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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2017

Fundamentals of Mathematics by
Aerospace Actuators 2: Signal-By-Wire and Power-By-Wire by Maré, Jean-Charles
Matikkasavotta: Lukion lyhyen matematiikan kertaus by Lahti, Usko
The Elements of descriptive Geometry, Shadows and Perspective by Warren, Samuel Edward
Catalogues Méthodiques Et Raisonnés Des Collections Bibliographiques de Cannes: Catalogue Du Musée Municipal Lycklama by Pinatel-P
Instruction Abrégée Et Méthode Pour Le Jaugeage Des Navires. Exemple Des Remarques Pour La Pratique by de Mairan-J-J
Statistique Des Établissements de Bienfaisance: Rapport À S. Exc. Le Ministre de l'Intérieur: Sur Les Sourds-Muets, Les Aveugles Et Les Établissements by de Watteville Du Grabe-A
Arithmétique Pratique Et Raisonnée: Cours Moyen, Préparation Au Certificat d'Études Primaires by Mortreux-O
Statistique Et Documents Relatifs Au Sénatus-Consulte Sur La Propriété Arabe, 1863 by Sans Auteur
Cours de Géométrie. 10e Édition by Bobillier-E-E
Statistique Sanitaire Des Villes de France. Récapitulations Quinquennales, 1901-1905: Résultats Comparatifs Des Quatre Périodes 1886-1890, 1891-1895, by Roux-P
Statistique Sanitaire Des Villes de France. Récapitulations Quinquennales, 1896-1900: Et Résultats Comparatifs Des Trois Périodes 1886-1890, 1891-1895 by Roux-P
Calcul de la Mortalité Des Enfants Du Premier Âge by Bertillon-J
Essai de Statistique Comparée Du Surpeuplement Des Habitations À Paris by Bertillon-J
Graves Erreurs de M. Thomas Dans Son Essai de Statistique Sur l'Île Bourbon by Sans Auteur
Conjecture de Syracuse by Simonetto, Rénald
Art of Thinking: Math for Gifted Students by Zhou, Xing
Ergänzungen Und Vertiefungen Zu Arens Et Al., Mathematik by Karpfinger, Christian, Arens, Tilo, Hettlich, Frank
Sequential Experiments with Primes by Caragiu, Mihai
Optimization in Engineering: Models and Algorithms by Sioshansi, Ramteen, Conejo, Antonio J.
The Theory of Laser Materials Processing: Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern Technology by
Regularity and Stochasticity of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by
Mathematics and Teaching by Crockett, Michele D.
From Ordinary to Partial Differential Equations by Esposito, Giampiero
Probability and Computing by Mitzenmacher, Michael, Upfal, Eli
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving by Scheffler, Ian
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 5: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center by
An Introduction to Laplacian Spectral Distances and Kernels: Theory, Computation, and Applications by Patanè, Giuseppe
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 2, Teacher Edition, Volume 1 by
Mathematics for Computer Science by Lehman, Eric, Leighton, F. Thomson, Meyer, Albert R.
Undergraduate Mathematics Competitions (1995-2016): Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv by Brayman, Volodymyr, Kukush, Alexander
Rigorous Time Slicing Approach to Feynman Path Integrals by Fujiwara, Daisuke
Mathematik Und Zaubern: Ein Einstieg Für Mathematiker by Behrends, Ehrhard
The High School Arithmetic by Thompson, R. A., Ballard, W. H., McKay, A. C.
Numberama: Recreational Number Theory in the School System by Benjamin, Elliot
Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts by
Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization Wco 2016 by
Operational Symmetries: Basic Operations in Physics by Saller, Heinrich
Twenty-First Century Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert Space to Quantum Computers: Mathematical Methods and Conceptual Foundations by Fano, Guido, Blinder, S. M.
Approximation with Positive Linear Operators and Linear Combinations by Gupta, Vijay, Tachev, Gancho
Robust Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems by Zhang, Liuliu, Guan, Xinping, Hua, Changchun
Monoidal Categories and Topological Field Theory by Virelizier, Alexis, Turaev, Vladimir
Sach- und Textaufgaben zur Fußball WM 2014 in Brasilien (Mathematik 5. Klasse Realschule): Durchführung und Analyse eines Übungszirkels by Mader, Daniel
New Trends and Advanced Methods in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences by
Finite Difference Computing with Pdes: A Modern Software Approach by Linge, Svein, Langtangen, Hans Petter
A Primary Arithmetic and Teacher's Manual: With Class and Seat Exercises graded with Reference to the various Stages of the Pupil's Advancement in Rea by Olney, Edward
Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension: Dynamic Programming and Hjb Equations by Święch, Andrzej, Fabbri, Giorgio, Gozzi, Fausto
Goldbach's Problem: Selected Topics by Rassias, Michael Th
Introductory Complex Analysis by Kyriakis, Alexandros
Everyday Mathematics for Parents: What You Need to Know to Help Your Child Succeed by The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project
Introduction to Computational Social Science: Principles and Applications by Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio
Anfangswertprobleme und lineare Randwertprobleme by Hermann, Martin
Intorno ai Paradossi di Zenone by Panaccione, Giuseppe
Quantum Groups by Dobrev, Vladimir K.
