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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2014

Analytic Methods in Interdisciplinary Applications by
Blocks of Finite Groups and Their Invariants by Sambale, Benjamin
Berkovich Spaces and Applications by
Arithmetic Geometry Over Global Function Fields by Goss, David, Böckle, Gebhard, Burns, David
Spielend Gewinnen: Gewinnstrategien Für Die 50 Bekanntesten Karten-, Würfel-, Brett- Und Gewinnspiele by Hesse, Nils
Finite Elements in Water Resources: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., June 1984 by
Inverse M-Matrices and Ultrametric Matrices by Martinez, Servet, San Martin, Jaime, Dellacherie, Claude
Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems Versailles, December 1 by
Stochastic Processes - Inference Theory by Rao, Malempati M.
Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable by
Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation: Dedicated to Wolfgang Dahmen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday by
Essays and Surveys in Global Optimization by
Nonblocking Electronic and Photonic Switching Fabrics by Kabacinski, Wojciech
Real Analysis on Intervals by Choudary, A. D. R., Niculescu, Constantin P.
Partial Differential Control Theory: Volume I: Mathematical Tools, Volume II: Control System by Pommaret, J. F.
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Enumath 2013: Proceedings of Enumath 2013, the 10th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and by
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A. Band IV, Teil I: 1950-1952 / Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisen by Pauli, Wolfgang
Dynamische Regelselektion in Der Reihenfolgeplanung: Prognose Von Steuerungsparametern Mit Gaußschen Prozessen by Heger, Jens
Oeuvres - Collected Papers I: 1948 - 1958 by Borel, A.
Collected Papers IV: 1970 - 1983 by Harish-Chandra
Recent Advances in Applied Probability by
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A. Band II: 1930-1939 / Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg A.O by Pauli, Wolfgang
Classical and Stochastic Laplacian Growth by Gustafsson, Björn, Teodorescu, Razvan, Vasil'ev, Alexander
Build The Wall by Colledge, Tony
Beat The Wall by Colledge, Tony
Leray-Schauder Type Alternatives, Complementarity Problems and Variational Inequalities by Isac, George
Collected Papers III: 1959 - 1968 by Harish-Chandra
DNA Repair and Human Disease by Balajee, Adayabalam
Semigroups of Operators -Theory and Applications: Będlewo, Poland, October 2013 by
Collected Papers II: 1955 - 1958 by Harish-Chandra
Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws by
The Shortest-Path Problem: Analysis and Comparison of Methods by Gonzalez-Escribano, Arturo, Llanos, Diego R., Ortega-Arranz, Hector
Asymptotic Chaos Expansions in Finance: Theory and Practice by Nicolay, David
Solutions of Nonlinear Schrӧdinger Systems by Chen, Zhijie
CBEST Math: California Basic Eucational Skills Test by Rahma, Mujeb
Dynamic Modeling of Diseases and Pests by Hannon, Bruce, Ruth, Matthias
Introduction to the Theory of Nonlinear Optimization by Jahn, Johannes
Geodynamics of the Lithosphere: An Introduction by Stüwe, Kurt
Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems: Tutorial and Modern Developments by Astakhov, Vladimir, Neiman, Alexander, Anishchenko, Vadim S.
Real World Applications of Computational Intelligence by
Control of Spatially Structured Random Processes and Random Fields with Applications by Daduna, Hans, Knopov, Pavel S., Chornei, Ruslan K.
Secrets of the Old One: Einstein, 1905 by Bernstein, Jeremy
Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis: The Abel Symposium 2012 by
Gamification in Education and Business by
Synthesis of Computational Structures for Analog Signal Processing by Popa, Cosmin Radu
Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations by
Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations by
Fundamental Math and Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Yevick, David, Yevick, Hannah
Introduction to Modern FORTRAN for the Earth System Sciences by Chirila, Dragos B., Lohmann, Gerrit
A Topological Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis by Brown, Robert F.
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking: Closed-Form Solutions by
Ubiquitous Music by
Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex Networks: Computational Networks by Pickl, Stefan, Lozovanu, Dmitrii
Stochastic Control Theory: Dynamic Programming Principle by Nisio, Makiko
New Prospects in Direct, Inverse and Control Problems for Evolution Equations by
First Steps in Real Analysis by Britt, Jonathan P.
An Introduction to Viscosity Solutions for Fully Nonlinear Pde with Applications to Calculus of Variations in L∞ by Katzourakis, Nikos
Quantum Theory: A Mathematical Approach by Bongaarts, Peter
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences by Copley, Leslie
The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon: Volume I: Periodic Layers by Amidror, Isaac
Evaluation of Statistical Matching and Selected Sae Methods: Using Micro Census and Eu-Silc Data by Puchner, Verena
Algorithmische Zahlentheorie by Forster, Otto
Ein Rechenmeister mit Folgen. Leben und Werk von Adam Rieß by Telkemeier, Melanie
Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications: Geometric and Numerical Approaches to the Description of Electrostatic Interaction Between M by
Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization Wco 2013 by
A Course in Ordinary Differential Equations by Swift, Randall J., Wirkus, Stephen A.
