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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2014

Ensena a Tus Hijos a Contar en un Dia!: Numeros Con Animales Divertidos by Molina, Claudia
From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context: Graßmann Bicentennial Conference, September 2009 by
The Mathematical Works of Leon Battista Alberti by
Ontology-Based Multi-Agent Systems by Chang, Elizabeth J., Wongthongtham, Pornpit, Hadzic, Maja
Mathematical Physiology: I: Cellular Physiology by Keener, James, Sneyd, James
Scalable Network Monitoring in High Speed Networks by Du, David Hung-Chang, Choi, Baek-Young, Zhang, Zhi-Li
Crossroads: History of Science, History of Art: Essays by David Speiser, Vol. II by
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak in Memoriam: Volume 2 by
States of Consciousness: Models for Psychology and Psychotherapy by Kokoszka, Andrzej
From Combinatorics to Philosophy: The Legacy of G.-C. Rota by
Relative Equilibria of the Curved N-Body Problem by Diacu, Florin
The Solution of Equations in Integers by Gelfond, A. O.
Metakognition als Förderstrategie im Mathematikunterricht einer 6. Klasse: Wie können Schülerinnen und Schüler mit einem wenig entwickelten Selbstkonz by Hauert, Patrick
Fourier Transforms by Hansen, Eric W.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen IV by Weyl, Hermann
Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology: From Macro- To Nanoscale Structures by
10 Concepts Every Math Teacher Should Know: Teaching Mathematical Concepts for Understanding in Grades K-8 by Goff, Sandra
Mythematics: Solving the Twelve Labors of Hercules by Huber, Michael
The Logic of Infinity by Sheppard, Barnaby
The Logic of Infinity by Sheppard, Barnaby
Portfolio Theory and Risk Management by Kopp, Ekkehard, Capiński, Maciej J.
Riemann Surfaces: Sheaf Theory, Riemann Surfaces, Automorphic Forms by Freitag, Eberhard
Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes by Liu, Chongyang, Gong, Zhaohua
Optimization with Pde Constraints: Esf Networking Program 'Optpde' by
Random Curves: Journeys of a Mathematician by Koblitz, Neal
Arithmetik, Funktionen und ihre Didaktik II. Zusammenfassung der Vorlesung by Rahder, Stefanie
Modeling Virtual Environments Filled with Autonomous Vehicles by Yin Zhishuai
Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications by
Chaotic Dynamics in Nonlinear Theory by Burra, Lakshmi
Critique as Uncertainty by Skovsmose, OLE
Critique as Uncertainty (Hc) by Skovsmose, OLE
Flow Simulation (CFD) & Fatigue Analysis (FEA) of a Centrifugal Pump by Sharma Vikas, Sharma Sanjay Kumar, Dadhich Manish
Spectral Radius of Graphs by Stevanovic, Dragan
Noch Mehr Analysis: Mehrdimensionale Integration, Fouriertheorie, Funktionentheorie by Pöschel, Jürgen
A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Pfister, Gerhard, Greuel, Gert-Martin
Vorkurs Mathematik Für Nebenfachstudierende: Mathematisches Grundwissen Für Den Einstieg Ins Studium ALS Nicht-Mathematiker by Klinger, Marcel
Essai Sur l'Application de l'Analyse À La Probabilité Des Décisions Rendues À La Pluralité Des Voix by Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas De Carit, Condorcet, Nicolas De
Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics by Cristiani, Emiliano, Piccoli, Benedetto, Tosin, Andrea
The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences by Clifford, William Kingdon
A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability: From the Time of Pascal to That of Laplace by Todhunter, Isaac
Mathematik Für Bwl-Bachelor: Schritt Für Schritt Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Matthäus, Wolf-Gert, Matthäus, Heidrun
Variational Inequalities and Frictional Contact Problems by Capatina, Anca
Dimensional Analysis by Gibbings, J. C.
