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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2019

Modern Music-Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Electric Power Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Practice by Kiani-Moghaddam, Mohammad, Shivaie, Mojtaba, Weinsier, Philip D.
Application de l'Analyse À La Géométrie, À l'Usage de l'École Impériale Polytechnique by Collectif
Calcul Des Probabilités, Leçons, Second Semestre 1893-1894. 2e Édition by Quiquet, Albert, Poincaré, Henri
Applications d'Analyse Et de Géométrie. Tome 2: Qui Ont Servi de Principal Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures by Poncelet, Jean-Victor, Mannheim, Amédée, Moutard, Théodore
Applications d'Analyse Et de Géométrie: Qui Ont Servi de Principal Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures by Poncelet, Jean-Victor, Mannheim, Amédée, Moutard, Théodore
Éléments de Géométrie by Carton, L.
Cours de Mécanique de l'Ecole Polytechnique. Tome 2 by Prouhet, Eugène, Saint Germain, Albert de, Sturm, Charles
Nouvelle Arithmétique Des Écoles Primaires. Théorie Et Pratique Du Calcul. Applications: Et Contenant Environ 1200 Exercices Et Problèmes by Ritt, Georges
Traité d'Arithmétique Théorique Et Appliquée Au Commerce, À La Banque, Aux Finances Et À l'Industrie: Avec Un Traité Des Poids Et Mesures, Un Recueil by Garnier, Joseph
Essai Sur La Perspective Linéaire Et Sur Les Ombres by de Curel, Nic F.
Introduction to derrivatives: calculus by Harrison, Adrian
Naive Set Theory by Halmos, Paul R.
Naive Set Theory by Halmos, Paul R.
Aritmetica: Teorico, Practica (Spanish Edition) by Baldor, Aurelio
A Dictionary of Physics by
ISEE Lower Level Math Preparation Exercise Book: A Comprehensive Math Workbook and Two Full-Length ISEE Lower Level Math Practice Tests by Nazari, Reza, Mest, Sam
Index Theory in Nonlinear Analysis by Liu, Chungen
Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis II: In Honour of Manuel López-Pellicer Mathematical Work, Elche, Spain, June 7-8, 2018 by
Modellierungsaufgaben. Eine Chance für einen sprachsensiblen Mathematikunterricht? by Anonym
Bone Adaptation: In Silico Approach by Tsubota, Ken-Ichi, Adachi, Taiji, Kameo, Yoshitaka
Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Plasma Turbulence: From Compressible MHD to Collisionless Plasma by Yang, Yan
Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance: Proceedings from the 4th Wroclaw International Conference in Finance by
Manipulation of Surface Waves through Metasurfaces by Mencagli, Mario Junior
Fuzzy Solution Concepts for Non-cooperative Games: Interval, Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Payoffs by Verma, Tina, Kumar, Amit
Functional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Hermitian Analysis: From Fourier Series to Cauchy-Riemann Geometry by D'Angelo, John P.
Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers by Shapira, Yair
Biological Systems: Nonlinear Dynamics Approach by
Fractal Dimension for Fractal Structures: With Applications to Finance by Fernandez-Martinez, Manuel, Garcia Guirao, Juan Luis, Sanchez-Granero, Miguel Angel
The Bending Theory of Fully Nonlinear Beams by Tarantino, Angelo Marcello, Lanzoni, Luca, Falope, Federico Oyedeji
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS2017): Transcending Boundaries, Embracing Multidiscipl by
High-Temperature Superconducting Microwave Circuits and Applications by Liu, Haiwen, Ren, Baoping, Guan, Xuehui
Finite Element Applications: A Practical Guide to the Fem Process by Okereke, Michael, Keates, Simeon
An Introduction to Finite Tight Frames by Waldron, Shayne F. D.
From Collective Beings to Quasi-Systems by Pessa, Eliano, Minati, Gianfranco
Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Applications: Tjc 2015, Monastir, Tunisia, December 18-23 by
Modern Algorithms of Cluster Analysis by Wierzchoń, Slawomir, Klopotek, Mieczyslaw
A Primer for Undergraduate Research: From Groups and Tiles to Frames and Vaccines by
Compressed Sensing and Its Applications: Second International Matheon Conference 2015 by
Grid Optimal Integration of Electric Vehicles: Examples with MATLAB Implementation by Hably, Ahmad, Bacha, Seddik, Ovalle, Andrés
Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game-Theoretical Semantics by
The Hyperuniverse Project and Maximality by
Web Microanalysis of Big Image Data by Bajcsy, Peter, Chalfoun, Joe, Simon, Mylene
Topological Data Analysis for Scientific Visualization by Tierny, Julien
On the Direct Detection of 229m Th by Von Der Wense, Lars
An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases by Li, Michael Y.
