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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2019

Mathematics Intervention Activities Grade 5 Book Teacher Resource by Medici, Cindy
Staar Mathematics Practice Grade 2 II Teacher Resource by Lamprich, Edward
Staar Mathematics Practice Grade 3 II Teacher Resource by Lamprich, Edward
Multiplex and Multilevel Networks by
Traité d'Analyse. Des Singularités Des Intégrales Des Équations Différentielles: Étude Du Cas Où La Variable Reste Réelle. Des Courbes Définies Par De by Picard, Émile
Traité d'Analyse. Intégrales Simples Et Multiples. l'Équation de Laplace Et Ses Applications: Développements En Séries. Applications Géométriques Du C by Picard, Émile
Principes Des Sciences Mathématiques, Contenant Des Élémens d'Arithmétique, d'Algèbre: de Géométrie Et de Mécanique. Suivis d'Une Notice Sur 15 Mathém by Fortia d'Urban, Agricol-Joseph-François-Xavier-Pierre-Esprit
Traité d'Analyse. Fonctions Harmoniques Et Fonctions Analytiques: Théorie Des Équations Différentielles. Intégrales Abéliennes Et Surfaces de Riemann by Picard, Émile
Théorie Des Incommensurables: Ou Moyen de Calculer Les Nombres Sourds Et de Mesurer Les Surfaces Irrationnelles by Collectif
Elémens d'Algèbre. Tome 2 by Theveneau, Charles-Simon, Clairaut, Alexis Claude
Sur l'Intégration Des Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles Du 1er Ordre, Leçons: Faculté Des Sciences de Paris by Bourlet, Carlo, Goursat, Édouard
Les Calculs Usuels Effectués Au Moyen Des Abaques: Essai d'Une Théorie Générale, Règles Pratiques, Exemples d'Application by D' Ocagne, Maurice
Problèmes Et Exercices de Mathématiques Générales by Rafin, G.
Exercices d'Arithmétique, Cours de Mathématiques Élémentaires. 2e Édition by F. J. C.
Oeuvres Complètes. Série 1. Tome 3 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes. Série 1. Tome 10 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes. Série 1. Tome 7 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes. Série 2. Tome 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Éléments d'Arithmétique, Enseignement Primaire Supérieur Et Enseignement Spécial by Reynaud, Jean-Baptiste-Victor
Théorie Des Cristalloïdes Élémentaires, Essai de Géométrie Polyédrique by Hugo, Léopold
Mathematics for Machine Technology by Peterson, John, Smith, Robert
Staar Mathematics Practice Grade 5 II Teacher Resource by Lamprich, Edward
Staar Mathematics Practice Grade 6 II Teacher Resource by Lamprich, Edward
Staar Mathematics Practice Grade 4 II Teacher Resource by Lamprich, Edward
Play & Learn Math: Hundred Chart: Learning Games and Activities to Help Build Foundational Math Skills by Kunze, Susan
Reveal Math Course 1, Interactive Student Edition, Volume 1 by
Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Epp, Susanna
Reveal Math Course 1, Interactive Student Edition, Volume 2 by
30 More Math Mysteries Kids Can't Resist!: Quick & Clever Mysteries That Boost Problem-Solving Skills by Lee, Martin
The Copenhagen Conspiracy by Ferry, David
The Parthenon and Liberal Education by Lehman, Geoff, Weinman, Michael
An Introduction to Hamiltonian Mechanics by Torres del Castillo, Gerardo F.
Performance Tasks and Rubrics for Middle School Mathematics: Meeting Rigorous Standards and Assessments by Danielson, Charlotte, Marquez, Elizabeth
Luminosity Measurement at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment of the Lhc by Karacheban, Olena
Information Geometry and Its Applications: On the Occasion of Shun-Ichi Amari's 80th Birthday, Igaia IV Liblice, Czech Republic, June 2016 by
Complex Agent-Based Models by Gallegati, Mauro
Spinning Strings and Correlation Functions in the Ads/Cft Correspondence by Nieto, Juan Miguel
Structural Health Monitoring, Photogrammetry & DIC, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 36th Imac, a Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018 by
From Classical to Modern Analysis by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems by Cessenat, Michel
Singularities and Foliations. Geometry, Topology and Applications: Bmms 2/Nbms 3, Salvador, Brazil, 2015 by
The Discrete Math Workbook: A Companion Manual for Practical Study by Kurgalin, Sergei, Borzunov, Sergei
Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers: Problems with MATLAB Solutions by Keskin, Ali Ümit
Approaching Asymptotics by Scheinerman, Edward R.
Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis by Iske, Armin
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic by Brunie, Nicolas, De Dinechin, Florent, Muller, Jean-Michel
Spline and Spline Wavelet Methods with Applications to Signal and Image Processing: Volume III: Selected Topics by Neittaanmäki, Pekka, Averbuch, Amir Z., Zheludev, Valery A.