Development of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Active Safety Using the Example of Preventive Pedestrian Protection by Helmer, Thomas
Computational Musicology in Hindustani Music by Tewari, Swarima, Mazzola, Guerino, Chakraborty, Soubhik
An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory by Durea, Marius, Strugariu, Radu
The Foundations of Science by Royce, Josiah, Poincaré, Henri
Optimization Models in a Transition Economy by Koshlai, Ludmilla, Sergienko, Ivan V., Mikhalevich, Mikhail
Real and Complex Submanifolds: Daejeon, Korea, August 2014 by
Doubt-Free Uncertainty in Measurement: An Introduction for Engineers and Students by Ratcliffe, Bridget, Ratcliffe, Colin
Testing IOS Apps with Hadoopunit: Rapid Distributed GUI Testing by Tilley, Scott, Dechokul, Krissada
Primary Word Problems, Book 2: Thinking Mathematically At Home and At School Problem-Solving Ideas for Grades 3-5 by Dr Now
Primary Word Problems, Book 2: Thinking Mathematically At Home and At School Problem-Solving Ideas for Grades 3-5 by Dr Now
An Introductory Course in Functional Analysis by Bowers, Adam, Kalton, Nigel J.
Der Briefwechsel Richard Dedekind - Heinrich Weber by Scheel, Katrin
Biomechanics of the Gravid Human Uterus by Nam, Hong Gil, Miftahof, Roustem N.
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2009 by
Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by
Generalized Gaussian Error Calculus by Grabe, Michael
Multidimensional Data Visualization: Methods and Applications by Kurasova, Olga, Zilinskas, Julius, Dzemyda, Gintautas
Plasticity: Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis by Han, Weimin, Reddy, B. Daya
Optimization, Simulation, and Control by
Recent Developments in Foresight Methodologies by
Weather Derivatives: Modeling and Pricing Weather-Related Risk by Alexandridis K., Antonis, Zapranis, Achilleas D.
Optimization Theory, Decision Making, and Operations Research Applications: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium and 10th Balkan Conference by
Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Andrelated Models by Boyer, Franck, Fabrie, Pierre
Handbook of Operations Research for Homeland Security by
Magic Graphs by Marr, Alison M., Wallis, W. D.
Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Contributions from the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applica by
Contemporary Quantitative Finance: Essays in Honour of Eckhard Platen by
Computational Electromagnetics by Rylander, Thomas, Ingelström, Pär, Bondeson, Anders
Calculus Without Derivatives by Penot, Jean-Paul
Complex Analysis: In the Spirit of Lipman Bers by Gilman, Jane P., Rodríguez, Rubí E., Kra, Irwin
Partial Differential Equations by Jost, Jürgen
Newtonian Nonlinear Dynamics for Complex Linear and Optimization Problems by Vázquez, Luis, Jimenez, Salvador
Dynamical Systems: Stability, Controllability and Chaotic Behavior by Krabs, Werner
Derivatives of Inner Functions by Mashreghi, Javad
Mathematics in Computing: An Accessible Guide to Historical, Foundational and Application Contexts by O'Regan, Gerard
The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis by Zio, Enrico
Decoding Complexity: Uncovering Patterns in Economic Networks by Glattfelder, James
Complex Kleinian Groups by Navarrete, Juan Pablo, Seade, José, Cano, Angel
Intelligent Data Mining in Law Enforcement Analytics: New Neural Networks Applied to Real Problems by
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic Pde's by
Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics: Part I. Manifolds, Lie Groups and Hamiltonian Systems by Rudolph, Gerd, Schmidt, Matthias
Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference by Monjardet, Bernard, Aleskerov, Fuad, Bouyssou, Denis
Weather Modeling and Forecasting of Pv Systems Operation by Gravila, Paul, Paulescu, Marius, Paulescu, Eugenia
Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor by
Free Boundary Problems and Asymptotic Behavior of Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equations by Wang, Kelei
Theory of Digital Automata by Borowik, Bohdan, Karpinskyy, Mykola, Lahno, Valery
Graph Theory with Algorithms and Its Applications: In Applied Science and Technology by Saha Ray, Santanu
Graphs, Networks and Algorithms by Jungnickel, Dieter
Advances in Hypercomplex Analysis by
American-Type Options: Stochastic Approximation Methods, Volume 2 by Silvestrov, Dmitrii S.