Fractional-Order Control Systems: Fundamentals and Numerical Implementations by Xue, Dingyü
Introduction to Experimental Mathematics by Johansen, Rune, Eilers, Søren
Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 2): Celebrating Cora Sadosky's Life by
Introduction to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra by Parks, Alan
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Non-Ideal Excitation by Cveticanin, Livija, Zukovic, Miodrag, Balthazar, Jose Manoel
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations: Lecture Notes of the Abecederian School of Side 12, Montreal 2016 by
Full-Duplex Wireless Communications Systems: Self-Interference Cancellation by Masmoudi, Ahmed, Le-Ngoc, Tho
Advanced Optimization by Nature-Inspired Algorithms by
Alternative Rechenverfahren. Welche gibt es und was sind ihre Vor- und Nachteile (im Unterricht)? by Egger, Andreas
Office Hours with a Geometric Group Theorist by
Produktionstheorie 3: Dynamische Konstruktionen by Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Coupled Problems: Proceedings of the 1st Geomeast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable Civ by
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Lototsky, Sergey V., Rozovsky, Boris L.
An Elementary Treatise on Electric Power and Lighting: Vol. 1, First Edition by Schools, International Correspondence
Multi-Objective Optimization Problems: Concepts and Self-Adaptive Parameters with Mathematical and Engineering Applications by Lobato, Fran Sérgio, Steffen Jr, Valder
Mobius Invariant Qk Spaces by Zhu, Kehe, Wulan, Hasi
Mathematik: Übungsblätter für die Mittelstufe by Rueff, Andreas
LabVIEW: A Developer's Guide to Real World Integration by
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations for Computer Vision with Uncertain Data by Preusser, Tobias, Kirby, Robert M., Pätz, Torben
Block Method for Solving the Laplace Equation and for Constructing Conformal Mappings by Volkov, Evgenii A.
Mathematik: Lösungsheft zu den Übungsblättern by Rueff, Andreas
Newton's Method: An Updated Approach of Kantorovich's Theory by Ezquerro Fernández, José Antonio, Hernández Verón, Miguel Ángel
Mesh Dependence in Pde-Constrained Optimisation: An Application in Tidal Turbine Array Layouts by Ham, David A., Funke, Simon W., Schwedes, Tobias
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Abbott Abbott, Edwin
Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and Scientists: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by Mall, Susmita, Chakraverty, S.
Software Methodologies: A Quantitative Guide by Jones, Capers
Competition, Collusion, and Game Theory by Telser, Lester G.
Algebraic Coding Theory Over Finite Commutative Rings by Dougherty, Steven T.
Quadratische Zahlkörper: Eine Einführung Mit Vielen Beispielen by Lemmermeyer, Franz
How the Martians Discovered Algebra: Explorations in Induction and the Philosophy of Mathematics by Bissell, Roger E.
Finding Fractions! by Mani, Anu K.
Keeping It Simple! by Mani, Anu K.
Combinatorial Methods and Models: Rudolf Ahlswede's Lectures on Information Theory 4 by Ahlswede, Rudolf
Limits of Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences, The: The Significance of Godel's Incompleteness Phenomenon by
Teaching Children to Love Problem Solving: A Reference from Birth Through Adulthood by Germain-Williams, Terri
Computational Acoustics by
The Mathematics of Collective Action by Coleman, James
Solving Problems in Geometry: Insights and Strategies for Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions by Wang, Haibin, Hang, Kim Hoo
Teaching Children to Love Problem Solving: A Reference from Birth Through Adulthood by Germain-Williams, Terri
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation with Matlab(r) and Python by Gordon, Steven I., Guilfoos, Brian
Surveys in Combinatorics 2017 by
ACTA Numerica 2017: Volume 26 by
Co-Utility: Theory and Applications by
The Path to Post-Galilean Epistemology: Reinterpreting the Birth of Modern Science by Capecchi, Danilo
Carl Friedrich Gauß und die Fortentwicklung der Versicherungsmathematik by Günthner, Ralf
Fördernde Interaktionsformen in mathematischen Lernsituationen mit "Gleichem Material in Großer Menge" by Blum, Sandra
The Theory of Info-Statics: Conceptual Foundations of Information and Knowledge by Dompere, Kofi K.
