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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2019

Continuum Thermodynamics by Podio-Guidugli, Paolo
Sanskrit Astronomical Tables by Plofker, Kim, Montelle, Clemency
The Impossibility of Squaring the Circle in the 17th Century: A Debate Among Gregory, Huygens and Leibniz by Crippa, Davide
On Stochastic Optimization Problems and an Application in Finance by Strini, Josef Anton
Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures by
Analysis II by Hieber, Matthias
Zero, One, Two . . . One Hundred Thousand!: An Extreme Counting Book by Spencer, Todd
Molecular Magnets by
Facetten Der Mathematikgeschichte: Die Entwicklung Der Mathematik Im Spiegel Der Semesterberichte by
International Futures: Building and Using Global Models by Hughes, Barry B.
Hexagonal Note Paper: For Chemistry by Gunneson
Excel Master: The Complete 3 Books in 1 for Excel - VBA for Complete Beginners, Step-By-Step Guide to Master Macros and Formulas and Functions by Skates, William B.
Graph Paper: Notebook Cute Robot Robotic Pattern Red Maroon Cover Graphing Paper Composition Book Cute Pattern Cover Graphing Paper Composition Book by Notebook, Majestical
Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science by Zax, Rachel, Lewis, Harry
Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Solids by Roubíček, Tomás, Kruzík, Martin
An Introduction to Survey Research, Volume I: The Basics of Survey Research by Cowles, Ernest L., Nelson, Edward
ISEE Lower Level Math Workbook: Abundant Exercises and Two Full-Length ISEE Lower Level Math Practice Tests by Nazari, Reza, Smith, Michael
Biostatistics for Medical and Biomedical Practitioners by Hoffman, Julien I. E.
Stochastic Disorder Problems by Shiryaev, Albert N.
Felix Klein: Visionen Für Mathematik, Anwendungen Und Unterricht by Tobies, Renate
Math Through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Others by Berlinghoff, William P., Gouvea, Fernando Q.
An Introduction to Survey Research, Volume II: Carrying Out the Survey by Cowles, Ernest L., Nelson, Edward
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry by Lang, Serge
The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, From Their Commencement, In 1665, To The Year 1800: 1796-1800 by Shaw, George, Hutton, Charles
The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, From Their Commencement, In 1665, To The Year 1800: 1796-1800 by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George
Sampling Theory, a Renaissance: Compressive Sensing and Other Developments by
Eine Kurze Geschichte Der Analysis: Für Mathematiker Und Philosophen by Spalt, Detlef D.
Combinatorics: A Problem-Based Approach by Mladenovic, Pavle
Functions of Bounded Variation and Their Fourier Transforms by Liflyand, Elijah
Numerical Range of Holomorphic Mappings and Applications by Shoikhet, David, Elin, Mark, Reich, Simeon
Manipulation of Surface Waves Through Metasurfaces by Mencagli, Mario Junior
The Bending Theory of Fully Nonlinear Beams by Tarantino, Angelo Marcello, Lanzoni, Luca, Falope, Federico Oyedeji
Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014 by
Mathematics and Methodology for Economics: Applications, Problems and Solutions by Eichhorn, Wolfgang, Gleißner, Winfried
Mathematical Models in Biology: Bringing Mathematics to Life by
Maximum Principles and Geometric Applications by Rigoli, Marco, Alías, Luis J., Mastrolia, Paolo
New Trends in Shape Optimization by
Front Tracking for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws by Risebro, Nils Henrik, Holden, Helge
Abelian Groups by Fuchs, László
Lectures on Functor Homology by
The Scottish Book: Mathematics from the Scottish Café, with Selected Problems from the New Scottish Book by
Comparative Perspectives on Inquiry-Based Science Education by
Nonlinear Evolution and Difference Equations of Monotone Typnonlinear Evolution and Difference Equations of Monotone Type in Hilbert Spaces E in Hilbe by Rouhani, Behzad Djafari, Khatibzadeh, Hadi
People Analytics & Text Mining with R by Ng, Mong Shen
Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades 3-5 by Fisher, Douglas, Almarode, John T., Thunder, Kateri
Quarterly Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics; Volume 26 by Anonymous
The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, From Their Commencement, In 1665, To The Year 1800: 1763-1769 by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George
The Mathematical Repository: Containing Analytical Solutions Of Five Hundred Questions, Mostly Selected From Scarce And Valuable Authors. Designed by Dodson, James
The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, From Their Commencement, In 1665, To The Year 1800: 1763-1769 by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George
Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions by
Quarterly Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics; Volume 26 by Anonymous
Smithsonian Physical Tables by Institution, Smithsonian
The Collected Mathematical Papers Of Arthur Cayley; Volume 7 by Cayley, Arthur
The Quarterly Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics; Volume 1 by Anonymous
ISEE Middle Level Math Workbook: Abundant Exercises and Two Full-Length ISEE Middle Level Math Practice Tests by Nazari, Reza, Smith, Michael
Smithsonian Physical Tables by Institution, Smithsonian
Mathematical Finance: A Very Short Introduction by Davis, Mark H. a.
