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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2016

Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis by
Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry: The Unpublished Manuscripts by De Risi, Vincenzo
Information Geometry and Its Applications by Amari, Shun-Ichi
Socks Are Like Pants, Cats Are Like Dogs: Games, Puzzles, and Activities for Choosing, Identifying, and Sorting Math by Hamilton, Gordon, Rosenfeld, Malke
Counting Money Workbook by Stachiw, Michael
Topics in Recreational Mathematics 1/2016 by Ashbacher, Charles
A Mathematician's Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science by
Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Derivatives, Integrals and Models by Peterson, James K.
Interconnected Networks by
Digital Curricula in School Mathematics by
Digital Curricula in School Mathematics (HC) by
Problemhaltige Denk- und Sachaufgaben handelnd lösen. Entwicklung von Lösungsstrategien in Kleingruppen in der 2. Klasse by Leßmeister, Christine
An Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics: A Reader by
An Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics: A Reader by
Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm: Methodology and Implementation by
General Galois Geometries by Hirschfeld, James, Thas, Joseph A.
UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics by
My Thoughts 8: O My God by Thomas, Christopher Maxwell
Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization: Asdom, Reykjavik, August 2014 by
Numerus Computatio Balisticum by Earls, Jason
Methods and Techniques for Proving Inequalities: In Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions by Xiong, Bin, Su, Yong
Geometric Inequalities: In Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions by Leng, Gangsong
Methods and Techniques for Proving Inequalities: In Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions by Su, Yong, Xiong, Bin
Geometric Inequalities: In Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions by Leng, Gangsong
An Introduction to the Early Development of Mathematics by Goodman, Michael K. J.
MATHadazzles Mindstretch Puzzles: Reasoning with Integers Volume 3 by Cavanagh, Mary C., Greenes, Carole E.
Contextuality from Quantum Physics to Psychology by
Angewandteres zum Mathematischen der Zahlenmagie by Kremer, Erhard
Foundations of Ergodic Theory by Oliveira, Krerley, Viana, Marcelo
Counting Birds by McCuin, D. L.
Complex Ball Quotients and Line Arrangements in the Projective Plane (Mn-51) by Tretkoff, Paula
Varying Gravity: Dirac's Legacy in Cosmology and Geophysics by Kragh, Helge
Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Higher Order Models and Their Analysis by Peterson, James K.
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Methods for Electrical Machines and Drive Systems by Zhu, Jianguo, Guo, Youguang, Lei, Gang
Mathematician for All Seasons: Recollections and Notes, Vol. 2 (1945-1968) by Steinhaus, Hugo
Interest Rate Modeling: Post-Crisis Challenges and Approaches by Runggaldier, Wolfgang, Grbac, Zorana
GNU Octave Primer for Beginners by Nakamura, S.
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt: A Contextual History by Imhausen, Annette
Mathematician for All Seasons by Steinhaus, Hugo
Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis by Hijab, Omar
MATHadazzles Mind Stretch Puzzles: Reasoning with Numbers Volume 2 by Greenes, Carole E., Cavanagh, Mary C.
The Holy New Testament: The Second Coming and the Patient by Dortch, Bernard Christopher
The Holy New Testament: The Second Coming and the Patient by Dortch, Bernard Christopher
Savage Sudoku: 140 Puzzles to Test Your Skills by Immanuvel, Anthony, Stickels, Terry
The Big Brain Puzzle Book by Stickels, Terry
Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Data: The Abel Symposium 2014 by
Discrete Fractional Calculus by Goodrich, Christopher, Peterson, Allan C.
Principles of Topology by Croom, Fred H.
Piecewise Linear Structures on Topological Manifolds by Rudyak, Yuli
Everyday Mathematics 4th Edition, Grade 6, Spanish Math Masters by
Introduction to Mathematical Oncology by Nagy, John D., Kuang, Yang, Eikenberry, Steffen E.
Let's Play Math: How Families Can Learn Math Together and Enjoy It by Gaskins, Denise
Singularities: Formation, Structure, and Propagation by Fontelos, M. A., Eggers, J.
