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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2023

College Mathematics CLEP Test Study Guide by Passyourclass
Topology for Beginners by Qadir, Asghar, Khan, Imran Parvez, Muhammad, Noor
Ebene Geometrie by
Die Einsteinsche Relativitätstheorie Und Ihr Mathematischer, Physikalischer Und Philosophischer Charakter by Mohorovicic, Stjepan
I: Ebene Trigonometrie. II: Sphärik und sphärische Trigonometrie by
Two Truths and a FIB Poetry Anthology by Magee, Bridget
Mathematical Induction 101: With 101 Practice Problems by Tran, Duc Van Khanh
Ancient Mathematics: History of Mathematics in Ancient Greece and Hellenism by Herrmann, Dietmar
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos: An Introduction by Wimberger, Sandro
The Evolution of the Vehicle Routing Problem: A Survey of Vrp Research and Practice from 2005 to 2022 by Wang, Xingyin, Golden, Bruce, Wasil, Edward
Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom: International Joint Conference, Ijtcs-Faw 2022, Hong Kong, China, August 15-19, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Partial Differential Inequalities with Nonlinear Convolution Terms by Ghergu, Marius
Reliability-Based Optimization of Floating Wind Turbine Support Structures by Leimeister, Mareike
Diagnostik Von Besonderen Rechenschwierigkeiten in Der Sekundarstufe I by Dögnitz, Susanne
Trends in Biomathematics: Stability and Oscillations in Environmental, Social, and Biological Models: Selected Works from the Biomat Consortium Lectur by
Advances in Optimization and Applications: 13th International Conference, Optima 2022, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 26-30, 2022, Revised Selected P by
Quantum Computing Compact: Spooky Action at a Distance and Teleportation Easy to Understand by Just, Bettina
Economic Policy of the People's Republic of China by
Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay System by Wang, Hong, Liu, Fang, Wei, Jianming
Models for Research and Understanding: Exploring Dynamic Systems, Unconventional Approaches, and Applications by Raczynski, Stanislaw
Complex Networks XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Complex Networks, Complenet 2022 by
Generating Functions in Engineering and the Applied Sciences by Shanmugam, Ramalingam, Chattamvelli, Rajan
Scale: Understanding the Environment by Suteanu, Cristian
String-Net Construction of Rcft Correlators by Schweigert, Christoph, Fuchs, Jürgen, Yang, Yang
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory V: Cant, New York, Usa, 2021 by
Topological Dynamics of Enveloping Semigroups by Nagar, Anima, Singh, Manpreet
Labor and Supply Chain Networks by Nagurney, Anna
Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction to Analytical and Numerical Methods by Arendt, Wolfgang, Urban, Karsten
What Is the Iε For the S-Matrix? by Mizera, Sebastian, Hannesdottir, Holmfridur Sigridar
Physics with Excel and Python: Using the Same Data Structure Volume I: Basics, Exercises and Tasks by Mergel, Dieter
Toeplitz Operators and Random Matrices: In Memory of Harold Widom by
Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World: Numbers, Measurements, and Operations in Documents from Mesopotamia, China and South by
Mathematical Analysis: Functions of Several Real Variables and Applications by Fusco, Nicola, Marcellini, Paolo, Sbordone, Carlo
Automated Market Makers: A Practical Guide to Decentralized Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Trading by Kristensen, Jesper, Ottina, Miguel, Steffensen, Peter Johannes
Introduction to Quantum Groups by Banica, Teo
Design and Applications of Nature Inspired Optimization: Contribution of Women Leaders in the Field by
Concise Guide to Numerical Algorithmics: The Foundations and Spirit of Scientific Computing by Nazareth, John Lawrence
Optimization and Applications: 13th International Conference, Optima 2022, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 26-30, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Novelty, Information and Surprise by Palm, Günther
Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education by
Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography by Gray, Jeremy
Active Service by Crane, Stephen
Mathematical and Computational Intelligence to Socio-Scientific Analytics and Applications by
The ASQ Metrology Handbook by
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Idatzi Falta Diren Zenbakiak: Liburua by Simo Imo
Analysing Historical Mathematics Textbooks by Schubring, Gert
Geometric Inverse Problems by Paternain, Gabriel P., Salo, Mikko, Uhlmann, Gunther
Actions of Groups by McCleary, John
Actions of Groups by McCleary, John
Protecting Privacy Through Homomorphic Encryption by
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I: Mechatronics and Life Sciences: Dsta, Lódź, Poland December 2-5, 2019 by
Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday by
Numerical Methods and Optimization: Theory and Practice for Engineers by Corriou, Jean-Pierre
Trust and Credit in Organizations and Institutions: As Viewed from the Evolution of Cooperation by Nakamaru, Mayuko
Metric Fixed Point Theory: Applications in Science, Engineering and Behavioural Sciences by
Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks by Huang, Haiping
Suppose and Tell: The Semantics and Heuristics of Conditionals by Williamson, Timothy
Symplectic Geometry: A Festschrift in Honour of Claude Viterbo's 60th Birthday by
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas by
Classical Lie Algebras at Infinity by Hoyt, Crystal, Penkov, Ivan
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences: Icfas 2020 by
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume I by Bressloff, Paul C.