Exploring Transdisciplinarity in Art and Sciences by
Mathematical Foundations of Computational Electromagnetism by Ciarlet, Patrick, Labrunie, Simon, Assous, Franck
Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing: Icoevci 2018, India by
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering: Volume 2: Numerical Modelling in Mechanical and Materials Engin by
Computational Diffusion MRI: Miccai Workshop, Québec, Canada, September 2017 by
Pseudocompact Topological Spaces: A Survey of Classic and New Results with Open Problems by
Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Qualitative Properties of Solutions, Phase Space Analysis, Semilinear Models by Reissig, Michael, Ebert, Marcelo R.
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 1: Mathematical Theory and Computational Methods by
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking: From Benchmarking to Tutoring by
Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II: Proceedings of the International Conference Comfos16 by
Spherical Sampling by Freeden, Willi, Nashed, M. Zuhair, Schreiner, Michael
Mathematical Methods in Engineering: Applications in Dynamics of Complex Systems by
Variant Construction from Theoretical Foundation to Applications by
Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems by Grigorieva, Ellina
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: McQmc 2016, Stanford, Ca, August 14-19 by
Asymptotics of Elliptic and Parabolic Pdes: And Their Applications in Statistical Physics, Computational Neuroscience, and Biophysics by Holcman, David, Schuss, Zeev
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV by
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Enumath 2017 by
Pde Models for Multi-Agent Phenomena by
Numerical Pde Analysis of the Blood Brain Barrier: Method of Lines in R by Schiesser, William E.
Complete Mathematics for Cambridge Igcserg Teacher Resource Pack (Extended) by Bettison, Ian
Oxford Mathematics Primary Years Programme Teacher Book 6 by Facchinetti, Annie
1st Grade Basic Math Success Workbook: Numbers and Operations, Geometry, Time and Money, Measurement and More; Activities, Exercises and Tips to Help by Sylvan Learning
Hyperbolic and Kinetic Models for Self-Organised Biological Aggregations: A Modelling and Pattern Formation Approach by Eftimie, Raluca
Phase-Contrast and Dark-Field Imaging by
The New Era Of Exponential Encryption: - Beyond Cryptographic Routing with the Echo Protocol [Paperback] by Gasakis, Mele, Schmidt, Max
Flexibility of Group Actions on the Circle by Koberda, Thomas, Mj, Mahan, Kim, Sang-Hyun
The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments by Williams, Brian J., Notz, William I., Santner, Thomas J.
In the Search for Beauty: Unravelling Non-Euclidean Geometry by Smilga, Voldemar
Nonlinear Waves: A Geometrical Approach by Popivanov, Petar Radoev, Slavova, Angela
In the Search for Beauty: Unravelling Non-Euclidean Geometry by Smilga, Voldemar
Applied Linear Algebra by Olver, Peter J., Shakiban, Chehrzad
Input-To-State Stability for Pdes by Karafyllis, Iasson, Krstic, Miroslav
Giovanni Battista Guccia: Pioneer of International Cooperation in Mathematics by Bongiorno, Benedetto, Curbera, Guillermo P.
Single-Valued Neutrosophic Graphs by Akram, Muhammad
Social Network Forensics, Cyber Security, and Machine Learning by Krishna, P. Venkata, Gurumoorthy, Sasikumar, Obaidat, Mohammad S.
Probabilistic Methods and Distributed Information: Rudolf Ahlswede's Lectures on Information Theory 5 by Ahlswede, Rudolf
Novel Motion Anchoring Strategies for Wavelet-Based Highly Scalable Video Compression by Rüfenacht, Dominic
Functional Analysis and Applications by Siddiqi, Abul Hasan
Practical Mathematical Optimization: Basic Optimization Theory and Gradient-Based Algorithms by Snyman, Jan A., Wilke, Daniel N.
Algebraic Inequalities by Sedrakyan, Hayk, Sedrakyan, Nairi
Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems: Selected Works from the Biomat Consortium Lectures, Moscow 2017 by
Multicriteria Analysis in Agriculture: Current Trends and Recent Applications by
Applications of Nonlinear Analysis by
Stokes-Darcy Equations: Analytic and Numerical Analysis by Wilbrandt, Ulrich
Convex Functions and Their Applications: A Contemporary Approach by Niculescu, Constantin P., Persson, Lars-Erik
Nothing to Come: A Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time by Rosenkranz, Sven, Correia, Fabrice
Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms by Korte, Bernhard, Vygen, Jens
Lectures on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations by Ambrosio, Luigi, Carlotto, Alessandro, Massaccesi, Annalisa
Multiphysics in Porous Materials by Liu
Discrete Element Method in the Design of Transport Systems: Verification and Validation of 3D Models by Gelnar, Daniel, Zegzulka, Jiri
Operator Theory, Analysis and the State Space Approach: In Honor of Rien Kaashoek by
Berru Predictive Modeling: Best Estimate Results with Reduced Uncertainties by Cacuci, Dan Gabriel
Mathematics, Informatics, and Their Applications in Natural Sciences and Engineering: Aminse 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia, December 6-9 by
Dirichlet: A Mathematical Biography by Merzbach, Uta C.
