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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2014

A First Course in Topology: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking by Conover, Robert A.
Foundations of the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method by Hromadka, Theodore, Whitley, Robert
An Introduction to Random Interlacements by Sapozhnikov, Artëm, Drewitz, Alexander, Ráth, Balázs
Warum Mathematik Schönheit ist: Mustern und Strukturen auf der Spur by Schweda, Ruth
Quantum Optics for Beginners by Wahiddin, Mohamed Ridza, Ficek, Zbigniew
Renormalization Group Analysis of Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Charged Systems by Barkhudarov, Evgeny
Computational Experiment Approach to Advanced Secondary Mathematics Curriculum by Abramovich, Sergei
Periodic Solutions of First-Order Functional Differential Equations in Population Dynamics by Padhi, Seshadev, Graef, John R., Srinivasu, P. D. N.
A Course in Mathematical Analysis by Garling, D. J. H.
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects: Fvca 7, Berlin, June 2014 by
Topics in Optics and Laser Light in the Atmosphere by Mensah, Francis
Topics in Optics and Laser Light in the Atmosphere by Mensah, Francis
Making Music with Computers: Creative Programming in Python by Manaris, Bill
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII: Methods, Theoretical Aspects, and Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems - Fvca 7, Berlin, June 2014 by
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Fundamental Science and Patient-Specific Applications by
Game Theory and Mechanism Design by
Beautiful Game Theory: How Soccer Can Help Economics by Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
Evolutionary Game Theory by Karagiannis, Nikolaos
Measurement Uncertainties in Science and Technology by Grabe, Michael
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at Ecmi 2012 by
Uniform Distribution and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Discrepancy, Integration and Applications by
Keller-Box Method and Its Application by Prasad, Kerehalli V., Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle
Geschichte Der Gleichmäßigen Konvergenz: Ursprünge Und Entwicklungen Des Begriffs in Der Analysis Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Viertel, Klaus
Elements of Partial Differential Equations by Holubová, Gabriela, Drábek, Pavel
Categorical Homotopy Theory by Riehl, Emily
Using the GCF and the LCM to Solve 50 Word Problems: Using the greatest common factors and the least common multiples to solve word problems by Lee, Bill S.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos: An Introduction by Wimberger, Sandro
Meshless Methods in Biomechanics: Bone Tissue Remodelling Analysis by Belinha, Jorge
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaotic Phenomena: An Introduction by Shivamoggi, Bhimsen K.
Numerical Modeling of Materials Under Extreme Conditions by
Globale Optimierung: Ein Informationstheoretischer Zugang by Schaeffler, Stefan
From Real to Complex Analysis by Edmunds, D. E., Dyer, R. H.
Touchthinklearn: Numbers: (Board Books for Baby Learners, Touch Feel Books for Children) by Deneux, Xavier
Nautical Mathematics by Walling, S. A., Hill, J. C.
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade K, Math Masters by
Optimization in Science and Engineering: In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Panos M. Pardalos by
Accelerator Physics at the Tevatron Collider by
Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Applications for Engineering Sciences by Chaskalovic, Joël
Ibn Al-Haytham, New Astronomy and Spherical Geometry: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics Volume 4 by Rashed, Roshdi
Arithmetic for Entertainment by Perelman, Yakov
Math Common Core Geometry - 10th Grade by Yablonsky, Ken
Ccss: Math & Language Arts - 5thgrade by Barcharts Inc
Ccss: Math 9th to 12th Grade by Barcharts Inc
Math Common Core Algebra 2 - 11th Grade: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Yablonsky, Ken
Math Common Core Algebra 1-9th Grade: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Yablonsky, Ken
Canadian Multiplication Skills Success by Turnbull, Demetra
GRE Math Tests: 23 GRE Math Tests! by Kolby, Jeff, Vaughn, Derrick
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control by Markley, F. Landis, Crassidis, John L.
Canadian Addition Skills Success by Turnbull, Demetra
Canadian Subtraction Skills Success by Turnbull, Demetra
Canadian Division Skills Success by Turnbull, Demetra
Mathematics and the Body by Sinclair, Nathalie, de Freitas, Elizabeth
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems: Fvca 7, Berlin, June 2014 by
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations: Particle Systems and Pdes, Braga, Portugal, December 2012 by
Computational Engineering by
And Yet It Is Heard: Musical, Multilingual and Multicultural History of the Mathematical Sciences - Volume 1 by Tonietti, Tito M.
And Yet It Is Heard: Musical, Multilingual and Multicultural History of the Mathematical Sciences - Volume 2 by Tonietti, Tito M.