Advances in Computer Algebra: In Honour of Sergei Abramov's' 70th Birthday, Wwca 2016, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada by
L-Functions and Automorphic Forms: Laf, Heidelberg, February 22-26, 2016 by
Analysis in Banach Spaces: Volume II: Probabilistic Methods and Operator Theory by Van Neerven, Jan, Veraar, Mark, Hytönen, Tuomas
Fuzzy Sets Theory Preliminary: Can a Washing Machine Think? by Lin, Hao-Ran, Cao, Bing-Yuan, Liao, Yun-Zhang
New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models by
Financial Econometrics, Mathematics and Statistics: Theory, Method and Application by Chen, Hong-Yi, Lee, John, Lee, Cheng-Few
Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing: Epasa 2015, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2015 by
Big Data and Visual Analytics by
Framelets and Wavelets: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications by Han, Bin
Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach by Zeytounian, R. Kh
Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor of Roger Howe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by
Combinatorial Set Theory: With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing by Halbeisen, Lorenz J.
Theoretical Molecular Biophysics by Scherer, Philipp O. J., Fischer, Sighart F.
The Mathematics of Voting and Apportionment: An Introduction by El-Helaly, Sherif
Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, Schur Analysis, and Differential Equations: A Volume Dedicated to Heinz Langer by
Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems: New Trends and Open Problems by
A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics by Haddad, Wassim M.
Computational Mathematics: Concepts and Applied Principles by
Essential Concepts in Mathematics by
Mathematische Methoden Der Technischen Mechanik: Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Wauer, Jörg, Riemer, Michael, Seemann, Wolfgang
Excel Pivot Tables: For Complete Beginners, Step-By-Step Illustrated Guide to Master Pivot Tables by Skates, William B.
Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks by Barthelemy, Marc
Surplus Analysis of Sparre Andersen Insurance Risk Processes by Woo, Jae-Kyung, Willmot, Gordon E.
Octopi: Octopus Mathematical Constant Notebook by Rituals, Jackrabbit
Kybernetik und Theorien. Historische Entwicklung und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Spieltheorie by Hardtke, Martin
Covariant Schrödinger Semigroups on Riemannian Manifolds by Güneysu, Batu
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2: Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed Matter by
Meaning and Proscription in Formal Logic: Variations on the Propositional Logic of William T. Parry by Ferguson, Thomas Macaulay
Quantum Theory from a Nonlinear Perspective: Riccati Equations in Fundamental Physics by Schuch, Dieter
Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms by
Calculus of Variations: An Introduction to the One-Dimensional Theory with Examples and Exercises by Kielhöfer, Hansjörg
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Energy, Vibrations, and Modern Applications by
The Geometric Hopf Invariant and Surgery Theory by Ranicki, Andrew, Crabb, Michael
Fuzzy Graph Theory by Malik, Davender S., Mathew, Sunil, Mordeson, John N.
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXV: Workshop and Summer School, Bialowieża, Poland, June 26 - July 2, 2016 by
Operational Research: Io2017, Valença, Portugal, June 28-30 by
Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society by
Patterns of Dynamics: Berlin, July 2016 by
Analytic Number Theory, Modular Forms and Q-Hypergeometric Series: In Honor of Krishna Alladi's 60th Birthday, University of Florida, Gainesville, Mar by
Adventures in Graph Theory by Melles, Caroline Grant, Joyner, W. David
Introductory Quantum Mechanics: A Traditional Approach Emphasizing Connections with Classical Physics by Berman, Paul R.
The Stair-Step Approach in Mathematics by Sedrakyan, Nairi, Sedrakyan, Hayk
Contact Mechanics by Barber, J. R.