Teilchendetektoren: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Wermes, Norbert, Kolanoski, Hermann
Abhandlungen über Variationsrechnung by Stäckel, Paul
Plain Plane Geometry by Sasane, Amol
Plain Plane Geometry by Sasane, Amol
Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Approximation by Le Dret, Hervé, Lucquin, Brigitte
Parametric and Nonparametric Inference for Statistical Dynamic Shape Analysis with Applications by Fontanella, Lara, Brombin, Chiara, Salmaso, Luigi
Several Real Variables by Kantorovitz, Shmuel
Mapping Biological Systems to Network Systems by Rathore, Heena
Portfolio Optimization Using Fundamental Indicators Based on Multi-Objective EA by Silva, Antonio Daniel, Neves, Rui Ferreira, Horta, Nuno
Quantization, Pdes, and Geometry: The Interplay of Analysis and Mathematical Physics by
Bioinformation Processing: A Primer on Computational Cognitive Science by Peterson, James K.
Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Partial Differential Equation Models by Peterson, James
Quantitative Economics in China: A Thirty-Year Review by
Analytics: Data Science, Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics for Business by Covington, Daniel
Variations - Rechnung: Erster Teil: Abhandlungen von Joh. Bernoulli, Jac. Bernoulli und Leonhard Euler by Stäckel, Paul
Combinatorial Algorithms: 26th International Workshop, Iwoca 2015, Verona, Italy, October 5-7, 2015, Revised Selected Papers by
Matemáticas: Un enfoque de resolución de problemas para maestros de educación básica: Volumen uno, blanco y negro by Libeskind, Shlomo, Lott, Johnny W.
Introduction to Topology by Yan, Min
Maximum Principles and Geometric Applications by Alías, Luis J., Mastrolia, Paolo, Rigoli, Marco
Mathematical Analysis II by Zorich, V. A.
Rock Anisotropy, Fracture and Earthquake Assessment by
Systems Dependability Assessment: Benefits of Petri Net Models by Aubry, Jean-Francois, Mazouni, Mohammed-Habib, Brinzei, Nicolae
Multiplication is Fun by Lifematics
Theory of Approximate Functional Equations: In Banach Algebras, Inner Product Spaces and Amenable Groups by Abbaszadeh, Sadegh, Gordji, Madjid Eshaghi
Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (Gor), Rwth Aac by
AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics: With Many Examples, Practice Questions and Answers by Nasser, Vali
Nonlinear Interpolation and Boundary Value Problems by Eloe, Paul W., Henderson, Johnny L.
Fundamentals of Modern Algebra: A Global Perspective by Underwood, Robert G.
Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations (Second Edition) by Tignol, Jean-Pierre
Algebraic Computability and Enumeration Models: Recursion Theory and Descriptive Complexity by Nourani, Cyrus F.
Mathematics and Methodology for Economics: Applications, Problems and Solutions by Eichhorn, Wolfgang, Gleißner, Winfried
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 5 by
Fundamentals of Modern Algebra: A Global Perspective by Underwood, Robert G.
Förderung der Problemlösekompetenz durch Fermi-Aufgaben. Volumenberechnung in der 7. Klasse by Becker, Marie
Concept-Based Mathematics: Teaching for Deep Understanding in Secondary Classrooms by Wathall, Jennifer
Mathematics Problem-Solving Challenges for Secondary School Students and Beyond by Linker, David L., Sultan, Alan
Varieties of Integration by Rosentrater, C. Ray
Geschichte der Mathematik: seit der Wiederherstellung der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts by Kaestner, Gotthelf
Foundation of Numerical Analysis: Implementation with GNU Octave/Matlab by Nakamura, S.
Cracking the High School Math Competitions Solutions Manual: Covering AMC 10 & 12, Arml, and Ziml by Wang, Kevin, Ren, Kelly, Lensmire, John
Quartic Surfaces with Singular Points by Jessop, C. M.
Ten-Minute Exercises by Webb, H.
Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions by Sommerville, D. M. Y.