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Levico Terme, Italy 2013, Editors: Sandra Di Rocco, Bernd Sturmfels by Di Rocco, Sandra, Draisma, Jan, Conca, Aldo
Selected Writings from the Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association: Celebrating 50 Years (1962-2012) of Delta-K by
Selected Writings from the Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association: Celebrating 50 Years (1962-2012) of Delta-K (Hc) by
High Order Nonlinear Numerical Schemes for Evolutionary Pdes: Proceedings of the European Workshop Honom 2013, Bordeaux, France, March 18-22, 2013 by
Theorie und Numerik von ausgewählten Verfahren der nichtlinearen Optimierung by Botschkarewa, Nadeshda
Measurement and Probability: A Probabilistic Theory of Measurement with Applications by Rossi, Giovanni Battista
Physics and Partial Differential Equations: Volume 2 by Li, Tatsien, Qin, Tiehu
Nonlinear Time Scale Systems in Standard and Nonstandard Forms: Analysis and Control by Valasek, John, Narang-Siddarth, Anshu
Semigroup Methods for Evolution Equations on Networks by Mugnolo, Delio
Backpack Inspection. Dem Ranzengewicht auf der Spur: Ein Unterrichtsentwurf für bilingualen Matheunterricht in der Grundschule by Liebold, Luisa
K-Schur Functions and Affine Schubert Calculus by Lapointe, Luc, Morse, Jennifer, Lam, Thomas
Master the Language of the Universe: Practical Math. Made Simple. For Adults. by Canning, Matthew
Input Modeling with Phase-Type Distributions and Markov Models: Theory and Applications by Felko, Iryna, Buchholz, Peter, Kriege, Jan
Large Deviations in Physics: The Legacy of the Law of Large Numbers by
Practice Tests in Math Kangaroo Style for Students in Grades 1-2 by Borac, Silviu, Borac, Cleo
Glencoe Math, Course 1, Student Edition, Volume 1 by McGraw Hill
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays by Russell, Bertrand
The Wright Brothers' Engines and Their Design by Hobbs, Leonard S.
Allgemeines Schulpraktikum an einer Realschule by Smidt, Sabine
Problems in Periclean Buildings by Elderkin, G. W.
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications by
Digital Geometry Algorithms: Theoretical Foundations and Applications to Computational Imaging by
Multicriteria Portfolio Management by Krintas, Theodore, Xidonas, Panos, Mavrotas, George
Stochastic Analysis in Production Process and Ecology Under Uncertainty by Bieda, Boguslaw
Evolutionary Games in Complex Topologies: Interplay Between Structure and Dynamics by Poncela Casasnovas, Julia
Social Self-Organization: Agent-Based Simulations and Experiments to Study Emergent Social Behavior by
Interpolations-Basierte Sinogrammrestauration Zur Metallartefaktreduktion in Der Computertomographie by Oehler, May
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2012 by
Mathematicians in Bologna 1861-1960 by
Inequalities and Applications 2010: Dedicated to the Memory of Wolfgang Walter by
A Comet of the Enlightenment: Anders Johan Lexell's Life and Discoveries by Stén, Johan C. -E
Optimal Mixture Experiments by Sinha, B. K., Mandal, N. K., Pal, Manisha
Extremal Polynomials and Riemann Surfaces by Bogatyrev, Andrei
Evolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing III: Long-Time Behavior of Evolution Inclusions Solutions in Earth Data Anal by Zgurovsky, Mikhail Z., Kasyanov, Pavlo O., Kapustyan, Oleksiy V.
Analysis on Fock Spaces by Zhu, Kehe
Fraction Word Problems: Level 1 by Lee, Bill S.
Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R by Jones, Owen, Maillardet, Robert, Robinson, Andrew
Clusters, Orders, and Trees: Methods and Applications: In Honor of Boris Mirkin's 70th Birthday by
Rigidity and Symmetry by
Algebraic Monoids, Group Embeddings, and Algebraic Combinatorics by
Multiplikation und Division für die 5. Klasse: Wir kombinieren. Eine handlungsorientierte Erarbeitung des kombinatorischen Aspekts der Multiplikation by Mertens, Melanie
Terme und Gleichungen für die 8. Klasse: Eine Einführung in die Gleichungslehre unter besonderer Berücksichtigung kooperativer Lernformen by Mertens, Melanie
On-Orbit Operations Optimization: Modeling and Algorithms by Zhu, Yanwei, Ren, Xianhai, Yang, Leping
Endlich Gelöst! Aufgaben Zur Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler: Lineare Algebra Und Analysis in R by Merz, Wilhelm, Knabner, Peter
Mathematik Für Angewandte Wissenschaften by Dietmaier, Christopher
Algorithms and Dynamical Models for Communities and Reputation in Social Networks by Traag, Vincent
Contingency Table Analysis: Methods and Implementation Using R by Kateri, Maria
Selecta II - Expository Writings by Halmos, P. R.
