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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2014

HF-LPME of hydrochlorothiazide based on using ionic carrier by Ejlali Maryam, Chabouk Monireh, Ahmad Panahi Homayon
An Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics: Mathematics as the Science of Quantity and Structure by Franklin, J.
The History and Philosophy of Polish Logic: Essays in Honour of Jan Wole?ski by
Performance Bounds and Suboptimal Policies for Multi-Period Investment by Mueller, Mark T., Boyd, Stephen, Donoghue, Brendan
Dynamic Network Energy Management Via Proximal Message Passing by Kraning, Matt, Lavaei, Javad, Chu, Eric
Number Worlds, Prevention Level a Teacher Edition by
Number Worlds, Prevention Level B Teacher Edition by
Differential Manifolds: A Basic Approach for Experimental Physicists by Baillon, Paul
Guided Math Conferences by Sammons, Laney
Sixth Grade Math Volume 7: Measures of Central Tendency, Line Plots, Circle Graphs, Probability by DeLuca, Todd
Geometry of Time and Space by Robb, Alfred A.
The Elements of Algebra: Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Wood, James
Infinity by
Stochastic Scheduling: Expectation-Variance Analysis of a Schedule by Nagarajan, Balaji, Liao, Lingrui, Sarin, Subhash C.
The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming by Trott, Michael
L'Opera di Corrado Brogi - Volume II: Calcolo combinatorio, le serie, le coniche by Brogi, Corrado
Multifractals and 1/ƒ Noise: Wild Self-Affinity in Physics (1963-1976) by Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
Surveys in Applied Mathematics by McLaughlin, David W., Papanicolaou, George C., Keller, Joseph B.
Negative Math: How Mathematical Rules Can Be Positively Bent by Martínez, Alberto A.
Advances in Analysis: The Legacy of Elias M. Stein by Fefferman, Charles, Ionescu, Alexandru D., Phong, D. H.
Bramwell's Subtraction Method: The fun and easy way to do subtraction by Bramwell, Dennis L.
Measure Theory by Halmos, Paul R.
Computational Structural Analysis and Finite Element Methods by Kaveh, A.
Building and Using Comparable Corpora by
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler III: Band 3: Differenzengleichungen - Differentialgleichungen - Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie - Stochastische P by Rommelfanger, Heinrich
Funktionentheorie 2: Riemann´sche Flächen Mehrere Komplexe Variable Abel´sche Funktionen Höhere Modulformen by Freitag, Eberhard
Analytic Capacity, the Cauchy Transform, and Non-Homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund Theory by Tolsa, Xavier
The Art of Mental Calculation: addition & subtraction by St Clair, Natalya, Benjamin, Arthur
Estimacion de Factores de Intensidad de Esfuerzos En Sistemas Mecanicos Con Friccion by Hernandez, Jorge Bedolla
Estimacion de Factores de Intensidad de Esfuerzos En Sistemas Mecanicos Con Friccion by Hernandez, Jorge Bedolla
