• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2012

Nonlinear Analysis: Stability, Approximation, and Inequalities by
The Implication of Mathematical Modeling in Teaching by Hailu, Gizachew Kefelew, Walle, Getnet Tewodros
Lectures on Hyponormal Operators by Putinar, Mihai, Martin, Mircea
Adeles and Algebraic Groups by Weil, A.
Ergodic Theory of Random Transformations by Kifer, Yuri
Water Analyses by Tuteja, Geetika
Sheaf cohomology and the dimensions of chu spaces by Sukhonos, Andrey
The History of Numerals and Number-Writing by Varga, Csaba
Analisis Numerico Para La Simulacion En 2D de Celulas Solares by Ikaran, Carmen
Desigualdades Con Peso y Mejor Aproximacion Local En Norma Luxemburg by Lorenzo, Marcelo
Rambles with the Switcher: An Opening in the Game of Checkers by Call, William Timothy
Gauss: Eine Biographische Studie by Bühler, Walter K.
Versicherungsmathematik by Saxer, Walter
Group Theory II by Suzuki, M.
The Genetic Structure of Populations by Jacquard, A.
Biogas Production-optimal conditions affecting gas yield by Ngozi-Olehi, Chioma Lynda
Teaching Mathematics by Chabaya, Raphinos Alexander
Measuring Shape by Neal, F. Brent, Russ, John C.
Frontiers in Mathematical Biology by
Visualizing Math: Math Help by Harrington, Allen Thomas
Algoritmicheskie Problemy Algebry, Bioinformatiki I Robototekhniki by Popov Vladimir
HIV-1 und virus-spezifische CD8 T-Zellen by Vollbrecht, Thomas
Radar and Sonar: Part II by
Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs by Gerstein, Larry J.
Measure and Integration: Publications 1997-2011 by König, Heinz
Funktionentheorie Erkunden Mit Maple by Forst, Wilhelm, Hoffmann, Dieter
Coagulation & Fragmentation Processes in Structured Population Models by Oukouomi Noutchie, Suares Clovis
Line Search Methods in Conjugate Gradient Algorithms by Babaeizadeh, Soudeh, Ahmad, Rohanin
Solving Differential Equations in R by Cash, Jeff, Mazzia, Francesca, Soetaert, Karline
Public and Popular History by
Arithmetic Tales by Bordellès, Olivier
Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions by Elizalde, Emilio
Theory of Groups of Finite Order by Burnside, William
Niels-Henrik Abel: Tableau de Sa Vie Et de Son Action Scientifique by Bjerknes, Carl Anton
Ball of Confusion: Puzzles, Problems and Perplexing Posers by Ball, Johnny
For Better or for Worse? Collaborative Couples in the Sciences by
Extremal Polynomials and Riemann Surfaces by Bogatyrev, Andrei
Metric and Differential Geometry: The Jeff Cheeger Anniversary Volume by
Epistemic Game Theory by Perea, Andrés
Über lineare Differentialgleichungen der zweiten Ordnung by Klein, Felix
Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (or 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, by
Zadachi Obsluzhivaniya Edinichnykh Trebovaniy Parallel'nymi Priborami by Simanchev Ruslan Yur'evich, Urazova Inna Vladimirovna
Sobolev Spaces and Variational Methods Applied to Elliptic PDE's by Enyi, Cyril
Specially Structured Flow Shop Scheduling by Gupta, Deepak, Bala, Shashi, Singla, Payal
Global Instabilities of Incompressible Plane-Channel Flows by Lanzerstorfer, Daniel
Experimentos En Ciencias by Alvarez, Daiana, Curvale, Rolando Antonio
Spunky the Cat- A pillar by Glassberg, C. J.
Finanzmathematik: Die Bewertung Von Derivaten by Irle, Albrecht
Enemies of NeoExodus: First Ones by Cole, Joshua, Chapleau, Jp, Wenham, Benjamin
One Hundred Mathematical Curiosities by Ransom, William Richard
The International Dictionary Of Applied Mathematics by Freiberger, Walter Frederick
Linear Network Theory by Ferris, Clifford D.
Lectures On Matrices: American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, V17 by Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagan
Systems and Roots by Thomas, Joseph Miller
Introduction to Nonlinear Mechanics: Topological Methods, Analytical Methods, Nonlinear Resonance, Relaxation Oscillations by Minorsky, Nicolai
Unidades Didacticas Contextualizadas Para Ensenar Matematicas by Gamboa Graus, Michel Enrique
Sistemas Con Caracteristicas de Multiplicidad Variable by Kucherenko, Valeri, Kryvko, Andriy
Artificial Neural Networks by Bisht, Dinesh
Non Linear Seismic Analysis Of Bridges by Tande, Shrirang, Parate, Kanak, Bargir, Ayub
Using Multiple Coordinated Representations to Teach Linear Functions by Aviles-Garay, Edgardo J., Travers, Kenneth J.
