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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2012

Essay d'Analyse Sur Les Jeux de Hazard (2e Éd) (Éd.1713) by Rémond de Montmort, Pierre
Des Définitions Géométriques Et Des Définitions Empiriques (Éd.1873) by Liard, Louis
Exercices d'Algèbre. Questions Relatives Au Premier Degré (Éd.1862) by Retsin, François Joseph
Essai Représenter Les Quantités Imaginaires Dans Les Constructions Géométriques (2e Éd.) (Éd.1874) by Argand, Robert
Traité de Géométrie Descriptive: Théorie Du Plan Et Ligne Droite Dans l'Espace (4e Éd) (Éd.1842) by Lefébure de Fourcy, Louis-Etienne
Exposition de la Théorie Des Chances Et Des Probabilités (Éd.1843) by Cournot, Antoine-Augustin
Exposition de la Théorie Des Chances Et Des Probabilités (Éd.1843) by Cournot, Antoine-Augustin
Principes Et Développements de Géométrie Cinématique (Éd.1894) by Mannheim, Amédée
Problèmes Plaisans Et Délectables, Qui Se Font (Éd.1624) by Bachet, Claude-Gaspard
Statistique Générale, Raisonnée Et Comparée de la France. T1 (Éd.1842) by Schnitzler, Jean-Henri
Novarum Observationum Physico-Mathematicarum F. Marini Mersenni, T III. (Éd.1647) by Mersenne, Marin
Traité Des Fonctions Elliptiques Et de Leurs Applications. Partie 2 (Éd.1886-1891) by Halphen, Georges-Henri
Mémoire Sur Le Nombre Des Valeurs Des Fonctions (Éd.1882) by Jordan, Camille
Zur Geschichte Der Mathematik in Alterthum Und Mittelalter (Éd.1874) by Hankel, Hermann
La Science Absolue de l'Espace Indépendante de la Vérité (Éd.1868) by Bolyai, János
Histoire Des Recherches Sur La Quadrature Du Cercle (N Ed) (Éd.1831) by Montucla, Jean-Étienne
L'Arithmétique Des Écoles Primaires: Cours Élémentaire, (4e Éd) (Éd.1888) by André, Désiré
Oeuvres de Lagrange. Tome Huitième (Éd.1879) by Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Leçons de Calcul d'Âryabhata (Éd.1879) by Rodet, Léon
Leçons de Géométrie Analytique À Deux Et À Trois Dimensions, (Éd.1854) by Dumon, Jean
La Géométrie Et Practique Généralle d'Icelle (Éd.1602) by Errard, Jean
Algèbre Supérieure (Éd.1838) by Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin
Oeuvres de Fourier (Éd.1888-1890) by Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph
Oeuvres Mathématiques Du Citoyen Carnot (Éd.1797) by Carnot, Lazare
Les Élémens de Géométrie d'Euclide, Du Cercle, Du Cylindre, Du Cône Et de la Sphère (Éd.1804) by Euclide
Précis Des Oeuvres Mathématiques de P. Fermat Et de l'Arithmétique de Diophante (Éd.1853) by Brassinne, Émile
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 6, 1ère Partie (Éd.1873-1890) by Mathieu, Émile
Francisci Vietae Opera Mathematica: In Unum Volumen Congesta AC Recognita (Éd.1646) by Viète, François
La Presse Parisienne: Statistique Bibliographique Et Alphabétique de Tous Les Journaux, (Éd.1853) by Izambard, Henry
Recueil d'Articles (Éd.1889) by Cantor, Georg
de l'Usage de Géométrie (Éd.1573) by Peletier, Jacques
Traité de Stéréotomie: Comprenant Les Applications de la Géométrie Descriptive. II (Éd.1877) by Leroy, Charles-François-Antoine
Traité de Stéréotomie: Comprenant Les Applications de la Géométrie Descriptive. I. (Éd.1877) by Leroy, Charles-François-Antoine
Description d'une machine pour diviser les instruments de mathématiques, (Éd.1790) by Ramsden, Jesse
Élémens de Géométrie, Où l'On Peut Apprendre CE Qu'il Faut Sçavoir d'Euclide (Éd.1671) by Pardies, Ignace-Gaston
Blaise Pascal (Éd.1891) by Bertrand, Joseph
