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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2021

Spectral Theory: Basic Concepts and Applications by Borthwick, David
Very Easy to Extreme Hard Sudoku Puzzle Book for Adults: 6 Levels 1000 Sudoku Puzzles Activity Book to Sharpen Your Mind by Faramund Mendie
Partition des nombres entiers by R. S.
Brique d'Euler: et triplets Pythagoriciens by R. S.
La conjecture de Singmaster: Multiplicité binomiale dans le triangle de Pascal by R. S.
Somme chaînée: des carrés et des puissances de 2 et 3 by R. S.
Superpermutation by R. S.
Brachistochrone et chaînette: La descente la plus rapide, la tension d'une suspension. by R. S.
Nature des chiffres: Appliquée aux opérations courantes by R. S.
L'aquarium by R. S.
Periods in Quantum Field Theory and Arithmetic: Icmat, Madrid, Spain, September 15 - December 19, 2014 by
Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Control Theory by
Human Population Genomics: Introduction to Essential Concepts and Applications by
Structural Equation Modelling: Application for Research and Practice (with Amos and R) by Thakkar, Jitesh J.
Le voyageur de commerce: Comment trouver l'itinéraire le plus court by R. S.
The #100 Challenge SUDOKU 9x9 PUZZLE BOOK solutions included Vol 3 - Yoshi Sakamoto -: Large Print Sudoku Puzzle Book for Adults, Brain Trainer MEDIU (Large Print Edition) by Sakamoto, Yoshi
Cálculo Fraccionario y k-Funciones Especiales: Matemáti Rubén A. Cerutti by Dorrego, Gustavo A., Luque, Luciano L., Cerutti, Rubén A.
Computational Social Science: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on New Computational Social Science (Icncss 2020), September 25-27, 20 by
Progress in Information Geometry: Theory and Applications by
From Quantum Paraelectric/Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides to High Temperature Superconducting Copper Oxides -- In Honor of Professor K.A. Müller for H by
Anna's Story: In Pursuit of the Mysterious Missing Day by Thompson, Jeffery L.
FSA Practice Grade 3 Math Test Prep for the Florida Standards Assessment [3rd Edition Book] by Rueda, Joshua
Killer Samurai Sudoku, Book 2: 100 Mind-Bending Puzzles by MacMillan, Robert
Timed Tests: Single Digit addition and subtraction Math Speed drills For Kids Easy Practice Workbook For Grades K-2, Age 5-8 by Publishing, Priyan
Learning from Nature. Using Genetic Algorithms for Inventory Optimisation by Pfeiffer, Leopold
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data by Baltagi, Badi H.
Satellite Formation Flying: High Precision Guidance Using Optimal and Adaptive Control Techniques by Mathavaraj, S., Padhi, Radhakant
Bird's Engineering Mathematics by Bird, John
Bird's Engineering Mathematics by Bird, John
BLACKJACK Play Enjoy and Win: Turn de odds on your side by Strike, Lucky
From Analysis to Visualization: A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Jonathan M. Borwein, Callaghan, Australia, September 2017 by
Investitionsrechnung Für Praktiker: Fallorientierte Darstellung Der Verfahren Und Berechnungen by Heesen, Bernd, Heesen, Michelle Julia
Partial Differential Equations in Ecology: 80 Years and Counting by
Graph Theory: An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications by Saoub, Karin R.
Graph Theory: An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications by Saoub, Karin R.