Selecta I - Research Contributions by Halmos, P. R.
Atmospheric Research from Different Perspectives: Bridging the Gap Between Natural and Social Sciences by
Help Your Kids with Math: A Unique Step-By-Step Visual Guide by Lewis, Barry
Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions by Zabczyk, Jerzy, Da Prato, Giuseppe
Multiphysics Simulation: Electromechanical System Applications and Optimization by Lee, Jaewook, Nomura, Tsuyoshi, Dede, Ercan M.
Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis I: Extended and Selected Results from the Symposium Meis2013 by
Mathematical and Numerical Foundations of Turbulence Models and Applications by Chacón Rebollo, Tomás, Lewandowski, Roger
Implicit Functions and Solution Mappings: A View from Variational Analysis by Dontchev, Asen L., Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell
Learning Over Time: Learning Trajectories in Mathematics Education by
Learning Over Time: Learning Trajectories in Mathematics Education (Hc) by
Pascal's Triangle: A Study in Combinations by Vanbilliard, Jason
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science by Huang, Daiwen, Guo, Boling
Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications (2nd Edition) by
Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy (3rd Edition) by McCain, Roger A.
Computational Problems in Engineering by
Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013 by
Oscillation and Stability of Delay Models in Biology by Agarwal, Ravi P., Saker, Samir H., O'Regan, Donal
Stochastic Optimization in Insurance: A Dynamic Programming Approach by Muler, Nora, Azcue, Pablo
Reviving Ancient Chinese Mathematics: Mathematics, History and Politics in the Work of Wu Wen-Tsun by Hudecek, Jiri
Remarks on the Foundation of Mathematics [Bemerkungen Uber Die Grundlagen Der Mathematik] by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Statistik in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Mit Anwendungen in R by Falk, Michael, Hain, Johannes, Marohn, Frank
55 Secrets & Tricks of Mathematics by Guttmann, Davies
Practice Combinatorics: Level 2 (ages 9 to 11) by Borac, Silviu, Borac, Cleo
Nonlinear Analysis: Approximation Theory, Optimization and Applications by
James Serrin. Selected Papers: Volume 2 by
Practice Arithmetic: Level 2 (ages 9 to 11) by Borac, Silviu, Borac, Cleo
Longitudinal Double-Spin Asymmetry of Electrons from Heavy Flavor Decays in Polarized P + P Collisions at √s = 200 Gev by Nakamura, Katsuro
Practice Observation and Logic: Level 1 (ages 7 to 9) by Borac, Cleo, Borac, Silviu
Port-Hamiltonian Systems Theory: An Introductory Overview by van der Schaft, Arjan, Jeltsema, Dimitri
Neue Materialien Für Einen Realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 2: Istron-Schriftenreihe by
Literaturrecherchen und Lehrerbefragungen zu Einflussfeldern für Rechenstörungen by Kumpe, Knut
Unbestimmtheit in Mathematik und Physik by Böhringer, Urs
Strategies of Problem Solving by Nogin, Maria
Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate: Essays in the Philosophy of Social Science by
James Serrin. Selected Papers by
Managing Complexity, Reducing Perplexity: Modeling Biological Systems by
Forward Error Correction Based on Algebraic-Geometric Theory by M. Chen, Thomas, A. Alzubi, Jafar, A. Alzubi, Omar
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade 1, Teacher Lesson Guide, Volume 2 by
Em4 Print Classroom Resource Package Ppk, G1 by
Em4 Print Classroom Resource Package Ppk, G2 by
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade K, Teacher Lesson Guide, Volume 2 by
Transcendental Numbers by Murty, M. Ram, Rath, Purusottam
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade 2, Teacher Lesson Guide, Volume 1 by
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade 2, Teacher Lesson Guide, Volume 2 by
Fourier-Analysis in der Signalverarbeitung: inkl. Einführung in die komplexen Zahlen by Kohler, Bernd
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade K, Teacher Lesson Guide, Volume 1 by
Sum Fun Maths Assessment: Years 3-4 Maths Assessment Puzzles for the 2014 Curriculum by Bennett, Katherine
Arithmetic - Integers, Fractions, Decimals by Pappas, Nicholas L.