Analysis Band 1: Ein Lernbuch Für Den Sanften Wechsel Von Der Schule Zur Uni. Von Studenten Mitentwickelt by Behrends, Ehrhard
Matematicas En La Primaria: Las Matematicas de Primero a Sexto Grados.Nociones, Contenidos y Su Proceso de Ensenanza-Aprendizaje. by Zapata, Mercedes Albertos
Physics of Baseball & Softball by Cross, Rod
Foundations of Mathematical and Computational Economics by Dadkhah, Kamran
Mathematical Lives: Protagonists of the Twentieth Century from Hilbert to Wiles by
An Introduction to the Theory of Stationary Random Functions by Yaglom, A. M.
Solutions Manual to Accompany Combinatorial Reasoning: An Introduction to the Art of Counting by Webb, William, DeTemple, Duane
Finite Element Analysis of Structures Through Unified Formulation by Carrera, Erasmo, Petrolo, Marco, Cinefra, Maria, Petrolo, Marco
Planar Dynamical Systems: Selected Classical Problems by Huang, Wentao, Liu, Yirong, Li, Jibin
The Elementary Theory of Groups: A Guide Through the Proofs of the Tarski Conjectures by Myasnikov, Alexei, Fine, Benjamin, Gaglione, Anthony
Convex Analysis and Optimization in Hadamard Spaces by Bacak, Miroslav
Ordinary Differential Equations and Mechanical Systems by Awrejcewicz, Jan
Classical and Spatial Stochastic Processes: With Applications to Biology by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Thermo-Magnetic Systems for Space Nuclear Reactors: An Introduction by Maidana, Carlos O.
Mathematical Analysis of Problems in the Natural Sciences by Zorich, Vladimir
Classical and Spatial Stochastic Processes: With Applications to Biology by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Optimal Transportation by
Multivariate Calculus and Geometry by Dineen, Seán
Portfolio Theory and Risk Management by Kopp, Ekkehard, Capiński, Maciej J.
A Gentle Introduction to Optimization by Könemann, J., Tunçel, L., Guenin, B.
Lezioni Di Meccanica Razionale (Large Print Edition) by Burgatti, Pietro
The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication by
Scientific Visualization: Uncertainty, Multifield, Biomedical, and Scalable Visualization by
Investigating the Pedagogy of Mathematics: How Do Teachers Develop Their Knowledge? by Fan, Lianghuo
Social Collective Intelligence: Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society by
Correspondence of John Wallis (1616-1703): Volume IV (1672-April 1675) by Beeley, Philip, Scriba, Christoph J.
Cases on Technology Integration in Mathematics Education by
Probabilistic Normed Spaces by Lafuerza Guillen, Bernardo, Harikrishnan, Panackal
One 2 Three: ISA 2 Tatlo by Martinez-Tiglao, Vina
Differential Geometry and Kinematics of Continua by Clayton, John D.
Codes from Difference Sets by Ding, Cunsheng
Computational and Algorithmic Linear Algebra and N-Dimensional Geometry by Murty, Katta Gopalakrishna
Cours de Géométrie Analytique: Géométrie Plane 2e Édition by Carnoy
Traité d'Arithmétique Théorique Et Pratique, Entièrement Conforme Au Programme de 1866, 4e Édition by Mesnard, Arman
Traité de Géométrie Analytique À Deux Dimensions, Sections Coniques by Salmon, George
Mémoires de Mathématiques Et de Physique Rédigés À l'Observatoire de Marseille: Année 1755 [1756] by La Grange, Louis, Pezenas, Esprit, Blanchard, Jean-Baptiste
Annuaire Statistique Pour 1838 de l'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique Et l'Océanie Tome 1 by Moreau, César, Slowaczynski
Cours d'Algèbre by Guitton
Gesammelte Werke Tome 5 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 1 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 4 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 3 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 7 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 8 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Gesammelte Werke Tome 2 by Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
Mémoire Sur La Fortification Primitive, Pour Servir de Suite Au Traité de la Défense Places Fortes by Carnot, Lazare
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 2 by Mathieu, Émile
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 1 by Mathieu, Émile
Cours de Mathématiques, À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie by Bezout, Étienne
Mathematical Game Theory and Applications by Mazalov, Vladimir
Digital Fourier Analysis by Kido, Ken'iti
Basic Biostatistics for Public Health and Allied Medical Science Students by Memory, Dogitimiye, Queensoap, Memory
Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics: Applications in Physical, Biological, and Financial Systems by Baleanu, Dumitru, Luo, Albert C. J., Machado, José António Tenreiro
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games by
Fault Detection and Isolation: Multi-Vehicle Unmanned Systems by Khorasani, Khashayar, Meskin, Nader
Almost Periodic Stochastic Processes by Diagana, Toka, Bezandry, Paul H.
