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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2013

Aristarchos of Samos, the Polymath: A Collection of Interrelated Papers by Gomez, Alberto G.
L1-Norm and L∞-Norm Estimation: An Introduction to the Least Absolute Residuals, the Minimax Absolute Residual and Related Fitting Procedures by Farebrother, Richard
Modern Linear Control Design: A Time-Domain Approach by Caravani, Paolo
The European Mathematical Awakening: A Journey Through the History of Mathematics, 1000-1800 by
Computer Arithmetic and Validity: Theory, Implementation, and Applications by Kulisch, Ulrich
Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance by Wüthrich, Mario V., Merz, Michael
Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Spheres and Balls by Xu, Yuan, Dai, Feng
Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data by
Mava Math: Middle Reviews Solutions by Weiss, Marla
Storie E Protagonisti Della Matematica Italiana: Per Raccontare 20 Anni Di Lettera Matematica Pristem by
Using Game Theory to Improve Safety Within Chemical Industrial Parks by Reniers, Genserik, Pavlova, Yulia
Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook by
Mava Math: Middle Reviews by Weiss, Marla
Fourier Series by Rogosinski, Hardy, G. H., Hardy, Thomas
An Introduction to Phase-Integral Methods by Heading, John
Innovations for Shape Analysis: Models and Algorithms by
The Reflection of Life: Functional Entailment and Imminence in Relational Biology by Louie, A. H.
Semi-Dirichlet Forms and Markov Processes by Oshima, Yoichi
N-Person Game Theory: Concepts and Applications by Rapoport, Anatol
Substitutional Analysis by Rutherford, Daniel Edwin
The Absolute Differential Calculus (Calculus of Tensors) by Levi-Civita, Tullio
Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives by Brent, R. P., Brent, Richard P.
Basic Concepts in Modern Mathematics by Hafstrom, John Edward
Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus by Ross, Kenneth A.
Archimedis Opera Omnia: Volume 1 by Archimedes
Archimedis Opera Omnia: Volume 2 by Archimedes
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation: Design for Cognition by Spence, Robert, Witkowski, Mark
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke 8 Volume Set: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Mathematische Werke 7 Volume Set: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commiss by Weierstrass, Karl
Oeuvres de Fourier 2 Volume Set: Publiées Par Les Soins de Gaston Darboux by Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration: From the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bhascara by Brahmagupta, Bhascara
Archimedis Opera Omnia: Volume 3 by Archimedes
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
Mathematische Werke: Volume 7: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten by Weierstrass, Karl
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Oeuvres de Fourier: Publiées Par Les Soins de Gaston Darboux by Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Oeuvres de Fourier: Publiées Par Les Soins de Gaston Darboux by Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
Mathematische Werke: Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Einer Von Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Eingesetzten Commissio by Weierstrass, Karl
Gamma: Eulers Konstante, Primzahlstrände Und Die Riemannsche Vermutung by Havil, Julian
Dynamic Modeling by Hannon, Bruce, Ruth, Matthias
Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers by Enns, Richard H., McGuire, George C.
Practical Optimization Methods: With Mathematica(r) Applications by Bhatti, M. Asghar
Discovering Curves and Surfaces with Maple(r) by Klimek, Maciej
Linking Models and Experiments, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 29th Imac, a Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2011 by
Topology, Geometry and Gauge Fields: Interactions by Naber, Gregory L.
Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis by Hijab, Omar
A Cp-Theory Problem Book: Topological and Function Spaces by Tkachuk, Vladimir V.
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems by Kirsch, Andreas
Introduction to Artificial Life by Adami, Christoph
Numerical Methods in Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization by Le Tallec, Patrick, Laporte, Emmanuel
Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation with Java: A Practical Introduction by Garrido, José M.
Modeling by Object-Driven Linear Elemental Relations: A User's Guide for Modler(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Modeling and Simulation in Science and Mathematics Education by
Scientific Computing with Mathematica(r): Mathematical Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations by Marasco, Addolorata, Romano, Antonio
Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: IX International Workshop by
Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems by Hannon, Bruce, Ruth, Matthias
Continuum Mechanics Through the Twentieth Century: A Concise Historical Perspective by Maugin, Gerard A.
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2011 by
Probability and Stochastics by Çınlar, Erhan
Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics by Bloch, Ethan D.
Special Topics in Analysis by Friedrichs, Kurt Otto
Mathematics of Relativity: Applied Mathematics Series by Rainich, George Yuri
Iterative Methods for Solving Inverse Problems with Incomplete Data by Nurseitova, A. T., Kabanikhin, Sergey I., Bektemesov, M. F.
Advances in Probabilistic Databases for Uncertain Information Management by
Transient Chaos: Complex Dynamics on Finite Time Scales by Lai, Ying-Cheng, Tél, Tamás
Class Field Theory: -The Bonn Lectures- Edited by Alexander Schmidt by Neukirch, Jürgen
The Language Phenomenon: Human Communication from Milliseconds to Millennia by
Several Complex Variables and Banach Algebras by Wermer, John, Alexander, Herbert
Renormalization Group and Fixed Points: In Quantum Field Theory by Hollowood, Timothy J.