Calculo En El Espacio Euclidiano by Arredondo R., Juan H., Wawrzy Czyk, Antoni
Variational Iteration Method by Batiha, Belal
Der Rieszsche Darstellungssatz und ausgewählte Anwendungen by Bremehr, Tall
Neue Methoden Zur Charakterisierung Der Qsar-Anwendungsdomäne: Modifizierte Kerndichteschätzung Der Vorhersagegüte Empirisch Abgeleiteter Modelle in D by Nedden, Max
Analytical Method Development and Validation of Stanazolol by Patel, Piyush, Patel, N. M., Yadav, Dinesh
Spectral theory of Linear Compact Operators and Applications by Audu, Johnson
Contribucion Al Manejo Integrado de Plagas Insectiles En Papa by Castellanos, Le Nides, Paj N., Jos, Mart N. Vasallo, Carmen Ver
Kurs Obyknovennykh Differentsial'nykh Uravneniy by Kadchenko S. I., Dubrovskiy V. V.
Solitony I Dal'nodeystvie Proyavleniya Reaktsii Material'nykh Obektov by Sergeev Viktor
Immunocytochemistry on Neurosecretorycells by Vivekanandan, Kanagalakshmi
Die Schlüsselmaschine ENIGMA by Ulbricht, Heinz
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: Part III by Berndt, Bruce C., Andrews, George E.
Comic Maths: SUE: Fantasy-based learning for 4, 5 and 6 year olds by Williamson, Brian
Abstract Root Subgroups and Simple Groups of Lie-Type by Timmesfeld, Franz G.
Effect of Southern Swells on the Waves in the Northern Indian Ocean by Langodan, Sabique
Time-Frequency Analysis Based on Mono-Components by Dang, Pei
A Study on Fixed Point Theory by Gupta, Vishal
Copper resistant mould from industrial effluents by Dasgupta, Rubin, Sapkota, Rajendra
Cohomology of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras by Fuks, D. B.
The Eternal Life: Applied Math to Life by Nascimento, Rui M. F.
Grundzüge Der Modernen Analysis by Dieudonne, Jean
Nonlinear Differential Equations of Chemically Reacting Systems by Gavalas, George R.
Recent Advances in Algorithms and Combinatorics by
Theorie Der Gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen: Auf Funktionentheoretischer Grundlage Dargestellt by Bieberbach, Ludwig
Fondamenti di calcolo delle variazioni. Vol. 2 by Tonelli, Leonida
Products of Random Matrices with Applications to Schrödinger Operators by LaCroix, Bougerol, P.
Computational Galerkin Methods by Fletcher, C. A. J.
Robot Mechanisms by Stanisic, Michael M., Bajd, Tadej, Lenarcic, Jadran
Structure of Tropical Forests by Veerendra, H. C. Sindhu, Sircar, Sumita
Differential Equations by Tricomi, F. G.
Holy Trinity & Inverted Holy Trinity: Applied Math to Life, Research by Graal, Santo, Nascimento, Rui M. F.
Grundlegende Begriffe Der Mathematik: Entstehung Und Entwicklung: Struktur - Funktion - Zahl by Hischer, Horst
Vladimir I. Arnold - Collected Works: Representations of Functions, Celestial Mechanics, and Kam Theory 1957-1965 by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Graphentheoretische Konzepte Und Algorithmen by Noltemeier, Hartmut, Krumke, Sven Oliver
A Course on Group Theory by Rose, John S.
Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces by Weidmann, Joachim
Analysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent Processes by
Fractal Geometry and Number Theory: Complex Dimensions of Fractal Strings and Zeros of Zeta Functions by Van Frankenhuysen, Machiel, Lapidus, Michel L.
Cell Analysis: Volume 1 by Catsimpoolas, Nicholas
Graph Theory: An Introductory Course by Bollobas, Bela
Model Theory by Chang, C. C., Keisler, H. Jerome
Mathematical Models for Heat & Mass Transfer problems by Joshi Navneet
Reshenie Zadach Fil'tratsii I Dinamiki Sorbtsii V Variatsionnoy Postanovke by Shirokova Ol'ga
La Interconexion Significativa by Carmenates Barrios, Osmany Alfredo
Approximate Algorithms for some NP-hard problems by Sabharwal, Nitish, Sharma, Harshit
Job-shop scheduling with limited buffer capacities by Heitmann, Silvia
Cotas Lagrangianas Mejoradas Para El Problema de Asignacion Multiple by Saucedo Mart Nez, Jania Astrid
Topology of Algebraic Curves: An Approach Via Dessins d'Enfants by Degtyarev, Alex
Theory of Interacting Quantum Fields by Rebenko, Alexei L.
Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems on Infinite-Dimensional Spaces by Jacob, Birgit, Zwart, Hans J.
Distributions: Generalized Functions with Applications in Sobolev Spaces by Bhattacharyya, Pulin Kumar
G. LeJeune Dirichlet's Werke by Dirichlet, Peter Gustav LeJeune
G. LeJeune Dirichlet's Werke by Dirichlet, Peter Gustav LeJeune
G. LeJeune Dirichlet's Werke 2 Volume Set by Dirichlet, Peter Gustav LeJeune
Bifurcation and Chaos: Analysis, Algorithms, Applications by Seydel, Küpper, Schneider
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics by Corfield, David
Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 by Loeffel, Hans
Cr Submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian Manifolds by Yano, Kentaro, Kon, Masahiro
Kepler's Physical Astronomy by Stephenson, Bruce
Introduction to Game Theory: A Behavioral Approach by Williams, Kenneth C.
Algoritmicheskie Problemy Algebry, Bioinformatiki I Robototekhniki II by Popov Vladimir
Linkage Model: Network of Queues With Flowshop scheduling System by Gupta, Deepak, Sharma, Sameer, Sharma, Seema
Specially Structured Flow Shop Scheduling Models by Sharma, Sameer, Gupta, Deepak
Konstruktive und generische Gewinnung universeller Funktionen by Mayenberger, Daniel
Optimum Aerodynamic Design & Parallel Navier-Stokes Computations Ecarp -- European Computational Aerodynamics Research Project by
Devisenoptionen by Lombard, Odile
Optimierungsverfahren: Für Variationsaufgaben Mit Gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen ALS Nebenbedingungen by Tolle, H.
Quantitative Evaluation of Fire and EMS Mobilization Times by Upson, Robert, Notarianni, Kathy A.
Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations Vol. II Programs by Willoughby, Cullum
Finding a Rhythm by Watkins, Steve
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: A Modeling, White Noise Functional Approach by Uboe, Jan, Holden, Helge, Oksendal, Bernt
Advanced Real Calculus by Miller, Kenneth Sielke
Introduction to Topology of Functional Spaces: University of Chicago, Mathematics Lecture Notes, Spring, 1961 by Granas, Andrzej
Mathematical Programming by Vogel, William R., Reinfeld, Nyles Vernon
Prototipia by Saucedo Silva, Rene, Godoy Mendoza, Joaqu N., Flores Garc a., Sergio
Medidas Booleanas by Scirica, Carlos Ernesto
Modern Mathematics For The Practical Man by MacNeil, David B.
Spectral Theory, Mathematical System Theory, Evolution Equations, Differential and Difference Equations: 21st International Workshop on Operator Theor by
Jacques Feldbau, Topologe: Das Schicksal Eines Jüdischen Mathematikers (1914 - 1945) by Audin, Michèle
Modeli Dinamiki Vrediteley Transgennykh Agrokul'tur by Lyapunova Irina, Chistyakov Aleksandr
Diseño y Análisis de Experimentos aplicado a la Industria de Alimentos by Lanza Sabillón María Teresa
Extended Generalized Functions and Its Distributions Applications by Lahcene, Bachioua
Identifikatsiya Po Otpechatkam Pal'tsev by Itskov Aleksandr, Chesnokova Zinaida
A Graph Theoretic Approach: Petri Net by Kumawat, Sunita, Purohit, G. N.
Importance & Virulence Diversity Of Wheat Stem Rust In Tigray-Ethiopia by Woldeab, Getaneh, Dawit, Woubit, Abebe, Teklay
Evolucion del Derecho Medieval Espanol by Estrada, Manuel
El Pronostico En Pacientes Con Enfermedades Cerebro-Vasculares by Su Rez Sur, Roberto, Gonzalez Delgado, Alejandro, Gonz Lez Delgado, Alejandro
Un Teorema de Reduccion de Singularidades Para Campos Holomorfos by V. Squez Serpa, Luis Javier, Vasquez Serpa, Luis Javier
Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Con Aplicaciones a la Economia by Long S., Rosa Marina, Angelelli, Ana Beatriz, Gonz Lez, Mirta Susana
Introduction to Differential Geometry for Engineers by Martin, Clyde F., Doolin, Brian F.
Integraly Yakobievykh Sistem Uravneniy V Chastnykh Proizvodnykh by Pronevich Andrey
Mathematics for life by Manuel, Immaculate
Assessment of Household Electrical and Electronic Waste Management by Jalaeian Taghadomi, Homa
Modern Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Silverman, Richard A.