Numerical Approximation Methods: π ≈ 355/113 by Cohen, Harold
An Introduction to Complex Analysis by Agarwal, Ravi P., Perera, Kanishka, Pinelas, Sandra
Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory by
Symmetry and the Standard Model: Mathematics and Particle Physics by Robinson, Matthew
My Life and Functions by Hayman, Walter K.
Application de la Théorie Algébrique Des Formes Quadratiques À La Classification Lignes: À l'Usage Des Classes de Mathématiques Spéciales Et Candidats by Riquier, Charles
Géométrie Praticque by Bovelles, Charles de
Élémens de Géométrie de Monseigneur Le Duc de Bourgogne by Louis, Stéphane, Malezieu, Nicolas de
Examen Duplication Cube, Quadrature Cercle, Cy Devant Publiée À Diverses Fois Par Le Sieur de la Leu by Hardy, Claude
Les Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles À Caractéristiques Réelles by D' Adhémar, Robert
Éléments de Géométrie 4e Édition by Porchon
Arithmétique de Bezout, À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie by Bezout, Étienne
Exercices de Géométrie Problèmes Et Théorèmes 2e Édition by André
Les Cristalloïdes À Directrice Circulaire: Études Géométriques by Hugo, Léopold
Exposition Élémentaire Des Principes Des Calculs Supérieurs by Lhuilier, Simon
Mémoires Sur Les Lignes Du Second Ordre: Faisant Suite Aux Recherches Publiées Dans Les Journaux de l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique by Brianchon, Charles-Julien
L'Emploi Des Mathématiques En Économie Politique by Moret, Jacques
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome IV-Sixième Volume: Fascicule 1, Balistique. Hydraulique by Sans Auteur
Leçons Sur Les Applications Géométriques de l'Analyse: (Éléments de la Théorie Des Courbes Et Des Surfaces) by Raffy, Louis
Cours de Mathématique Contenant Divers Traitez Composez Et Enseignez À Monseigneur Le Dauphin. Vol1 by Blondel, François
Cours de Mathématique Contenant Divers Traitez Composez Et Enseignez À Monseigneur Le Dauphin. Vol2 by Blondel, François
Types de Calculs de Navigation Et d'Astronomie Nautique 2ème Édition: À l'Usage Des Candidats Aux Grades de Capitaine Au Long Cours Ou de Maître Au Ca by Dubus
Traité Des Fonctions Elliptiques Et de Leurs Applications. Partie 3 by Halphen, Georges-Henri
Abrégé Des Calculs Appliqués Aux Ballons Aérostatiques by Etevenard
Géométrie Du Jalonnement: Ayant Pour Objet Principal Mesure Distances Et Tracé Alignements Droits Et Courbes Sans Instruments by Desjardins
Mémoire Sur La Géométrie Des Hindous: Analyse de la Partie Géométrique Des Ouvrages de Brahmegupta Et de Bhascara Acharya by Chasles, Michel
Tables de Multiplications by Voisin
Géométrie by Dufailly, Jules
Essai Analytique de Géométrie Plane by Francfort
Transcendantes by Carvallo, Emmanuel
Opuscules Mathématiques by Bérard, Joseph-Balthazard
Cours Élémentaire de Cosmographie by Legras, Jean-Léoni
Cours Élémentaire de Botanique, Description Des Familles Et Des Espèces Utiles. by Gosselet, Jules
Sur La Théorie Des Équations Différentielles Du 1e Ordre Et Du 1e Degré by Autonne, Léon
Recueil de Statistique de la Ville de Paris Et Du Département de la Seine, 1919: : Épidémie de Grippe À Paris, 30 Juin 1918-26 Avril 1919 by Sans Auteur
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach by Bennett, Albert B.
