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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2022

Les réseaux ou graphes by Sainte-Laguë, André
Mémoire sur les intégrales définies, prises entre des limites imaginaires by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Exercices de Calcul Sur Les Quatre Opérations Fondamentales de l'Arithmétique by Collectif
Complément d'algèbre élémentaire. Variation des fonctions du 1er degré, du second degré et bicarrées by Fajon, H.
Solutions raisonnées des problèmes contenus dans le Formulaire de géométrie pratique by Garnier
Problèmes de mathématiques. Principes formules exercices by Collectif
Problèmes sur les quatre règles by Bransiet, Mathieu
Nouveau recueil de problèmes d'arithmétique, à l'usage des classes élémentaires by Sarazin, J. -N
La petite arithmétique enseignée. Préparation au cours de 1ère année. Partie de l'élève by Sabaté, Charles
L'arithmétique enseignée ou Nouvelle méthode pour étudier l'arithmétique by Sabaté, Charles
Abrégé d'arithmétique décimale by Bransiet, Mathieu
Traité élémentaire d'arithmétique by Villeneuve, J. -V
Exercices de Calcul Sur Les Quatre Opérations Fondamentales de l'Arithmétique by Collectif
Mathematics, Logic, and Their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir by
Variational Views in Mechanics by
Mathematics of Public Health: Proceedings of the Seminar on the Mathematical Modelling of Covid-19 by
Algebraic Topology: A Structural Introduction by Grandis, Marco
L'Apparorègle, un instrument scientifique by Doumbia, Amara
Structural Mechanics with a Pen: A Guide to Solve Finite Difference Problems by Öchsner, Andreas
Proceedings of the First International Forum on Financial Mathematics and Financial Technology by
Straw Man Arguments: A Study in Fallacy Theory by Aikin, Scott, Casey, John
Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics by
Selected Papers from "Theory of Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions" by
Interaction of Ionizing Photons with Atomic and Molecular Ions by
Hypergroup Theory by Davvaz, Bijan, Leoreanu-Fotea, Violeta
Complex Analysis by Bourchtein, Ludmila, Bourchtein, Andrei
Steps Into Analytic Number Theory: A Problem-Based Introduction by Singha Roy, Akash, Pollack, Paul
Recent Progress on Topics of Ramanujan Sums and Cotangent Sums Associated with the Riemann Hypothesis by Rassias, Michael Th, Toth, Laszlo, Maier, Helmut
Distributed Control and Optimization of Networked Microgrids: A Multi-Agent System Based Approach by Ning, Boda, Ding, Lei, Han, Qing-Long
George E. Andrews 80 Years of Combinatory Analysis by
Covid-19 Pandemic Dynamics: Mathematical Simulations by Nesteruk, Igor
Inverse Linear Problems on Hilbert Space and Their Krylov Solvability by Michelangeli, Alessandro, Caruso, Noè Angelo
Lectures in Nonlinear Functional Analysis: Synopsis of Lectures Given at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University by Korpusov, Maxim Olegovich, Ovchinnikov, Alexey V., Panin, Alexander Anatolyevich
Mathematics as the Science of Patterns: Making the Invisible Visible to Students Through Teaching by
Mathematics as the Science of Patterns: Making the Invisible Visible to Students Through Teaching by
Mathematics of Open Quantum Systems, The: Dissipative and Non-Unitary Representations and Quantum Measurements by Tsekanovskii, Eduard R., Makarov, Konstantin A.
Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Mathematical Physics: The Wisla 19 Summer School by
Care in Mathematics Education: Alternative Educational Spaces and Practices by Watson, Anne
HP Prime Guide THE SILVER-BURDETT ARITHMETICS (Annotated) Selected Exercises by Schroeder, Larry
Mystery Mosaics Color By Number For Kids: Adults and Kids with Beautiful & Funny 50 Coloring Pages for Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cafe, Alif Color
Wavelet Based Approximation Schemes for Singular Integral Equations by Mandal, Birendra Nath, Panja, Madan Mohan
Sich Selbst Diagnostizieren Und Fördern Mit Digitalen Medien: Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung Eines Tools Zum Formativen Selbst-Assessment Funktionalen by Ruchniewicz, Hana
Deep Learning in Multi-Step Prediction of Chaotic Dynamics: From Deterministic Models to Real-World Systems by Guariso, Giorgio, Sangiorgio, Matteo, Dercole, Fabio
Dreamer at the End of the Universe: One Life in Two Worlds by Harrison, Gordon J.
