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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2017

MATH -6X9 Color -Alford Book Combo: Numbers Count and Money Math by Alford, Douglas J.
Math Tools: 500+ Applications in Science and Arts by Glaeser, Georg
Systemic Numblocology: New Research of Symmetry by Wu, Mr Guoqiang
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade K, Spanish Student Edition, Volume 2 by
Mathematical Models: From the Collections of Universities and Museums - Photograph Volume and Commentary by
A New Dimension of Mathematics with 3D Printing & Design: Grades 3 - 5 by Cochran, Jill, Cochran, Zane, Sills, Maggie
Particles in Flows by
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik by Spielmann, Raj
Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms: Communications of Nii Shonan Meetings by
Analytic Visual Science & Experimental Psychology: PHI BALANCEs, COLOR Eigen-p by Margulies, Timothy S.
Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von Gruppen- und Teamarbeit in Unternehmen by Bast, Jan
Fun Math Problem Solving For Elementary School Solutions Manual by Lensmire, John, Reynoso, David, Ren, Kelly
A New Dimension of Mathematics with 3D Printing & Design: Grades 6 - 8 by Dean, Mandi, Sills, Maggie, Cochran, Zane
From Riemann to Differential Geometry and Relativity by
Handbook of Software Engineering by
The Finite Element Method for Initial Value Problems: Mathematics and Computations by Surana, Karan S., Reddy, J. N.
Advances in Real and Complex Analysis with Applications by
Computational Signal Processing with Wavelets by Teolis, Anthony
Identifying Stock Market Bubbles: Modeling Illiquidity Premium and Bid-Ask Prices of Financial Securities by Karimov, Azar
Smooth Bézier Surfaces Over Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes by Bercovier, Michel, Matskewich, Tanya
Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory: Festschrift in Honor of Daniel Alpay's 60th Birthday by
Abitur 2018: Mathematik-Training by Messner, Klaus
Euclidean Distance Geometry: An Introduction by Lavor, Carlile, Liberti, Leo
Topics in Computational Number Theory Inspired by Peter L. Montgomery by
Higher Order Boundary Value Problems on Unbounded Domains: Types of Solutions, Functional Problems and Applications by Carrasco, Hugo Alexandre Sacristao, Minhos, Feliz Manuel
Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematica by Loustau, John
Applications of Calculus to Biology and Medicine: Case Studies from Lake Victoria by Ryan, Nathan, Wallace, Dorothy I.
Willmore Energy and Willmore Conjecture by
Problems & Solutions in Inventory Management by Rosas, Roberto, Shenoy, Dinesh
Optimization and Management in Manufacturing Engineering: Resource Collaborative Optimization and Management Through the Internet of Things by Pei, Jun, Liu, Lin, Liu, Xinbao
Ch05En: Ripsaw by Dickstein, William Robert
Smart City Networks: Through the Internet of Things by
The Global Nonlinear Stability of Minkowski Space for Self-Gravitating Massive Fields by Lefloch, Philippe G., Ma, Yue
The Meaning of Math by Heath, James J.
Compact Extended Linear Programming Models by Lancia, Giuseppe, Serafini, Paolo
Lectures, Problems and Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (Second Edition) by Deng, Yuefan
Lie and non-Lie Symmetries: Theory and Applications for Solving Nonlinear Models by
Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematica by Loustau, John
Lectures, Problems and Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (Second Edition) by Deng, Yuefan
Math Is Not Magic: Solve Your Math Word Problems by Knoelke, Jerry
New Topological Invariants for Real- And Angle-Valued Maps: An Alternative to Morse-Novikov Theory by Burghelea, Dan
Quantum Symmetries: Metabief, France 2014 by Skalski, Adam, Aubrun, Guillaume
A Forward-Backward Sdes Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets by Chotai, Hinesh, Muûls, Mirabelle, Chassagneux, Jean-François
Mathematics Matters in Education: Essays in Honor of Roger E. Howe by
Lévy Matters VI: Lévy-Type Processes: Moments, Construction and Heat Kernel Estimates by Kühn, Franziska
Copulas and Dependence Models with Applications: Contributions in Honor of Roger B. Nelsen by
Painlevé III: A Case Study in the Geometry of Meromorphic Connections by Hertling, Claus, Guest, Martin A.
