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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2020

Le Calcul Simplifié Par Les Procédés Mécaniques Et Graphiques. 3e Édition: Calcul Mécanique, Graphique, Graphomécanique, Monographique Et Calcul Nomom by D' Ocagne, Maurice
Le Comparateur Linéaire Universel Des Mesures, À l'Usage de Toutes Les Nations Du Globe by Aubry, Charles-Louis
Traité de Statique Graphique by Culmann, Carl, Glasser, G., Jacquier, Jean
Problèmes d'Arithmétique, Énoncés. a l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires by Maire, Simon
Cours de Géométrie Descriptive de l'Ecole Polytechnique: Comprenant Les Éléments de la Géométrie Cinétique by Mannheim, Amédée
La Première Année d'Arithmétique, Calcul Écrit, Calcul Oral. 35e Édition: À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires by Leyssenne, Pierre
Calcul Des Probabilités, Leçons, 2e Semestre, 1893-1894 by Poincaré, Henri, Quiquet, Albert
Write & Draw Math: Grade 1: Open-Ended Math Problems to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills by Rosenberg, Mary
Filière forêt-bois et atténuation du changement climatique: Entre séquestration du carbone en forêt et développement de la bioéconomie by Dhôte, Jean-François, Roux, Alice, Colin, Antoine
Write & Draw Math: Grade 2: Open-Ended Math Problems to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills by Rosenberg, Mary
Write & Draw Math: Kindergarten: Open-Ended Math Problems to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills by Rosenberg, Mary
Large Print Sudoku Puzzle Book: 200 Easy and Medium Sudokus - Large Print (Large Print Edition) by Kampelmann
Morphodynamics in Aesthetics: Essays on the Singularity of the Work of Art by Caliandro, Stefania
Dynamics with Chaos and Fractals by Akhmet, Marat, Fen, Mehmet Onur, Alejaily, Ejaily Milad
Methods and Models in Mathematical Programming by Hooshmand, F., Mirhassani, S. a.
Dialetheism and Its Applications by
Recent Advances on Memetic Algorithms and Its Applications in Image Processing by
The foundations of science; Science and hypothesis, The value of science, Science and method by Poincaré, H.
Equidistribution and Counting Under Equilibrium States in Negative Curvature and Trees: Applications to Non-Archimedean Diophantine Approximation by Parkkonen, Jouni, Paulin, Frédéric, Broise-Alamichel, Anne
Modelling and Simulation: Exploring Dynamic System Behaviour by Arbez, Gilbert, Birta, Louis G.
Historical Studies in Computing, Information, and Society: Insights from the Flatiron Lectures by
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism: A Centenary Reappraisal by
Intelligent Computing in Optimal Design by Kuś, Waclaw, Beluch, Witold, Burczyński, Tadeusz
The Shape of Space by Weeks, Jeffrey R.
Retail Arbitrage: How to Make Money Online with Proven and Powerful Strategies in Today's Market! Create Passive Income with Amazon FBA, by Bennis, Tony
Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences: Modern Perspectives on the History of Logic, Mathematics, Epistemology by
Aspects of Integrability of Differential Systems and Fields: A Mathematical Primer for Physicists by Papachristou, Costas J.
Where Do Numbers Come From? by Körner, T. W.
Large Print Sudoku Puzzle Book for Seniors: 250 Easy to Solve Sudokus for Seniors with Instructions and Solutions - Large Print (Large Print Edition) by Kampelmann
Introduction to Approximate Groups by Tointon, Matthew C. H.
A Comprehensive Introduction to Sub-Riemannian Geometry by Boscain, Ugo, Agrachev, Andrei, Barilari, Davide
Introduction to Approximate Groups by Tointon, Matthew C. H.
Where Do Numbers Come From? by Körner, T. W.
