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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2018

6th Grade STAAR Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the STAAR TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
4th Grade STAAR Math Workbook 2018: : The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the STAAR TEST by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out by Stillwell, John
Student Solutions Manual for Ewen's Elementary Technical Mathematics, 12th by Ewen, Dale
TSI Math Workbook 2018: Comprehensive Activities for Mastering Essential Math Skills by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
Elementary Technical Mathematics, 12th by Ewen, Dale
Virtual Material Acquisition and Representation for Computer Graphics by Guarnera, Giuseppe Claudio, Guarnera, Dar'ya
La Llorona: Counting Down / Contando Hacia Átras: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Un Elefante: Numbers / Números: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Counting with - Contando Con Frida: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers, Media Update by DeTemple, Duane, Millman, Richard, Long, Calvin
Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully, 2e: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners, Second Edition by Van Ingen, Sarah, Allsopp, David, Lovin, Louann H.
Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing: Epasa 2015, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2015 by
Entdeckungsreisen ins Land der Zahlen: Herausforderung zum mathematischen Forschen - Gesamtausgabe by Ruegg, Hans
Aperiodic Order by
Cute Baby Animals - Dot-to-Dot Puzzles from 150-448 Dots by Laura's Dot to Dot Therapy
Transport, Fluids, and Mixing by Crippa, Gianluca, Mazzucato, Anna
Matrix Methods and Fractional Calculus by Mathai, Arak M., Haubold, Hans J.
Izzy's Imaginarium: What are Seasons? by Coley, M. y.
VEDIC MATHEMATICS For Students: LEVEL - 1 OF 5 Series by Vision, Nava
Vedic Mathematics for Students: Level - 2 of 5 Series by Vision, Nava
Vedic Mathematics for Students: Level - 3 of 5 Series by Vision, Nava
Vedic Mathematics for Students: Level - 4 of 5 Series by Vision, Nava
Vedic Mathematics for Students: Level - 5 of 5 Series by Vision, Nava
Lösungen zum Fachrechnen Gestalter visuelles Marketing by Rehfeldt, Bodo
Game Theory: Volume 1: Basic Concepts by Bonanno, Giacomo
Competency Based Mathematics for Secondary Schools Book 5 by Ndi, Nji Emmanuel
equals(me): Algebra Practice by Schablin, Timothy
The Simplest Method In Mathematics: High School Mathematics by Joseph, Ephraim Auza
Surplus Analysis of Sparre Andersen Insurance Risk Processes by Willmot, Gordon E., Woo, Jae-Kyung
Algorithmen Kompakt Und Verständlich: Lösungsstrategien Am Computer by Von Rimscha, Markus
Language and Culture in Mathematical Cognition: Volume 4 by
A Step by Step Approach to the Modeling of Chemical Engineering Processes: Using Excel for Simulation by Ferrareso Lona, Liliane Maria
Adaptive Stochastic Methods: In Computational Mathematics and Mechanics by Arseniev, Dmitry G., Ivanov, Vladimir M., Korenevsky, Maxim L.
Algebraic Topology: Viasm 2012-2015 by
Nevanlinna Theory by Kodaira, Kunihiko
Mathematical Gauge Theory: With Applications to the Standard Model of Particle Physics by Hamilton, Mark J. D.
Entdeckungsreisen ins Land der Zahlen: Herausforderung zum mathematischen Forschen - Ca. 4. bis 7.Schuljahr by Ruegg, Hans
Entdeckungsreisen ins Land der Zahlen: Herausforderung zum mathematischen Forschen - Ca. 7. bis 10. Schuljahr by Ruegg, Hans
Entdeckungsreisen ins Land der Zahlen: Herausforderung zum mathematischen Forschen - Obere Gymnasialstufe by Ruegg, Hans
Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Wc by
Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach by Zeytounian, R. Kh
Combinatorial Set Theory: With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing by Halbeisen, Lorenz J.
Polynomials and the Mod 2 Steenrod Algebra 2 Paperback Volume Set by Wood, Reginald M. W., Walker, Grant
Polynomials and the mod 2 Steenrod Algebra by Walker, Grant, Wood, Reginald M. W.
Polynomials and the mod 2 Steenrod Algebra by Walker, Grant, Wood, Reginald M. W.
Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor of Roger Howe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by
A Mathematician's Apology by Hardy, G. H.
Ibn Al-Haytham's Theory of Conics, Geometrical Constructions and Practical Geometry: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics Volume 3 by Rashed, Roshdi
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory II: Cant, New York, Ny, Usa, 2015 and 2016 by
Einführung in Die Mathematikdidaktik - Grundschule by Krauthausen, Günter
Simply Descartes by Smith, Kurt
Gina Says: Adventures in the Blogosphere String War by Kalai, Gil
Rings of Continuous Functions by Gillman, Leonard, Jerison, Meyer
Clash of Symbols: A Ride Through the Riches of Glyphs by Webb, Stephen
Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme: Theorie Und Anwendung Der Exakten Linearisierung by Röbenack, Klaus
Rectangle-Visibility Representation of Products of Graphs by Ocloo, Valentina
Ernest Irving Freese's Geometric Transformations: The Man, the Manuscript, the Magnificent Dissections! by Frederickson, Greg N.