Game Theory and Applications: 3rd Joint China-Dutch Workshop and 7th China Meeting, GTA 2016, Fuzhou, China, November 20-23, 2016, Revised Selected by
Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Anisotropy by
Imaginary Abacus - Instruction book: A mind math step-by-step guide to addition and subtraction using an imaginary Japanese abacus (Soroban). by Green, Paul
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 1, Spanish Student Edition, Volume 2 by
Amusements in mathematics Henry Ernest Dudeney (1917) by Adrian, Iacob
Temporal Network Epidemiology by
Finite Elasticity Theory by Steigmann, David J.
Stochastic Processes, Multiscale Modeling, and Numerical Methods for Computational Cellular Biology by
Robust Evacuation Planning for Urban Areas by Maiwald, Marc
Towards Higher Mathematics: A Companion by Earl, Richard
Integrated Arithmetic: (Mother of Mathematics) by Frempong, A. a.
Computational Ship Design by Roh, Myung-Il, Lee, Kyu-Yeul
Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Applied Optimization by
Elementary Mathematics: (Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry) by Frempong, A. a.
Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives by
The Metric System in Medicine: containing an account of the metric system of weights and measures, Americanized and simplified, a comprehensive dose by Oldberg, Oscar
Canonical Duality Theory: Unified Methodology for Multidisciplinary Study by
Zusammenfassung über die Grundlagen der Zahlenmengen, komplexen Zahlen, Integrationstechniken, Matrizen u. A.: Stundenprotokolle des Mathematikunterri by Wolf, Florian, Martin, Jonas
Numerical Models for Differential Problems by Quarteroni, Alfio
El software Geogebra en el desarrollo de la capacidad de resolución de problemas by de la Cruz Román, Pascual Adrián
Function Spaces and Inequalities: New Delhi, India, December 2015 by
Analysis and Simulation of Electrical and Computer Systems by
Final Exam Review: Elementary Mathematics by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Intermediate Mathematics (US): (Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry) by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Arithmetic: (Mother of Mathematics) by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Calculus 1 & 2: (A Guided Approach) by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Intermediate Algebra by Frempong, A. a.
Complex and Symplectic Geometry by
Advances in Hybridization of Intelligent Methods: Models, Systems and Applications by
Deficiency Indices and Spectra of Fourth Order Differential Operators with Unbounded Coeffcients on a Hilbert space by Achiando, Rodgers
Biomedical Imaging: Principles of Radiography, Tomography and Medical Physics by Aspelmeier, Timo, Aeffner, Sebastian, Salditt, Tim
Linear Algebra: A Course for Physicists and Engineers by Mathai, Arak M., Haubold, Hans J.
Never Split Tens!: A Biographical Novel of Blackjack Game Theorist Edward O. Thorp Plus Tips and Techniques to Help You Win by Golden, Les
A Journey Through Discrete Mathematics: A Tribute to Jiří Matousek by
Operator Functions and Operator Equations by Gil', Michael
Advances in Nonlinear Geosciences by
Report of the Workshop Predictive Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Approaches for Additive Manufacturing (Wam 2016) by Cheng, Gengdong, Liu, Wing-Kam, Guo, Xu
Sex Difference in the Attitude of Students Towards the Study of Mathematics by Mensah, Farouq, Yankson, Obed
Representations of Lie Algebras and Partial Differential Equations by Xu, Xiaoping
The Internet of Things: Foundation for Smart Cities, Ehealth, and Ubiquitous Computing by
A Tour Through Graph Theory by Saoub, Karin R.
Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica(r) by Lynch, Stephen
Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance: Icasqf2016, Cartagena, Colombia, June 2016 by
Sustained Simulation Performance 2017: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, University of Stuttgart (Hlrs) and Tohok by
An Intellectual Arithmetic by Eaton, James Stewart
Schaum's Outline of Linear Algebra by Lipschutz, Seymour, Lipson, Marc
Claims Reserving in General Insurance by Hindley, David
Schaum's Outline of Geometry by Thomas, Christopher, Rich, Barnett
Schaum's Outline of Trigonometry, Sixth Edition by Ayres, Frank, Moyer, Robert E.
Schaum's Outline of Statistics by Spiegel, Murray R., Stephens, Larry J.
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables by Liu, John, Spiegel, Murray R., Lipschutz, Seymour
Industrial Mathematics and Complex Systems: Emerging Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms by
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials by Lurie, K. A.
Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods Bail 2016 by
Revival: Fractals in Soil Science (1998): Advances in Soil Science by Stewart, B. A., Baveye, Philippe, Parlange, Jean-Yves
Whiz-Kid Maths 5-7 Workbook by Oranye, Arinze Edward
The New Air Fryer Cookbook: Fast Cooking for Active People (Bonus Cookbook Inside) by Montgomery, Steven
Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Band I: Analysis by Wille, Friedrich, Burg, Klemens, Haf, Herbert
Mathematics and Logic in History and in Contemporary Thought by Carruccio, Ettore, Quigly, Isabel
Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services by
Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler 1: Lineare Algebra, Eindimensionale Analysis: Ein Graphisch Orientierter Zugang by Neher, Markus
Elections, Voting Rules and Paradoxical Outcomes by Gehrlein, William V., Lepelley, Dominique
Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler 2: Mehrdimensionale Analysis, Differenzialgleichungen: Ein Graphisch Orientiert by Neher, Markus
Math Mindbenders by O'Shea, Tamsin
The Ready Reckoner, Calculator, and Mechanic's Companion: For lumber dealers, carpenters, mechanics, masons, farmers, merchants, laborers, &c. by Shoop, Winfield
Markov Models: Introduction to Markov Chains, Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian Networks by Chapmann, Joshua
Computational Metrics for Soccer Analysis: Connecting the Dots by Sequeiros, João Bernardo, Correia, Acácio F. P. P., Clemente, Filipe Manuel
Multi-Shell Polyhedral Clusters by Diudea, Mircea Vasile
The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations by
Killer Sudoku Samurai: 65 puzzles by Djape
Your Test Helper, Addition Workbook for Kids by Campbell, Kara H.
Evolution Equations by
A Tour Through Graph Theory by Saoub, Karin R.
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade K, Spanish Teacher Edition, Volume 2 by
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 1, Spanish Teacher Edition, Volume 2 by
Essential Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Volume 1: Homogenous Boundary Value Problems, Fourier Methods, and Special Functions by Luscombe, James, Borden, Brett
Essential Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Volume 1: Homogenous Boundary Value Problems, Fourier Methods, and Special Functions by Borden, Brett, Luscombe, James
Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant by Havil, Julian
Non-Equilibrium Evaporation and Condensation Processes: Analytical Solutions by Zudin, Yuri B.