Schulpraktische Übungen: Mathematik in der Klassenstufe 3 by Hößel, David
The Structure of the Real Line by Bukovský, Lev
Pseudo-Differential Operators: Analysis, Applications and Computations by
Applications of Finite Element Methods for Reliability Studies on ULSI Interconnections by Tan, Cher Ming, Li, Wei, Gan, Zhenghao
Control and Adaptation in Telecommunication Systems: Mathematical Foundations by Titarenko, Larysa, Popovskij, Vladimir, Barkalov, Alexander
Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics by
Elementary Operators and Their Applications: 3rd International Workshop Held at Queen's University Belfast, 14-17 April 2009 by
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Volume 1: Fredholm Theory of Elliptic Problems in Unbounded Domains by Volpert, Vitaly
Noncommutative Functional Calculus: Theory and Applications of Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions by Sabadini, Irene, Politecnico Di Milano, Prof Fabrizio Colombo, Struppa, Daniele C.
Recent Developments in the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Practice by
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2008 by
Jane Austen, Game Theorist by Chwe, Michael Suk-Young
Numerical Techniques for Global Atmospheric Models by
Die Elemente Der Stereometrie by Muller, Hubert
Una Forma Normale Invariante Della Seconda Variazione by Berwald, Ludwig
Invariantentheorie by Weitzenbock, Roland
Stochastic Dynamics by
Subgroups Over Liouville, Convex, Ultra-Measurable Lines by Scevola, Carlo, Davis, L.
Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers by
Visual Quantum Mechanics: Selected Topics with Computer-Generated Animations of Quantum-Mechanical Phenomena by Thaller, Bernd
Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: Structures, Learning and Performance Evaluation by Rutkowski, Leszek
Network Geeks: How They Built the Internet by Carpenter, Brian E.
Stock Market Modeling and Forecasting: A System Adaptation Approach by Zheng, Xiaolian, Chen, Ben M.
A Tale of Two Fractals by Kirillov, A. a.
Duality System in Applied Mechanics and Optimal Control by Wan-Xie Zhong
The Math Teacher's Toolbox: How to Teach Math to Teenagers and Survive by Rinaldi, Nicholas J.
Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale by
Vorlesungen Uber Die Vektorenrechnung by Jahnke, Eugen
Mathematische Modellierung: Eine Einführung in Zwölf Fallstudien by Dresky, Caroline, Gasser, Ingenuin, Peters, G.
Analysis II by Schulz, Friedmar
ECG Signal Analysis Methods in Sleep Apnoea by Verma Kundan Lal, Mani Vindeshvar
Time Series and Spatial Analysis of Crop Yield by Assefa Yared
Meet Lefty St. James by Sangiamo, Susan
Algorithmics of Matching Under Preferences by Manlove, David
Stability to the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by Gui, Guilong
Multidimensional Minimizing Splines: Theory and Applications by Torrens, Juan José, Arcangéli, R., Cruz López de Silanes, María
Moebius Noodles by McManaman, Yelena, Droujkova, Maria
The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications by Schiff, Joel L.
A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity for Computer Science Faculty by Franklin, Diana
Probability Problems and Solutions by Hollos, J. Richard, Hollos, Stefan
Intention Recognition, Commitment and Their Roles in the Evolution of Cooperation: From Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Evolutionary Game Theory by Han, The Anh
Numerical Data Fitting in Dynamical Systems: A Practical Introduction with Applications and Software by Schittkowski, Klaus
Dependence Analysis by Banerjee, Utpal
Continuous-Time Delta-SIGMA Modulators for High-Speed A/D Conversion: Theory, Practice and Fundamental Performance Limits by Snelgrove, W. Martin, Cherry, James A.
Graph Separators, with Applications by Rosenberg, Arnold L., Heath, Lenwood S.
Applied Nonlinear Analysis by
Mathematical Problems and Proofs: Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Geometry by Kisacanin, Branislav
Communication Disorders by Rieber, R. W.
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory: Contributions from Amat 2012 by
Real and Abstract Analysis: A Modern Treatment of the Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Stromberg, Karl, Hewitt, Edwin
Regression Analysis: Wiley Publication in Applied Statistics by Williams, Evan James
Functional Analysis: Lectures Given at New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in 1960-1961 by Nirenberg, Louis
Advances in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Research: Applications to Engineering, Physical and Life Sciences by
Total Domination in Graphs by Henning, Michael A., Yeo, Anders
Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress Tc11 19th International Information Security Conference 2 by
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics: A Unified Introduction with Applications by Uvarov, Nikiforov
Overconvergence in Complex Approximation by Gal, Sorin G.
Lehrbuch Fur Den Rechen-Unterricht in Den Deutschen Schulen by Loser, J.
Spaces of PL Manifolds and Categories of Simple Maps (Am-186) by Waldhausen, Friedhelm, Jahren, Bjørn, Rognes, John
Spaces of PL Manifolds and Categories of Simple Maps by Rognes, John, Waldhausen, Friedhelm, Jahren, Bjørn
Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge by Chwe, Michael Suk-Young
Preparation Workbook 2 Maths by Oranye, Edward
Preparation Workbook 1 Maths by Oranye, Edward
Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole by Patel, Nikita
Primes of Form x2+ny2 2e by Cox, David A.