2013 Update to Esoptrics' Try to End the Notion of the Continuum & the Absurd Math It Begets by Haas, Edward N.
Perspectives on Organisms: Biological Time, Symmetries and Singularities by Montévil, Maël, Longo, Giuseppe
Recent Progress in General Topology III by
Nonlinear Optimization in Finite Dimensions: Morse Theory, Chebyshev Approximation, Transversality, Flows, Parametric Aspects by Jonker, P., Twilt, F., Jongen, Hubertus Th
SAT Math: Solomon Academy's SAT Math Book by Rhee, Yeon
Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology and the Environment by Hritonenko, Natali, Yatsenko, Yuri
Geometric Methods and Optimization Problems by Martini, Horst, Soltan, V., Boltyanski, Vladimir
Séminaire de Théorie Des Nombres, Paris 1987-88 by Goldstein, Catherine
Multicriteria Optimization in Engineering and in the Sciences by
Number Worlds, Level I Teacher Edition by
Number Worlds, Level J Teacher Edition by
The Riemann Hypothesis for Function Fields: Frobenius Flow and Shift Operators by Frankenhuijsen, Machiel Van
German Covered Bonds: Overview and Risk Analysis of Pfandbriefe by Spangler, Manuela, Werner, Ralf
Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics by
Vom Urknall Zum Durchknall: Die Absurde Jagd Nach Der Weltformel by Unzicker, Alexander
Gasturbinen Und Flugantriebe: Grundlagen, Betriebsverhalten Und Simulation by Rick, Hans
L'Opera di Corrado Brogi - Volume III: Il Campo Tridimensionale, Funzioni in piu' variabili, le Equazioni Differenziali by Brogi, Corrado
A Basic Course in Real Analysis by Kumaresan, S., Kumar, Ajit
Umgang Mit Heterogenität Im Mathematikunterricht: Adaptives Lehrerhandeln Beim Modellieren by Leiss, Dominik, Tropper, Natalie
Einführung in Die Angewandte Geometrie by Aichholzer, Oswin, Jüttler, Bert
Mathematische Modellierung: Grundprinzipien in Natur- Und Ingenieurwissenschaften by Witterstein, Gabriele, Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz
Applied Methods and Techniques for Mechatronic Systems: Modelling, Identification and Control by
Ultrasonic Spectral Analysis for Nondestructive Evaluation by Fitting, Dale W., Adler, Laszlo
Concurrent Scientific Computing by Van De Velde, Eric F.
The Hardy Space H1 with Non-Doubling Measures and Their Applications by Yang, Dongyong, Hu, Guoen, Yang, Dachun
Proximal Algorithms by Parikh, Neal, Boyd, Stephen
Number Worlds, Prevention Level C Unit 1 Student Workbook 5-Pack by
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Wheelan, Charles
Partial Differential Equations for Computational Science: With Maple(r) and Vector Analysis by Betounes, David
Perturbing Material-Components on Stable Shapes: How Partial Differential Equations Fit into the Descriptions of Stable Physical Systems by Concoyle, Martin
The Mathematical Structure of Stable Physical Systems by Dr Martin Concoyle &. G. P. Coatmundi
Partitioning a Many-Dimensional Containment Space by Concoyle, Martin
Handbook of Geometric Programming Using Open Geometry Gl by Glaeser, Georg, Schröcker, Hans-Peter
The Fractalist: Memoir of a Scientific Maverick by Mandelbrot, Benoit
The Oxford Handbook of Applied Bayesian Analysis by
Activity Manual for Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers by Dolan, Dan, Williamson, Jim, Muri, Mari
Introduction to Real Analysis: Second Edition by Parks, Alan
Topological Methods in Galois Representation Theory by Snaith, Victor P.
Modern Methods in Partial Differential Equations by Schechter, Martin
Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions: With Applications to Finance by Fischer, Matthias J.
Japan Math Math Fact Mastery Subtraction Facts: A Systematic approach created by Japan Math for Learning Subtraction Facts by Weissler, Jody
Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology by
Common Core Math Workouts, Grade 8 by Gennuso, Keegen, Mace, Karise
Mathematisches Argumentieren, Begründen Und Beweisen: Grundlagen, Befunde Und Konzepte by Brunner, Esther
Describing the Dynamics of Free Material Components in Higher-Dimensions by Concoyle, Martin
Analytic Perturbation Theory and Its Applications by Filar, Jerzy A., Howlett, Phil G., Avrachenkov, Konstantin E.
Illustrated Special Relativity Through Its Paradoxes: Standard Edition: A Fusion of Linear Algebra, Graphics, and Reality by Wudka, Jose', de Pillis, John
Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the 2011 Villa de Leyva Summer School by
Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory by Berberian, S. K., Halmos, P. R.
Cus Geometry Study Workbook by
Number Worlds Level I Unit 1 Student Workbook 5-Pack by
Essentials of Applied Dynamic Analysis by Jia, Junbo
Cus Algebra 2 Study Workbook by
Mathematical Modeling of Diverse Phenomena by Howard, James C., Administration, National Aeronautics and
The Best Writing on Mathematics by
Learn To Factor In 8 Minutes by Pinkelton, Arlissa
The Mathematica Guidebook for Graphics by Trott, Michael
Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations with Mathematica(r) by Baumann, Gerd
An Introduction to Compactness Results in Symplectic Field Theory by Abbas, Casim
From Bandits to Monte-Carlo Tree Search: The Optimistic Principle Applied to Optimization and Planning by Munos, Rémi
Fluctuations of Lévy Processes with Applications: Introductory Lectures by Kyprianou, Andreas E.