Scattering by Obstacles and Potentials by Ramm, Alexander G.
Big Data and Visual Analytics by
Framelets and Wavelets: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications by Han, Bin
Central European Olympiad, A: The Mathematical Duel by Geretschlager, Robert, Kalinowski, Jozef, Svrcek, Jaroslav
Introduction to Second Order Partial Differential Equations, An: Classical and Variational Solutions by Cioranescu, Doina, Donato, Patrizia, Roque, Marian P.
Number Theory and Its Applications II by Li, Fuhuo, Wang, Nianliang, Li, Hailong
Special Functions: Fractional Calculus and the Pathway for Entropy by
Ernest Irving Freese's Geometric Transformations: The Man, the Manuscript, the Magnificent Dissections! by Frederickson, Greg N.
Proportional Representation: Apportionment Methods and Their Applications by Pukelsheim, Friedrich
Smarty Buddy CoGAT Practice by Smarty Buddy LLC
Convergence and Summability of Fourier Transforms and Hardy Spaces by Weisz, Ferenc
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance: Maf 2016 by
Theoretical Molecular Biophysics by Scherer, Philipp O. J., Fischer, Sighart F.
Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods by
Mass and Energy Balances: Basic Principles for Calculation, Design, and Optimization of Macro/Nano Systems by Ashrafizadeh, Seyed Ali, Tan, Zhongchao
Identifying Patterns in Financial Markets: New Approach Combining Rules Between Pips and Sax by Neves, Rui Ferreira, Horta, Nuno C. G., Leitão, João
Playfair: The True Story of the British Secret Agent Who Changed How We See the World by Berkowitz, Bruce
Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach by Bennett, Jeffrey, Briggs, William
Datenvisualisierung Mit R: 111 Beispiele by Rahlf, Thomas
equals(me) Radicals: Radicals Practice by Schablin, Timothy
Mathematikfortbildungen Professionalisieren: Konzepte, Beispiele Und Erfahrungen Des Deutschen Zentrums Für Lehrerbildung Mathematik by
Sobre Álgebras com Identidades Polinomiais by Gama, Geisa
Digital and the Real World, The: Computational Foundations of Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Philosophy by Mainzer, Klaus
Monitoring of Power System Quality by Alassouli, Hidaia Mahmood
Wie Man Einen Schokoladendieb Entlarvt: ... Und Andere Mathematische Zaubertricks by Cederbaum, Carla
Why Mathematics Lacks Rigor: And all of Infinite Set Theory is Wrong by Johri, Alisha a., Johri, Pravin K.
Adventures in Graph Theory by Melles, Caroline Grant, Joyner, W. David
Regional Analysis of Time-Fractional Diffusion Processes by Kou, Chunhai, Ge, Fudong, Chen, Yangquan
Mathematik Ist Wunderschön: Noch Mehr Anregungen Zum Anschauen Und Erforschen Für Menschen Zwischen 9 Und 99 Jahren by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Schramm-Loewner Evolution by Kemppainen, Antti
Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory by Javarone, Marco Alberto
Fuzzy Graph Theory by Mordeson, John N., Malik, Davender S., Mathew, Sunil
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2: Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed Matter by
Predicting Human Decision-Making: From Prediction to Action by Rosenfeld, Ariel, Kraus, Sarit
Ordinary Differential Equations: Example-Driven, Including Maple Code by Precup, Radu
New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature by
Wie lassen sich Modellierungsaufgaben in den Schulunterricht integrieren? Chancen und Risiken des mathematischen Modellierens by Reelmann, Peter
Topics in Mathematical Biology by Hadeler, Karl Peter
Dialogisches Lernen. Arbeit mit Lerntagebüchern im Mathematikunterricht by Thiele, Kira
Stochastically Forced Compressible Fluid Flows by Hofmanová, Martina, Breit, Dominic, Feireisl, Eduard
Complex Systems Studies by
Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks by Barthelemy, Marc
String Collizion: Just a Collection of Strings by Leermakers, Chris
Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making Maths Memorable, Accessible and Relevant by Bartram, Danielle
Covariant Schrödinger Semigroups on Riemannian Manifolds by Güneysu, Batu
Introductory Quantum Mechanics: A Traditional Approach Emphasizing Connections with Classical Physics by Berman, Paul R.