Opticks Or, a Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light . (Éd.1704) by Newton, Isaac
Usage Du Compas de Proportion (Éd.1618) by Henrion, Didier
Histoire Des Mathématiques. Tome 1 (Éd.1799-1802) by Montucla, Jean-Étienne
Histoire Des Mathématiques: Depuis Leurs Origines Jusqu'au Commencement Du XIXe Siècle (Éd.1874) by Hoefer, Ferdinand
Éléments de Géométrie: Application (Troisième Édition) (Éd.1862) by Briot, Charles
Traité Du Calcul Intégral, Suite À l'Analyse Des Infiniments Petits. P1 (Éd.1754-1756) by de Bougainville, Louis Antoine
Traité Élémentaire d'Algèbre (2e Édition) (Éd.1836) by Mayer d'Almbert, Mathias
Euclides [Elementa Mathematica, Propositiones Et Diffinitiones Librorum I-XV] (Éd.1549) by Euclide
One, Two, Three: Absolutely Elementary Mathematics by Berlinski, David
Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria, in Qua, Ex Arithmeticae Fundamentis, (Éd.1666) by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
The Handy Math Answer Book by Barnes-Svarney, Patricia, Svarney, Thomas E.
The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast Monographs in Mathematics Education Monograph 12, Crossroads in the History of Mathematics and Mathematics Educatio by
Teubner-Taschenbuch Der Mathematik: Teil II by
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Deformation and Flow by
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 5 by Friedman, Avner
Ischislenie Vyskazyvaniy I Logicheskoe Programmirovanie by Kulakov Vladimir
Estudio de La Funcion Inversa by Trigueros Reina, Ram N., Trigueros Reina, Ramon
Associative Algebras by Pierce, R. S.
Serie de Fourier E Altre Rappresentazioni Analitiche Delle Funzioni Di Una Variabile Reale by Dini, Ulisse
Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators and Related Topics by Putnam, Calvin R.
Around the Research of Vladimir Maz'ya III: Analysis and Applications by
Nonlinear Computational Geometry by
Proektirovanie Trenazhyerov Podvizhnykh Nazemnykh Obektov by Privalov a., Kurochkin S., Larkin E.
Diversity of Bemisia tabaci, Vector of African cassava mosaic virus by Abdullahi, Ismail
Nature by Dhir, Vaneet
Applied mathematics for engineers by Allythi, Fathe
Homology Theory in the Category of Fuzzy Topological Spaces by Ozturk, Taha Yasin, Bayramov, Sadi, Gunduz, Cigdem
Mathematical Modeling of Creep in Rotating Discs of Composites by Rattan, Minto
Musielak-Orlicz Spaces of Vector Sequences and Superposition Operator by Shragin, Isaac
Practical Goal Programming by Tamiz, Mehrdad, Jones, Dylan
Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis by Seydel, Rüdiger U.
Short-Cut Math by Kelly, Gerard W.
Short-Cut Math by Kelly, Gerard W.
An Introduction to Higher Mathematics 2 Volume Set by Hua, Loo-Keng
Nonlinear Differential Equations of Monotone Types in Banach Spaces by Barbu, Viorel
Fourier Analysis and Approximation: One Dimensional Theory by Nessel, Trebels, Butzer, P. L.
Prandtl-Essentials of Fluid Mechanics by
Theory of Finite and Infinite Graphs by König, Denes
Dynamics of Small Solar System Bodies and Exoplanets by
Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications by
Advancing Computing, Communication, Control and Management by
Advances in Intelligent Information Systems by
Uncertainty Approaches for Spatial Data Modeling and Processing: A Decision Support Perspective by
Optimal Shape Design for Elliptic Systems by Pironneau, O.