Introductory mathematical analysis by Paul Webber, W., Clark Plant, Louis
Geometric and Topological Mesh Feature Extraction for 3D Shape Analysis by Subsol, Gérard, Mari, Jean-Luc, Hétroy-Wheeler, Franck
Practical Statistics for Educators by Ravid, Ruth
Das LIBOR-Market-Modell unter Berücksichtigung stochastischer Volatilitäten: Theoretische Definiton, Implementation und Kalibrierung des SABR-LMMs by Dali, Sabri
Associative and Non-Associative Algebras and Applications: 3rd Mamaa, Chefchaouen, Morocco, April 12-14, 2018 by
Well-Quasi Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning: A Unifying Concept of Proof Theory, Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Descriptive by
Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2018 Volume by
Analytische Geometrie Und Lineare Algebra Zwischen Abitur Und Studium II: Theorie, Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zu Nichtlinearen Themen by Kunath, Jens
Direct Methods in Control Problems by Falb, Peter
Practical Examples of Energy Optimization Models by
Grundkurs Analysis 1: Differentiation Und Integration in Einer Veränderlichen by Fritzsche, Klaus
Geometry of Submanifolds and Homogeneous Spaces by
Nerd For Science: Rough Book For Rough work calculations and facts by Books, X-Square
Satellite Remote Sensing in Hydrological Data Assimilation by Khaki, Mehdi
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Synergetic Engineering by
The 21st Century Singularity and Global Futures: A Big History Perspective by
Algorithms in Machine Learning Paradigms by
Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions, and Differential Operators by Hassi, Seppo, de Snoo, Henk, Behrndt, Jussi
SubjectMath.com Practice Test #2, 2020 Edition: A Full Practice Test for the Math Subject Exam by Pagi, Gilad
Number WorkBook For Toddler: Give your child all the practice, Math Activity Book, practice for preschoolers, First Handwriting, Coloring Book, exe by With Numbers, Learn and Enjoy
Transform Your 6-12 Math Class: Digital Age Tools to Spark Learning by Thomas, Amanda
SubjectMath.com Practice Test #1, 2020 Edition by Pagi, Gilad
Risk, Choice, and Uncertainty: Three Centuries of Economic Decision-Making by Szpiro, George G.
The Math of Life and Death: 7 Mathematical Principles That Shape Our Lives by Yates, Kit
Water Resources Systems of the Philippines: Modeling Studies by Tabios III, Guillermo Q.
Fuzzy Recurrence Plots and Networks with Applications in Biomedicine by Pham, Tuan D.
Versor Algebra: Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering, Part 2 by Dollard, Eric P.
Sudoku Large Print Puzzle Book for Adults: 200 Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert Levels for Adults with Solutions - Large Print (Large Print Edition) by Kampelmann
The Highway Capacity Manual: A Conceptual and Research History Volume 2: Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections by Prassas, Elena S., P. Roess, Roger
Graph Paper Composition Notebook: Quad Ruled 5x5, Grid Paper for Students in Math and Science by Wizo, Math
51 Ways To Hustle Your Friends by Karol, Jim
The Shroud of Turin: First Century after Christ! by Fanti, Giulio, Malfi, Pierandrea
Steinberg Groups for Jordan Pairs by Loos, Ottmar, Neher, Erhard
4th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (Cmes-2019) by
Mathematics in Computing: An Accessible Guide to Historical, Foundational and Application Contexts by O'Regan, Gerard
Optimization Theory Based on Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Sets by
Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R by Manisera, Marica, Zuccolotto, Paola
Untangling Complex Systems: A Grand Challenge for Science by Gentili, Pier Luigi
Introduction to Unconstrained Optimization with R by Mishra, Shashi Kant, Ram, Bhagwat
Advances in Noncommutative Geometry: On the Occasion of Alain Connes' 70th Birthday by
Engineering for Sustainable Future: Selected Papers of the 18th International Conference on Global Research and Education Inter-Academia - 2019 by
Geometric and Ergodic Aspects of Group Actions by
Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R by Zuccolotto, Paola, Manisera, Marica
A Scheme of Heaven: The History of Astrology and the Search for Our Destiny in Data by Boxer, Alexander
Categories for Quantum Theory: An Introduction by Heunen, Chris, Vicary, Jamie
Categories for Quantum Theory: An Introduction by Vicary, Jamie, Heunen, Chris
Finite Mathematics Concepts & Applications by Wong, Tityik
Air Force Capability Development Planning: Analytical Methods to Support Investment Decisions by Fischbach, Jordan R., Leftwich, James A., Knopman, Debra
Mathe: DIN A5 - Für den Mathe Unterricht - Kariertes Papier 5*5 mm - Naturwissenschaften by Heft, Schule
Rigorous Proofs for Riemann Hypothesis, Polignac's and Twin Prime Conjectures in 2020 by Riemann, Bernhard (Pseudonym), Ting, John
Mathematics, Metrology, and Model Contracts: A Codex from Late Antique Business Education (P.Math.) by
Mathematics for collegiate students of agriculture and general science by Monroe Kenyon, Alfred, Vernon Lovitt, William
The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume I) by William Hill, George
Crooked Thinking or Straight Talk?: Modernizing Epicurean Scientific Philosophy by Binmore, Ken
Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing: Proceeding of CISC 2019 by
Mathematics for the practical man explaining simply and quickly all the elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, logarithms, coördinate geom by Howe, George
Theory of Information and Its Value by Stratonovich, Ruslan L.
Metal Phosphonates and Phosphinates by
Inequalities by
Geometric Partial Differential Equations - Part I: Volume 21 by
Advances in Computers: Volume 116 by
Advances in Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Visual Data by
Modeling Anomalous Diffusion: From Statistics to Mathematics by Deng, Weihua, Hou, Ru, Wang, Wanli
Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics by Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., Clements, Douglas H., Bezuk, Nadine
Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (hc) by Bezuk, Nadine, Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., Clements, Douglas H.
Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (color) by Bezuk, Nadine, Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., Clements, Douglas H.
Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (color hc) by Clements, Douglas H., Bezuk, Nadine, Bay-Williams, Jennifer M.
Group Theory for Physicists: With Applications by Ramadevi, Pichai, Dubey, Varun
Metric in Measure Spaces by Yeh, James J.
Beyond Einstein Gravity: The Minimal Geometric Deformation Approach in the Brane-World by Ovalle, Jorge, Casadio, Roberto
Metric in Measure Spaces by Yeh, James J.
Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics by
Sudoku Book for Adults Medium Difficulty: 300 Sudoku Puzzles for Adults with Intermediate Difficulty by Kampelmann
Sudoku for Adults: 300 Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard and Extreme Sudokus with Solutions for Adults by Kampelmann
1,000 + Numbricks 5x5: Logic puzzles easy - medium - hard - extreme levels by Holmes, Basford
A Complete Solution Guide to Complex Analysis by Yu, Kit-Wing
Sraffa and Leontief Revisited: Mathematical Methods and Models of a Circular Economy by Nour Eldin, Hassan A., Emmenegger, Jean-François, Chable, Daniel L.
Proceedings of Netsci-X 2020: Sixth International Winter School and Conference on Network Science by
Discrepancy Theory by
Advances in Mathematical Inequalities by Furuichi, Shigeru
System and Measurements by Sang, Yong
Sudoku Travel Book For Adults - Easy To Medium Levels: 9x9 Brain Games Sudoku Puzzle Book For Grown-Ups, Seniors, Adults And Perfect For Traveling. by Puzzles, Novedog
100 Sudokus: Casse-Têtes pour des moments de plaisir by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
100 Sudokus: Casse-Têtes pour des moments de plaisir by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
100 Sudokus: Casse-Têtes pour des moments de plaisir by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
Attraktiver Mathematikunterricht: Motivierende Beispiele Aus Der PRAXIS by
Peer Instruction in Der Mathematik: Didaktische, Organisatorische Und Technische Grundlagen Praxisnah Erläutert by Riegler, Peter
Design of Passive Filters by Manohar S. R., Murali, Shukla, Akash, Awasthi, Anshul
Livre Sudoku: 2020 200 Medium by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
Hard Sudoku puzzle: 300 sudoku puzzle includes solutions by Books Hero, Sudoku Puzzle
A Branch-And-Bound Algorithm for Multiobjective Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization by Rocktäschel, Stefan
Engaging Young Students in Mathematics Through Competitions - World Perspectives and Practices: Volume I - Competition-Ready Mathematics by
Lectures on Convex Sets (Second Edition) by Soltan, Valeriu
Six place logarithmic tables, together with a table of natural sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents by Wells, Webster
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 19th International Conference, Ica3pp 2019, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, December 9-11, 2019, Proc by
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 13th International Conference, Lion 13, Chania, Crete, Greece, May 27-31, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 19th International Conference, Ica3pp 2019, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, December 9-11, 2019, Proc by
An Introduction to the Topological Derivative Method by Novotny, Antonio André, Sokolowski, Jan
Lectures on Convex Sets (Second Edition) by Soltan, Valeriu
Engaging Young Students in Mathematics Through Competitions - World Perspectives and Practices: Volume I - Competition-Ready Mathematics by
Boundary Layer Flows: Theory, Applications and Numerical Methods by
Medium Sudoku Puzzles: 400 Medium Sudokus with Solutions by Kampelmann
Gunpowder and Geometry: The Life of Charles Hutton: Pit Boy, Mathematician and Scientific Rebel by Wardhaugh, Benjamin
Livre Sudoku: 2020 200 Medium by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
Livre Sudoku: 2020 200 by Publishing, Jeuxkateny
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for seniors to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Nonautonomous Dynamics: Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors by Cheban, David N.
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for seniors to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Optimum Methods for Dynamic analysis of Telecommunication Tower by Sengupta, Sanjay, Chandra, Trishit
Matemáticas Para La Relatividad General, 1: Transformaciones de coordenadas by Villalba, Juan
Singularities of Mappings: The Local Behaviour of Smooth and Complex Analytic Mappings by Mond, David, Nuño-Ballesteros, Juan J.