Programmieren Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler: Intelligente Algorithmen Und Digitale Technologien by Dörn, Sebastian
Epoch Synchronous Overlap Add (Esola): A Concatenative Synthesis Procedure for Speech by Datta, Asoke Kumar
On the Direct Detection of 229m Th by Von Der Wense, Lars
The New ABCs of Research: Achieving Breakthrough Collaborations by Shneiderman, Ben
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally by Karp, Karen, Bay-Williams, Jennifer, Van de Walle, John
EMS Dosage Calculation: Math Review and Practice for Paramedics by Kaplan Medical
Funktionentheorie Mehrerer Veränderlicher by Eschmeier, Jörg
Algorithmen Für Ingenieure: Technische Realisierung Mit Excel Und VBA by Nahrstedt, Harald
ACTA Numerica 10 Volume Paperback Set by
Probability on Graphs by Grimmett, Geoffrey
Analyse Non-Archimedienne by Monna, A. F.
Grundkurs Funktionalanalysis by Kaballo, Winfried
Analysis - Grundlagen Und Exkurse: Grundprinzipien Der Differential- Und Integralrechnung by Hirn, Adrian, Weiß, Christian
Compressed Sensing and Its Applications: Second International Matheon Conference 2015 by
Polyhedral Structures, Symmetry, and Applications by
The Levels: Learn How All Players Think Through Their Plays by Javadi, Yadi
Hodder Cambridge Primary Maths Activity Book a Foundation Stage: Hodder Education Group by Broadbent, Ann, Broadbent, Paul
Hodder Cambridge Primary Maths Activity Book C Foundation Stage: Hodder Education Group by Broadbent, Paul, Broadbent, Ann
Hodder Cambridge Primary Maths Story Book a Foundation Stage: Hodder Education Group by Broadbent, Paul, Broadbent, Ann
Hodder Cambridge Primary Maths Story Book B Foundation Stage: Hodder Education Group by Broadbent, Ann, Broadbent, Paul
Hodder Cambridge Primary Maths Activity Book B Foundation Stage: Hodder Education Group by Broadbent, Ann, Broadbent, Paul
Modern Algebra part 1: Families of Finite Groups by Boswell, Carroll W.
Bone Adaptation: In Silico Approach by Tsubota, Ken-Ichi, Kameo, Yoshitaka, Adachi, Taiji
Modern Algorithms of Cluster Analysis by Wierzchoń, Slawomir, Klopotek, Mieczyslaw
On Characters of Finite Groups by Broué, Michel
Topological Data Analysis for Scientific Visualization by Tierny, Julien
The Derivation of Mathematics: Mastering Secondary School Mathematics by McNamara, Paul
Introduction to Number Theory by Hill, Richard Michael
Lady Mathematician in This Strange Universe, A: Memoirs by Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne
Quantum Theory from a Nonlinear Perspective: Riccati Equations in Fundamental Physics by Schuch, Dieter
Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms by
Easy Math for kids: Simple Math for kids - Age 4 - 7 by Green, Michelle
From Collective Beings to Quasi-Systems by Minati, Gianfranco, Pessa, Eliano
Lyapunov Exponents by Barreira, Luís
Central European Olympiad, A: The Mathematical Duel by Kalinowski, Jozef, Svrcek, Jaroslav, Geretschlager, Robert
Fractional Kinetics in Space: Anomalous Transport Models by Sibatov, Renat T., Uchaikin, Vladimir V.
The emergence of Grandi's series as a member of an infinite set of convergent infinite series by Fidler, William
Summing It Up: From One Plus One to Modern Number Theory by Ash, Avner, Gross, Robert
Mathematical Physical Chemistry: Practical and Intuitive Methodology by Hotta, Shu
An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography by Kraft, James, Washington, Lawrence
So Einfach Ist Mathematik: Basiswissen Für Studienanfänger Aller Disziplinen by Sommer, Vanessa, Langemann, Dirk
Web Microanalysis of Big Image Data by Simon, Mylene, Bajcsy, Peter, Chalfoun, Joe
Topology and Condensed Matter Physics by
Mechanics: From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos by Scheck, Florian
Graph Theory: Advanced Algorithms and Applications by
Anwendungsorientierte Mathematik: Von Daten Zur Funktion: Eine Einführung in Die Mathematische Modellbildung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Engel, Joachim
Finite Element Applications: A Practical Guide to the Fem Process by Okereke, Michael, Keates, Simeon
4th Grade PARCC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the PARCC TEST by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
8th Grade FSA Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the FSA TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
7th Grade FSA Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the FSA TEST by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
6th Grade PARCC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the PARCC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
6th Grade FSA Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the FSA TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
5th Grade FSA Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the FSA TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
4th Grade FSA Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the FSA TEST by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
8th Grade PARCC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the PARCC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
4th Grade SBAC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the SBAC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
5th Grade SBAC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the SBAC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
6th Grade SBAC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the SBAC TEST by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
7th Grade SBAC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the SBAC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
8th Grade SBAC Math Workbook 2018: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the SBAC TEST by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
AFOQT Math in 30 Days: The Ultimate Crash Course to Preparing for the AFOQT Math Test by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Elementary School Mathematics for Parents and Teachers - Volume 1 by Kupferman, Raz
The Stair-Step Approach in Mathematics by Sedrakyan, Hayk, Sedrakyan, Nairi
Eléments de Trigonométrie Rectiligne, Avec de Nombreux Exercices: Cours Élémentaire de Mathématiques by F. J. -O P.