Tomber Ou Augmenter: Livres D'Activités Tome. 1 Jeux De Mathématiques by Activity Crusades
Tomber Ou Augmenter: Livres D'Activités Tome. 2 Numbre Mots Croisés Et Coloration De Mandala by Activity Crusades
Fallen Oder Steigen: Aktivität Spiel Band. 1 Mathe Spiele by Activity Crusades
Fallen Oder Steigen: Aktivität Spiel Band. 2 Nummer Kreuzworträtsel Und Mandala Färbung by Activity Crusades
Caer O Levantarse: Cuadernos De Actividades Vol. 1 Juegos De Matemáticas by Activity Crusades
Caer O Levantarse: Cuadernos De Actividades Vol. 2 Número Crucigramas Y Mandala Colorear by Activity Crusades
Cadere O Salire: Libri Di Viaggio Vol. 1 Giochi Di Matematica by Activity Crusades
Cadere O Salire: Libri Di Viaggio Vol. 2 Numero Di Cruciverba E Colorazione Mandala by Activity Crusades
Sink or Swim: Adult Activity Book Vol 1 Math Games by Activity Crusades
Sink or Swim: Adult Activity Book Vol 2 Number Crosswords and Mandala Coloring by Activity Crusades
Sur Quelques Théories de la Balance Roberval by Bonneau, J. -A
Nouvelle Théorie Du Module, Déduite Du Texte Même de Vitruve: Et Application de Cette Théorie À Quelques Monuments de l'Antiquité Grecque Et Romaine by Aurès, Auguste
Thèse d'Analyse. Recherches Sur Quelques Formules d'Analyse: Et En Particulier Sur Les Formules d'Euler Et de Stirling by Bach, Dagobert
Cours d'Études Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Partie 2: Instructions Pour La Rédaction Des Différents Plans, Devis Et Projets À l'Usage Des Agents by Duboys-Labernarde, C. -A
Types de Calculs de Navigation Et d'Astronomie Nautique. 2e Édition: À l'Usage Des Candidats Aux Grades de Capitaine Au Long Cours Ou de Maître Au Cab by Dubus, François-Jacques
Traité Élémentaire d'Arithmétique Décimale, Destiné Aux Orfèvres, Bijoutiers, Jouaillers: Horlogers, Agens de Change, Et Autres Personnes Qui Font Le by Guillard, Nicolas Antoine
Traité de la Coupe Des Pierres by Adhémar, Joseph
Traité de Géométrie by Adhémar, Joseph
Traité de la Coupe Des Pierres. Planches by Adhémar, Joseph
Le Guide Du Commerçant Ou Tableau-Barême de la Réduction Des Pièces d'Or: Et d'Argent En Francs Et En Livres Tournois. 3e Édition by Dericquehem, N.
Leçons Élémentaires Sur La Représentation Des Corps: À l'Aide d'Un Seul Plan de Projection Et de Cotes de Distance by Bardin, Libre-Irmond
Leçons Et Cours Autographiés de l'École d'Artillerie de Metz: Notes Et Croquis de Géométrie Descriptive by Bardin, Libre-Irmond
Cours de Mathématiques À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie: Renfermant Toutes Les Connaissances Mathématiques Pour l'Admission À l'École Polytec by Bezout, Étienne
Arithmétique À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie: Principes Fondamentaux de l'Arithmétique, Des Règles Nécessaires Au Commerce Et À La Banque by Bezout, Étienne
Élémens d'Arithmétique À l'Usage de la Marine, de l'Artillerie Et Du Commerce. Nouvelle Édition: Nouvelles Notes Explicatives Et Augmentés de l'Exposi by Bezout, Étienne
Éléments d'Arithmétique. Nouvelle Édition: Mise En Accord Avec Le Système Décimal Et Précédée d'Un Exposé Du Système Métrique by Bezout, Étienne
Recherches Mathématiques Sur Les Lois de la Matière by Commines de Marsilly, Louis Joseph Auguste
Mémoire Sur La Relation Qui Existe Entre Les Distances Respectives de Cinq Points Quelconques: Pris Dans l'Espace, Suivi d'Un Essai Sur La Théorie Des by Carnot, Lazare
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts. Tome 1 by Dupin, Charles
Essai Historique Sur Les Services Et Les Travaux Scientifiques de Gaspard Monge by Dupin, Charles
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts. Tome 3 by Dupin, Charles
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts. Tome 2 by Dupin, Charles
Équation de la Courbe Formée Par Une Lame Élastique, Quelles Que Soient Les Forces: Qui Agissent Sur La Lame by Plana, Giovanni
Mémoire Sur Divers Problèmes de Probabilité: Académie Impériale Des Sciences, Littérature Et Beaux-Arts, 30 Novembre 1812 by Plana, Giovanni