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids 2: Cellular Materials, Fibre Reinforced Solids and Soft Tissues by
Advances in Multi-Objective Nature Inspired Computing by
Atomic-Scale Modeling of Nanosystems and Nanostructured Materials by
Complex Time-Delay Systems: Theory and Applications by
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (Nicso 2008) by
Mechanics of Generalized Continua: One Hundred Years After the Cosserats by
Cognition-Driven Decision Support for Business Intelligence: Models, Techniques, Systems and Applications by Lu, Jie, Zhang, Guangquan, Niu, Li
Applications of Neural Networks in High Assurance Systems by
Term-Structure Models: A Graduate Course by Filipovic, Damir
Matematicheskie Dinamicheskie Modeli Rynka Val'rasovskogo Tipa by Chervonnaya Elena
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VIII: Selected Contributions of the Eighth International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics by
Integrability and L1-convergence of Trigonometric series by Kaur, Jatinderdeep
Study of Epidemic Disease Modeling for HIV by Gheisari, Yousof, Seddighi-Chaharborj, Sarkhosh, Ismail, Fudziah
Biological control of root born plant pathogens by Nasim, Ghazala
Assignment problem with budget constraints by Gedefa, Fekadu Tolessa
Actividades Biologicas de Esponjas Peruanas by Vaisberg Wolach, Abraham, Le N-Denegri Zevallos, Eduardo Luis, Rojas Duran, Rosario Elena
Método del Gradiente No Euclidiano para Optimización by Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex
Planeacion Estrategica Como Herramienta de Decision by Chavez Ambrocio, Claudia
Applied Quantum Cryptography by
Optimal Models and Methods with Fuzzy Quantities by Cao, Bing-Yuan
Computational Intelligence for Technology Enhanced Learning by
System-Ergonomic Design of Cognitive Automation: Dual-Mode Cognitive Design of Vehicle Guidance and Control Work Systems by Onken, Reiner, Schulte, Axel
Advances in Music Information Retrieval by
Profinite Groups by Ribes, Luis, Zalesskii, Pavel
Permutation Complexity in Dynamical Systems: Ordinal Patterns, Permutation Entropy and All That by Amigó, José
Complex Hamiltonian Dynamics by Bountis, Tassos, Skokos, Haris
Adaptive Differential Evolution: A Robust Approach to Multimodal Problem Optimization by Zhang, Jingqiao, Sanderson, Arthur C.
Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Foundations and Applications by
Implicit Embedded Options in Life Insurance Contracts: A Market Consistent Valuation Framework by Rüfenacht, Nils
Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory by Kabanov, Yuri, Safarian, Mher
Prikladnye Aspekty Drobnogo Ischisleniya by Beybalaev Vetlugin, Shabanova Muminat, Meylanov Ruslan
Evolyutsionnye Zadachi S Bol'shimi Slagaemymi. Vysokochastotnye Asimptotiki by Ishmeev Marat, Levenshtam Valeriy
Spektral'nyy Analiz Nekotorykh Differentsial'nykh Operatornykh Puchkov by Orudzhev El'shar
Application of Graph Theory in Operational Research Problems by Sharma, Anurag
A Comparison of Some Numerical Methods by Al-Qttrany, Faazah
Mathematics At Work by Van Tuyl, George Henry
Open Mappings on Locally Compact Spaces: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 1 by Whyburn, Gordon Thomas
Finite Mathematics With Business Applications: Prentice Hall Quantitative Methods Series by Snell, J. Laurie, Schleifer, Arthur, Jr., Kemeny, John G.
The Mathematical Approach To Physiological Problems: A Critical Primer by Riggs, Douglas Shepard
Set Topology by Vaidyanathaswamy, R.
