klebaner, Fima C.
Black-Box Models of Computation in Cryptology by Jager, Tibor
Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems: An Introduction by Melo, W. De, Palis, J. Jr.
Cell Transformation by Celis, J., Graessmann, A.
Numerical Derivatives and Nonlinear Analysis by Kagiwada, Harriet, Rasakhoo, Nima, Kalaba, Robert
Multivariate Approximation Theory II: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, February by Schempp, Zeller
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics: Contributions to the 10th AG Stab/Dglr Symposium Braunschweig, Germany 1996 by
Stochastic Models in Life Insurance by Koller, Michael
Complex Function Theory by Rajabi, Ghorban, Latha, Sridhar
Fijación del Calcio en la Nixtamalización by Reguera Ruiz Edilso, Sánchez S Feliciano, Valor Reed Alma
Stability analysis and surfactant effect for some Oil Recovery models by Pasa, Gelu
Calculo Fraccionario Como Instrumento de Modelizacion by Velasco, M. Pilar, Vazquez, Luis, V. Zquez, Luis
Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Senior Section - Volume 1 by Xu, Jiagu
Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Senior Section - Volume 2 by Xu, Jiagu
Robust Mechanism Design: The Role of Private Information and Higher Order Beliefs by Bergemann, Dirk, Morris, Stephen
Fachpraktikumsbericht Mathematik mit zwei Unterrichtsstunden an einer Realschule: Fläche und Umfang vom Drachen und von Rechtecken und Quadraten by Leuschner, Markus
Impulsive Differential Equations and Applications to Some Models by Benjamin Oyediran, Oyelami, Samson Olatunji, Ale
Convergence and Stability of Modified Adomian Decomposition Method by Az-Zo'bi, Emad
Cambio En La Vegetacion del Rio Nazas (Lerdo, Durango, Mexico) by U. Romero M., J. Estrada a., Estrada Rodr Guez, Jos Luis, Matr Nez R. Os, J. J.
Applied Discrete Structures - Part 2- Algebraic Structures by Levasseur, Ken, Doerr, Al
Mathematikunterricht Im Kontext Von Realität, Kultur Und Lehrerprofessionalität: Festschrift Für Gabriele Kaiser by
The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 12... by Anonymous
Introduction To Modern Algebra: College Mathematics Series by McCoy, Neal Henry
Konzept zur individuellen Förderung im Bildungsgang Berufsgrundschuljahr Wirtschaft und Verwaltung des Berufskollegs Castrop-Rauxel: Wochenplanarbeit by Diekow-Kemper, André
Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry by Zannier, Umberto
Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry by Zannier, Umberto
Werke: Astronomische Abhandlungen... by Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Archiv Der Mathematik Und Physik, Volume 2... by Anonymous
Multiagent Based Supply Chain Management by
Chain-Scattering Approach to H∞-Control by Kimura, Hidenori
Metod Uglovykh Superpozitsiy Dlya Kraevykh Zadach by Chernyshov Aleksandr
Sistemy Avtomaticheskogo Upravleniya S Obratnoy Svyaz'yu by Sadomtsev Yuriy
Vychislitel'noe Prognozirovanie I Proektirovanie Veshchestv by Germashev I. V., Derbisher V. E.
Differentsial'nye Uravneniya S Raspredelyennym Zapazdyvaniem by Sabatulina Tat'yana Leonidovna
Raspoznavanie Izomorfnykh Grafov by Dudov M. Kh
Chislennaya Approksimatsiya Resheniy Neregulyarnykh Operatornykh Uravneniy by A. B. Bakushinskiy, M. Yu Kokurin
Modify of Hydrostatic Primitive Atmosphere Model to Nonhydrostatic by Shalaby, Abdeltawab
Generalization of Fibonacci Sequence by Sikhwal, Omprakash
Filtering Complex Turbulent Systems by Majda, Andrew J., Harlim, John
Numerical Methods in Finance: Bordeaux, June 2010 by
Vector Analysis Versus Vector Calculus by Galbis, Antonio, Maestre, Manuel
Tangled Origins of the Leibnizian Calculus, The: A Case Study of a Mathematical Revolution by Brown, Richard C.
A Mathematician's Apology (Canto Classics) by Hardy, G. H.
Calculation Examples Arithmetic 1 by Kim, Seong R.
Uravneniya Laksa by Opimakh Andrey
Anizotropnaya Teploprovodnost' by Oleg Leonidovich Kritskiy
Riesz-Transformationen auf Lie-Gruppen by Barbas Helena
Procedures in Phytochemical Screenings by Kemi, Gafar, Adams, Itodo
Mathematische Hilfsmittel Des Ingenieurs by Hahn, Wolfgang, Mammitzsch, V.
Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing IX by
Galois Theory 2e by Cox, David A.
Supercooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed by Nowak, Martin, Highfield, Roger
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. by Anonymous
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, vierter Theil by Anonymous
Archiv Der Mathematik Und Physik, Volume 2... by Anonymous
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, dreissigster Theil by Anonymous
Calculation Examples Arithmetic 2 by Kim, Seong R.
Locally Decodable Codes by Yekhanin, Sergey
Diccionario de Matematicas by Valiente Barderas, Santiago
Advanced Engineering Analysis: The Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis with Applications in Mechanics by Cloud, Michael J., Eremeyev, Victor A., Lebedev, Leonid P.
Maths for Chemists by Doggett, Graham, Cockett, Martin
Kompleksnyy Analiz by Aleksandrov Igor' Aleksandrovich
Zadachi Matematicheskoy Fiziki by Fedorov Pavel
Kompaktnye Lineynye Gruppy S Faktorprostranstvom, Gomeomorfnym Kletke by Styrt Oleg Grigor'evich
Application of fuzzy techniques to Human Resources Management by Canós-Darós, Lourdes, Pla-Ferrando, María Leonor, Casasús-Estellés, Trinidad
Paradigma del Mayor Humedal de Cuba by Petrova Nicolaevna Viera
Lecture note on wavelet multifractal analysis and self similarities by Aouidi, Jamil, Ben Mabrouk, Anouar
Symmetry and Separation of Variables by Miller, Willard, Jr., Miller
Fractals and Disordered Systems by
ACTA Numerica 1993: Volume 2 by
ACTA Numerica 2004: Volume 13 by Iserles, Iserles, A.
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