Topological Signal Processing by Robinson, Michael
Open Quantum Systems Far from Equilibrium by Schaller, Gernot
A Simple Introduction to the Mixed Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications by Gatica, Gabriel N.
Networks of Networks: The Last Frontier of Complexity by
Introduction to Probability Models by Ross, Sheldon M.
Masterclass in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning by
Popular Scientific Lectures by Mach, Ernst
Infinity and Truth by
Advances in the Homotopy Analysis Method by
Real and Stochastic Analysis: Current Trends by
Convergence Estimates in Approximation Theory by Agarwal, Ravi P., Gupta, Vijay
Djairo G. de Figueiredo - Selected Papers by De Figueiredo, Djairo G.
Masterclass in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning by
Non-Connected Convexities and Applications by Cristescu, G., Lupsa, L.
Combinatorial Matrix Theory by Ryser, Herbert J., Brualdi, Richard A.
Quasiconformal Surgery in Holomorphic Dynamics by Branner, Bodil
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-2 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-4 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-6 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-0 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-3 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-5 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-9 by Raghuram, Ranga
An Introduction to the Theory of Groups by Rotman, Joseph J.
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-1 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-7 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Primer by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-10 by Raghuram, Ranga
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Workbook-8 by Raghuram, Ranga
Choice Theory: A Simple Introduction by Erickson, K. H.
Unterrichtsentwürfe Mathematik Primarstufe, Band 2 by Heckmann, Kirsten, Padberg, Friedhelm
Integrated Methods for Optimization by Hooker, John N.
Modular Forms: Basics and Beyond by Shimura, Goro
Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology by Castillo-Chavez, Carlos, Brauer, Fred
Deterministic Global Optimization: Geometric Branch-And-Bound Methods and Their Applications by Scholz, Daniel
Thermodynamics of Materials with Memory: Theory and Applications by Golden, John Murrough, Amendola, Giovambattista, Fabrizio, Mauro
Harnack's Inequality for Degenerate and Singular Parabolic Equations by Gianazza, Ugo Pietro, Dibenedetto, Emmanuele, Vespri, Vincenzo
Topological Aspects of Nonsmooth Optimization by Shikhman, Vladimir
Inverse Limits: From Continua to Chaos by Mahavier, William S., Ingram, W. T.
Bifurcation Theory: An Introduction with Applications to Partial Differential Equations by Kielhöfer, Hansjörg
Partitions, Q-Series, and Modular Forms by
Robert Recorde: Tudor Polymath, Expositor and Practitioner of Computation by Williams, Jack
Fractal-Based Methods in Analysis by Kunze, Herb, La Torre, Davide, Mendivil, Franklin
Buildings, Finite Geometries and Groups: Proceedings of a Satellite Conference, International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad, India, 2010 by
Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010 by
Covering Walks in Graphs by Fujie, Futaba, Zhang, Ping
Nonlinear Filtering and Optimal Phase Tracking by Schuss, Zeev
Sensors: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by
Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory: Festschrift for S. J. Patterson by
Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education by
Structure and Geometry of Lie Groups by Neeb, Karl-Hermann, Hilgert, Joachim
Syzygies and Homotopy Theory by Johnson, F. E. a.
Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms by Du, Ding-Zhu, Ko, Ker-I, Hu, Xiaodong
Real Analysis for the Undergraduate: With an Invitation to Functional Analysis by Pons, Matthew a.
Inverse Analyses with Model Reduction: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Structural Mechanics by Buljak, Vladimir
Computing Statistics Under Interval and Fuzzy Uncertainty: Applications to Computer Science and Engineering by Nguyen, Hung T., Wu, Berlin, Kreinovich, Vladik
Just-In-Time Systems by
Low Rank Approximation: Algorithms, Implementation, Applications by Markovsky, Ivan
Regularity Concepts in Nonsmooth Analysis: Theory and Applications by Bounkhel, Messaoud
Spectral Theory, Function Spaces and Inequalities: New Techniques and Recent Trends by
Critical Point Theory for Lagrangian Systems by Mazzucchelli, Marco
Three Views of Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science by Loveland, Donald W., Sterrett, S. G., Hodel, Richard
Towards an Advanced Modelling of Complex Economic Phenomena: Pretopological and Topological Uncertainty Research Tools by Aluja, Jaime Gil, Gil-Lafuente, Anna M.