Manifolds and Lie Groups: Papers in Honor of Yozô Matsushima by
Applied Multivariate Analysis by Timm, Neil H.
Principles of Quantitative Living Systems Science by SIMMs, James R.
Solutions Manual to Accompany Game Theory: An Introduction by Barron, E. N.
Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms by Simon, Dan
Personal, Social and Emotional Development with Understanding the World and Mathematics: Foundation Blocks for the Early Years by Brown, Mavis, Taylor, Rebecca
Übungsbuch Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Aufgabensammlung Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Wendler, Tilo, Tippe, Ulrike
Beginn, Wachstum und Grenze der Weltbevölkerung: Auswertung veröffentlichter Daten mittels eines neuen Modells by Stoenner, Hans-Martin
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Models, Algorithms and Implementation by
Transformationen Und Signale by Müller-Wichards, Dieter
Design Methods and Applications for Distributed Embedded Systems: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress, Tc10 Working Conference on Distributed and Parall by
Differentialgleichungen: Erster Teil Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen by Grobner, Wolfgang
Measure, Integral, Derivative: A Course on Lebesgue's Theory by Ovchinnikov, Sergei
Basic Mathematics For Engineering by Kadry, Seifedine
Teaching Mathematics: Favorite Topics And Techniques by Martin, William Bradley
Pensamientos: Volumen 1: Matemática Básica by Rodriguez, Daniel B.
Wearing Gauss's Jersey by Hathout, Dean
Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory by Brickman, Louis
Formal Power Series and Linear Systems of Meromorphic Ordinary Differential Equations by Balser, Werner
Case-Based Reasoning: A Concise Introduction by López, Beatriz
Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles Elliptiques Non Linéaires by Le Dret, Herve
Types de Calculs de Navigation Et d'Astronomie Nautique: À l'Usage Des Candidats Aux Grades: de Capitaine Au Long Cours Ou de Maître Au Cabotage by Dubus, François-Jacques
Aperçus Fondamentaux de Philosophie Mathématique by Filachou, Joseph-Émile
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 10 (1881) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 11 (1881) by Sans Auteur
Traité de la Coupe Des Pierres by Adhémar, Joseph
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 2 (1877) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 3 ( 1878) by Sans Auteur
Cours de Mathématiques À l'Usage Des Gardes Du Pavillon Et de la Marine. 3eme Partie by Bezout, Étienne
Traité d'Arithmétique À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie Avec Des Notes Et Des Tables: de Logarithmes by Bezout, Étienne
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 4 (1878) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 5 (1878) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 6 (1879) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 7 (1880) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 8 (1880) by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome 9 (1880) by Sans Auteur
Cours Pratique Et Théorique d'Arithmétique, d'Après La Méthode de Pestalozzi. Tome 2 by Kardec, Allan
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Religieuses. Tome1 (1877) by Sans Auteur
Recherches Sur Les Principes Mathématiques de la Théorie Des Richesses by Cournot, Antoine-Augustin
Problèmes Plaisants & Délectables Qui Se Font Par Les Nombres by Bachet, Claude-Gaspard
Application de la Géométrie Au Dessin Linéaire Et À l'Arpentage. Partie 1 by Badaroux, S.
Application de la Géométrie Au Dessin Linéaire Et À l'Arpentage. Partie 2 by Badaroux, S.
Table Des Logarithmes Des Nombres Depuis 1000 Jusqu'à 10000 Suivie de la Table Des Logarithmes: Des Sinus, Tangentes, Cosinus Et Cotangentes... by Croizet, J-B-Vincent
Arithmétique de Bezout, Avec Des Notes Nombreuses, Par Prince, Professeur de Mathématiques: . Troisième Édition. Revue, Corrigée Et Beaucoup Augmentée by Bezout, Étienne
Cours de Mathématiques À l'Usage de l'Ingénieur Civil: Géométrie Descriptive by Adhémar, Joseph
Traité de la Coupe Des Pierres. Planches by Adhémar, Joseph
Cours Pratique Et Théorique d'Arithmétique, d'Après La Méthode de Pestalozzi by Kardec, Allan
Essai Sur Les Conditions Et Les Limites de la Certitude Logique (Deuxième Édition Revue) by Milhaud, Gaston
Essai Sur Les Conditions Et Les Limites de la Certitude Logique: : Thèse Proposée À La Faculté Des Lettres de Paris by Milhaud, Gaston
Le Rationnel: Études Complémentaires À l'Essai Sur La Certitude Logique by Milhaud, Gaston
Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations: Essays in Honor of Ennio de Giorgi by Modica, Colombini, Marino
High-Performance Computing Using FPGAs by
Elementary Methods in Number Theory by Nathanson, Melvyn B.
Advances in Computer Games: Many Games, Many Challenges by
Vital Directions for Mathematics Education Research by
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