A Step by Step Approach to the Modeling of Chemical Engineering Processes: Using Excel for Simulation by Ferrareso Lona, Liliane Maria
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory II: Cant, New York, Ny, Usa, 2015 and 2016 by
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance: Maf 2016 by
Convergence and Summability of Fourier Transforms and Hardy Spaces by Weisz, Ferenc
New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature by
Lyapunov Exponents by Barreira, Luís
Mathematical Geosciences: Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Methods by Paláncz, Béla, Awange, Joseph L., Lewis, Robert H.
Mass and Energy Balances: Basic Principles for Calculation, Design, and Optimization of Macro/Nano Systems by Ashrafizadeh, Seyed Ali, Tan, Zhongchao
Hardness of Approximation Between P and NP by Rubinstein, Aviad
Hardness of Approximation Between P and NP by Rubinstein, Aviad
My poems of 2018: Based on reality, mathematics, and various other dimensions of life. by Shenoy, Kevin
Advanced Mathematics: Concepts and Applied Principles by
Differential and Integral Equations by
Variational Analysis and Set Optimization: Developments and Applications in Decision Making by
An Invitation to Geomathematics by Freeden, Willi, Heine, Clemens, Nashed, M. Zuhair
Computational Diffusion MRI: International Miccai Workshop, Granada, Spain, September 2018 by
Complements of Higher Mathematics by Öchsner, Andreas, Marin, Marin
Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis by
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 18: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (Hlrs) 2018 by
Regional Analysis of Time-Fractional Diffusion Processes by Kou, Chunhai, Ge, Fudong, Chen, Yangquan
Al-Kāshī's Miftāḥ Al-Ḥisab, Volume I: Arithmetic: Translation and Commentary by Aydin, Nuh, Hammoudi, Lakhdar
Hexagon Notebook 8.5 x 11 120 Pages Large Hexagons: Hexagonal Graph Paper Notebook, 120 pages, Large hexagons Battle Games Gaming Paper also Organic C by Isometric Hexagon Graph &. Grid Paper Exp
Continuous Functions by Simon, Jacques
Essays on Early Medieval Mathematics: The Latin Tradition by Folkerts, Menso
Matheron's Theory of Regionalised Variables by Matheron, Georges
The Xft Quadrature in Discrete Fourier Analysis by Campos, Rafael G.
Space-Time: An Introduction to Einstein's Theory of Gravity by Allday, Jonathan
The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology by Haesemeyer, Christian, Weibel, Charles A.
The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology by Haesemeyer, Christian, Weibel, Charles A.
The Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary Problems by Borovik, Alexandre, Gardiner, Tony
The Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary Problems by Borovik, Alexandre, Gardiner, Tony
Elementary Differential Equations by
Analysis and Operator Theory: Dedicated in Memory of Tosio Kato's 100th Birthday by
Inverse Obstacle Scattering with Non-Over-Determined Scattering Data by Ramm, Alexander G.
Foundations of Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Algebraic Curves in Cryptography by Xing, Chaoping, Ling, San, Wang, Huaxiong
Principles of Continuum Mechanics: A Basic Course for Physicists by Martinec, Zdeněk
Pascal's Arithmetical Triangle: The Story of a Mathematical Idea by Edwards, A. W. F.
Actuarial Aspects of Long Term Care by
Mathematics: Advanced Concepts and Applications by
Social Design: Essays in Memory of Leonid Hurwicz by
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics on Lattice Polytopes - Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Lattice Polytopes by
Diffusion in Random Fields: Applications to Transport in Groundwater by Suciu, Nicolae
Numerical Analysis by Greenspan, Donald
Unifying Themes In Complex Systems, Volume 1: Proceedings Of The First International Conference On Complex Systems by Bar-Yam, Yaneer
Unifying Themes In Complex Systems, Volume 2: Proceedings Of The Second International Conference On Complex Systems by Bar-Yam, Yaneer
Qualitative Methods In Quantum Theory by Migdal
An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems by Devaney, Robert
Feynman Lectures On Computation by Feynman, Richard P.
Elements of Algebraic Topology by Munkres, James R.
Pattern Formation in the Physical and Biological Sciences by Nijhout, H. Frederick
The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II by Arthur, W. Brian
K-Theory by Atiyah, Michael
Graph Theory (on Demand Printing of 02787) by Harary, Frank
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations, Broken Symmetry, and Correlation Functions by Forster, Dieter
Algebraic Topology: A First Course by Greenberg, Marvin J.