Recherches Sur Les Courbes À Double Courbure by Clairaut, Alexis Claude
de Fluxions Et Réduits À l'Analyse Algébrique Des Quantités Finies by Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Annuaire Statistique Pour 1838 de l'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique Et l'Océanie Tome 2 by Slowaczynski, Moreau, César
Nouvelle Théorie de l'Action Capillaire by Poisson, Siméon-Denis
Cours Gradué d'Arithmétique Pour l'Enseignement Primaire by Bovier-Lapierre, Gaspard
Les Carrés Magiques: Contribution À Leur Étude by Riollot, Jules
Exercices d'Arithmétique (Problèmes Et Théorèmes) by André
Cours de Géométrie Descriptive Et de Géométrie Infinitésimale by D' Ocagne, Maurice
Invention Nouvelle Et Briève, Pour Réduire En Perspective by Gaultier de Maignannes
Traité Complet Des Carrés Magiques Pairs Et Impairs, Simples Et Composés, Tome 3: Suivi d'Un Traité Cubes Magiques, de la Théorie Des Parallélogrammes by Violle, Bernard
Leçons Sur l'Intégration Des Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles Du Second Ordre by Goursat, Édouard
Nouvelle Théorie Physique by Durand, François-Auguste
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Occidentale Française by Sans Auteur
Eléments de Géométrie Analytique 13ème Édition by Frontera
Leçons d'Algèbre À l'Usage Des Élèves de la Classe de Mathématiques Spéciales by Piéron, D.
Traité Des Fonctions Elliptiques Et de Leurs Applications. Partie 1 by Halphen, Georges-Henri
Analyse Infinitésimale Des Courbes Planes: Contenant La Résolution d'Un Grand Nombre de Problèmes Choisis, À l'Usage Des Candidats À La Licence by Aoust, Barthélémy
Traité de Stéréotomie: Comprenant Les Applications de la Géométrie Descriptive. Tome 2, Atlas: À La Théorie Des Ombres, La Perspective Linéaire, La Gn by Leroy, Charles-François-Antoine
La Géométrie Au XIE Siècle by Tannery, Paul
Théorie Élémentaire Des Convergents Des Fonctions d'Une Seule Variable: Bibliographie by Fleury, Pierre-Henry
Math Without Rules by Fenner, Terri Wolfe
Dreams, Death, Rebirth: A Topological Odyssey Into Alchemy's Hidden Dimensions by Rosen, Steven M.
Dreams, Death, Rebirth: A Topological Odyssey Into Alchemy's Hidden Dimensions [Hardcover] by Rosen, Steven M.
The Reputation Risk Handbook: Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency by Bonime-Blanc, Andrea
Diskrete Mathematik Mit Grundlagen: Lehrbuch Für Studierende Von Mint-Fächern by Iwanowski, Sebastian, Lang, Rainer
Moral Strata: Another Approach to Reflective Equilibrium by Welch, John R.