Unpublished Manuscripts: From 1951 to 2007 by Hörmander, Lars
Fuzzy Graph Theory with Applications to Human Trafficking by Malik, Davender S., Mordeson, John N., Mathew, Sunil
Supply Chain Finance: Integrating Operations and Finance in Global Supply Chains by Zhao, Lima, Huchzermeier, Arnd
Analytic Aspects of Convexity by
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: On the Occasion of Joachim Schwermer's 66th Birthday, Bonn, Germany, June 2016 by
Analytical Corporate Finance by Corelli, Angelo
Thābit Ibn Qurra's Restoration of Euclid's Data: Text, Translation, Commentary by Sidoli, Nathan, Isahaya, Yoichi
Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications: Selected Papers from the 6th World Conference on Soft Comput by
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Matrix Theory by
Application of Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Geophysics by Hajian, Alireza, Styles, Peter
Die Kunst Des Zählens: Eine Einführung in Die Kombinatorik by Schäffler, Stefan
Analysis and Control of Coupled Neural Networks with Reaction-Diffusion Terms by Wang, Jin-Liang, Wu, Huai-Ning, Huang, Tingwen
3D Kinematics by Haslwanter, Thomas
Credit-Risk Modelling: Theoretical Foundations, Diagnostic Tools, Practical Examples, and Numerical Recipes in Python by Bolder, David Jamieson
Modern Discrete Mathematics and Analysis: With Applications in Cryptography, Information Systems and Modeling by
Distributions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis by Mitrea, Dorina
Advances in Summability and Approximation Theory by
Precursors of Isogeometric Analysis: Finite Elements, Boundary Elements, and Collocation Methods by Provatidis, Christopher G.
Maths for Social Sciences by D'Amico, Mauro, Cigola, Margherita, Peccati, Lorenzo
The Nature and Models of Metamorphism by Likhanov, Igor I., Polyansky, Oleg P., Reverdatto, Vladimir V.
Derived Langlands: Monomial Resolutions of Admissible Representations by Snaith, Victor P.
Introduction to the Geometrical Analysis of Vector Fields, An: With Applications to Maximum Principles and Lie Groups by Biagi, Stefano, Bonfiglioli, Andrea
Generalized Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions by Mickens, Ronald E.
Matematica a Squadre: Speciale Elementari: 90 Problemi Tratti Dalle Gare Di Matematica a Squadre Per Le IV E V Elementari by Macco, Andrea
Advances in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications by
Intelligent Random Walk: An Approach Based on Learning Automata by Khomami, M. Daliri, Meybodi, Mohammad Reza, Saghiri, Ali Mohammad
Walk Through Weak Hyperstructures, A: Hv-Structures by Vougiouklis, Thomas, Davvaz, Bijan
A New Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm Based on the Self-Defense Mechanism of Plants in Nature by Valdez, Fevrier, Castillo, Oscar, Caraveo, Camilo
Mathematical Analysis and Applications by
Stark Broadening of Spectral Lines in Plasmas by
Introduction to the Geometrical Analysis of Vector Fields, An: With Applications to Maximum Principles and Lie Groups by Biagi, Stefano, Bonfiglioli, Andrea
From Christoffel Words to Markoff Numbers by Reutenauer, Christophe
Uncertainty in Complex Networked Systems: In Honor of Roberto Tempo by
Modeling and Simulation with Compose and Activate by Nikoukhah, Ramine, Campbell, Stephen L.
The Language of Self-Avoiding Walks: Connective Constants of Quasi-Transitive Graphs by Lindorfer, Christian
Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control: The Abel Symposium, Rosendal, Norway, August 2016 by
A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins by Friedman, Michael
MATLAB Handbook with Applications to Mathematics, Science, Engineering, and Finance by Baez Villegas, David Alfredo, David Baez-Lopez, Jose Miguel
Handwerkliches Für Den Mathematikunterricht: Für Lehramtsstudierende, Berufseinsteiger Und Seiteneinsteiger by Neveling, Rolf J.
Science for Heretics: Why so much of science is wrong by Condon, Barrie
Complex Variables: Practical Applications by Benton, D. James
Networking Games: Network Forming Games and Games on Networks by Mazalov, Vladimir, Chirkova, Julia V.
