• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2020

Fractional Signals and Systems by Ortigueira, Manuel Duarte, Valério, Duarte
Applications in Rigorous Quantum Field Theory by Hiroshima, Fumio, Lörinczi, József
Course Preparation Mathematics: Student Book by
Mathematische Modelle Des Kontinuums by Kleinert, Ernst
Quantitative Tamarkin Theory by Zhang, Jun
Chimera Patterns in Networks: Interplay Between Dynamics, Structure, Noise, and Delay by Zakharova, Anna
Transient Dynamics of Concentrated Particulate Suspensions Under Shear by Han, Endao
A course in practical mathematics by M. Saxelby, F.
Differential equations by Bateman, Harry
Tables of six-figure logarithms; Containing the Logarithms of numbers from 1 to 10,000, of sines and tangents for every minute of the quadrant, and of by Farley, Richard
Music by the Numbers: From Pythagoras to Schoenberg by Maor, Eli
Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Modeling: Icmaam 2018, Kolkata, India, January 9-12 by
Practical Numerical and Scientific Computing with MATLAB(R) and Python by Bashier, Eihab B. M.
Research Advances in Chaos Theory by
Lattice Theory: Basics by Vimala, J.
Mathematical Analysis II: Optimisation, Differential Equations and Graph Theory: Icrapam 2018, New Delhi, India, October 23-25 by
Orthogonal Polynomials: 2nd Aims-Volkswagen Stiftung Workshop, Douala, Cameroon, 5-12 October, 2018 by
The Making of a Scribe: Errors, Mistakes and Rounding Numbers in the Old Babylonian Kingdom of Larsa by Middeke-Conlin, Robert
Trigonometric Sums and Their Applications by
Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics by Svozil, Karl
Conceptions of Set and the Foundations of Mathematics by Incurvati, Luca
Stochastische Paradoxien by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Spectral Theory: Basic Concepts and Applications by Borthwick, David
Application of the Euler-Lagrange-Method for solving optimal control problems: Research Work by Temitayo Emmanuel, Olaosebikan
Learn 51 TRICKS of Multiplication in One Day: For All Age Learners & Competitive Examinations by Sahu, Binayak
Fixed Point Theory and Related Topics by
Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences by
Mental Calculation, an Art, Apart by Bouman, Willem
Periods in Quantum Field Theory and Arithmetic: Icmat, Madrid, Spain, September 15 - December 19, 2014 by
Structural Equation Modelling: Application for Research and Practice (with Amos and R) by Thakkar, Jitesh J.
Basic Calculus of Planetary Orbits and Interplanetary Flight: The Missions of the Voyagers, Cassini, and Juno by Hahn, Alexander J.
Can We Be Happier?: Evidence and Ethics by Layard, Richard
Ergodic Theoretic Methods in Group Homology: A Minicourse on L2-Betti Numbers in Group Theory by Löh, Clara
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Samurai Sudoku: 1000 Hard Sudoku Puzzles Overlapping into 200 Samurai Style (Large Print Edition) by Alzamili, Khalid
Generalisierte Markov-Modellierung: Modellierung Irreversibler β-Amyloid-Peptid-Dynamik Unter Mikrowelleneinfluss by Reuter, Bernhard
From Analysis to Visualization: A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Jonathan M. Borwein, Callaghan, Australia, September 2017 by
Modeling Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks with Partial Differential Equations by Wang, Feng, Xu, Kuai, Wang, Haiyan
Time-Fractional Order Biological Systems with Uncertain Parameters by Jena, Rajarama Mohan, Jena, Subrat Kumar, Chakraverty, Snehashish
Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual - Revised and Expanded Edition by Gamwell, Lynn
Mathematik Für Informatiker: Ein Praxisbezogenes Lehrbuch by Hartmann, Peter
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons: From the Mathematics of Heat to the Development of the Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable by Nahin, Paul
Rough Draft Math: Revising to Learn by Jansen, Amanda
Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics by Brahier, Daniel J.
Theoretical Fluid Dynamics by Feldmeier, Achim
Partial Differential Equations in Engineering Problems by Miller, Kenneth S.
Networking and Computation: Technology, Modeling and Performance by Shi, Li, Robertazzi, Thomas G.