Data-Driven Controller Design: The H2 Approach by Campestrini, Lucíola, Eckhard, Diego, Sanfelice Bazanella, Alexandre
Math 6-12 Tutor's Practice Resource: Practice Only by Woldeab, Damene W.
Introduction to Scientific Programming: Computational Problem Solving Using Maple and C by Zachary, Joseph L.
Computational Diffusion MRI and Brain Connectivity: Miccai Workshops, Nagoya, Japan, September 22nd, 2013 by
Game-Changer: Game Theory and the Art of Transforming Strategic Situations by McAdams, David
Projectors and Projection Methods by Galántai, Aurél
Lévy Matters III: Lévy-Type Processes: Construction, Approximation and Sample Path Properties by Wang, Jian, Schilling, René, Böttcher, Björn
Life and Works of Aryabhata by Sharma, Shalu
Fourier Analysis: Pseudo-Differential Operators, Time-Frequency Analysis and Partial Differential Equations by
Economic and Financial Modeling with Mathematica(r) by
Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse: The Correspondence 1923-1958 by
How to Read and Critique a Scientific Research Article: Notes to Guide Students Reading Primary Literature (with Teaching Tips for Faculty Members) by Yeong, Foong May
Introduction to the Theory of Linear Vibrations and Its Applications by Udwadia, Firdaus E.
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Quinto de Primaria (Tomo 2) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
"You Have Got to Know...Mathematics" by Vyas, Dhaval
150 Problemas de matematicas para Tercero de Primaria (Tomo 2) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
Nonlinear Programming: An Introduction by Zörnig, Peter
Topological Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to the Dynamics of Continuous Mappings by Vries, Jan
Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Microscopy Reconstruction by
Asymptotic Statistics: With a View to Stochastic Processes by Höpfner, Reinhard
Bayesian Multiple Target Track 2nd Ed by Streit, Roy L., Corwin, Thomas L., Stone, Lawrence D.
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Tercero de Primaria (Tomo 3) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Cuarto de Primaria (Tomo 1) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Segundo de Primaria (Tomo 1) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Quinto de Primaria (Tomo 1) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
Bruch- und Prozentrechnung im Mathematikunterricht (DaZ-Förderung): Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der Schule by Lass, Keven
Die Konstruktion der Unendlichkeit: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur figurativen Intelligenz in der Realschule am Beispiel von Parketten by Schweda, Ruth
Game Theory for Business: A Simple Introduction by Erickson, K. H.
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Cuarto de Primaria (Tomo 2) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Primero de Primaria (Tomo 1) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
150 Problemas de Matemáticas para Tercero de Primaria (Tomo 1) by Aristoteles, Proyecto
Mathematics of Uncertainty Modeling in the Analysis of Engineering and Science Problems by
Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction by Adler, Charles L.
Reliability Modeling with Applications: Essays in Honor of Professor Toshio Nakagawa on His 70th Birthday by
Matrix Spaces and Schur Multipliers: Matriceal Harmonic Analysis by Persson, Lars-Erik, Popa, Nicolae
The Abel Prize 2008-2012 by
Prozent- und Zinsrechnung. Mathematik 8. Klasse Realschule by Müller, Lisa
Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications by Falconer, Kenneth
350 Ejercicios de Números Enteros para Sexto de Primaria by Aristoteles, Proyecto
Math for Writers: Tell a Better Story, Get Published, Make More Money by Laing, Laura
Computations with Modular Forms: Proceedings of a Summer School and Conference, Heidelberg, August/September 2011 by
Lectures on Mappings of Finite Distortion by Hencl, Stanislav, Koskela, Pekka
Random Walks on Disordered Media and Their Scaling Limits: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XL - 2010 by Kumagai, Takashi
Controls and Art: Inquiries at the Intersection of the Subjective and the Objective by
Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems in the Life Sciences by
Trigonometry Sparkcharts: Volume 70 by Sparknotes, Sparknotes
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