The Wigner Transform by De Gosson, Maurice A.
Mathematical Quickies & Trickies by Yan, Kow Cheong
More Mathematical Quickies & Trickies by Yan, Kow Cheong
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 1, Student Edition, Volume 2 by
Math Is Everywhere: 365 Ways You and Your Child Can Apply Math in the Real World by Pease, Gene
Calculator Tutor for Casio fx-991ES/Plus. For the use in Senior High Schools by Mensah, Farouq Sessah
Crush Your Math Fear!: Tips, Tricks, & Riddles to Improve Your Math Skills by Frush, David C.
Numerical Methods for Eulerian and Lagrangian Conservation Laws by Després, Bruno
Number Tracing Book For Preschoolers: Lots of Fun: Learn numbers 0 to 30! by I. Lover Handwriting
SAT Math Level 1 (subject test): SAT Math 1 subject test by Sharma, Ankur
Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems by
An Introduction to Distance Geometry Applied to Molecular Geometry by A. Lodwick, Weldon, Lavor, Carlile, Liberti, Leo
A Quest Towards a Mathematical Theory of Living Systems by Gibelli, Livio, Bellomo, Nicola, Bellouquid, Abdelghani
Complex Analysis: An Introduction by Houston, Kevin
Question Vault: 5 Practice Math Tests for the SSAT Upper by Grosslight, Justin
Information Theory - Part I: An Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Approximation Theory XV: San Antonio 2016 by
Matemáticas básicas by Lopez Mateos, Manuel
To connect is to understand mathematics 2: Selected works 2007-2014 by Flores, Alfinio
Infinity: A Very Short Introduction by Stewart, Ian
Produktionstheorie 1: Methodische Grundlagen by Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Computing: Precision Medicine, High Performance and Large-Scale Datasets by
Reliability Is a New Science: Gnedenko Was Right by Rocchi, Paolo
Spieltheorie. Eine Analyse von internationalen oder medial präsenten Konflikten by Kühfuß, Andreas
Damping Optimization in Simplified and Realistic Disc Brakes by Jekel, Dominic, Sampaio, Rubens, Wehner, Jan-Hendrik
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Student Solutions Manual by Boyce, William E., Diprima, Richard C., Meade, Douglas B.
Produktionstheorie 2: Statische Konstruktionen by Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Collocation method for Weakly Singular Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Type by Ekah-Kunde, Henry
Economic Theory, Econometrics, and Mathematical Economics by Wade, Richard
A First Course in Analysis by Conway, John B.
Math Is Everywhere: 365 Ways You and Your Child Can Apply Math in the Real World by Pease, Gene
Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces by
Data Fusion Mathematics: Theory and Practice by Raol, Jitendra R.
Numerical Analysis in Pascal ABC: Studies in Applied Mathematics by Zhavoronkov, Leonid
Direct Integral Theory by Nielsen, O. A.
Informed Architecture: Computational Strategies in Architectural Design by
Oeuvres Complètes I - Collected Papers I by Stieltjes, Thomas Jan
Applications of Computer Algebra: Kalamata, Greece, July 20-23 2015 by
Lineare Algebra: Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Barth, Wolf, Knabner, Peter
Quadratische Funktionen und Gleichungssysteme: Systematische Untersuchungen ausgewählter Beispiele by Bamberger, Ewald
Décomposition-Coordination En Optimisation Déterministe Et Stochastique by Carpentier, Pierre, Cohen, Guy
Piecewise Deterministic Processes in Biological Models by Tyran-Kamińska, Marta, Rudnicki, Ryszard
Elements of geometry by Edwards, George Cunningham
Numbers and Number Systems by Fleming, Edward G.
Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems by Morari, Manfred, Borrelli, Francesco, Bemporad, Alberto
Discovering Group Theory: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Barnard, Tony, Neill, Hugh
Evolutionary Computation 1: Basic Algorithms and Operators by
Finite and Profinite Quantum Systems by Vourdas, Apostolos
Elements of the Differential Calculus: With Examples and Applications by Byerly, William Elwood
Elements of Descriptive Geometry: With its Applications to Spherical Projections, Shades and Shadows, Perspective and Isometric Projections by Church, Albert Ensign
Shanghai Maths - The Shanghai Maths Project Practice Book Year 11: For the English National Curriculum by
Zionism and the Biology of Jews by Falk, Raphael
Die Elemente der Arithmetik als Vorbereitung auf die Funktionentheorie by Simon, Max
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 3, Teacher Edition, Volume 1 by
Table Talk: To which are added imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift. Vol. 1 by Hunt, Leigh
Elements of analytic geometry by Hardy, Arthur Sherburne
The teacher's hand-book of algebra: Containing methods, solutions and exercises, illustrating the lates and best treatment of the elements of algebra. by McLellan, James Alexander
Elementary synthetic geometry of the point, line and circle in the plane by Dupuis, Nathan Fellowes
Praxisbuch Fingerturnen immer 10 bis 100 by Birrer, Cornelia
Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems by Bemporad, Alberto, Morari, Manfred, Borrelli, Francesco
Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics: Fifth Edition by Aldis, William Steadman
Motivated: Designing Math Classrooms Where Students Want to Join in by Horn, Ilana Seidel
Information Theory - Part I: An Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Integral Calculus: An Introduction, with applications and exercises by Constantinescu, Stefania, Toma, Ileana, Mosnegutu, Valerica
An elementary course in descriptive geometry by Woolf, Solomon
The senior arithmetic for grammar schools by White, Charles Edward
Analytics: Business Intelligence, Algorithms and Statistical Analysis by Blatt, Todd J.
Notes on Counting: An Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics by Cameron, Peter J.
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 4, Teacher Edition, Volume 1 by
Composition Mathématique de Claude Ptolémée by Ptolemee-C
Etude Sur La Statistique Agricole Des Pays-Bas by Sagnier-H
Statistique Du Mouvement de la Population En Espagne, 1865-1869 by Chervin-A
Notions de Chimie Avec Applications Aux Usages de la Vie. 6e Édition by Cottereau
Ministère Des Colonies. Instruction Pour l'Établissement de la Statistique Médicale: Des Troupes Coloniales Stationnées Aux Colonies by Sans Auteur
Statistique Sanitaire Des Villes de France. Année 1890 Et Période Quinquennale 1886-1890: Mortalité Générale. Principales Causes de Décès. Mortalité P by Assistance Publique
Statistique de la Maternité de Paris, Du 1er Janvier 1895 Au 28 Février 1898 by Budin-P
The Mathematics That Every Secondary School Math Teacher Needs to Know by Artzt, Alice F., Sultan, Alan
Leçons Sur La Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière. Théorie Mathématique de la Lumière- Tome II: Nouvelles Études Sur La Diffraction, Théorie de la Disp by Poincaré, Henri
Manuel d'Arithmétique Ancienne Et Décimale. 3e Édition by Blocquel, Simon-François
Tableaux Du Système Métrique Accompagnés d'Un Livret Explicatif by Tarnier, Etienne Auguste
Traité d'Arithmétique À l'Usage de la Marine Et de l'Artillerie: Avec Des Notes Et Des Tables de Logarithmes by Bezout, Étienne
Théorie Générale Des Équations Algébriques by Bezout, Étienne
de la Manière d'Étudier Les Mathématiques. 2e Édition by Suzanne, Pierre-Henri
La Science Absolue de l'Espace Indépendante de la Vérité Ou de la Fausseté de l'Axiome XI d'Euclide: Suivie de la Quadrature Géométrique Du Cercle, Da by Bolyai, János
Leçons de Géométrie Suivies de Notions Élémentaires de Géométrie Descriptive. 3e Édition by Cirodde, Paul-Louis
Théorie Et Calcul Des Phénomènes Électriques de Transition Et Des Oscillations by Steinmetz, Charles Proteus
Description d'Une Machine Pour Diviser Les Instruments de Mathématiques. Traduit de l'Anglois by Ramsden, Jesse
Traité d'Arithmétique by Bertrand, Joseph
To connect is to understand mathematics 3: Collected works 1999-2007 by Flores, Alfinio
Recueil d'Exercices Sur La Mécanique Rationnelle, À l'Usage Des Candidats À La Licence: Et À l'Agrégation Des Sciences Mathématiques. 2e Édition by Albert, B.
Statistical Properties of Deterministic Systems by Cavanaugh, James
Digital Signal Processing for Audio Applications: Volume 1 - Formulae by Kamenov, Anton R.
Digital Signal Processing for Audio Applications: Volume 2 - Code by Kamenov, Anton R.
Biophysics and Biochemistry of Protein Aggregation: Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Folding, Misfolding, and Self-Assembly of Amyloidogenic Pe by
Information- And Communication Theory in Molecular Biology by
Pythonic Geodynamics: Implementations for Fast Computing by Morra, Gabriele
Simulating Copulas: Stochastic Models, Sampling Algorithms, and Applications (Second Edition) by Mai, Jan-Frederik, Scherer, Matthias
Spectral Geometry of the Laplacian: Spectral Analysis and Differential Geometry of the Laplacian by Urakawa, Hajime
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