Hypergeometric Summation: An Algorithmic Approach to Summation and Special Function Identities by Koepf, Wolfram
Weil Demokratie Sich Ändern Muss: Im Gespräch Mit Paul Nolte, Helen Darbishire, Christoph Möllers by
Generalized Vectorization, Cross-Products, and Matrix Calculus by Turkington, Darrell A.
Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics: For Engineering and the Physical Sciences by Nair, Sudhakar
Pixelspiele: Modellieren Und Simulieren Mit Zellulären Automaten by Scholz, Daniel
Mathematische Modellierung zur Ermittlung der kurz- und langfristigen Liquiditätsrisiken in Kreditinstituten sowie Entwicklung eines geeigneten Frühwa by Härtel, Maximilian
Selbstreguliertes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht: Nutzung der leeren Begleitheftseiten im neuen Mathematiklehrmittel der Sekundarstufe I zur Förderung by Giger, Roman
The Search for Physics. Infinity. by Moroz, Viktor
Digital Fourier Analysis: Fundamentals by Kido, Ken'iti
Digital Fourier Analysis: Advanced Techniques by Kido, Ken'iti
Mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Fernsehkonsum und Mathematikleistungen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern der Mittelstufe by Anonymous
Rückversicherung als risikominderndes Instrument für den Erstversicherer by Miller, Julia
Mathematics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice by
Berühmte Aufgaben Der Stochastik: Von Den Anfängen Bis Heute by Barth, Friedrich, Haller, Rudolf
Collected Papers by Iwasawa, Kenkichi
Finite Elements in Vector Lattices by Weber, Martin R.
Algebraic Curves and Finite Fields: Cryptography and Other Applications by
Basic Concepts of Graph Algorithms: Combinatorics for Computer Science by Williamson, S. Gill
Theory of Computational Complexity by Ko, Ker-I, Du, Ding-Zhu
The Dirac Equation and Its Solutions by Bagrov, Vladislav G., Gitman, Dmitry
James Serrin. Selected Papers: Volume 1 by
Regularity of Difference Equations on Banach Spaces by Lizama, Carlos, Agarwal, Ravi P., Cuevas, Claudio
Modern Problems in Insurance Mathematics by
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 18 by
Über Form Und Struktur - Geometrie in Gestaltungsprozessen by
Collected Papers by Oka, Kiyoshi
Em4 Print Classroom Resource Package Ppk, Gk by
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade 1, Journal Answer Books (Vol 1 & 2) by
Everyday Mathematics 4, Grade 2, Journal Answer Books (Vol 1 & 2) by
Simulation of Ode/Pde Models with Matlab(r), Octave and Scilab: Scientific and Engineering Applications by Vilas, Carlos, Vande Wouwer, Alain, Saucez, Philippe
Case Studies in System of Systems, Enterprise Systems, and Complex Systems Engineering by
Jump Math AP Book 3.1: Us Edition by Mighton, John
Jump Math AP Book 2.1: Us Edition by Mighton, John
Jump Math AP Book 1.1: Us Edition by Mighton, John
Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing by
Positional Games by Stojakovic, Milos, Hefetz, Dan, Krivelevich, Michael
Functional Analysis and Applied Optimization in Banach Spaces: Applications to Non-Convex Variational Models by Botelho, Fabio
Neverending Fractions: An Introduction to Continued Fractions by Van Der Poorten, Alf, Zudilin, Wadim, Borwein, Jonathan
L'Emergence de La Presse Mathematique En Europe Au 19eme Siecle by
Stochastic Differential Equations, Backward Sdes, Partial Differential Equations by Pardoux, Etienne, Rӑşcanu, Aurel
Infinite Cosmoses Of Infinite Algorithms for Infinite Transcendental Numbers: Volume 3 by Raghunathan, Narayanan
Do the Math: Factoring and Quadratic Equations by Bower, Suzanne
Selected Works: Prepared by the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the Occasion of His Ninetieth Birthday by Vinogradov, I. M.
Infinite Cosmoses Of Infinite Algorithms for Infinite Transcendental Numbers: Volume 1 by Raghunathan, Narayanan
Infinite Cosmoses Of Infinite Algorithms for Infinite Transcendental Numbers: Volume 2 by Raghunathan, Narayanan
Algebraic Number Theory by Jarvis, Frazer
The Splendor and Squalor of Numbers by Earls, Jason
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