Current Topics in Pure and Computational Complex Analysis by
Stochastic Integration in Banach Spaces: Theory and Applications by Mandrekar, Vidyadhar, Rüdiger, Barbara
Random Matrix Theory, Interacting Particle Systems, and Integrable Systems by
Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations by Linares, Felipe, Ponce, Gustavo
Game-Changer: Game Theory and the Art of Transforming Strategic Situations by McAdams, David
Jacobi Forms, Finite Quadratic Modules and Weil Representations Over Number Fields by Boylan, Hatice
Mathematical Modelling with Case Studies: Using Maple and Matlab, Third Edition by Fulford, G. R., Barnes, B.
Harmonic Analysis on Exponential Solvable Lie Groups by Fujiwara, Hidenori, Ludwig, Jean
Die Entdeckung Des Unvorstellbaren: Einblicke in Die Physik Und Ihre Methode by Honerkamp, Josef
Non-Metrisable Manifolds by Gauld, David
Libraries and the Semantic Web by Deweese, Keith P., Segal, Dan
Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext by Miller, Maria
Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations II by
Applied Partial Differential Equations by Logan, J. David
Applied Partial Differential Equations by Logan, J. David
Calculus with Vectors by Treiman, Jay S.
Total Mean Curvature and Submanifolds of Finite Type (2nd Edition) by Chen, Bang-Yen
Approximation of Set-Valued Functions: Adaptation of Classical Approximation Operators by Mokhov, Alona, Dyn, Nira, Farkhi, Elza
Angewandte Wirtschaftsstatistik: Daten Und Zufall by Lübke, Karsten, Vogt, Martin
Predicting Transcription Factor Complexes: A Novel Approach to Data Integration in Systems Biology by Will, Thorsten
Optimized Response-Adaptive Clinical Trials: Sequential Treatment Allocation Based on Markov Decision Problems by Ondra, Thomas
Beginning Data Science with R by Pathak, Manas A.
Reduktion Von Metallartefakten in Der Computertomographie: Entwicklung Und Evaluation Fourier-Basierter Strategien by Kratz, Bärbel
A Time Series Approach to Option Pricing: Models, Methods and Empirical Performances by Chorro, Christophe, Guégan, Dominique, Ielpo, Florian
Analysis I: Eine Einführung in Die Mathematik Des Kontinuums by Grieser, Daniel
Evolvable Machines: Theory & Practice by
Geonometry - Equal-sum Patterns in the Natural Number Series: A companion book to the 10-Part Slide Presentation by Hauck, Robert Francis
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 7 by
Matematica E Cultura 2007 by Emmer, Michele
Foliations: Dynamics, Geometry and Topology by El Kacimi Alaoui, Aziz, Hurder, Steven, Asaoka, Masayuki
Common Core Arithmetic for Teachers: The Essential K-8 Content by Gaskill Ph. D., Herbert S.
Iwasawa Theory 2012: State of the Art and Recent Advances by
Studien- Und Berufsplaner Mathematik: Schlüsselqualifikation Für Technik, Wirtschaft Und It. Für Studierende Und Hochschulabsolventen by
Times Table Mastery: Australian Edition by Draper, Christine R.
IB Skills: Mathematics - A Practical Guide Teacher's Book: Hodder Education Group by Education, Hodder
Times Table Mastery: New Zealand Edition by Draper, Christine R.
Percentages by Watchman, Robert
Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen II: Zweiter Band: Anschauliche Geometrie - Substitutionsgruppen Und Gleichungstheorie - Zur Mathematischen Physi by Klein, Felix
Primary Mathematics for Trainee Teachers by
Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen III: Dritter Band: Elliptische Funktionen, Insbesondere Modulfunktionen - Hyperelliptische Und Abelsche Funktion by Klein, Felix
Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen I: Erster Band: Liniengeometrie - Grundlegung Der Geometrie Zum Erlanger Programm by Klein, Felix
Probability: The Classical Limit Theorems by McKean, Henry
Probability: The Classical Limit Theorems by McKean, Henry
Who Killed Professor X? by Andriopoulos, Thodoris
Asymptotic Methods for Integrals by Temme, Nico M.
Continuum Thermodynamics - Part II: Applications and Examples by Wilmanski, Krzysztof, Albers, Bettina
Nonlinear Workbook, The: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Support Vector Machine, Wavelets, Hidden by Steeb, Willi-Hans
Econometrics of Risk by
Evolutionary Constrained Optimization by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment K by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment 2 by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment 1 by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment 5 by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment 3 by
Mh My Math Sbacc Assessment 4 by
Nonlinear Workbook, The: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Support Vector Machine, Wavelets, Hidden by Steeb, Willi-Hans
Complexity and Control: Towards a Rigorous Behavioral Theory of Complex Dynamical Systems by Ivancevic, Vladimir G., Reid, Darryn J.
Bayesian approach for measuring agreement: Measuring agreement in short by Calle-Alonso, Fernando
Mathematics for Commerce: Basic Concepts, Methods Application in Business Mathematics by , Selvakumar
An Illustrated Introduction to Topology and Homotopy by Kalajdzievski, Sasho
The Mathematics Enthusiast Journal, Volume 11, Number 2 by