Current Trends on Monomial and Binomial Ideals by
Bousfield Classes and Ohkawa's Theorem: Nagoya, Japan, August 28-30, 2015 by
Improved Classification Rates for Localized Algorithms Under Margin Conditions by Blaschzyk, Ingrid Karin
Math Readiness And Number Recognition. For preschoolers and toddlers: Preschoolers and Toddlers Math Workbook Ages 3-5-Pages in COLOR-8,5" x 11"-Suita by Editions, My Kid's Cute Journals
Principles of Causal Conspiracy Book 1: A Unification of Mind and Matter by Anthony, Michael Mark
Wigner-Type Theorems for Hilbert Grassmannians by Pankov, Mark
Proceedings, 2019, MaxEnt 2019 by
Mathematical Analysis and Applications II by
Linked Data Visualization: Techniques, Tools, and Big Data by Po, Laura, Bikakis, Nikos, Desimoni, Federico
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks by Zhou, Jie, Liu, Zhiyuan
Simply Riemann by Gray, Jeremy
Geometrieunterricht mit Sketchometry. Bedienung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Geometriesoftware Sketchometry by Porst, Jens
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of Bicmr Summer School on Financial Mathematics by
Trigonometrìa: propuestas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje by Rueda Marrero, Scarlet Coromoto
Course in Analysis, a - Vol V: Functional Analysis, Some Operator Theory, Theory of Distributions by Evans, Kristian P., Jacob, Niels
The Future of Music: Towards a Computational Musical Theory of Everything by Pang, Yan, Mazzola, Guerino, Noer, Jason
First Congress of Greek Mathematicians: Proceedings of the Congress Held in Athens, Greece, June 25-30, 2018 by
Exact Traveling Wave Solutions Of Some Nonlinear Models by Roshid, Harun-Or, Roshid, Mamunur
War in Economic Theories Over Time: Assessing the True Economic, Social and Political Costs by Allio, Renata
Adaptive Weighting of Multi-taper Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks by Anonym
Quantum Information and Foundations by
Course in Analysis, a - Vol V: Functional Analysis, Some Operator Theory, Theory of Distributions by Jacob, Niels, Evans, Kristian P.
Multi-Dimensional Arithmetic Progression by Yadav, Dharmendra Kumar
Sophie Germain: Revolutionary Mathematician by Musielak, Dora
Philosophy of Mathematics by Linnebo, Øystein
Integrated Review Guide for The Power of Mathematics by Pirilla, Patrick B.
Math Girls 4: Randomized Algorithms by Yuki, Hiroshi
Mathematik ZAP MSA: Erklärungen, Aufgaben, Lösungen by Roggendorff, Ulf -. C.
Math Girls 4: Randomized Algorithms by Yuki, Hiroshi
Math Girls 4: Randomized Algorithms by Yuki, Hiroshi
Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations: A Comprehensive Approach by Borzì, Alfio
Discrete Cuckoo Search for Combinatorial Optimization by Ouaarab, Aziz
Modellierungskompetenzen - Diagnose Und Bewertung by
Dynamical Systems Theory by
Symbolic logic (Part I) Elementary by Carroll, Lewis
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications by
Die Spieltheorie als Teil der Kybernetik. Definition, historische Entwicklung sowie Praxisbeispiele by Anlauf, Dominic
The Five Practices in Practice [High School]: Successfully Orchestrating Mathematics Discussions in Your High School Classroom by Sherin, Miriam Gamoran, Steele, Michael D., Smith
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: An Optimal and Robust Perspective by Xin, Ming, Wang, Jianan, Wang, Chunyan
Stochastische Modelle Der Aktuariellen Risikotheorie: Eine Mathematische Einführung by Gatto, Riccardo
Dynamic Analysis of An Elastic Beam by Adinoyi, Ibrahim Abdullahi
Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 1, Bilingual Edition - English/Spanish by Fisher, Richard W.
Geometric Regular Polytopes by McMullen, Peter
Mathenglish - Das Übungsbuch für Mathe und Englisch: Lerne Mathe und Englisch gleichzeitig (5.-7.Klasse) by Kaesler, Clemens, Kaesler, Ruben
Decimal Counting Boards: (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Counting) by Freeman, Mitchell E.
Game Theory: A Guide to Game Theory, Strategy, Economics, and Success! by Wilson, Chris
Pre-Algebra Concepts: Bilingual Edition - English/Spanish: Mastering Essential Math Skills by Fisher, Richard W.
Toward General Theory of Differential-Operator and Kinetic Models by Sidorov, Nikolay, Sidorov, Denis, Sinitsyn, Alexander V.
Mathematical Theory of Liquid Interfaces: Liquid Layers, Capillary Interfaces, Floating Drops and Particles by Miersemann, Erich
Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mit MATLAB Und Julia: Ein Anwendungs- Und Beispielorientierter Einstieg Für Technische Studiengänge by Bättig, Daniel
5 Full-Length FTCE General Knowledge Math Practice Tests: The Practice You Need to Ace the FTCE Mathematics Test by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Quantitative Portfolio Management: With Applications in Python by Brugière, Pierre
Solving Division by Zero: A shocking new book which explains division by zero from a Relativistic perspective & discovers possible solutions for by Alexander, James
Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain Static and Dynamic Problems by Chakraverty, Snehashish, Rout, Saudamini
Oral mathematics: Step in the right Direction: We learn only to be help to all who need us. by Kumar Pe, R.