Zauberdreiecke mit den Zahlen von 1 bis 10. Schriftlicher Unterrichtsentwurf zum Zweiten Staatsexamen im Fach Mathematik by Fedine, Natalie
Leibniz ALS Reichshofrat: Herausgegeben Von W. Li by Faak, Margot
Mathematik Für Technische Gymnasien Und Berufliche Oberschulen Band 1: Analysis by Zipsner, Thomas, Pfeffer, Karl-Heinz
Combinatorics, Words and Symbolic Dynamics by
Basic Math in Plain English by Rabon, Bobby
Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences: Selected Papers from Icrem7 2015 by
Einstieg in Die Hochschulmathematik: Verständlich Erklärt Vom Abiturniveau Aus by Wagner, Jürgen
Rigid Germs, the Valuative Tree, and Applications to Kato Varieties by Ruggiero, Matteo
Integrating Research on the Graphical Representation of Functions by
Enigma. Mechanische und mathematische Funktionsweise der bekanntesten Verschlüsselungsmaschine des 2. Weltkrieges by Held, Johannes
Scientific Computing with MATLAB by Xue, Dingyu, Chen, Yangquan
Élémens Du Calcul Des Probabilités, Et Son Application Aux Jeux de Hasard, À La Loterie by de Caritat Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas
Élémens Des Mathématiques, Ou Principes Généraux de Toutes Les Science by Prestet
Éléments d'Arithmétique: À l'Usage Des Candidats Au Baccalauréat Ès-Sciences, by Serret, Joseph-Alfred
Mémoires d'Algèbre Supérieure by Serret, Joseph-Alfred
Statistiques Générales. Situation de la Colonie Au 31 Décembre 1908: Population, Administration by Madagascar
Histoire de l'Arithmétique: Historique Sur Divers Points Du Système de l'Abacus by Chasles, Michel
Refutation d'Un Libelle Imprimé À Rouen En l'Année 1642. Sous Le Titre de Futilitez Des Raisonnemens by Hardy, Claude
Instruction Sur La Règle À Calculs by Collardeau-Duheaume
Mémoire: Cinq Points Quelconques Pris Dans l'Espace by Carnot, Lazare
Éléments de Statique, À l'Usage Des Lycées Nouv. Éd. by Poinsot, Louis
Index Du Répertoire Bibliographique Des Sciences Mathématiques by Sciences Mathematiques
Thèses Présentées À La Faculté Des Sciences de Paris, Essai d'Une Théorie Géométrique Des Surfaces by Picart-A
Théorie Purement Algébrique Des Quantités Imaginaires Et Des Fonctions Qui En Résultent by Suremain de Missery
Du Calcul Infinitésimal Et de la Géométrie Des Courbes by Beguin, Nicolas
Essai Sur La Méthode Directe Du Calcul Intégral by Simonov
Leçons Élémentaires d'Algèbre Et de Trigonométrie Rectiligne Nouv. Éd., Rev. Et Corr. by Reydellet, M.
Le Livre Nécessaire Pour Les Comptables, Avocats, Notaires, Procureurs, Négociants by Barrême, François
Éléments de Géométrie by Rossignol, Jean-Joseph
Description Et Usage Du Cercle de Réflexion, Observations Nautiques by Borda, Jean-Charles
Éléments d'Arithmétique Théorique Et Pratique, Approximations Décimales 4e Éd. by Tarnier, Etienne Auguste
Base Centrale de la Triangulation Géodésique d'Espagne by Ibáñez E. Ibáñez de Íbero, Carlos
Géométrie Élémentaire by Imp de Bineteau
Mathématiques Et Mathématiciens: Pensées Et Curiosités by Rebière, Alphonse
Traité d'Arithmétique by Cassanac
Opuscules Mathématiques, Par M. l'Abbé de Rochon, by Rochon, Alexis
de la Statistique Appliquée À La Pathologie Et À La Thérapeutique by Broussais, Casimir
Passe-Temps Mathématique, Ou Récréation À l'Île Sainte-Hélène: CE Jeu Qui Occupe by Briquet
Problem Solving and Uncertainty Modeling through Optimization and Soft Computing Applications by
Plato and Pythagoreanism by Horky, Phillip Sidney
Maya Math Simplified by Kane, Njord
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Opera Mathematica. Volumen Primum by Euler, Leonhard
The Math Myth: And Other STEM Delusions by Hacker, Andrew
Evolutionary Games in Natural, Social, and Virtual Worlds by Friedman, Daniel, Sinervo, Barry
Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick
MathPassion - 2nd edition: An entertaining journey through mathematical glamour by Hamouda, Mamdouh
Cracking the High School Math Competitions: Covering AMC 10 & 12, Arml and Ziml by Wang, Kevin, Ren, Kelly, Lensmire, John
Welche Zahl ist kleiner beziehungsweise größer? Zahlen ordnen und vergleichen (Klasse 2, Arithmetik) by Anonym
Hierarchical Modular Granular Neural Networks with Fuzzy Aggregation by Sanchez, Daniela, Melin, Patricia
The Spectrum of Hyperbolic Surfaces by Bergeron, Nicolas
Dynamic Demographic Analysis by
Index-Aware Model Order Reduction Methods: Applications to Differential-Algebraic Equations by Banagaaya, N., Alì, Giuseppe, Schilders, Wil H. a.