The Big Book of Jigsaw Sudoku - 1200 Puzzles - Easy to Extreme: Irregular Sudoku Puzzle Book for Adults with Solutions by Brainwhale
Applications of Flower Pollination Algorithm and Its Variants by
Nature-Inspired Computing for Smart Application Design by
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of Comso 2020 by
Networking and Computation: Technology, Modeling and Performance by Robertazzi, Thomas G., Shi, Li
Information Technology for Management: Towards Business Excellence: 15th Conference, Ism 2020, and Fedcsis-Ist 2020 Track, Held as Part of Fedcsis, So by
Fractals in Engineering: Theoretical Aspects and Numerical Approximations by
Bousfield Classes and Ohkawa's Theorem: Nagoya, Japan, August 28-30, 2015 by
Copositive and Completely Positive Matrices by Shaked-Monderer, Naomi, Berman, Abraham
Prozesse Bei Der Strukturierenden Mengenwahrnehmung Und Strukturnutzenden Anzahlbestimmung Von Kindern Im Elementarbereich: Eine Eye-Tracking Studie by Sprenger, Priska
Improving Applied Mathematics Education by
Current Trends in Symmetric Polynomials with Their Applications Ⅱ by
Interactions of Positrons with Matter and Radiation by
Geometric Foundations of Design: Old and New by Kappraff, Jay
Manuel d'arithmétique: Pour progresser en autonomie by Benosa, Laurent
Set Function T: An Account on F. B. Jones' Contributions to Topology by Macías, Sergio
Progress in Industrial Mathematics: Success Stories: The Industry and the Academia Points of View by
multiplication and division workbook: Worksheets Full of Practice Drills. Facts and Exercises on Multiplying and Dividing by Otman, Math
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of Bicmr Summer School on Financial Mathematics by
How Uncertainty-Related Ideas Can Provide Theoretical Explanation for Empirical Dependencies by
The Mathematical System of the Bible Chronology: The exact year of every major Bible History Event by Gimmel, Gregor Georg
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Related Topics with R by Qiu, Jin, Wu, Lang
Mathematics: The Productive Struggle by Allen, Alvin, White, Alva
A Key To The Western Calculator; Containing The Solution Of All The Examples And Questions For Exercise With Reference To The Pages Where They Stand T by Armstrong, John
Reveal Math Manipulative Kit, Grade K by
Operator Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference on Operator Theory, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 30 - May 3, 2018 by
Mathematics Applied to Engineering in Action: Advanced Theories, Methods, and Models by
Polarization of Light: In Classical, Quantum, and Nonlinear Optics by Chekhova, Maria, Banzer, Peter
Covid-19 Unmasked: The News, the Science, and Common Sense by Just, Winfried
Covid-19 Unmasked: The News, the Science, and Common Sense by Just, Winfried
Sociophysics Approach to Epidemics by Tanimoto, Jun
War in Economic Theories Over Time: Assessing the True Economic, Social and Political Costs by Allio, Renata
The Future of Music: Towards a Computational Musical Theory of Everything by Mazzola, Guerino, Noer, Jason, Pang, Yan
Counting Statistics for Dependent Random Events: With a Focus on Finance by Bernardi, Enrico, Romagnoli, Silvia
Laplacian Growth on Branched Riemann Surfaces by Lin, Yu-Lin, Gustafsson, Björn
Numerical Methods for Energy Applications by
Network Embedding: Theories, Methods, and Applications by Liu, Zhiyuan, Tu, Cunchao, Yang, Cheng
Classroom Research on Mathematics and Language: Seeing Learners and Teachers Differently by
Classroom Research on Mathematics and Language: Seeing Learners and Teachers Differently by
The Prime Vibration: A Theory of Everything Emerging from Love by Smith, Michael
Discovering Dynamical Systems Through Experiment and Inquiry by Ford, Jeff, Lofaro, Thomas
Sophie Germain: Revolutionary Mathematician by Musielak, Dora
Air Traffic Management and Systems IV: Selected Papers of the 6th Enri International Workshop on Atm/CNS (Eiwac2019) by
Computational Mathematics, Nanoelectronics, and Astrophysics: Cmna 2018, Indore, India, November 1-3 by
Geometric Measure Theory and Free Boundary Problems: Cetraro, Italy 2019 by Ros-Oton, Xavier, Weiss, Georg S., de Philippis, Guido
Geometric Flows on Planar Lattices by Braides, Andrea, Solci, Margherita
Discrete Cuckoo Search for Combinatorial Optimization by Ouaarab, Aziz
Bifurcation Theory of Impulsive Dynamical Systems by Liu, Xinzhi, Church, Kevin E. M.
Singularly Perturbed Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems by Yan, Shusen, Cao, Daomin, Peng, Shuangjie
A First Course in Ordinary Differential Equations by Kumar Tumuluri, Suman
Sprachliche Variationen Von Mathematischen Textaufgaben: Entwicklung Eines Instruments Zur Textanpassung Für Textaufgaben Im Mathematikunterricht by Bednorz, David
Flatland A Romance of Many Dimensions by Abbott Abbott, Edwin
Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory by
Test Configurations, Stabilities and Canonical Kähler Metrics: Complex Geometry by the Energy Method by Mabuchi, Toshiki
Bird's Higher Engineering Mathematics by Bird, John
Bird's Higher Engineering Mathematics by Bird, John
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity by Sethna, James P.
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity by Sethna, James P.
Boundary Integral Equations by Wendland, Wolfgang L., Hsiao, George C.
Learn Game Theory: A Primer to Strategic Thinking and Advanced Decision-Making. by Rutherford, Albert
Sudoku Puzzles Book for Adult: 300 Easy to Hard Sudoku Puzzles with Solutions by Mullinax, Percy
Waterflooding Sandstone Reservoirs: Methods, Design and Analysis by Wang, Jiahong
Massagem Terapêutica no Controle da Dor by Rocha, João
TSI Math Study Guide 2021-2022: TSI Preparation Book and 2 Practice Tests [Updated for the New Texas Success Initiative 2.0 Outline] by Rueda, Joshua
Quantitative Portfolio Management: With Applications in Python by Brugière, Pierre
Mesh Methods: Numerical Analysis and Experiments by
kindergarten math workbook and fun coloring: 100 Fun Varied Math And Coloring Activities by Berns, James L.