Pi day coloring book for kids: teach kids about the number pi, basic math concepts about the number pi and funny quotes to celebrate pi day march 14t by Maths Cb, Joseph
Expansionsgeschichte Des Universums: Vom Heißen Urknall Zum Kalten Kosmos (Large Print Edition) by Hetznecker, Helmut
Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation by
Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering by
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering: Volume 1: Numerical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Nme 2021, 2 by
Mystery Mosaic Color By Number: Adults and Kids with Beautiful & Funny 50 Coloring Pages for Relaxation & Stress Relief - Great Gift Ideas (Mystery Mo by Book, Alif
Addition and Subtraction: A Cognitive Perspective by
book of sudoku easy to very hard: four Puzzle Per Page - Easy, Medium, Hard and very hard Large Print Puzzle Book For Adults (Puzzles & Games for Adul by Press, Esland
Active Matter Within and Around Us: From Self-Propelled Particles to Flocks and Living Forms by Pismen, Len
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems by Kirsch, Andreas
Large-Scale System Analysis Under Uncertainty by Domínguez-García, Alejandro D.
Handbook of Fractional Calculus for Engineering and Science by
Geometrical Theory of Analytic Functions by
Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning by
Fuzzy Sets in Business Management, Finance, and Economics by
Wave Interactions with Coastal Structures by
Smart Materials and Devices for Energy Harvesting by
Surveys in Geometry I by
Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization by
Inverse Optimal Control and Inverse Noncooperative Dynamic Game Theory: A Minimum-Principle Approach by Molloy, Timothy L., Inga Charaja, Jairo, Hohmann, Sören
Cartesian Cfd Methods for Complex Applications by
Finite Elements I: Approximation and Interpolation by Ern, Alexandre, Guermond, Jean-Luc
Double-digit timed tests: multiplication: multiplication Practice Book for Digits Grades 3-5 / Tables 0 - 12 / Math Drills / 105 Practice Pages by Printing, Adame
L'Art de lever les plans, du lavis et du nivellement, enseigné en 20 leçons by Thiollet-F
Valuation and Volatility: Stakeholder's Perspective by Bag, Dinabandhu
Spatial Networks: A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications by Barthelemy, Marc
Leçons Sur La Théorie Mathématique de l'Élasticité Des Corps Solides (Éd.1852) by Lame G
Nouvelle Méthode En Géométrie Pour Les Sections Des Superficies Coniques Et Cylindriques (Éd.1673) by de la Hire P
Einstein's Violin: The Love Affair Between Science, Music, and History's Most Creative Thinkers by Wadle, Douglas
Cours de Géométrie Descriptive (2e Édition) by Olivier-T
Remarques de M. Rolle, de l'Académie Royale Des Sciences, Touchant Le Problesme Genéral: Des Tangentes by Rolle-M
Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine. Société Des Messageries Fluviales de Cochinchine: . Convention Pour l'Exploitation Des Services Postaux Et Des Co by Sans Auteur
Éloge Historique de Adrien-Marie Legendre: Lu À La Séance Publique Annuelle Du 25 Mars 1861 by Elie de Beaumont-L
Numerical Control: Part a: Volume 23 by
Nouvelle Arithmétique, Appliquée À La Marine Et Au Commerce, Mise En Vers. 2e Édition by Chavignaud-P
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts by Dupin-C
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts. Tome 3 by Dupin-C
Cours de Mathématiques À l'Usage de l'Ingénieur Civil. Texte: . Traité Des Ponts Biais En Pierre Et En Bois: Application de Géométrie Descriptive by Adhemar-J
Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing XII by
Einstein's Violin: The Love Affair Between Science, Music, and History's Most Creative Thinkers by Wadle, Douglas
Multiplication Workbook single Digit: 110 Practice Pages Math Drills For Grades 3-5, Math Drills, Digits 0-12, Reproducible Practice Problems (2200 mu by Printing, Adam
Interactive Data Processing and 3D Visualization of the Solid Earth by
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2021: Synergetic Engineering by
Multiscale, Multiphysics Modelling of Coastal Ocean Processes: Paradigms and Approaches by
The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920-1950 by Parshall, Karen Hunger
The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920-1950 by Parshall, Karen Hunger
Elements of Digital Geometry, Mathematical Morphology, and Discrete Optimization by Kiselman, Christer Oscar
The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John Von Neumann by Bhattacharya, Ananyo
9000 Mathematics Games to Sharpen your Intellect and give your the Power of Arithmetic Thinking by Rhoades, Davin
Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing: A Graph Theory Approach by Sonawane, Sheetal S., Mahalle, Parikshit N., Ghotkar, Archana S.