Exercices Et Problèmes de Trigonométrie Rectiligne, Cours Élémentaire de Mathématiques by F. J. -O P.
Géométrie Appliquée Aux Arts Et Aux Métiers by Harant, Henri
Complément d'Arithmétique À l'Usage Des Aspirants Au Brevet de Capacité Du Premier: Et Du Deuxième Degré Et Des Candidats Aux Baccalauréats by Amey-P-F
Cours d'Arithmétique. Première Année. 3e Édition by Andre-E
Éléments d'Algèbre À l'Usage Des Aspirants Au Baccalauréat Ès Lettres. Numéro 3 by Andre-P
Éléments de Géométrie Selon Le Programme de l'Enseignement Spécial: À l'Usage de Toutes Les Institutions by Andre-P
Exercices de Géométrie, Problèmes Et Théorèmes: Ou Énoncés Des Questions Contenues Dans Les Deux Ouvrages de Géométrie de M. Ph. André by Andre-P
Traité d'Arithmétique À l'Usage Des Aspirants Aux Écoles Du Gouvernement by Bourget-J
Traité de Géométrie Élémentaire À l'Usage Des Aspirants Aux Écoles Du Gouvernement by Bourget-J
Traité d'Arithmétique À l'Usage Des Candidats Aux Écoles Spéciales Du Gouvernement by Daligault
Traité d'Arithmétique Raisonnée by Desauney-F
Questions de Trigonométrie, Méthodes Et Solutions, Avec Plus de 400 Exercices Proposés by Desboves-A
Supplément Au Recueil d'Exercices d'Arithmétique, Connaissances Usuelles: Livre Du Maître. Solutions Raisonnées Et Développées by Testu-J-A
Transformation de l'Arithmétique Ou Précis Élémentaire Sur l'Explication Des Logarithmes by Henuy-Mary-P-C
Traité Élémentaire d'Arithmétique En Douze Leçons by Houdiard-B
Introduction À La Géométrie Supérieure by Housel-C
Arithmétique Élémentaire À l'Usage Des Classes de Sixième Et de Cinquième a Et B: Programme Du 31 Mai 1902. 2e Édition by Grévy, Auguste-Clément
Recueil d'Exercices Sur Les Sujets Les Plus Usuels, Annexe Aux Arithmétiques Nos 1, 2 Et 3: À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires, Des Classes Élémentaires E by Guilmin-A
Solutions Développées Des Questions Proposées Dans Le Cours Élémentaire: de Trigonométrie Rectiligne. Nouvelle Édition by Guilmin-A
Nouveau Cours de Géométrie by Andre-P
Barême Pour Le Cas de Trois Placés À l'Unité de 5 Francs: Indépendant Du Prélèvement Fixé Par Le Ministère by Impr de G. Richard
Nouveau Système d'Arithmétique Et de Géométrie by Lacomme-J
Barème Pour Le Cas de Trois Placés À l'Unité de 10 Francs Indépendant Du Prélèvement Fixé: Par Le Ministère Manière de Procéder Pour Trouver Le Rappor by Impr de G. Richard
Récréations Arithmétiques. 2e Édition by Fourrey-E
Exercices d'Algèbre, Cours de Mathématiques Élémentaires by F. J. -O P.
Exercices d'Arithmétique, Cours de Mathématiques Élémentaires by F. J. -O P.
Arpentage Levé Des Plans Et Nivellement, Cours Élémentaire de Mathématiques by F. J. -O P.
Résumé Et Exercices d'Algèbre Élémentaire by Hermann-A-J
Eléments d'Arithmétique Avec de Nombreux Exercices, Cours Élémentaire de Mathématiques by F. J. -O P.
Eléments d'Algèbre Avec de Nombreux Exercices, Cours Élémentaire de Mathématiques by F. J. -O P.
Cours d'Arithmétique Vulgaire Et Savante, Sans Maître, d'Après Les Notions Du Sens Commun: Seul Ouvrage de Cette Nature À l'Usage Des Dames Et Des Hom by Guy, P. -G
Cours d'Arithmétique Vulgaire Et Savante, Sans Maître, d'Après Les Notions Du Sens Commun: Seul Ouvrage de Cette Nature À l'Usage Des Dames Et Des Hom by Guy, P. -G
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