Complex Analytic Cycles I: Basic Results on Complex Geometry and Foundations for the Study of Cycles by Barlet, Daniel, Magnússon, Jón
de Sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries by
Grundlagen für das Studium naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Fächer by Fricke, Werner
Theory of Function Spaces IV by Triebel, Hans
Tensor Spaces and Numerical Tensor Calculus by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Mathematical Topics on Representations of Ordered Structures and Utility Theory: Essays in Honor of Professor Ghanshyam B. Mehta by
Jacobi-Like Forms, Pseudodifferential Operators, and Quasimodular Forms by Choie, Youngju, Lee, Min Ho
Mathematics in Everyday Life by Haigh, John
Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: 6th International Conference, Caldam 2020, Hyderabad, India, February 13-15, 2020, Proceedings by
Approximation and Online Algorithms: 17th International Workshop, Waoa 2019, Munich, Germany, September 12-13, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
200 Easy Sudoku Puzzles: Large Print Puzzle Book with Standard Sudoku 9x9 For Adults or Seniors Relaxing Time and Improve Memory by Puzzles, Novedog
RSA Cracked by Navarro, German
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for adults to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for adults to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Mittelschwer Sudoku Buch für Erwachsene: 400 schwere, extra schwere und extrem schwere Sudokus für Erwachsene mit Lösungen by Kampelmann
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for adults to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for adults to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Sudoku games book: Sudoku puzzle books for adults to grow their brains and have a lot of fun. Large size 72 sites sudoku book 16x16 by Ninja, Puzzle Master
Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises: Ods, Genoa, Italy, September 4-7, 2019 by
Special Functions and Generalized Sturm-Liouville Problems by Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad
Matemáticas Para La Teoría Cuántica: El oscilador armónico clásico, cuántico y la ecuación de Schrödinger by Villalba, Juan
Logische Untersuchungen by Trendelenburg, Adolf
Sudoku für Senioren: 250 leichte Sudokus im Großdruck für ältere Menschen mit Lösungen by Kampelmann
Enorme Libro De Los Sudoku by Kampelmann
Großdruck Sudoku für Senioren: 200 große Sudokus - Einfach und Mittelschwer mit Lösungen und Anleitung by Kampelmann
Zur Theorie der Schur-Ringe über endlichen Gruppen: Untersuchungen an zweiseitigen Nebenklassenringen und CS-Untergruppen by Lowsky, Martin
Mathematik im Zahlenraum bis hundert (Klassenstufe 2) by Kunz, Nicole
The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry Use Cases: Volume 117 by
Miscellaneous problems in mathematics by de Alwis, Adambarage Charles Wimal Lalit
Quaternionic de Branges Spaces and Characteristic Operator Function by Sabadini, Irene, Alpay, Daniel, Colombo, Fabrizio
Artificial Intelligence and the Environmental Crisis: Can Technology Really Save the World? by Skene, Keith Ronald
Ludwig Faddeev Memorial: From Hadrons to Atoms: Exploring the World of Few-Body Systems by
Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 8 by Munson, Jen, Williams, Cathy, Boaler, Jo
Stoßprobleme in Physik, Technik Und Medizin: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Willert, Emanuel
Nonlinear Differential Equations in Physics: Novel Methods for Finding Solutions by Saha Ray, Santanu
Stochastic Modelling of Reaction-Diffusion Processes by Erban, Radek, Chapman, S. Jonathan
Proportionen Und Ihre Musik: Was Brüche Und Tonfolgen Miteinander Zu Tun Haben by Schüffler, Karlheinz
Arakelov Geometry Over Adelic Curves by Chen, Huayi, Moriwaki, Atsushi
Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Applications: Iccsa 2019 by
Numerical Simulation-Based Design: Theory and Methods by Liu, Jie, Han, Xu
Compressible Fluid Dynamics and Shock Waves by Sasoh, Akihiro
Complex Analysis, Riemann Surfaces and Integrable Systems by Natanzon, Sergey M.
Optimal Social Influence by Xu, Wen, Wu, Weili
Klassische Finanzmathematik: Grundideen, Zentrale Formeln Und Begriffe Im Überblick by Luderer, Bernd
Fourier Restriction, Decoupling, and Applications by Demeter, Ciprian
The Learning and Teaching of Mathematical Modelling by Niss, Mogens, Blum, Werner
Advanced Optimization and Operations Research by Shaikh, Ali Akbar, Bhunia, Asoke Kumar, Sahoo, Laxminarayan
Selected Exercises in Algebra: Volume 1 by Dvornicich, Roberto, Chirivì, Rocco, del Corso, Ilaria
Stochastic Modelling of Reaction-Diffusion Processes by Chapman, S. Jonathan, Erban, Radek
Bifurcation and Stability in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Luo, Albert C. J.
Spectral Theory of Bounded Linear Operators by Kubrusly, Carlos S.
The Geometry of Universal Mind - Volume 2 by Mustin, Bob
Differentiaalvergelijkingen by Makeev, Arzymkan
Nonclassical Logics and Their Applications: Post-Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition by
Zur Berechnung der Krystallformen by Von Kobell, Franz
Éléments de la Théorie Des Nombres, Congruences, Formes Quadratiques, Nombres Incommensurables: Questions Diverses by Cahen, Eugène
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