Geometry of Deep Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective by Ye, Jong Chul
Pandemy & Mathematyc by Gasparel, Ioan
Manuel de mathématiques élémentaires by Malacrida, Simone
Manual de Matemática Elemental by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction aux ensembles et aux fonctions by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción a Conjuntos y Funciones by Malacrida, Simone
Manuel de mathématiques avancées by Malacrida, Simone
Manual de Matemática Avanzada by Malacrida, Simone
Your SAT MATH Prep Companion by Dennis, Yancy, Dennis, Martine
Nonlinear Systems and Their Remarkable Mathematical Structures: Volume 2 by
Real Analysis: With Proof Strategies by Cunningham, Daniel W.
Porcentaje: cosas que debe saber (preguntas y respuestas) by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Introducción al análisis matemático by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction à l'analyse mathématique by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction aux équations et aux inéquations by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction aux vecteurs, matrices et tenseurs by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción a las ecuaciones y las inecuaciones by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción a vectores, matrices y tensores by Malacrida, Simone
Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Perpignan by Societe Des Pyrenees
Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Perpignan by Societe Des Pyrenees
Algebraic Theory for True Concurrency by Wang, Yong
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications (Third Edition) by Hsu, Sze-Bi, Chen, Kuo-Chang
Boolean Systems: Topics in Asynchronicity by Vlad, Serban E.
Introducción al Análisis Funcional by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction aux équations différentielles by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción al Análisis Matemático Avanzado by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción a las Ecuaciones Diferenciales by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction à l'analyse fonctionnelle by Malacrida, Simone
Introduction à l'analyse mathématique avancée by Malacrida, Simone
Foundations of Mathematical Modelling for Engineering Problem Solving by Ambritta P., Nancy, Sakhare, Sachin R., Mahalle, Parikshit Narendra
A Memoir on Integrable Systems by Fedorov, Yuri, Kozlov, Valerij Vasilievich
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Optimization Tools for Smart Cities: Designing for Sustainability by
Mathematics Education in a Neocolonial Country: The Case of Papua New Guinea by Muke, Charly, Paraide, Patricia, Owens, Kay
Customizable and Adaptive Quantum Processors: Theory and Applications by de Macedo Mourelle, Luiza, Nedjah, Nadia
Welington de Melo - Selected Works by de Melo, Welington
Linear Systems by Blower, Gordon
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume II by Bressloff, Paul C.
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Quantenmechanik by Denk, Robert
Topics In Conformal Field Theory And String Theory by Ratul Mahanta, R.
A Study on some problems in Graph Theory by R, Swamy
Domination Theory with Neighborhood Parameters by T, Dhivya
Study of some dark energy and string models in certain alternative theories of gravitation by U. Y., Divya Prasanthi
Reflection of dynamic theory of classification in universal decimal classification by R, Pradhan Sarbada
Exercices de formes différentielles by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Sistemas Lineales Diferenciales by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Formas Diferenciales by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de séries numériques by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Series Numéricas by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de série des fonctions by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de serie de funciones by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de Systèmes Linéaires Différentiels by Malacrida, Simone
Marks' first lessons in geometry; In two parts. Objectively presented, and designed for the use of primary classes in grammar schools, academies, etc. by Marks, Bernhard
Analytical Methods of HPLC, LCMS/MS by Kadari, Gopinath, Mannam, Subbarao, Yarlagadda, Subbarao
Analysis and Linear Algebra: An Introduction for Economists by Wiedemann, Armin, Holey, Thomas
Mathematical model for the biocontrol of vector-borne viral diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants by Shamaki, Timothy Ado
Ejercicios de Integrales de Línea, Superficie y Volumen by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Ecuaciones y Inecuaciones by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'intégrales de lignes, de surfaces et de volumes by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de potencia, series de Taylor y Fourier by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'équations et d'inéquations by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de puissance, séries Taylor et Fourier by Malacrida, Simone
Theory and Applications of Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers by Yang, Xiao-Jun
Mathematical Modelling and Computational Intelligence Techniques: Icmmcit-2021, Gandhigram, India February 10-12 by
Gleichung und Tangente der Parabel bei Apollonios und Gericke by Brauksiepe, Berit
Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext by Miller, Maria
Theorie der analytischen Funktionen by Biermann, Otto
Ejercicios de Límites by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Funciones de Variables Múltiples by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de limites by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Integrales Dobles y Triples by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de fonctions multi-variables by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de calcul intégral by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Derivadas by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de dérivées by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Cálculo Integral by Malacrida, Simone
Investigating Human Interaction through Mathematical Analysis: The Queue Transform by Brintzenhofe, Kurt T.