Algebraische Und Zahlentheoretische Grundlagen Für Die Informatik: Gruppen, Ringe, Körper, Primzahltests, Verschlüsselung by Witt, Kurt-Ulrich
Model Theory in Algebra, Analysis and Arithmetic: Cetraro, Italy 2012, Editors: H. Dugald Macpherson, Carlo Toffalori by Van Den Dries, Lou, Koenigsmann, Jochen, MacPherson, H. Dugald
Introduction to Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration and Applications by Leobacher, Gunther, Pillichshammer, Friedrich
ARThematics Plus: Integrated Projects in Math, Art and Beyond by Mandelbaum, Stefanie, Guttman, Jacqueline S.
Makro-Mathematik by V. Pape, Bodo
Game Theory: Models, Numerical Methods and Applications by Bauso, Dario
Introduction to Finite Element, Boundary Element, and Meshless Methods: With Applications to Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow by Divo, Eduardo A., Pepper, Darrell W., Kassab, Alain J.
Multi-Parameter Singular Integrals, Volume I by Street, Brian
John Napier: Life, Logarithms, and Legacy by Havil, Julian
Gesellschaftliche Funktionen Des Mathematikunterrichts: Ein Soziologischer Beitrag Zum Kritischen Verständnis Mathematischer Bildung by Kollosche, David
The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically (1891) by Ohm, Georg Simon
Non-Euclidean Geometry: A Critical And Historical Study Of Its Development (1912) by Bonola, Roberto
Non-Euclidean Geometry: A Critical And Historical Study Of Its Development (1912) by Bonola, Roberto
The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically (1891) by Ohm, Georg Simon
Darstellung und Vergleich verschiedener Lösungsalgorithmen zur Optimierung eines Netzwerkproblems by Rückel, Bastian
Probabilistic Design for Optimization and Robustness for Engineers by Hammett, Patrick, Klerx, Rene, Dodson, Bryan
Approximability of Optimization Problems Through Adiabatic Quantum Computation by Cruz-Santos, William, Morales-Luna, Guillermo
Advances in Gyroscope Technologies by Ciminelli, Caterina, Dell'olio, Francesco, Armenise, Mario N.
Metaheuristic Search Concepts: A Tutorial with Applications to Production and Logistics by Braune, Roland, Bögl, Michael, Zäpfel, Günther
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2010 by
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance by
Structurally Constrained Controllers: Analysis and Synthesis by Sojoudi, Somayeh, Lavaei, Javad, Aghdam, Amir G.
Dimensional Analysis: With Case Studies in Mechanics by Tan, Qing-Ming
Financial Derivatives Modeling by Ekstrand, Christian
Network Models in Economics and Finance by
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control: Selected Papers of the 1st Ceas Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control by
Risk and Reward: The Science of Casino Blackjack by Werthamer, N. Richard
Plurigaussian Simulations in Geosciences by Beucher, Hélène, Armstrong, Margaret, Galli, Alain
The Political Economy of Collective Decision-Making: Conflicts and Coalitions in the Council of the European Union by Veen, Tim
Mathematical Adventures in Performance Analysis: From Storage Systems, Through Airplane Boarding, to Express Line Queues by Bachmat, Eitan
Getting More for Less: The Gravity of America's Choices by Laroque, George, III
Funktionen Für Höhlenmenschen Und Andere Anfänger: Koordinatensysteme Zur Darstellung Von Abhängigkeiten in Der Mathematik by Beetz, Jürgen
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes by Friedman, Avner, Kao, Chiu-Yen
Modeling Multiphase Materials Processes: Gas-Liquid Systems by Ilegbusi, Olusegun J., Iguchi, Manabu
New Frontiers of Multidisciplinary Research in Steam-H (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics, and Health) by
The Performance of the Atlas Detector by
Fractals, Wavelets, and Their Applications: Contributions from the International Conference and Workshop on Fractals and Wavelets by
Der Weierstraßsche Produktsatz und die Weierstraßsche Sigma-Funktion by Wedemeyer, Jessika
100 Chemical Myths: Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, Explanations by Kovács, Lajos, Csupor, Dezső, Lente, Gábor
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