Applied Parallel Computing by Deng, Yuefan
Elliptische Integralgruppen Und Jacobische Elliptische Funktionen Im Komplexen by Tölke, Friedrich
Veyvlety I Freymy V Diskretnom Analize by Malozyemov Vasiliy, Solov'yeva Natal'ya
Combinatoria de Conjuntos Finitos, El Problema de Las Anticadenas by Angulo Pab N., Diego Andres, Ortiz Obando, Pablo Ernesto
Stability Analysis of the Wage Function by Olala, Gilbert Owuor
Feed Restriction Effects on the Subsequent Performance of RIR Chicken by Dessie, Tadelle, Tesfaye, Etalem, Tamir, Birhan
El Ruido Magnetico de Barkhausen En Aceros Al Carbono by Perez Benitez Jose Alberto, Torres Pupo Carlos
First-Order Methods in Large-Scale Semidenite Optimization by Bürgisser, Michael
Internal and External Stabilization of Linear Systems with Constraints by Sannuti, Peddapullaiah, Saberi, Ali, Stoorvogel, Anton A.
Linear Algebraic Groups by Humphreys, James E.
Derivations of low-dimensional Leibniz Algebras by S. Rakhimov, Isamiddin, Al Nashri, Al Hossain, A, Kamel
Detection and prevalence of zoonotic parasites in soil samples by Asif, Zoobia, Ashfaq, Farah, Sharif, Saima
Factors affecting Child Mortality in Bangladesh by Zahan, Rifat
Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method by Haq, Sirajul, Idrees, Muhammad
MHD Fluid flow problems by Varma, Sibyala Vijaya Kumar, Raju, Malraju Changal
El Problema Local Para Un Sistema de Ecuaciones Bbm by Achallma Pariona, Felix Raul, Achallma Pariona, F. LIX Ra L.
Impacto del Cambio Climatico Sobre El Cultivo de Maiz by Confalone, Adriana, Vilatte, Carlos
A Functional Analysis Framework for Modeling, Estimation and Control in Science and Engineering by Banks, H. T.
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing -- SAT 2012: 15th International Conference, Trento, Italy, June 17-20, 2012, Proceedings by
Embedded Systems and Wireless Technology: Theory and Practical Applications by
Functions of Several Variables by Fleming, Wendell
Ubyvanie Resheniy Kraevykh Zadach Na Beskonechnosti by Kozhevnikova Larisa, Karimov Ruslan
The mathematical theory of stock market by Nurtazina, Karine, Malykhin, Vyacheslav
Set Theory: The Structure of Arithmetic by Hamilton, Norman Tyson, Landin, Joseph
The Theory Of Groups by Hall, Marshall, Jr.
Topics In Abelian Groups: Proceedings Of The Symposium On Abelian Groups Held At New Mexico State University, June 4-8, 1962 by
Introduction To Matrix Analysis by Bellman, Richard
Lineynaya Algebra I Analiticheskaya Geometriya by Livshits Klimentiy Isaakovich
Algebras of Continuous Functions by Najafi Tavani, Masoumeh
Teach Yourself Algebra by Abbott, P.
Algebra - A Text-Book of Determinants, Matrices, and Algebraic Forms by Ferrar, W. L.
Lineynye Uravneniya Ellipticheskogo Tipa by Dumanyan Vagram
Modelirovanie Opticheskikh Svoystv Aerozolya by Sanotskaya Nadezhda
Mathemaical Modelling of Blood Flow in the Internal Carotid Artery by Tivde, Tertsegha
Algebra Multilineal by Lizama, Carlos
Brownian Motion on Finsler Manifolds by Wilke, Christopher
Keinesfalls trivial, aber doch lösbar by Lohwasser, Kristin
Curvas Elipticas En La Criptografia by Borges Trenard, Miguel Angel, Martinez Rodriguez, Huber, Mart Nez Rodr Guez, Huber
Advanced Algebra - Volume I by Durell, Clement V.
Statistical Mathematics by Aitken, A. C.
Numerical Methods for Equations and its Applications by Argyros, Ioannis K., Cho, Yeol J., Hilout, Saïd
Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus by McConnell, A. J.
Arithmetical Progressions - A Selection of Classic Educational Articles Containing Examples and Exercises on Arithmetical Progressions (Mathematics Se by Various
Elementary Algebra - Parts II and III by Siddons, A. W.
Numerical Calculus - Approximations, Interpolation, Finite Differences, Numerical Integration, and Curve Fitting by Milne, William Edmund
The Calculus of Observations - A Treatise on Numerical Mathematics by Whittaker, E. T.
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