Projet de Classification Détaillée Pour Le Répertoire Bibliographique Des Sciences Mathématiques by Impr Gauthier-Villars Et Fils
L'Architecture Militaire Ou l'Art de Fortifier Les Places Régulières Et Irrégulières: Expliqué, Pratiqué Et Démontré by Bourdin, Pierre
Nouvelles Tables Qui Donnent de Suite Le Nombre de Jours Entre Deux Époques Quelconques: Ayant Pour But de Faciliter Le Règlement Des Intérêts Dans Le by Bourgeois Aîné
Topics and Methods in Q-Series by MC Laughlin, James
Math for the Digital Factory by
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications: Mopta, Bethlehem, Pa, Usa, August 2016 Selected Contributions by
Alien Harvester's: Math taught with a story (Circumference of a circle) by O'Shea, Tamsin
Topics and Methods in Q-Series by MC Laughlin, James
Calculus Methods by Yablonski, Ken, Expolog LLC
Course on Abstract Algebra, a (Second Edition) by Chang, Shou-Te, Eie, Minking
Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability: Volume 1 by Li, Daniel, Queffélec, Hervé
Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability 2 Volume Hardback Set (Series Numbers 166-167) by Li, Daniel, Queffélec, Hervé
Mathematikaufgaben Zur Binnendifferenzierung Und Begabtenförderung: 300 Beispiele Aus Der Sekundarstufe I by Amann, Franz
Die Mathe-Wichtel Band 2: Humorvolle Aufgaben Mit Lösungen Für Mathematisches Entdecken AB Der Sekundarstufe by Schiemann, Stephanie, Wöstenfeld, Robert
Mathematical Statistics: Essays on History and Methodology by Pfanzagl, Johann
Introduction to Cutting and Packing Optimization: Problems, Modeling Approaches, Solution Methods by Scheithauer, Guntram
Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena -- Analysis and Computation: In Honor of Yoshikazu Giga's 60th Birthday, Sapporo, Japan, August 2015 by
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 3, Spanish Student Edition, Volume 2 by
Der Erweiterte Phänotyp: Der Lange Arm Der Gene by Dawkins, Richard
I Have ... Who Has ... (Geography Capitals): 35 cards per set, start card and finish card, full card sequences for the teacher to easily track, Sets i by McMillan Bsc, James
ACTA Numerica 7 Volume Paperback Set, Volumes 11-17 by
Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability by Li, Daniel, Queffélec, Hervé
A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences by Chernoutsan, Alexei, Polyanin, Andrei D.
Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations by
Semi-Infinite Fractional Programming by Verma, Ram U.
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 11th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of Siam December 20-22, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria. Revised Sele by
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 2, Spanish Teacher Edition, Volume 2 by
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 3, Spanish Teacher Edition, Volume 2 by
Elementary Mathematics by Frempong, A. a.
Integrated Arithmetic: (Mother of Mathematics) by Frempong, A. a.
McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 4, Second Edition by McGraw Hill
McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 1, Second Edition by McGraw Hill
McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 3, Second Edition by McGraw Hill
McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 5, Second Edition by McGraw Hill
Metrical and Dynamical Aspects in Complex Analysis by
Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications: Ods, Sorrento, Italy, September 4-7, 2017 by
Non-Instantaneous Impulses in Differential Equations by Hristova, Snezhana, O'Regan, Donal, Agarwal, Ravi
Transition to Analysis with Proof by Krantz, Steven
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 4, Spanish Student Edition, Volume 2 by
Valentine Num-Strology: 5-0 Combination and Parlay Guide Booklet by Valentine, Cherilyn P.
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