Analytic Methods in Sports: Using Mathematics and Statistics to Understand Data from Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Other Sports by Severini, Thomas A.
STEM Education in Primary Classrooms: Unravelling Contemporary Approaches in Australia and New Zealand by
Analytical Theory of Democracy: History, Mathematics and Applications by Tangian, Andranik
STEM Education in Primary Classrooms: Unravelling Contemporary Approaches in Australia and New Zealand by
Quantile Regression for Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data: Applications in Energy Markets Using R by Guillen, Montserrat, Uribe, Jorge M.
How To Play Sudoku: Your Step By Step Guide To Playing Sudoku by Howexpert
Cours d'Analyse de l'École Polytechnique. Calcul Différentiel by Jordan, Camille
Cours d'Analyse de l'École Polytechnique. Calcul Intégral. Intégrales Définies Et Indéfinies by Jordan, Camille
Analyse Des Infiniment Petits, Pour l'Intelligence Des Lignes Courbes. 2e Édition by de l'Hospital, Guillaume-François-Antoine
La Galerie Des Combinateurs: Ouvrage Dédié Aux Actionnaires de la Loterie de l'École Royale Militaire by Gräff
Differentialgleichungen ALS Zentraler Bestandteil Der Theoretischen Physik: Harmonischer Oszillator, Wellengleichung Und Korteweg-De-Vries-Gleichung by Hickmann, Eva Maria
Théorie Des Séries À Termes Constants, Applications Aux Calculs Numériques by Fabry, Eugène
A source book in mathematics by Eugene Smith, David
Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems: Proceeding of Nccs 2018 by
Theory and Computation of Complex Tensors and Its Applications by Che, Maolin, Wei, Yimin
Shimura Varieties by
Tensor Products of C*-Algebras and Operator Spaces by Pisier, Gilles
Tensor Products of C*-Algebras and Operator Spaces: The Connes-Kirchberg Problem by Pisier, Gilles
Testing the Collatz Conjecture can be accelerated a huge number of times by Tyshko, Georgiy
Empty and the Full, The: Li Ye and the Way of Mathematics - Geometrical Procedures by Section of Areas by Pollet, Charlotte-V
Physical Properties Mathematics and its Application (English Version) by Shuxuan, Chen
Das Gefangenendilemma. Wie können Situationen mit der Spieltheorie analysiert werden? by Schmidt, Philipp
Recent Advances in Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics: Proceedings of Ictacem 2017 by
Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data by
ARC Schemes and Singularities by
Kompendium Der Reellen Analysis: Grundlagen Und Methoden Für Physiker by Weissauer, Rainer
Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: Godunov's Legacy: A Liber Amicorum to Professor Godunov by
The Hybrid High-Order Method for Polytopal Meshes: Design, Analysis, and Applications by Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio, Droniou, Jérôme
Numerical Solutions and Stability Analysis of Brusselator System by Saeed, Rostam K., Easif, Fadhil H., Manaa, Saad A.
The hard science of Gravitation and Relativity: including gravitational waves presented in high school mathematics to today's engineer/technologist by Wilcox, Richard R.
Galois Fields in Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Special General Relativity (QSGR) by Gerck, Ed
Resolución de problemas by Rueda Marrero, Scarlet Coromoto
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence by Chowdhary, K. R.
Imparare a scrivere i numeri con gli unicorni per bambini in età prescolare 3 - 5 anni: Impara a tracciare i numeri ed a contare by Woo, Sean
Triumph of Love: A Mathematical Exploration of Being, Becoming, Life, and Transhumanism in a Cosmology of Light by Malik, Pravir
Differential Equation Solutions with Matlab(r) by Xue, Dingyü
Variational Methods in Nonlinear Analysis: With Applications in Optimization and Partial Differential Equations by Kravvaritis, Dimitrios C., Yannacopoulos, Athanasios N.
Basic Structures in Mathematical Analysis by Meziani, Lakhdar
Elementary Operator Theory by Markin, Marat V.
Imparare a scrivere i numeri per bambini in età prescolare: Impara a tracciare i numeri ed a contare by Woo, Sean
Recent Advances in Mathematics for Engineering by
Deep Learning in Computer Vision: Principles and Applications by
Taming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century by Katz, Victor J., Parshall, Karen Hunger
General Fractional Derivatives with Applications in Viscoelasticity by Ju, Yang, Gao, Feng, Yang, Xiao-Jun
Multiplicative Inverse Functional Equations: Theory and Applications by Senthil Kumar, B. V., Dutta, Hemen
Measuring Teachers' Beliefs Quantitatively: Criticizing the Use of Likert Scale and Offering a New Approach by Safrudiannur
Statistical Inference Via Convex Optimization by Juditsky, Anatoli, Nemirovski, Arkadi
Trigonometric Delights by Maor, Eli
Nature Inspired Optimization for Electrical Power System by
Locally Convex Quasi *-Algebras and Their Representations by Fragoulopoulou, Maria, Trapani, Camillo
2018 Matrix Annals by
Höhere Mathematik 1: Lineare Algebra by Janssen, Dörthe, Strampp, Walter
Mathematical Physics: Applications and Problems by Balakrishnan, V.