An Introduction To The Calculus Of Finite Differences by Richardson, Clarence Hudson
Einführung eines Lernjournals in den Mathematikunterricht einer 8. Klasse: Fördert das Führen eines Lernjournals des selbstregulierende Lernen by Habermann, Michael
Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory by Zisman, M., Gabriel, Peter
Analytic Geometry and Calculus: Appleton Century Mathematics Series by Smail, Lloyd Leroy
Partial Differential Equations by Berkowitz, J., Douglis, Avron, Lax, Peter D.
The Regularized Fast Hartley Transform: Optimal Formulation of Real-Data Fast Fourier Transform for Silicon-Based Implementation in Resource-Constrain by Jones, Keith
Social Self-Organization: Agent-Based Simulations and Experiments to Study Emergent Social Behavior by
Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations Vol. I Theory by Willoughby, Cullum
Enhance Small Ruminant Productivity through Crop Residue Improvement by Hagos Haile, Tesfay
Statistical Concepts for Agricultural Planning by Kulkarni, Balakrishna Sridhar Rao, Pramanik, Chanchal, Vemuri Venkata, Narendranath
Let's Play with Maths by Kushwaha, Devendra Sunil, Kushwaha, Sunil R.
Structural Optimization: Volume 1: Optimality Criteria by
Konstruktive Methoden Der Konformen Abbildung by Gaier, Dieter
Konstruktivnaya Kharakteristika V Srednem by Dadashova Irada, Mamedkhanov Dzhamal
Populace Bulge Of A City by Chowdhury, Nour Mohammed
La Interdisciplinariedad En La Ensenanza de Las Ciencias Naturales by Ramos Reyes, Aime Tania, Borges, Amada Alvarado
Estudio de Lo Periodico En Diferentes Contextos by V. Zquez Camacho, Rosa Isela, Vazquez Camacho, Rosa Isela
Iniciacion a la Investigacion Experimental by Santana, Maria Angelica, Santana, Mar a. Ang Lica, Godoy, Carolina
Combinatorial Functors by Crossley, J. N., Nerode, A.
Mathematics and Modern Art: Proceedings of the First ESMA Conference, Held in Paris, July 19-22, 2010 by
Reelle Funktionen by Aumann, Georg
Proektsionno-Raznostnyy Metod Resheniya Zadach Termouprugosti by Zhelezovskiy Sergey
Mathematical Modelling and Fisheries Management by Moussaoui, Ali
Steady state analysis of induction motor with state variable technique by Bhandari, Nikhil, Sanisetty, Sridhar, Gogineni, Ravi Teja
Functional Foods From Bangladesh by Shekhar, Hossain
Hypergeometric Function: My Dream by Uddin, Salah
Dynamics of Multibody Systems by Roberson, Robert E., Schwertassek, Richard
Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis [Two Volumes in One] by Fomin, S. V., Kolmogorov, A. N.
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 2 by Friedman, Avner
Mathematical modelling of a beam using finite element method by Mng'ong'o, Benito, Massawe, Estomih, Henwood, David
Quantifier Elimination over Real Closed Fields by Möller, Ralf, Schultz, Claudia
Linear Differential Operators by Lanczos, Cornelius
Giochi E Percorsi Matematici by Gaiffi, Giovanni, Pernazza, Ludovico, Delucchi, Emanuele
Degenerate Nonlinear Diffusion Equations by Favini, Angelo, Marinoschi, Gabriela
Der Satz von Dilworth und der Satz von Hall: Die ausgewogene Besetzung von Gremien by Töpert, Stephanie
Multicriteria Portfolio Management by Krintas, Theodore, Xidonas, Panos, Mavrotas, George
The Mathematical Philosophy of Bertrand Russell: Origins and Development by
Teoriya Funktsii Kompleksnogo Peremennogo. Elementy Logiki by Grigor'eva Anna
Quintic Irreducible Binary Goppa Codes of Length 32 by Magamba, Kondwani
Minimale Bahnen in klassischen hyperbolischen Räumen by Salau Jennifer
Recent Advance Topics in Fuzzy Topological Spaces "Using Mathematics" by N. Patil, Sadanand
Computational Matrix Analysis by Laub, Alan J.