Knowing the Geometric Figures: Learning to Know and Write Geometric Figures. by Paredes, Marisol
Mathematical Foundations for Data Analysis by Phillips, Jeff M.
Rethinking Map Literacy by Reader, Steven, Vacher, H. L., Xie, Ming
Finite Elements III: First-Order and Time-Dependent Pdes by Ern, Alexandre, Guermond, Jean-Luc
Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization by Wu, C. F. Jeff, Hamada, Michael S.
Mathematik - Ein Reiseführer by Hilgert, Joachim, Hilgert, Ingrid
Stochastic Communities: A Mathematical Theory of Biodiversity by Dewdney, A. K.
My Happiness Counts by Der, Charm Joy
Multi - Digit multiplication workbook: Ages 10-13: Multiplying Large Numbers, easy to hard, Multiply Big Long Problems - 2 and 3 digit Workbook: Impro by Books, Math
Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing, Volume 1 by
Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing, Volume 2 by
Applied Mathematical Models and Experimental Approaches in Chemical Science by
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 1: Mathematical and Analytical Techniques by
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 4: Experimental Techniques and Methodical Developments by
Evolutionary Computation: Techniques and Applications by
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 2: Principles, Methodology, and Evaluation Methods by
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 5: Research Methodologies in Modern Chemistry and Applied Science by
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 3: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Theory and Modeling with Applications by
Advanced Numerical Simulation Methods: From CAD Data Directly to Simulation Results by Beer, Gernot
Conceptual Density Functional Theory and Its Application in the Chemical Domain by
Polygonal Approximation and Scale-Space Analysis of Closed Digital Curves by Ray, Bimal Kumar, Ray, Kumar S.
Algorithmic Techniques for the Polymer Sciences by Tice, Bradley S.
Semitopological Vector Spaces: Hypernorms, Hyperseminorms, and Operators by Burgin, Mark
Conceptual Data Modeling and Database Design: A Fully Algorithmic Approach, Volume 1: The Shortest Advisable Path by Mancas, Christian
Mathematical Population Dynamics and Epidemiology in Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Domains by Singh, Harkaran, Dhar, Joydip
Linear Operators and Their Essential Pseudospectra by Jeribi, Aref
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods in Chemical Physics and Mechanics by Lipanov, Alexey M., Aliev, Ali V., Mishchenkova, Olga V.
Algebraic Computability and Enumeration Models: Recursion Theory and Descriptive Complexity by Nourani, Cyrus F.
A Functorial Model Theory: Newer Applications to Algebraic Topology, Descriptive Sets, and Computing Categories Topos by Nourani, Cyrus F.
Computation of Generalized Matrix Inverses and Applications by Stanimirovic, Ivan
Data Structure and Software Engineering: Challenges and Improvements by
Uncertainty Quantification in Laminated Composites: A Meta-Model Based Approach by Adhikari, Sondipon, Dey, Sudip, Mukhopadhyay, Tanmoy
Fractals: Applications in Biological Signalling and Image Processing by Arjunan, Sridhar P., Aliahmad, Behzad, Kumar, Dinesh
Replication and Evidence Factors in Observational Studies by Rosenbaum, Paul
Optical Compressive Imaging by
Modeling and Computing for Geotechnical Engineering: An Introduction by Rahman, M. S., Ulker, M. B. Can
Finite Element Analysis by Moatamedi, M., Khawaja, Hassan
Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Sciences by
Buildings and Schubert Schemes by Contou-Carrere, Carlos
Discrete Mathematical Structures: A Succinct Foundation by Kumar, B. V. Senthil, Dutta, Hemen
Basics of Matrix Algebra for Statistics with R by Fieller, Nick
Variational Analysis and Set Optimization: Developments and Applications in Decision Making by
Bayesian Analysis of Time Series by Broemeling, Lyle D.