Werke: Neunter Band by Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Werke: Neunter Band by Gauss, Carl Friedrich
More Trouble with Maths: A Complete Manual to Identifying and Diagnosing Mathematical Difficulties by Chinn, Steve
Iitaka Conjecture: An Introduction by Fujino, Osamu
Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Analysis and Approaches Hl: Hodder Education Group by Kadelburg, Vesna, Fannon, Paul
The Ghost of Mathematics: Increase Proficiency & Decrease Anxiety in Elementary School Mathematics by Porzio, Joseph A.
Mathematical Metaphors, Memories, and Mindsets: An Examination of Personal, Social, and Cultural Influences on the Perception of Mathematics by Latterell, Carmen M., Wilson, Janelle L.
Mathematical Metaphors, Memories, and Mindsets: An Examination of Personal, Social, and Cultural Influences on the Perception of Mathematics by Latterell, Carmen M., Wilson, Janelle L.
Geometric Analysis: In Honor of Gang Tian's 60th Birthday by
Introduction to Factorization by Harrison, Adrian
Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics by
Transmutation Operators and Applications by
Games and Dynamics in Economics: Essays in Honor of Akio Matsumoto by
Conformally Invariant Metrics and Quasiconformal Mappings by Vuorinen, Matti, Hariri, Parisa, Klén, Riku
Coming Home to Math: Become Comfortable with the Numbers That Rule Your Life by Herman, Irving P.
Fluid Flow and Stability by Kapoor, Saurabh, Bansal, Ruchi, Rawat, Samarjeet
Sudoku Moyen: 1000 Sodoku 9 x 9 Pour Adulte, Avec Solutions⎪Niveau Intermédaire ⎪ 21.59 x 27.94 cm. by Library, Bma
Soft Fuzzy and fuzzy soft set theory With applications by S. a. Saeed, Auda, A. a. Al-Swidi, Luay
Mathematical Brainteasers with Surprising Solutions by O'Shea, Owen
sudoku is brain gym - sudoku puzzles hard to extreme -: sudoku games for healthy brain -made with love by Sudoku Lover
Mathematical Logic And Combinatorics by Venkata Bala Subrahmanyeswara Rao, Seeta
Flächeneinheiten: einfach erklärt by Hensel, Christian
Großdruck Sudoku Leicht: 250 leichte Sudokus im Großdruck - Mit Anleitungen, Profi-Tipps und Lösungen - Frühlingsausgabe by Kampelmann
Nuevos Fundamentos de la Recta Numérica: Matemática Discreta Isodimensional by Ramos Montero, Ricardo
Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe by Strogatz, Steven
Functions of a Complex Variable by Phillips, E. G.
Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Quantitative Finance by Spaletta, Giulia, Ritelli, Daniele
Vector and Tensor Analysis by Brand, Louis
Pre-Algebra: Keeping It Simple by Atkinson, Judith
Information Engineering for Ports and Marine Environments by Wang, Lizhe, Wang, Mingwei, Mu, Lin
Coming Home to Math: Become Comfortable with the Numbers That Rule Your Life by Herman, Irving P.
Analisi Matematica 1: teoria ed esercizi svolti by Mangoni, Alessio
Localized Dynamics of Thin-Walled Shells by Tovstik, Petr E., Mikhasev, Gennadi I.
Probability, Combinatorics and Control by
General Topology by Sierpinski, Waclaw
The Application of Mathematics to Physics and Nonlinear Science by
An Introduction to Functional Analysis by Robinson, James C.
An Introduction to Functional Analysis by Robinson, James C.
Analisi Matematica 1: Esercizi Serie by Mangoni, Alessio
Introductory Mathematical Modeling by Gillispie, Brian
The Art of Theoretical Biology by
Addition Soustraction Multiplication CP CE1: 100 Pages de Calculs - Carnet d'entraînement Pour être Fort en Maths by Edition, Les Petits Mathematiques
Additions Soustractions GS CP CE1: Exercices de Mathématiques GS/CP/CE1: Développer Leurs Compétences en Calcul mental - 100 Pages by Edition, Gitamathematiques
Addition Pour Les Petit: Apprends et Révise tes Tables de Addition CP - Développer Leurs Compétences en Calcul Mental - 100 Pages by Edition, Alexacalcul
Addition Soustraction Multiplication Pour Enfants: Cahier d'exercices Mathématiques Pour Apprendre Le Calcul / 100 Pages de Calculs by Edition, Youngscahiers
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