The Elements Of Euclid: Viz. The First Six Books, Together With The Eleventh And Twelfth by Simson, Robert, Davidson, John
2017 Matrix Annals by
Differential Forms by Guillemin, Victor, Haine, Peter
Advances in Deep Learning by Wani, M. Arif, Bhat, Farooq Ahmad, Afzal, Saduf
Alladi Diary, The: Memoirs of Alladi Ramakrishnan by
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: In 60 Fachübergreifenden Vorlesungen Präsentiert by Shikhman, Vladimir
A Pure Soul: Ennio de Giorgi, a Mathematical Genius by Parlangeli, Andrea
Differential Forms by Guillemin, Victor, Haine, Peter
Brückenkurs Mathematik: Für Studieneinsteiger Aller Disziplinen by Zeilfelder, Frank, Walz, Guido, Rießinger, Thomas
Quarterly Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics; Volume 35 by Anonymous
Granular Gaseous Flows: A Kinetic Theory Approach to Granular Gaseous Flows by Garzó, Vicente
Micro to Macro Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics by
Der Umgang mit Fachsprache im Mathematikunterricht. Eine Beobachtungsanalyse by Anonym
Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes in Algebra, Second Edition by Sivaramakrishnan, R.
Unsichtbar Im Sturm: Die Rolle Der Mathematik in Der Wettervorhersage by Roulstone, Ian, Norbury, John
From Classical Field Theory to Perturbative Quantum Field Theory by Dütsch, Michael
Decision and Inhibitory Trees and Rules for Decision Tables with Many-Valued Decisions by Azad, Mohammad, Chikalov, Igor, Alsolami, Fawaz
Orbits Minimaler Wirkung: Zur Theorie Und Numerik Großer Abweichungen by Schäpers, Julia
Neue Materialien Für Einen Realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 6: Istron-Schriftenreihe by
Mathematics Applied to Engineering, Modelling, and Social Issues by
Low Energy Flight: Orbital Dynamics and Mission Trajectory Design by Cheng, Yu, Yuan, Jianping, Feng, Jinglang
Computer Solved: Nonlinear Differential Equations by Ettl, Joe J.
Curved-Folding Origami Design by Mitani, Jun
Bodies of Constant Width: An Introduction to Convex Geometry with Applications by Martini, Horst, Montejano, Luis, Oliveros, Déborah
Tensor Calculus and Applications: Simplified Tools and Techniques by Kalita, Bhaben Chandra
Mechatronics 2017 - Ideas for Industrial Applications by
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (Icms2017): Transcending Boundaries, Embracing Multidiscipl by
Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Volume 1: Learning and Approximation by
No More Math Fact Frenzy by Cruz, M. Colleen, Duke, Nell K., Clements, Douglas H.
The Gaṇitatilaka and Its Commentary: Two Medieval Sanskrit Mathematical Texts by Petrocchi, Alessandra
Das Geheimnis Der Transzendenten Zahlen: Eine Etwas Andere Einführung in Die Mathematik by Toenniessen, Fridtjof
Arbres Pour l'Algorithmique by Clément, Julien, Gardy, Danièle, Chauvin, Brigitte
Neuromechanical Modeling of Posture and Locomotion by
Singular Integrals and Fourier Theory on Lipschitz Boundaries by Qian, Tao, Li, Pengtao
Matematica a Quiz - Vol. III: 200 E Più Quesiti Per Potenziare Le Competenze E Prepararsi Alle Prove Invalsi by Macco, Andrea
Matematica a Quiz - Vol. II: 200 E Più Quesiti Per Potenziare Le Competenze E Prepararsi Alle Prove Invalsi by Macco, Andrea
Evolutionary Global Optimization, Manifolds and Applications by Aguiar E. Oliveira Junior, Hime
Deformation and Failure Mechanism of Excavation in Clay Subjected to Hydraulic Uplift by Wang, Lizhong, Hong, Yi
Nonlinear Resonances by Sanjuan, Miguel A. F., Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan
Number Puzzles Before the Log Fire: Being Those Given in the Number Stories of Long Ago by Smith, David Eugene
Stochastic Processes and Calculus: An Elementary Introduction with Applications by Hassler, Uwe
SSAT Upper Level Math Workbook: Abundant Exercises and Two Full-Length SSAT Upper Level Math Practice Tests by Smith, Michael, Nazari, Reza
ISEE Upper Level Math Workbook: Abundant Exercises and Two Full-Length ISEE Upper Level Math Practice Tests by Smith, Michael, Nazari, Reza
101 Large Print Sudokus Puzzles: Easy to Hard, For Kids and Adults (Large Print Edition) by Rasmussen, Tue
Mathematische Geschichten II - Rekursion, Teilbarkeit Und Beweise: Für Begabte Schülerinnen Und Schüler in Der Grundschule by Schindler, Werner, Schindler-Tschirner, Susanne
Approaches to mathematical optimization and its applications by Jabeen, Zamrooda, Khursheed, Farida
Ads/Cft, (Super-)Virasoro, Affine (Super-)Algebras by Dobrev, Vladimir K.