Medium Range Weather Forecast by Numerical Weather Prediction Model by Bhardwaj, Rashmi, Kumar, Ashok
They Play, You Pay: Why Taxpayers Build Ballparks, Stadiums, and Arenas for Billionaire Owners and Millionaire Players by Bennett, James T.
Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London: Biological Sciences, Volume 79 by
Trivariate Local Lagrange Interpolation and Macro Elements of Arbitrary Smoothness by Matt, Michael Andreas
Adaptive Hierarchical Isogeometric Finite Element Methods by Vuong, Anh-Vu
Kriticheskie Riski V Modelyakh Kollektivnogo Strakhovaniya by Martirosyan Artak
Determining The Structure Of A Star by Chowdhury, Nour Mohammed, Hossain, Mohammad Mobarak
Weighted Hardy-Type Inequalities by Omolehin, Joseph Olorunju, Rauf, Kamilu
Murcielagos del Santuario de Vida Silvestre Los Besotes, Colombia by Alviz Iriarte, Angela, Alviz Iriarte, Ngela, P. Rez-Torres, Jairo
Problema de Ubicacion de Instalaciones En DOS Etapas by Ozuna Espinosa, Edith Lucero
Kompendium Der Analysis - Ein Kompletter Bachelor-Kurs Von Reellen Zahlen Zu Partiellen Differentialgleichungen: Band 2: Maß- Und Integrationstheorie, by Denk, Robert, Racke, Reinhard
Einführung in Die Mathematische Optimierung by Zimmermann, Uwe T., Burkard, Rainer E.
Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus by Hall, T. G.
An Introduction To The Foundations And Fundamental Concepts Of Mathematics by Newsom, Carroll Vincent, Eves, Howard Whitley
Take A Number: Mathematics For The Two Billion by Lieber, Lillian Rosanoff
Falk's Graphical Solutions to 100,000 Practical Problems by
Zadachi Dlya Smeshannykh Uravneniy I Uravneniy S Otklonyayushchimsya Argumentom by Lesev Vadim, Bzheumikhova Oksana
Mass Transfer in Laminar Boundary Layer Flow by Joshi, Vimal Kumar, Kumar, Manoj
Numerical techniques by Ram Kumar, Tuli
Basic Mathematics Three by Katambi, Samwel
The Math Entertainer by Heafford, Philip Ernest
Introduction To Numerical Analysis by Hildebrand, Francis Begnaud
Lehrbuch Der Algebra, Volume 3 by Weber, Heinrich
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: (Statistics in Society)., Volumes 160-161 by
Reshetki: Teoriya I Primenenie by Kut'in Aleksandr
On the Structure of Some Groups Containing L2 (9) by Al-Amri, Ibrahim, Almuhaimeed, Areej
Mathematical Performance and Hormones by Alamolhodaei, Hassan, Amani, Abbas, Radmehr, Farzad
Hyperbolic Equations and Waves: Battelle Seattle 1968 Recontres by
Ingenieur-Mathematik: Zweiter Band: Differentialgleichungen Und Funktionentheorie by Sauer, Robert
Euroshock - Drag Reduction by Passive Shock Control: Results of the Project Euroshock, Aer2-Ct92-0049 Supported by the European Union, 1993 - 1995 by
The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Applications and Studies by
Bases in Banach Spaces I by Singer, Ivan
Hemivariational Inequalities: Applications in Mechanics and Engineering by Panagiotopoulos, Panagiotis D.
Theorie Der Transformationsgruppen ... by Lie, Sophus, Engel, Friedrich
Wavelets und Anwendungen by Schuchmann, Marco
Lineynye Integral'nye Uravneniya Pervogo Roda by Asanov Avyt, Kadenova Zuurakan
Matematicheskoe modelirovanie kriodestruktsii biologicheskoy tkani by Buzdov Beslan
Contributions To The Orlicz Space Of GAI Sequence Spaces by Balasubramanaian, Srinivasan, Krishnamoorthy, Srinivasan, Subramanian, Nagarajan
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