Norbert Wiener: A Mathematician Among Engineers by Almira, Jose Maria
Harmonic Analysis on Hypergroups: Approximation and Stochastic Sequences by Lasser, Rupert
Exercices d'intégrales doubles et triples by Malacrida, Simone
Kurvendiskussion: Wörterbuch der populären Mathematik by Schmidt, Vasco Alexander
Investigating Human Interaction Through Mathematical Analysis: The Queue Transform by Brintzenhofe, Kurt T.
Ejercicios de Análisis Complejo by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de transformations by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Transformadas by Malacrida, Simone
Wozu braucht man das? Eine Untersuchung der Motivation im berufsorientierten Mathematikunterricht by Köhler, Sören
Exercices d'analyse complexe by Malacrida, Simone
Axiomatics: Mathematical Thought and High Modernism by Steingart, Alma
Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Sets by Wu, Hsien-Chung
Logos and Alogon: Thinkable and the Unthinkable in Mathematics, from the Pythagoreans to the Moderns by Plotnitsky, Arkady
Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 2 by
Algebra, Analysis, and Associated Topics by
Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces for Undergraduates: The Theory of the Donut by Nerode, Anil, Greenberg, Noam
Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers by Shapira, Yair
Graph Theory in America: The First Hundred Years by Parks, David J., Wilson, Robin, Watkins, John J.
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Reviews by Miller, Maria
Axiomatics: Mathematical Thought and High Modernism by Steingart, Alma
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Answer Keys by Miller, Maria
Ejercicios de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'équations différentielles ordinaires by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'analyse numérique by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'équations aux dérivées partielles by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Análisis Funcional by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'analyse fonctionnelle by Malacrida, Simone
Encryption and Decryption Algorithms for Plain Text and Images Using Fractional Calculus by Flores-Flores, Juan Pablo, Martínez-Guerra, Rafael, Montesinos-García, Juan Javier
Analysis and Differential Equations (Second Edition) by Pons, Odile
Ejercicios de Análisis Numérico by Malacrida, Simone
How the Fourier Transform Works by Newman, Mark H.
Ejercicios de Matrices y Álgebra Lineal by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de matrices et d'algèbre linéaire by Malacrida, Simone
Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sar) Data Applications by
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 15th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of Siam, December 15-17, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria, Revised Sel by
Classical Numerical Analysis: A Comprehensive Course by Wise, Steven M., Salgado, Abner J.
Difference Matrices for Ode and Pde: A Matlab(r) Companion by Neuberger, John M.
Die Analyse des Zufalls by E. Timerding, H.
Теория игр: Искусство ст&#1088 by Mimbang, Jean Blaise
Teoria dei giochi: L'arte di pensare in modo strategico by Jean Blaise Mimbang
Handbook of Research on Data-Driven Mathematical Modeling in Smart Cities by
Quantifying Software: Global and Industry Perspectives by Jones, Capers
Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction to the Fundamentals by Howell, Kenneth B.
Computational Partial Differential Equations Using Matlab(r) by Li, Jichun, Chen, Yi-Tung
Lessons in Play: An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory, Second Edition by Albert, Michael, Nowakowski, Richard, Wolfe, David
Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing: With Algorithms for Python, Fourth Edition by Canty, Morton John
Applied Functional Analysis by Demkowicz, Leszek, Oden, J. Tinsley
Quadratic Programming with Computer Programs by Best, Michael J.
Exploring the Infinite: An Introduction to Proof and Analysis by Brooks, Jennifer
Principles of Analysis: Measure, Integration, Functional Analysis, and Applications by Junghenn, Hugo D.
A Concrete Introduction to Real Analysis by Carlson, Robert
Introduction to Radar Analysis by Mahafza, Bassem R.
Discrete Encounters by Bauer, Craig
Chromatic Graph Theory by Chartrand, Gary, Zhang, Ping
An Introduction to Mathematical Proofs by Loehr, Nicholas A.
The Art of Proving Binomial Identities by Spivey, Michael Z.
R for College Mathematics and Statistics by Pfaff, Thomas
A Transition to Proof: An Introduction to Advanced Mathematics by Nicholson, Neil R.
Elementary Differential Equations: Applications, Models, and Computing by Roberts, Charles
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