A Guide to Graph Algorithms by Kloks, Ton, Xiao, Mingyu
Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete Mathematics 8 Homework Book 2nd Edition by Pemberton
Mi 1° Libro En Matemáticas: para niños de 2 a 6 by Imo, Simo
Japanese Sudoku Puzzle Book: Japanese Sudoku Puzzle Book: 220 Puzzles by Dalzell, Annelise
Mathematical Modeling for Genes to Collective Cell Dynamics by
Japanese Kakuro Puzzle Book: Japanese Kakuro Puzzle Book: 142 Puzzles by Dalzell, Annelise
Applied Mathematics for Environmental Problems by
Time-Dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification by
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations: Inverse Scattering and Pde Methods by Saut, Jean-Claude, Klein, Christian
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems: Selected Papers of 16th International Scientific-Practical Conference, Mods, 2021 June 28-July 01, Ch by
Shallow Water Equations in Hydraulics: Modeling, Numerics and Applications by
Fluid/Structure Interactions by
Number Names: The Magic Square Divination of Cai Chen 蔡沈 (1167-1230) by Schulz, Larry
The Mathematics of Errors by Bouleau, Nicolas
Tell the Time Workbook: Jumbo Activity Workbook with 30 Unique and different Exercices to Learn how to Tell the Time for ( Kids Ages 7 and Up/ by Belle
Advances in Computers: Volume 124 by
Lernprozesse Von Lehrkräften Im Rahmen Einer Fortbildung Zu Inklusivem Mathematikunterricht by Bertram, Jennifer
The Krasnosel'skiĭ-Mann Iterative Method: Recent Progress and Applications by He, Songnian, Cho, Yeol Je, Dong, Qiao-Li
Ligeti's Macroharmonies: A Graphical-Statistical Analysis of Book 3 of the Piano Etudes by Namoradze, Nicolas
Efficiency in Complex Systems: Self-Organization Towards Increased Efficiency by
Fuzzy Statistical Inferences Based on Fuzzy Random Variables by Hesamian, Gholamreza
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn: Develop machine learning and deep learning models with Python by Raschka, Sebastian, Liu, Yuxi (Hayden)
Die Grundlegung Der Analysis Durch Karl Weierstraß: Eine Bislang Unbekannte Konstruktion Der Natürlichen Und Der Reellen Zahlen by Spalt, Detlef D.
Mathematical Modeling of the Human Brain: From Magnetic Resonance Images to Finite Element Simulation by Rognes, Marie E., Mardal, Kent-André, Thompson, Travis B.
AI Age Calculator: PCET Calculator and PCET Medical Calculator by Chew, Peter
Probability with Statistical Applications by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials by
Computational Mechanics with Neural Networks by Oishi, Atsuya, Yagawa, Genki
Fractional Derivative Modeling in Mechanics and Engineering by Sun, Hongguang, Li, Xicheng, Chen, Wen
Nonlinear Analysis and Global Optimization by
Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials by
Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue by Dawson, C. Bryan
Grundwissen Mathematikstudium - Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen: Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen by Hettlich, Frank, Busam, Rolf, Arens, Tilo
Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue by Dawson, C. Bryan
Data Prefetching Techniques in Computer Systems: Volume 125 by
Non-Equilibrium Evaporation and Condensation Processes: Analytical Solutions by Zudin, Yuri B.