Operators of Fractional Calculus and Their Applications by
A Sampling of Remarkable Groups: Thompson's, Self-Similar, Lamplighter, and Baumslag-Solitar by Dean, Margaret H., Putnam Dean, Judith, Bonanome, Marianna C.
Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods XLI by
Infinitesimalrechnung: Analysis Mit Hyperreellen Zahlen by Kirski, Thomas, Baumann, Peter
Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Applications by
The Nile Development Game: Tug-Of-War or Benefits for All? by Samaan, Mina Michel
Spectral Theory on the S-Spectrum for Quaternionic Operators by Gantner, Jonathan, Kimsey, David P., Colombo, Fabrizio
Technical System Maintenance: Delay-Time-Based Modelling by Werbińska-Wojciechowska, Sylwia
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Und Schwarze Löcher: Eine Einführung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Stillert, Alexandra
TABE Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic TABE Math Tests by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
SHSAT Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic SHSAT Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Graph Theory: Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems - 2 by
Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Real-Size Structures by Kaveh, Ali, Ilchi Ghazaan, Majid
Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars by
Risk-Based Engineering: An Integrated Approach to Complex Systems--Special Reference to Nuclear Plants by Varde, Prabhakar V., Pecht, Michael G.
Advanced Fixed Point Theory for Economics by McLennan, Andrew
Novel Diffusion-Based Models for Image Restoration and Interpolation by Barbu, Tudor
Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks: Theory and Applications by Mirjalili, Seyedali
Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg by
Cognitive Biases in Visualizations by
Jaya: An Advanced Optimization Algorithm and Its Engineering Applications by Venkata Rao, Ravipudi
Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry by Kossak, Roman
Contact Modeling for Solids and Particles by
AFOQT Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic AFOQT Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
HSPT Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic HSPT Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Pseudo-Regularly Varying Functions and Generalized Renewal Processes by Buldygin, Valeriĭ V., Indlekofer, Karl-Heinz, Klesov, Oleg I.
Mathematical Modeling Through Topological Surgery and Applications by Antoniou, Stathis
ASVAB Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic ASVAB Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
SSAT Upper Level Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic SSAT Upper Level Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
ISEE Upper Level Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic ISEE Upper Level Math Tests by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
Elementary Fixed Point Theorems by Subrahmanyam, P. V.
Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environmental Sciences by
Linear Algebra by Wojdylo, J., Shen, L., Wang, Haohao
Dynamical Systems: Theories and Applications by Elhadj, Zeraoulia
Automorphisms of Finite Groups by Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Passi, Inder Bir Singh, Singh, Mahender
Computations and Computing Devices in Mathematics Education Before the Advent of Electronic Calculators by
Optimization of Logistics and Supply Chain Systems: Theory and Practice by Yildiz, Turkay
Practice by Subject: Binomial Expansion and Combinatorial Identities: Math for Gifted Students by Zhou, Xing
200 Kakuro - Sukrokuro 100 - 100 Number Cross Sudoku. Puzzles of All Levels.: Holmes Presents Puzzles from Basic to Very Difficult Levels. the Path to by Holmes, Basford
Maschinelle Lernmethoden Für Klassifizierungsprobleme: Perspektiven Für Die Mathematische Modellierung Mit Schülerinnen Und Schülern by Schönbrodt, Sarah
ISEE Middle Level Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic ISEE Middle Level Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
SSAT Middle Level Math Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic SSAT Middle Level Math Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Mathematics, Education and History: Towards a Harmonious Partnership by
Signals and Systems by Rao, K. Deergha
Night Vision Processing and Understanding by Yue, Jiang, Bai, Lianfa, Han, Jing
Advanced Topics in Fuzzy Graph Theory by Mordeson, John N., Mathew, Sunil
Parkettierungen Der Ebene: Von Escher Über Möbius Zu Penrose by Behrends, Ehrhard
Mit Funktionen Zusammenhänge Und Veränderungen Beschreiben by Humenberger, Hans, Schuppar, Berthold
Partielle Differenzialgleichungen: Eine Einführung in Analytische Und Numerische Methoden by Arendt, Wolfgang, Urban, Karsten
Fractalize That!: A Visual Essay on Statistical Geometry by Shier, John
Measuring Uncertainty Within the Theory of Evidence by Salicone, Simona, Prioli, Marco
An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics, Volume III: Discrete Mathematics and Polynomial Algebra by Caminha Muniz Neto, Antonio
Dynamic Decoupling of Robot Manipulators by
Thermal Protection Modeling of Hypersonic Flying Apparatus by Yakimov, A. S.
Probabilistic Cellular Automata: Theory, Applications and Future Perspectives by
Mathematical Foundations of Advanced Informatics: Volume 1: Inductive Approaches by Rüthing, Oliver, Huth, Michael, Steffen, Bernhard
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