Tensor Calculus and Applications: Simplified Tools and Techniques by Kalita, Bhaben Chandra
Machine Learning for Computer and Cyber Security: Principle, Algorithms, and Practices by
Materials Behavior: Research Methodology and Mathematical Models by
Smart Computing Applications in Crowdfunding by Xing, Bo, Marwala, Tshilidzi
Mathematical Models of Plant-Herbivore Interactions by Deangelis, Donald, Feng, Zhilan
Mathematics Applied to Engineering and Management by
Nonlinear Evolution and Difference Equations of Monotone Type in Hilbert Spaces by Rouhani, Behzad Djafari, Khatibzadeh, Hadi
Concise Introduction to Basic Real Analysis by Natarajan, P. N., Dutta, Hemen, Cho, Yeol Je
Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering Optimization by Davim, J. Paulo, Roy, Supriyo, Kumar, Kaushik
Dynamical Systems: Theories and Applications by Elhadj, Zeraoulia
Productivity Theory for Industrial Engineering by Usubamatov, Ryspek
Manufacturing: Mathematical Models, Problems, and Solutions by Huda, Zainul
Differential Equations: A Problem Solving Approach Based on MATLAB by Shankar, P. Mohana
Spectral Methods in Geodesy and Geophysics by Jekeli, Christopher
Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study by Argyros, Ioannis Konstantinos, Magreñán, Angel Alberto
Interactive Multiobjective Decision Making Under Uncertainty by Yano, Hitoshi
Matrix Inequalities for Iterative Systems by Taubig, Hanjo
Theory of Stabilization for Linear Boundary Control Systems by Nambu, Takao
Solved and Unsolved Problems of Structural Chemistry by Novic, Marjana, Plavsic, Dejan, Randic, Milan
Introduction to Mathematical Oncology by Eikenberry, Steffen E., Kuang, Yang, Nagy, John D.
Scientific Computing with MATLAB by Xue, Dingyu, Chen, Yangquan
Systems Immunology: An Introduction to Modeling Methods for Scientists by
Functional and Impulsive Differential Equations of Fractional Order: Qualitative Analysis and Applications by Stamova, Ivanka, Stamov, Gani
Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications: Proceedings of Icccmla 2020 by
Differenzialgleichungen in Elementarer Darstellung: Eine Einführung Für Das Gymnasiale Lehramt by Lay, Wolfgang
Pi Und Die Primzahlen: Eine Entdeckungsreise in Die Mathematik by Weitz, Edmund
Recent Advancements in Software Reliability Assurance by
Reveal Math Implementation Guide, K-5 by
Analysis and Control of Finite-Value Systems by Li, Haitao, Zhao, Guodong, Guo, Peilian
Algebras, Rings and Modules, Volume 2: Non-commutative Algebras and Rings by Gubareni, Nadiya M., Hazewinkel, Michiel
Understanding Digital Signal Processing with Matlab(r) and Solutions by Poularikas, Alexander D.
Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Implementation Using Matlab(r) by Coelho, João Paulo, Pinho, Tatiana M., Boaventura-Cunha, José
Space-Time: An Introduction to Einstein's Theory of Gravity by Allday, Jonathan
Topics in Modern Logic by Makinson, D. C.
A Computational Introduction to Digital Image Processing by McAndrew, Alasdair
Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing by Wolk, Krzysztof
Numeracy Across the Curriculum: Research-Based Strategies for Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Dole, Shelley, Geiger, Vince
Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: Principles for Effective Practice by Dole, Shelley
Grid-Based Nonlinear Estimation and Its Applications by Jia, Bin, Xin, Ming
Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models Under Uncertainty by Aliyev, A. G.
Computational Intelligence Assisted Design: In Industrial Revolution 4.0 by Chen, Yi, Li, Yun
Sparse Optimization Theory and Methods by Zhao, Yun-Bin
Radar Detection Theory of Sliding Window Processes by Weinberg, Graham
Computational Context: The Value, Theory and Application of Context with AI by Lawless, William F., Mittu, Ranjeev, Sofge, Donald
Introduction to Cryptography by Sahu, Rajeev A., Padhye, Sahadeo, Saraswat, Vishal
Pyomo -- Optimization Modeling in Python by Hackebeil, Gabriel A., Hart, William E., Bynum, Michael L.
Cours Classique de Dessin Topographique À l'Usage Des Élèves Des Lycées, Des Écoles Préparatoires by Corréard, Joseph
Teaching Mathematics Through Problem-Solving: A Pedagogical Approach from Japan by Takahashi, Akihiko
Mathematics in Engineering Sciences: Novel Theories, Technologies, and Applications by
Methods of Mathematical Modelling: Fractional Differential Equations by
Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Engineering Optimization Applications by
Operator Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications by
Harmonic Analysis and Applications by
A Derivative-Free Two Level Random Search Method for Unconstrained Optimization by Andrei, Neculai
Nouveaux Éléments de Géométrie À l'Usage Des Classes Supérieures Des Lycées, Des Aspirants: Au Baccalauréat Ès Sciences Et Des Candidats Aux Écoles Po by Tarnier, Etienne Auguste
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