Artificial Intelligence Engines: A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Deep Learning by Stone, James V.
Erdös-Posa Eigenschaften auf abelschen Gruppen by Böltz, Lucas Maximilian
Harmonic Balance for Nonlinear Vibration Problems by Krack, Malte, Gross, Johann
Radar Polarimetry for Weather Observations by Ryzhkov, Alexander V., Zrnic, Dusan S.
Advanced Construction Mathematics by Virdi, Surinder
The Mathematics of Urban Morphology by
Research in Data Science by
A Transition to Proof: An Introduction to Advanced Mathematics by Nicholson, Neil R.
Research Diary: 2018 by Kleyn, Aleks
An Introduction to the Planning Domain Definition Language by Magazzeni, Daniele, Haslum, Patrik, Lipovetzky, Nir
Los ultimos secretos en el aprendizaje de la matematica by Marcavillaca Niño de Guzman, Edison, Leguia Valverde, Stephen Ronald
Transactions by
R for Finite Element Analyses of Size-Dependent Microscale Structures by Mustapha, Khameel B.
Mathematische Geschichten I - Graphen, Spiele Und Beweise: Für Begabte Schülerinnen Und Schüler in Der Grundschule by Schindler-Tschirner, Susanne, Schindler, Werner
Analysis 2 by Smoczyk, Knut
Fractal Analysis by
Transactions by
Transactions by
Transactions by
Transactions by
Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets: Volume 1 by
Information Geometry by
Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets: Volume 2 by
A Primer on Fourier Analysis for the Geosciences by Crockett, Robin
Achsensymmetrie überprüfen und achsensymmetrische Figuren herstellen im Unterrichtsfach Mathe by Toker, Sevim
Easy and Fun Learning Clocks for Kids Telling Time Worksheets: Teaching math children, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade student to tell time clock with 900 ex by Schoolprep, Professional
Optimierung Von Versorgungsnetzen: Mathematische Modellierung Und Lösungstechniken by Schewe, Lars, Schmidt, Martin
Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society; Volume 56 by
Transactions by
Proceedings Of The Engineers' Society Of Western Pennsylvania; Volume 12 by
Transactions by
Metaheuristics: Outlines, MATLAB Codes and Examples by Kaveh, Ali, Bakhshpoori, Taha
Formeln Und Aufgaben Zur Technischen Mechanik 4: Hydromechanik, Elemente Der Höheren Mechanik, Numerische Methoden by Hauger, Werner, Schröder, Jörg, Gross, Dietmar
You Can Do Math: Scientific Notation, Engineering Notation and Standard Form by Tanna, Sunil
Domine las Habilidades Matematicas Esenciales by Fisher, Richard W.
Africa and Mathematics: From Colonial Findings Back to the Ishango Rods by Huylebrouck, Dirk
Transactions by
Stochastic Flows and Jump-Diffusions by Kunita, Hiroshi
Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya by
Socio-Cultural Inspired Metaheuristics by
Control of Wave and Beam Pdes: The Riesz Basis Approach by Wang, Jun-Min, Guo, Bao-Zhu
Actuarial Finance: Derivatives, Quantitative Models and Risk Management by Renaud, Jean-François, Boudreault, Mathieu
Qualitative Analysis of Set-Valued Differential Equations by Martynyuk, Anatoly A.
Reverberations of a Stroke: A Memoir by Gustafson, Karl
Many Agent Games in Socio-Economic Systems: Corruption, Inspection, Coalition Building, Network Growth, Security by Kolokoltsov, Vassili N., Malafeyev, Oleg A.