Sistemas Dinâmicos Não Lineares by Luis, Aguirre
Decision Sciences for Covid-19: Learning Through Case Studies by
Crowd Dynamics, Volume 3: Modeling and Social Applications in the Time of Covid-19 by
Wirkungen Von Fortbildungen Zum Thema Rechenschwäche Auf Fachdidaktische Fähigkeiten Und Motivationale Orientierungen: Professionalisierung Von Mathem by Sprenger, Mark
Abzähltheorie Nach Pólya by Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz
Retaining Women in Tech: Shifting the Paradigm by Holtzblatt, Karen, Marsden, Nicola
Robust Microelectronic Devices by
Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics by
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics by
Differential Equations by
Boundary Layer Flows: A Mathematical Approach by
Essential Topics in Applied Mathematics by
Introductory Mathematics by
Elementary Mathematics by
Discrete Mathematics by
Handbook of Applied Mathematics by
Understanding Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions and Differential Operators: Volume 3 by
Essential Elements of Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos Theory by
Homogeneous Groups: Hardy Inequalities (Volume 2) by
Nonlinear Systems: Analysis and Design by
Numerical Analysis by
Understanding Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions and Differential Operators: Volume 1 by
Mathematical Biology by
Advances in Particle Swarm Optimization by
Textbook of Mathematics by
Algebra 3: Homological Algebra and Its Applications by Lal, Ramji
Finite Difference Computing: Theory and Software Applications by
A Brief History of Infinity: The Quest to Think the Unthinkable by Clegg, Brian
Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics: An Introduction to Mathematical Logic - Volume II: Foundations of Mathematics by Larson, Jean, Porter, Christopher, Cenzer, Douglas
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics: Proceedings of the Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Nodycon 2021), Volume 3 by
Design Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems Using Advanced Optimization Algorithms by Ravipudi, Venkata Rao, Keesari, Hameer Singh
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics: Proceedings of the Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Nodycon 2021), Volume 2 by
MTEL Mathematics (09) Study Guide: Math Exam Prep with Practice Questions and Detailed Answers for the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure by Cox
Quasi-Interpolation by Buhmann, Martin, Jäger, Janin
Discrete Dynamics: Basic Theory and Examples by Bacciotti, Andrea
Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics: Select Proceedings of Amse 2019 by
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: From Theory to Applications: Ctw2020 Proceedings by
Bulletin de mathématiques élémentaires by Gérard, Louis, Niewenglowski, Boleslas Alexandre
Maryam, An Angel for Mathematics by Persian, English, Bahmani, Pardis
Excursions in Multiplicative Number Theory by Ramaré, Olivier
Stabilization of Distributed Parameter Systems: Design Methods and Applications by
Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities and Inclusions by Le, Vy Khoi, Carl, Siegfried
Handbook of Differential Equations by Zwillinger, Daniel
Workbook for Principles of Microeconomics by Kolmar, Martin, Hoffmann, Magnus
Surface Chaos and Its Applications by Liu, Shu Tang, Zhang, Li
Intelligent Systems and Applications in Business and Finance by
Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Sets and Logic by
Application of Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Target Detection and Recognition by
A Primer on Hilbert Space Theory: Linear Spaces, Topological Spaces, Metric Spaces, Normed Spaces, and Topological Groups by Alabiso, Carlo, Weiss, Ittay
CSET Mathematics Study Guide: Math Subtest I, II, and III Test Prep and Practice Exam for the California Subject Examinations for Teachers by Cox, Jonathan
Safety Analysis of Critical Infrastructure: Impact of Operation Processes and Climate Change by Soszyńska-Budny, Joanna
Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Study of Soft and Hard Matter by
The Principle of True Representation: Mind, Matter And Geometry In A Self-Consistent Universe by Winthrop, John T.
Smart Power Systems and Smart Grids: Toward Multi-Objective Optimization in Dispatching by Chen, Ying, Zhang, Xuemin, Lu, Qiang
Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Design Optimization by
The Making of Mathematics: Heuristic Philosophy of Mathematics by Cellucci, Carlo
Differential Equations: An Introduction by
Partial Differential Equations: Advances in Spectral and High Order Methods by
Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis by
Probabilistic and Combinatorial Techniques: Advanced Problem Solving by
Understanding Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions and Differential Operators: Volume 2 by
Mathematics in Healthcare: Concepts and Applications by
A Modern Approach to Dynamical Systems by
Homogeneous Groups: Hardy Inequalities (Volume 1) by
MATLAB and Simulink Crash Course for Engineers by Hossain, Eklas
Arbeitsbuch Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten by Karpfinger, Christian
100+1 Problems in Advanced Calculus: A Creative Journey Through the Fjords of Mathematical Analysis for Beginners by Toni, Paolo, Drago, Giacomo, Lamberti, Pier Domenico
Credit Intelligence & Modelling: Many Paths Through the Forest of Credit Rating and Scoring by Anderson, Raymond A.
Dynamics of Disasters: Impact, Risk, Resilience, and Solutions by
Fintech with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Blockchain by
See More