Vectors and Tensors in Engineering and Physics: Second Edition by Danielson, Donald
Moving Boundary Pde Analysis: Biomedical Applications in R by Schiesser, William
Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization by
Studies in Indian Mathematics and Astronomy: Selected Articles of Kripa Shankar Shukla by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 6 Volume 1 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 6 Volume 2 by
Simplicial Methods for Higher Categories: Segal-Type Models of Weak N-Categories by Paoli, Simona
1000 Sudoku: medio - difícil - experto: Para adictos a los números - 9x9 Clásico Puzzle - Rompecabeza de Lógica by Mega Sudoku 1000
Analise Des Infiniment Petits by Stone-E
Successful Proofs for Riemann hypothesis, Polignac's and Twin prime conjectures using Elementary-Emergent Fundamental Laws: Introduction incorporating by Ting, John
Mathematical Systems: Techniques and Applications by
Nonlinear Elastic and Inelastic Models for Shock Compression of Crystalline Solids by Clayton, John D.
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cancer Immunotherapy: Partial Differential Equation Analysis in R by Schiesser, William E.
Parabolic Equations with Irregular Data and Related Issues: Applications to Stochastic Differential Equations by Lions, Pierre-Louis, Le Bris, Claude
Digital Processing of Random Oscillations by Karmalita, Viacheslav
Functional Analysis with Applications by Georgiev, Svetlin G., Zennir, Khaled
Real Analysis: Measure and Integration by Markin, Marat V.
Modern Umbral Calculus: An Elementary Introduction with Applications to Linear Interpolation and Operator Approximation Theory by Costabile, Francesco Aldo
Schur-Convex Functions and Inequalities: Volume 1: Concepts, Properties, and Applications in Symmetric Function Inequalities by Shi, Huan-Nan
The Radon Transform: The First 100 Years and Beyond by
Solved Exercises in Fractional Calculus by Capelas De Oliveira, Edmundo
Dynamics of Complex Systems by Bar-Yam, Yaneer
Lectures on Game Theory by Aumann, Robert J.
Mathematikstudium Für Das Lehramt an Gymnasien: Anforderungen, Ziele Und Ansätze Zur Gestaltung by Bauer, Thomas, Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftsinformatiker: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Kohn, Wolfgang, Tamm, Ulrich
Stability, Control and Application of Time-Delay Systems by
Übungsbuch Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Aufgabensammlung Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Wendler, Tilo, Tippe, Ulrike
Introduction to Topology by Singh, Tej Bahadur
Ich Bin Mathelehrer - Warum? Weil Ich Es Kann: Praktischer Wochenplaner für ein ganzes Jahr - 15x23cm (ca. DIN A5) by Fehman, Elisabeth
Niemand Ist Perfekt Aber Als Mathelehrerin Ist Man Verdammt Nah Dran: Praktischer Wochenplaner für ein ganzes Jahr - 15x23cm (ca. DIN A5) by Fehman, Elisabeth
Algebra Two by Eastwood, David
Introduction to Computational Modeling Using C and Open-Source Tools by Garrido, Jose M.
Perturbation Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Bush, Alan W.
Classification of Lipschitz Mappings by Piasecki, Lukasz
A Guide to Publishing for Academics: Inside the Publish or Perish Phenomenon by
Equations of Mathematical Diffraction Theory by Sumbatyan, Mezhlum A., Scalia, Antonio
Functional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering by Pedersen, Michael
Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning by Yang, Xin-She
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 1 Volume 1 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 1 Volume 2 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 4 Volume 2 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 5 Volume 2 by
Cloud Computing: Data-Intensive Computing and Scheduling by Teng, Fei, Magoules, Frederic, Pan, Jie
Mathematics of Quantum Computation by
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Second Edition, by Giri
Diffusion: Formalism and Applications by Dattagupta, Sushanta
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 3 Volume 1 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 4 Volume 1 by
Everyday Mathematics 4 C2020 National Teacher Lesson Guide Grade 5 Volume 1 by
Numerical Analysis: An Introduction by
Graphing 03: For Grades 7-12 by Marson, Ronald Jay
Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction by Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, Franke, Jürgen, Hafner, Christian Matthias
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IX by
Advanced Numerical Methods in Applied Sciences by
Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations in Abstract Spaces by Liu, Kai
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