Search for the Pentaquark Θ+ Via the π-P → K-X Reaction at J-Parc by Moritsu, Manabu
Trick or Truth?: The Mysterious Connection Between Physics and Mathematics by
Albertus Magnus und die Wiederentdeckung der Mathematik im 13. Jahrhundert by Dallmer, Eckhard
Schnellkurs Arithmetik und Algebra. Was wir in der Schule hätten lernen sollen!: Mathematik für jeden by Wehrle, Hugo
Die Einstellung von Lehrenden in der Sekundarstufe I zu den Bildungsstandards in Österreich by Müllner, Martin
A Practical Guide To Mastering Numeracy Tests Grades 4 - 6, Volume 2 - Mathematical Operations and Relations by Alexander, Jasmin C.
MATLAB in Easy Hindi by Kumar, Dr Alok
My Big Book Of Soduku Puzzles Vol 3: 202 Difficult Sudoku Puzzles Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Multiplication 0-12 Workbook Math Essentials Children's Arithmetic Books by Baby Professor
Division 5th Grade Math Essentials Children's Arithmetic Books by Baby Professor
Division 3Rd Grade Math Essentials Children's Arithmetic Books by Baby Professor
Brain Twisters Sudoku Challenge Vol 2: Extreme Sudoku Puzzles Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Math Practice Addition Workbook - Two (2) Digit Addends Children's Arithmetic Books Edition by Baby Professor
Brain Twisters Sudoku Challenge Vol 3: Extreme Sudoku Puzzles Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Jumbo Sudoku Puzzle Challenge Vol 1: Jumbo Sudoku Challenge Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Jumbo Sudoku Puzzle Challenge Vol 2: Jumbo Sudoku Challenge Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Jumbo Sudoku Puzzle Challenge Vol 3: Jumbo Sudoku Challenge Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mastering Sudoku Puzzles Challenge Vol 1: Mastering Sudoku Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mastering Sudoku Puzzles Challenge Vol 2: Mastering Sudoku Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mastering Sudoku Puzzles Challenge Vol 3: Mastering Sudoku Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mesmerizing Sudoku Puzzles Vol 2: Difficult Sudoku Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 1 by Puzzle Crazy
Mesmerizing Sudoku Puzzles Vol 3: Difficult Sudoku Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Mix Craze Sudoku Puzzles Vol 1: Killer Sudoku Times Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 2 by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Mix Craze Sudoku Puzzles Vol 2: Killer Sudoku Times Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 3 by Puzzle Crazy
Math Practice Addition Workbook - Five (5) Digit Addends Children's Arithmetic Books Edition by Baby Professor
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 1 by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 4 by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Mix Craze Sudoku Puzzles Vol 3: Killer Sudoku Times Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Fractions Workbook Grade 7 Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books by Baby Professor
Mind Mixers Sudoku Puzzles Vol 1: Sudoku Medium To Hard Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Mixers Sudoku Puzzles Vol 2: Sudoku Medium To Hard Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 2 by Puzzle Crazy
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 3 by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 6 by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Mixers Sudoku Puzzles Vol 3: Sudoku Medium To Hard Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Puzzle Book: Sudoku for Adults Volume 7 by Puzzle Crazy
Math Practice Addition Workbook - Six (6) Digit Addends Children's Arithmetic Books Edition by Baby Professor
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 4 by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Warp Sudoku Puzzlers Challenge Vol 1: Killer Sudoku Puzzle Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Warp Sudoku Puzzlers Challenge Vol 2: Killer Sudoku Puzzle Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 5 by Puzzle Crazy
Fractions 3rd Grade Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books by Baby Professor
Mind Warp Sudoku Puzzlers Challenge Vol 3: Killer Sudoku Puzzle Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Wrapper Sudoku Challenge Puzzles Vol 1: Difficult Sudoku Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Sudoku Adult Puzzle Book Volume 6 by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Wrapper Sudoku Challenge Puzzles Vol 2: Difficult Sudoku Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Mind Wrapper Sudoku Challenge Puzzles Vol 3: Difficult Sudoku Books Edition by Puzzle Crazy
Division Practice Workbook Math Essentials Children's Arithmetic Books by Baby Professor
Math Practice Division Workbook - Four (4) Digit Dividends & Three (3) Digit Divisors Children's Arithmetic Books Edition by Baby Professor
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