Nonsmooth Optimization and Its Applications by
Stochastic Geometry: Modern Research Frontiers by
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. by Anonymous
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, dreissigster Theil by Anonymous
Meccanica Dei Continui by Vianello, Maurizio, Forte, Sandra, Preziosi, Luigi
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics by Rosenthal, Peter, Rosenthal, Daniel, Rosenthal, David
High-Temperature Superconducting Microwave Circuits and Applications by Ren, Baoping, Guan, Xuehui, Liu, Haiwen
General And Local Acts Passed And Joint Resolutions Adopted By The General Assembly; Volume 84 by
Im Banne Der Mathematik: Die Kulturellen Aspekte Der Mathematik in Zivilisation, Kunst Und Natur by Verhulst, Rik
Intrinsic Capability: Implementing Intrinsic Sustainable Development for an Ecological Civilisation by
Matrix Calculus, Kronecker Product and Tensor Product: A Practical Approach to Linear Algebra, Multilinear Algebra and Tensor Calculus with Software I by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Hardy, Yorick
Moritz Schlick. Vorlesungen Und Aufzeichnungen Zur Logik Und Philosophie Der Mathematik by
Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, dreizehnter Theil by Anonymous
Lectures On The Elements Of Applied Mechanics: Printed For The Use Of The Royal Military Academy. Stability Of Structures. Strength Of Materials by Crofton, Morgan William
Deflectometry and Image Denoising by Komander, Birgit
Analysis of Incidence Rates by Cummings, Peter
Die Drei: Ein Streifzug Durch Die Rolle Der Zahl in Kunst, Kultur Und Geschichte by Doberkat, Ernst-Erich
Holomorphic Curves and Global Questions in Contact Geometry by Abbas, Casim, Hofer, Helmut
New Perspectives and Challenges in Econophysics and Sociophysics by
Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2018 by
Support Vector Machines in der Bilderkennung: Entscheidungshilfe durch Algorithmen by Würtele, Niklas
Cauchy's Calcul Infinitésimal: An Annotated English Translation by Cates, Dennis M.
An Introduction to Electrodynamics by Davidson, Peter
An Introduction to Electrodynamics by Davidson, Peter
Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice by
Mathematical Solitaires and Games by Schwartz, Benjamin L.
Take a Look at a Good Book by Kahan, Steven
Advanced Numerical and Semi-Analytical Methods for Differential Equations by Karunakar, Perumandla, Chakraverty, Snehashish, Mahato, Nisha
Time Series Econometrics - Volume 1: Unit Roots and Trend Breaks by
Time Series Econometrics - Volume 2: Structural Change by
Bayesian Statistical Methods by Reich, Brian J., Ghosh, Sujit K.
Dear Math, Grow Up!, and Solve Your Own Problem by Rundle, Ruks
Dear Math, Grow Up!, and Solve Your Own Problem by Rundle, Ruks
Dear Math, Grow Up!, and Solve Your Own Problem by Rundle, Ruks
Yohaku Book 2 by Jacobs, Mike
Liapunov Functionals for Integral Equations by Burton, T. a.
Dear Math, Grow Up!, and Solve Your Own Problem by Rundle, Ruks
Annales de Mathématiques, Baccalauréat C et E, Cameroun, 2008 - 2018: Sujets et Corrigés by Nguembou Tagne, Christian Valéry
Math Art: Truth, Beauty, and Equations by Ornes, Stephen
Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications by
Brakke's Mean Curvature Flow: An Introduction by Tonegawa, Yoshihiro
Interpolation and Realization Theory with Applications to Control Theory: In Honor of Joe Ball by
Visual Culture and Mathematics in the Early Modern Period by
Otto Blumenthal: Ausgewählte Briefe Und Schriften II: 1919 - 1944 by Felsch, Volkmar, Rowe, David E.
Aspects of Differential Geometry IV by Gilkey, Peter, Calviño-Louzao, Esteban, García-Río, Eduardo
Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives by
Solutions: Grades 6-10 by Marson, Peg Nazari, Marson, Ronald Jay
Theory, Formulation and Realization of Artifacts Science: 3m&i-Body System by Matsui, Masayuki
Fuzzy Solution Concepts for Non-Cooperative Games: Interval, Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Payoffs by Verma, Tina, Kumar, Amit
La matematica in soccorso della democrazia: Cosa significa votare e come si può migliorare il voto by Serafini, Paolo
Guerra's Laws by Guerra, Guadalupe
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